/* $Id: VMMInternal.h 7924 2008-04-11 15:47:21Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VMM - Internal header file. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef ___VMMInternal_h #define ___VMMInternal_h #include #include #include #include #if !defined(IN_VMM_R3) && !defined(IN_VMM_R0) && !defined(IN_VMM_GC) # error "Not in VMM! This is an internal header!" #endif /** @defgroup grp_vmm_int Internals * @ingroup grp_vmm * @internal * @{ */ /** @def VBOX_WITH_GC_AND_R0_RELEASE_LOG * Enabled GC and R0 release logging (the latter is not implemented yet). */ #define VBOX_WITH_GC_AND_R0_RELEASE_LOG /** * Converts a VMM pointer into a VM pointer. * @returns Pointer to the VM structure the VMM is part of. * @param pVMM Pointer to VMM instance data. */ #define VMM2VM(pVMM) ( (PVM)((char*)pVMM - pVMM->offVM) ) /** * Switcher function, HC to GC. * * @param pVM The VM handle. * @returns Return code indicating the action to take. */ typedef DECLASMTYPE(int) FNVMMSWITCHERHC(PVM pVM); /** Pointer to switcher function. */ typedef FNVMMSWITCHERHC *PFNVMMSWITCHERHC; /** * Switcher function, GC to HC. * * @param rc VBox status code. */ typedef DECLASMTYPE(void) FNVMMSWITCHERGC(int rc); /** Pointer to switcher function. */ typedef FNVMMSWITCHERGC *PFNVMMSWITCHERGC; /** * The ring-0 logger instance. * We need to be able to find the VM handle from the logger instance. */ typedef struct VMMR0LOGGER { /** Pointer to the VM handle. */ R0PTRTYPE(PVM) pVM; /** Size of the allocated logger instance (Logger). */ uint32_t cbLogger; /** Flag indicating whether we've create the logger Ring-0 instance yet. */ bool fCreated; #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 32 uint32_t u32Alignment; #endif /** The ring-0 logger instance. This extends beyon the size.*/ RTLOGGER Logger; } VMMR0LOGGER, *PVMMR0LOGGER; /** * Jump buffer for the setjmp/longjmp like constructs used to * quickly 'call' back into Ring-3. */ typedef struct VMMR0JMPBUF { /** Tranditional jmp_buf stuff * @{ */ #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 32 uint32_t ebx; uint32_t esi; uint32_t edi; uint32_t ebp; uint32_t esp; uint32_t eip; uint32_t u32Padding; #endif #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64 uint64_t rbx; # ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS uint64_t rsi; uint64_t rdi; # endif uint64_t rbp; uint64_t r12; uint64_t r13; uint64_t r14; uint64_t r15; uint64_t rsp; uint64_t rip; #endif /** @} */ /** Flag that indicates that we've done a ring-3 call. */ bool fInRing3Call; /** The number of bytes we've saved. */ uint32_t cbSavedStack; /** Pointer to the buffer used to save the stack. * This is assumed to be 8KB. */ RTR0PTR pvSavedStack; /** Esp we we match against esp on resume to make sure the stack wasn't relocated. */ RTHCUINTREG SpCheck; /** The esp we should resume execution with after the restore. */ RTHCUINTREG SpResume; } VMMR0JMPBUF, *PVMMR0JMPBUF; /** * VMM Data (part of VMM) */ typedef struct VMM { /** Offset to the VM structure. * See VMM2VM(). */ RTINT offVM; /** Size of the core code. */ RTUINT cbCoreCode; /** Physical address of core code. */ RTHCPHYS HCPhysCoreCode; /** @todo pvHCCoreCodeR3 -> pvCoreCodeR3, pvHCCoreCodeR0 -> pvCoreCodeR0 */ /** Pointer to core code ring-3 mapping - contiguous memory. * At present this only means the context switcher code. */ RTR3PTR pvHCCoreCodeR3; /** Pointer to core code ring-0 mapping - contiguous memory. * At present this only means the context switcher code. */ RTR0PTR pvHCCoreCodeR0; /** Pointer to core code guest context mapping. */ RTGCPTR pvGCCoreCode; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_NMI /** The guest context address of the APIC (host) mapping. */ RTGCPTR GCPtrApicBase; RTGCPTR pGCPadding0; /**< Alignment padding */ #endif /** The current switcher. * This will be set before the VMM is fully initialized. */ VMMSWITCHER enmSwitcher; /** Array of offsets to the different switchers within the core code. */ RTUINT aoffSwitchers[VMMSWITCHER_MAX]; /** Flag to disable the switcher permanently (VMX) (boolean) */ bool fSwitcherDisabled; /** Host to guest switcher entry point. */ R0PTRTYPE(PFNVMMSWITCHERHC) pfnR0HostToGuest; /** Guest to host switcher entry point. */ GCPTRTYPE(PFNVMMSWITCHERGC) pfnGCGuestToHost; /** Call Trampoline. See vmmGCCallTrampoline(). */ RTGCPTR pfnGCCallTrampoline; /** Resume Guest Execution. See CPUMGCResumeGuest(). */ RTGCPTR pfnCPUMGCResumeGuest; /** Resume Guest Execution in V86 mode. See CPUMGCResumeGuestV86(). */ RTGCPTR pfnCPUMGCResumeGuestV86; /** The last GC return code. */ RTINT iLastGCRc; #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64 && GC_ARCH_BITS == 32 uint32_t u32Padding0; /**< Alignment padding. */ #endif /** VMM stack, pointer to the top of the stack in HC. * Stack is allocated from the hypervisor heap and is page aligned * and always writable in GC. */ R3PTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pbHCStack; /** Pointer to the bottom of the stack - needed for doing relocations. */ GCPTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pbGCStack; /** Pointer to the bottom of the stack - needed for doing relocations. */ GCPTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pbGCStackBottom; /** Pointer to the GC logger instance - GC Ptr. * This is NULL if logging is disabled. */ GCPTRTYPE(PRTLOGGERGC) pLoggerGC; /** Size of the allocated logger instance (pLoggerGC/pLoggerHC). */ RTUINT cbLoggerGC; /** Pointer to the GC logger instance - HC Ptr. * This is NULL if logging is disabled. */ R3PTRTYPE(PRTLOGGERGC) pLoggerHC; /** Pointer to the R0 logger instance. * This is NULL if logging is disabled. */ R3R0PTRTYPE(PVMMR0LOGGER) pR0Logger; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_GC_AND_R0_RELEASE_LOG /** Pointer to the GC release logger instance - GC Ptr. */ GCPTRTYPE(PRTLOGGERGC) pRelLoggerGC; /** Size of the allocated release logger instance (pRelLoggerGC/pRelLoggerHC). * This may differ from cbLoggerGC. */ RTUINT cbRelLoggerGC; /** Pointer to the GC release logger instance - HC Ptr. */ R3PTRTYPE(PRTLOGGERGC) pRelLoggerHC; #endif /* VBOX_WITH_GC_AND_R0_RELEASE_LOG */ /** Global VM critical section. */ RTCRITSECT CritSectVMLock; /** The EMT yield timer. */ PTMTIMERR3 pYieldTimer; /** The period to the next timeout when suspended or stopped. * This is 0 when running. */ uint32_t cYieldResumeMillies; /** The EMT yield timer interval (milliseconds). */ uint32_t cYieldEveryMillies; #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 32 uint32_t u32Padding0; /**< Alignment padding. */ #endif /** The timestamp of the previous yield. (nano) */ uint64_t u64LastYield; /** @name CallHost * @{ */ /** The pending operation. */ VMMCALLHOST enmCallHostOperation; /** The result of the last operation. */ int32_t rcCallHost; /** The argument to the operation. */ uint64_t u64CallHostArg; /** The Ring-0 jmp buffer. */ VMMR0JMPBUF CallHostR0JmpBuf; /** @} */ /** Number of VMMR0_DO_RUN_GC calls. */ STAMCOUNTER StatRunGC; /** Statistics for each of the GC return codes. * @{ */ STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetNormal; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetInterrupt; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetInterruptHyper; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetGuestTrap; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetRingSwitch; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetRingSwitchInt; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetExceptionPrivilege; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetStaleSelector; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetIRETTrap; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetEmulate; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetPatchEmulate; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetIORead; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetIOWrite; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetMMIORead; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetMMIOWrite; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetMMIOPatchRead; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetMMIOPatchWrite; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetMMIOReadWrite; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetLDTFault; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetGDTFault; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetIDTFault; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetTSSFault; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetPDFault; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetCSAMTask; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetSyncCR3; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetMisc; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetPatchInt3; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetPatchPF; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetPatchGP; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetPatchIretIRQ; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetPageOverflow; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetRescheduleREM; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetToR3; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetTimerPending; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetInterruptPending; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetCallHost; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetPATMDuplicateFn; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetPGMChangeMode; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetEmulHlt; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetPendingRequest; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetPGMGrowRAM; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetPDMLock; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetLogFlush; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetPDMQueueFlush; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetPGMPoolGrow; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetRemReplay; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetVMSetError; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetVMSetRuntimeError; STAMCOUNTER StatGCRetPGMLock; /** @} */ } VMM, *PVMM; /** * The VMMGCEntry() codes. */ typedef enum VMMGCOPERATION { /** Do GC module init. */ VMMGC_DO_VMMGC_INIT = 1, /** The first Trap testcase. */ VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_TRAP_FIRST = 0x0dead000, /** Trap 0 testcases, uArg selects the variation. */ VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_TRAP_0 = VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_TRAP_FIRST, /** Trap 1 testcases, uArg selects the variation. */ VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_TRAP_1, /** Trap 2 testcases, uArg selects the variation. */ VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_TRAP_2, /** Trap 3 testcases, uArg selects the variation. */ VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_TRAP_3, /** Trap 4 testcases, uArg selects the variation. */ VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_TRAP_4, /** Trap 5 testcases, uArg selects the variation. */ VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_TRAP_5, /** Trap 6 testcases, uArg selects the variation. */ VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_TRAP_6, /** Trap 7 testcases, uArg selects the variation. */ VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_TRAP_7, /** Trap 8 testcases, uArg selects the variation. */ VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_TRAP_8, /** Trap 9 testcases, uArg selects the variation. */ VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_TRAP_9, /** Trap 0a testcases, uArg selects the variation. */ VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_TRAP_0A, /** Trap 0b testcases, uArg selects the variation. */ VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_TRAP_0B, /** Trap 0c testcases, uArg selects the variation. */ VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_TRAP_0C, /** Trap 0d testcases, uArg selects the variation. */ VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_TRAP_0D, /** Trap 0e testcases, uArg selects the variation. */ VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_TRAP_0E, /** The last trap testcase (exclusive). */ VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_TRAP_LAST, /** Testcase for checking interrupt forwarding. */ VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_HYPER_INTERRUPT, /** Switching testing and profiling stub. */ VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_NOP, /** Testcase for checking interrupt masking.. */ VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_INTERRUPT_MASKING, /** Switching testing and profiling stub. */ VMMGC_DO_TESTCASE_HWACCM_NOP, /** The usual 32-bit hack. */ VMMGC_DO_32_BIT_HACK = 0x7fffffff } VMMGCOPERATION; __BEGIN_DECLS #ifdef IN_RING0 /** * World switcher assembly routine. * It will call VMMGCEntry(). * * @returns return code from VMMGCEntry(). * @param pVM The VM in question. * @param uArg See VMMGCEntry(). * @internal */ DECLASM(int) vmmR0WorldSwitch(PVM pVM, unsigned uArg); /** * Callback function for vmmR0CallHostSetJmp. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The VM handle. */ typedef DECLCALLBACK(int) FNVMMR0SETJMP(PVM pVM); /** Pointer to FNVMMR0SETJMP(). */ typedef FNVMMR0SETJMP *PFNVMMR0SETJMP; /** * The setjmp variant used for calling Ring-3. * * This differs from the normal setjmp in that it will resume VMMR0CallHost if we're * in the middle of a ring-3 call. Another differences is the function pointer and * argument. This has to do with resuming code and the stack frame of the caller. * * @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success or whatever is passed to vmmR0CallHostLongJmp. * @param pJmpBuf The jmp_buf to set. * @param pfn The function to be called when not resuming.. * @param pVM The argument of that function. */ DECLASM(int) vmmR0CallHostSetJmp(PVMMR0JMPBUF pJmpBuf, PFNVMMR0SETJMP pfn, PVM pVM); /** * Callback function for vmmR0CallHostSetJmpEx. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pvUser The user argument. */ typedef DECLCALLBACK(int) FNVMMR0SETJMPEX(void *pvUser); /** Pointer to FNVMMR0SETJMP(). */ typedef FNVMMR0SETJMPEX *PFNVMMR0SETJMPEX; /** * Same as vmmR0CallHostSetJmp except for the function signature. * * @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success or whatever is passed to vmmR0CallHostLongJmp. * @param pJmpBuf The jmp_buf to set. * @param pfn The function to be called when not resuming.. * @param pvUser The argument of that function. */ DECLASM(int) vmmR0CallHostSetJmpEx(PVMMR0JMPBUF pJmpBuf, PFNVMMR0SETJMPEX pfn, void *pvUser); /** * Worker for VMMR0CallHost. * This will save the stack and registers. * * @returns rc. * @param pJmpBuf Pointer to the jump buffer. * @param rc The return code. */ DECLASM(int) vmmR0CallHostLongJmp(PVMMR0JMPBUF pJmpBuf, int rc); /** * Internal R0 logger worker: Logger wrapper. */ VMMR0DECL(void) vmmR0LoggerWrapper(const char *pszFormat, ...); /** * Internal R0 logger worker: Flush logger. * * @param pLogger The logger instance to flush. * @remark This function must be exported! */ VMMR0DECL(void) vmmR0LoggerFlush(PRTLOGGER pLogger); #endif /* IN_RING0 */ #ifdef IN_GC /** * Internal GC logger worker: Logger wrapper. */ VMMGCDECL(void) vmmGCLoggerWrapper(const char *pszFormat, ...); /** * Internal GC release logger worker: Logger wrapper. */ VMMGCDECL(void) vmmGCRelLoggerWrapper(const char *pszFormat, ...); /** * Internal GC logger worker: Flush logger. * * @returns VINF_SUCCESS. * @param pLogger The logger instance to flush. * @remark This function must be exported! */ VMMGCDECL(int) vmmGCLoggerFlush(PRTLOGGERGC pLogger); /** @name Trap testcases and related labels. * @{ */ DECLASM(void) vmmGCEnableWP(void); DECLASM(void) vmmGCDisableWP(void); DECLASM(int) vmmGCTestTrap3(void); DECLASM(int) vmmGCTestTrap8(void); DECLASM(int) vmmGCTestTrap0d(void); DECLASM(int) vmmGCTestTrap0e(void); DECLASM(int) vmmGCTestTrap0e_FaultEIP(void); /**< a label */ DECLASM(int) vmmGCTestTrap0e_ResumeEIP(void); /**< a label */ /** @} */ #endif /* IN_GC */ __END_DECLS /** @} */ #endif