/* $Id: common.js 65160 2017-01-05 17:13:38Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * Common JavaScript functions */ /* * * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** Same as WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamRedirectTo. */ var g_ksParamRedirectTo = 'RedirectTo'; /** * Checks if the given value is a decimal integer value. * * @returns true if it is, false if it's isn't. * @param sValue The value to inspect. */ function isInteger(sValue) { if (typeof sValue != 'undefined') { var intRegex = /^\d+$/; if (intRegex.test(sValue)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Removes the element with the specified ID. */ function removeHtmlNode(sContainerId) { var oElement = document.getElementById(sContainerId); if (oElement) { oElement.parentNode.removeChild(oElement); } } /** * Sets the value of the element with id @a sInputId to the keys of aoItems * (comma separated). */ function setElementValueToKeyList(sInputId, aoItems) { var sKey; var oElement = document.getElementById(sInputId); oElement.value = ''; for (sKey in aoItems) { if (oElement.value.length > 0) { oElement.value += ','; } oElement.value += sKey; } } /** * Get the Window.devicePixelRatio in a safe way. * * @returns Floating point ratio. 1.0 means it's a 1:1 ratio. */ function getDevicePixelRatio() { var fpRatio = 1.0; if (window.devicePixelRatio) { fpRatio = window.devicePixelRatio; if (fpRatio < 0.5 || fpRatio > 10.0) fpRatio = 1.0; } return fpRatio; } /** * Tries to figure out the DPI of the device in the X direction. * * @returns DPI on success, null on failure. */ function getDeviceXDotsPerInch() { if (window.deviceXDPI && window.deviceXDPI > 48 && window.deviceXDPI < 2048) { return window.deviceXDPI; } else if (window.devicePixelRatio && window.devicePixelRatio >= 0.5 && window.devicePixelRatio <= 10.0) { cDotsPerInch = Math.round(96 * window.devicePixelRatio); } else { cDotsPerInch = null; } return cDotsPerInch; } /** * Gets the width of the given element (downscaled). * * Useful when using the element to figure the size of a image * or similar. * * @returns Number of pixels. null if oElement is bad. * @param oElement The element (not ID). */ function getElementWidth(oElement) { if (oElement && oElement.offsetWidth) return oElement.offsetWidth; return null; } /** By element ID version of getElementWidth. */ function getElementWidthById(sElementId) { return getElementWidth(document.getElementById(sElementId)); } /** * Gets the real unscaled width of the given element. * * Useful when using the element to figure the size of a image * or similar. * * @returns Number of screen pixels. null if oElement is bad. * @param oElement The element (not ID). */ function getUnscaledElementWidth(oElement) { if (oElement && oElement.offsetWidth) return Math.round(oElement.offsetWidth * getDevicePixelRatio()); return null; } /** By element ID version of getUnscaledElementWidth. */ function getUnscaledElementWidthById(sElementId) { return getUnscaledElementWidth(document.getElementById(sElementId)); } /** * Gets the part of the URL needed for a RedirectTo parameter. * * @returns URL string. */ function getCurrentBrowerUrlPartForRedirectTo() { var sWhere = window.location.href; var offTmp; var offPathKeep; /* Find the end of that URL 'path' component. */ var offPathEnd = sWhere.indexOf('?'); if (offPathEnd < 0) offPathEnd = sWhere.indexOf('#'); if (offPathEnd < 0) offPathEnd = sWhere.length; /* Go backwards from the end of the and find the start of the last component. */ offPathKeep = sWhere.lastIndexOf("/", offPathEnd); offTmp = sWhere.lastIndexOf(":", offPathEnd); if (offPathKeep < offTmp) offPathKeep = offTmp; offTmp = sWhere.lastIndexOf("\\", offPathEnd); if (offPathKeep < offTmp) offPathKeep = offTmp; return sWhere.substring(offPathKeep + 1); } /** * Sets the value of an input field element (give by ID). * * @returns Returns success indicator (true/false). * @param sFieldId The field ID (required for updating). * @param sValue The field value. */ function setInputFieldValue(sFieldId, sValue) { var oInputElement = document.getElementById(sFieldId); if (oInputElement) { oInputElement.value = sValue; return true; } return false; } /** * Adds a hidden input field to a form. * * @returns The new input field element. * @param oFormElement The form to append it to. * @param sName The field name. * @param sValue The field value. * @param sFieldId The field ID (optional). */ function addHiddenInputFieldToForm(oFormElement, sName, sValue, sFieldId) { var oNew = document.createElement('input'); oNew.type = 'hidden'; oNew.name = sName; oNew.value = sValue; if (sFieldId) oNew.id = sFieldId; oFormElement.appendChild(oNew); return oNew; } /** By element ID version of addHiddenInputFieldToForm. */ function addHiddenInputFieldToFormById(sFormId, sName, sValue, sFieldId) { return addHiddenInputFieldToForm(document.getElementById(sFormId), sName, sValue, sFieldId); } /** * Adds or updates a hidden input field to/on a form. * * @returns The new input field element. * @param sFormId The ID of the form to amend. * @param sName The field name. * @param sValue The field value. * @param sFieldId The field ID (required for updating). */ function addUpdateHiddenInputFieldToFormById(sFormId, sName, sValue, sFieldId) { var oInputElement = null; if (sFieldId) { oInputElement = document.getElementById(sFieldId); } if (oInputElement) { oInputElement.name = sName; oInputElement.value = sValue; } else { oInputElement = addHiddenInputFieldToFormById(sFormId, sName, sValue, sFieldId); } return oInputElement; } /** * Adds a width and a dpi input to the given form element if possible to * determine the values. * * This is normally employed in an onlick hook, but then you must specify IDs or * the browser may end up adding it several times. * * @param sFormId The ID of the form to amend. * @param sWidthSrcId The ID of the element to calculate the width * value from. * @param sWidthName The name of the width value. * @param sDpiName The name of the dpi value. */ function addDynamicGraphInputs(sFormId, sWidthSrcId, sWidthName, sDpiName) { var cx = getUnscaledElementWidthById(sWidthSrcId); var cDotsPerInch = getDeviceXDotsPerInch(); if (cx) { addUpdateHiddenInputFieldToFormById(sFormId, sWidthName, cx, sFormId + '-' + sWidthName + '-id'); } if (cDotsPerInch) { addUpdateHiddenInputFieldToFormById(sFormId, sDpiName, cDotsPerInch, sFormId + '-' + sDpiName + '-id'); } } /** * Adds the RedirecTo field with the current URL to the form. * * This is a 'onsubmit' action. * * @returns Returns success indicator (true/false). * @param oForm The form being submitted. */ function addRedirectToInputFieldWithCurrentUrl(oForm) { /* Constant used here is duplicated in WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamRedirectTo */ return addHiddenInputFieldToForm(oForm, 'RedirectTo', getCurrentBrowerUrlPartForRedirectTo(), null); } /** * Adds the RedirecTo parameter to the href of the given anchor. * * This is a 'onclick' action. * * @returns Returns success indicator (true/false). * @param oAnchor The anchor element being clicked on. */ function addRedirectToAnchorHref(oAnchor) { var sRedirectToParam = g_ksParamRedirectTo + '=' + encodeURIComponent(getCurrentBrowerUrlPartForRedirectTo()); var sHref = oAnchor.href; if (sHref.indexOf(sRedirectToParam) < 0) { var sHash; var offHash = sHref.indexOf('#'); if (offHash >= 0) sHash = sHref.substring(offHash); else { sHash = ''; offHash = sHref.length; } sHref = sHref.substring(0, offHash) if (sHref.indexOf('?') >= 0) sHref += '&'; else sHref += '?'; sHref += sRedirectToParam; sHref += sHash; oAnchor.href = sHref; } return true; } /** * Clears one input element. * * @param oInput The input to clear. */ function resetInput(oInput) { switch (oInput.type) { case 'checkbox': case 'radio': oInput.checked = false; break; case 'text': oInput.value = 0; break; } } /** * Clears a form. * * @param sIdForm The ID of the form */ function clearForm(sIdForm) { var oForm = document.getElementById(sIdForm); if (oForm) { var aoInputs = oForm.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'); var i; for (i = 0; i < aoInputs.length; i++) resetInput(aoInputs[i]) /* HTML5 allows inputs outside
, so scan the document. */ aoInputs = document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'); for (i = 0; i < aoInputs.length; i++) if (aoInputs.hasOwnProperty("form")) if (aoInputs.form == sIdForm) resetInput(aoInputs[i]) } return true; } /** @name Collapsible / Expandable items * @{ */ /** * Toggles the collapsible / expandable state of a parent DD and DT uncle. * * @returns true * @param oAnchor The anchor object. */ function toggleCollapsibleDtDd(oAnchor) { var oParent = oAnchor.parentElement; var sClass = oParent.className; /* Find the DD sibling tag */ var oDdElement = oParent.nextSibling; while (oDdElement != null && oDdElement.tagName != 'DD') oDdElement = oDdElement.nextSibling; /* Determin the new class and arrow char. */ var sNewClass; var sNewChar; if ( sClass.substr(-11) == 'collapsible') { sNewClass = sClass.substr(0, sClass.length - 11) + 'expandable'; sNewChar = '\u25B6'; /* black right-pointing triangle */ } else if (sClass.substr(-10) == 'expandable') { sNewClass = sClass.substr(0, sClass.length - 10) + 'collapsible'; sNewChar = '\u25BC'; /* black down-pointing triangle */ } else { console.log('toggleCollapsibleParent: Invalid class: ' + sClass); return true; } /* Update the parent (DT) class and anchor text. */ oParent.className = sNewClass; oAnchor.firstChild.textContent = sNewChar + oAnchor.firstChild.textContent.substr(1); /* Update the uncle (DD) class. */ if (oDdElement) oDdElement.className = sNewClass; return true; } /** * Shows/hides a sub-category UL according to checkbox status. * * The checkbox is expected to be within a label element or something. * * @returns true * @param oInput The input checkbox. */ function toggleCollapsibleCheckbox(oInput) { var oParent = oInput.parentElement; /* Find the UL sibling element. */ var oUlElement = oParent.nextSibling; while (oUlElement != null && oUlElement.tagName != 'UL') oUlElement = oUlElement.nextSibling; /* Change the visibility. */ if (oInput.checked) oUlElement.className = oUlElement.className.replace('expandable', 'collapsible'); else { oUlElement.className = oUlElement.className.replace('collapsible', 'expandable'); /* Make sure all sub-checkboxes are now unchecked. */ var aoSubInputs = oUlElement.getElementsByTagName('input'); var i; for (i = 0; i < aoSubInputs.length; i++) aoSubInputs[i].checked = false; } return true; } /** * Toggles the sidebar size so filters can more easily manipulated. */ function toggleSidebarSize() { var sLinkText; if (document.body.className != 'tm-wide-side-menu') { document.body.className = 'tm-wide-side-menu'; sLinkText = '\u00ab\u00ab'; } else { document.body.className = ''; sLinkText = '\u00bb\u00bb'; } var aoToggleLink = document.getElementsByClassName('tm-sidebar-size-link'); var i; for (i = 0; i < aoToggleLink.length; i++) if ( aoToggleLink[i].textContent.indexOf('\u00bb') >= 0 || aoToggleLink[i].textContent.indexOf('\u00ab') >= 0) aoToggleLink[i].textContent = sLinkText; } /** @} */ /** @name Custom Tooltips * @{ */ /** Where we keep tooltip elements when not displayed. */ var g_dTooltips = {}; var g_oCurrentTooltip = null; var g_idTooltipShowTimer = null; var g_idTooltipHideTimer = null; var g_cTooltipSvnRevisions = 12; /** * Cancel showing/replacing/repositing a tooltip. */ function tooltipResetShowTimer() { if (g_idTooltipShowTimer) { clearTimeout(g_idTooltipShowTimer); g_idTooltipShowTimer = null; } } /** * Cancel hiding of the current tooltip. */ function tooltipResetHideTimer() { if (g_idTooltipHideTimer) { clearTimeout(g_idTooltipHideTimer); g_idTooltipHideTimer = null; } } /** * Really hide the tooltip. */ function tooltipReallyHide() { if (g_oCurrentTooltip) { //console.log('tooltipReallyHide: ' + g_oCurrentTooltip); g_oCurrentTooltip.oElm.style.display = 'none'; g_oCurrentTooltip = null; } } /** * Schedule the tooltip for hiding. */ function tooltipHide() { function tooltipDelayedHide() { tooltipResetHideTimer(); tooltipReallyHide(); } /* * Cancel any pending show and schedule hiding if necessary. */ tooltipResetShowTimer(); if (g_oCurrentTooltip && !g_idTooltipHideTimer) { g_idTooltipHideTimer = setTimeout(tooltipDelayedHide, 700); } return true; } /** * Function that is repositions the tooltip when it's shown. * * Used directly, via onload, and hackish timers to catch all browsers and * whatnot. * * Will set several tooltip member variables related to position and space. */ function tooltipRepositionOnLoad() { if (g_oCurrentTooltip) { var oRelToRect = g_oCurrentTooltip.oRelToRect; var cxNeeded = g_oCurrentTooltip.oElm.offsetWidth + 8; var cyNeeded = g_oCurrentTooltip.oElm.offsetHeight + 8; var yScroll = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop; var yScrollBottom = yScroll + window.innerHeight; var xScroll = window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft; var xScrollRight = xScroll + window.innerWidth; var cyAbove = Math.max(oRelToRect.top - yScroll, 0); var cyBelow = Math.max(yScrollBottom - oRelToRect.bottom, 0); var cxLeft = Math.max(oRelToRect.left - xScroll, 0); var cxRight = Math.max(xScrollRight - oRelToRect.right, 0); var xPos; var yPos; /* * Decide where to put the thing. */ if (cyNeeded < cyBelow) { yPos = oRelToRect.bottom; g_oCurrentTooltip.cyMax = cyBelow; } else if (cyBelow >= cyAbove) { yPos = yScrollBottom - cyNeeded; g_oCurrentTooltip.cyMax = yScrollBottom - yPos; } else { yPos = oRelToRect.top - cyNeeded; g_oCurrentTooltip.cyMax = yScrollBottom - yPos; } if (yPos < yScroll) { yPos = yScroll; g_oCurrentTooltip.cyMax = yScrollBottom - yPos; } g_oCurrentTooltip.yPos = yPos; g_oCurrentTooltip.yScroll = yScroll; g_oCurrentTooltip.cyMaxUp = yPos - yScroll; if (cxNeeded < cxRight || cxNeeded > cxRight) { xPos = oRelToRect.right; g_oCurrentTooltip.cxMax = cxRight; } else { xPos = oRelToRect.left - cxNeeded; g_oCurrentTooltip.cxMax = cxNeeded; } g_oCurrentTooltip.xPos = xPos; g_oCurrentTooltip.xScroll = xScroll; g_oCurrentTooltip.oElm.style.top = yPos + 'px'; g_oCurrentTooltip.oElm.style.left = xPos + 'px'; } return true; } /** * Really show the tooltip. * * @param oTooltip The tooltip object. * @param oRelTo What to put the tooltip adjecent to. */ function tooltipReallyShow(oTooltip, oRelTo) { var oRect; tooltipResetShowTimer(); tooltipResetHideTimer(); if (g_oCurrentTooltip == oTooltip) { //console.log('moving tooltip'); } else if (g_oCurrentTooltip) { //console.log('removing current tooltip and showing new'); tooltipReallyHide(); } else { //console.log('showing tooltip'); } oTooltip.oElm.style.display = 'block'; oTooltip.oElm.style.position = 'absolute'; oRect = oRelTo.getBoundingClientRect(); oTooltip.oRelToRect = oRect; oTooltip.oElm.style.left = oRect.right + 'px'; oTooltip.oElm.style.top = oRect.bottom + 'px'; g_oCurrentTooltip = oTooltip; /* * This function does the repositioning at some point. */ tooltipRepositionOnLoad(); if (oTooltip.oElm.onload === null) { oTooltip.oElm.onload = function(){ tooltipRepositionOnLoad(); setTimeout(tooltipRepositionOnLoad, 0); }; } } /** * Tooltip onmouseenter handler . */ function tooltipElementOnMouseEnter() { //console.log('tooltipElementOnMouseEnter: arguments.length='+arguments.length+' [0]='+arguments[0]); //console.log('ENT: currentTarget='+arguments[0].currentTarget); tooltipResetShowTimer(); tooltipResetHideTimer(); return true; } /** * Tooltip onmouseout handler. * * @remarks We only use this and onmouseenter for one tooltip element (iframe * for svn, because chrome is sending onmouseout events after * onmouseneter for the next element, which would confuse this simple * code. */ function tooltipElementOnMouseOut() { //console.log('tooltipElementOnMouseOut: arguments.length='+arguments.length+' [0]='+arguments[0]); //console.log('OUT: currentTarget='+arguments[0].currentTarget); tooltipHide(); return true; } /** * iframe.onload hook that repositions and resizes the tooltip. * * This is a little hacky and we're calling it one or three times too many to * work around various browser differences too. */ function svnHistoryTooltipOnLoad() { //console.log('svnHistoryTooltipOnLoad'); /* * Resize the tooltip to better fit the content. */ tooltipRepositionOnLoad(); /* Sets cxMax and cyMax. */ if (g_oCurrentTooltip && g_oCurrentTooltip.oIFrame.contentWindow) { var oSubElement = g_oCurrentTooltip.oIFrame; var cxSpace = Math.max(oSubElement.offsetLeft * 2, 0); /* simplified */ var cySpace = Math.max(oSubElement.offsetTop * 2, 0); /* simplified */ var cxNeeded = oSubElement.contentWindow.document.body.scrollWidth + cxSpace; var cyNeeded = oSubElement.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + cySpace; var cx = Math.min(cxNeeded, g_oCurrentTooltip.cxMax); var cy; g_oCurrentTooltip.oElm.width = cx + 'px'; oSubElement.width = (cx - cxSpace) + 'px'; if (cx >= cxNeeded) { //console.log('svnHistoryTooltipOnLoad: overflowX -> hidden'); oSubElement.style.overflowX = 'hidden'; } else { oSubElement.style.overflowX = 'scroll'; } cy = Math.min(cyNeeded, g_oCurrentTooltip.cyMax); if (cyNeeded > g_oCurrentTooltip.cyMax && g_oCurrentTooltip.cyMaxUp > 0) { var cyMove = Math.min(cyNeeded - g_oCurrentTooltip.cyMax, g_oCurrentTooltip.cyMaxUp); g_oCurrentTooltip.cyMax += cyMove; g_oCurrentTooltip.yPos -= cyMove; g_oCurrentTooltip.oElm.style.top = g_oCurrentTooltip.yPos + 'px'; cy = Math.min(cyNeeded, g_oCurrentTooltip.cyMax); } g_oCurrentTooltip.oElm.height = cy + 'px'; oSubElement.height = (cy - cySpace) + 'px'; if (cy >= cyNeeded) { //console.log('svnHistoryTooltipOnLoad: overflowY -> hidden'); oSubElement.style.overflowY = 'hidden'; } else { oSubElement.style.overflowY = 'scroll'; } //console.log('cyNeeded='+cyNeeded+' cyMax='+g_oCurrentTooltip.cyMax+' cySpace='+cySpace+' cy='+cy); //console.log('oSubElement.offsetTop='+oSubElement.offsetTop); //console.log('svnHistoryTooltipOnLoad: cx='+cx+'cxMax='+g_oCurrentTooltip.cxMax+' cxNeeded='+cxNeeded+' cy='+cy+' cyMax='+g_oCurrentTooltip.cyMax); tooltipRepositionOnLoad(); } return true; } /** * Calculates the last revision to get when showing a tooltip for @a iRevision. * * A tooltip covers several change log entries, both to limit the number of * tooltips to load and to give context. The exact number is defined by * g_cTooltipSvnRevisions. * * @returns Last revision in a tooltip. * @param iRevision The revision number. */ function svnHistoryTooltipCalcLastRevision(iRevision) { var iFirstRev = Math.floor(iRevision / g_cTooltipSvnRevisions) * g_cTooltipSvnRevisions; return iFirstRev + g_cTooltipSvnRevisions - 1; } /** * Calculates a unique ID for the tooltip element. * * This is also used as dictionary index. * * @returns tooltip ID value (string). * @param sRepository The repository name. * @param iRevision The revision number. */ function svnHistoryTooltipCalcId(sRepository, iRevision) { return 'svnHistoryTooltip_' + sRepository + '_' + svnHistoryTooltipCalcLastRevision(iRevision); } /** * The onmouseenter event handler for creating the tooltip. * * @param oEvt The event. * @param sRepository The repository name. * @param iRevision The revision number. * * @remarks onmouseout must be set to call tooltipHide. */ function svnHistoryTooltipShow(oEvt, sRepository, iRevision) { var sKey = svnHistoryTooltipCalcId(sRepository, iRevision); var oTooltip = g_dTooltips[sKey]; var oParent = oEvt.currentTarget; //console.log('svnHistoryTooltipShow ' + sRepository); function svnHistoryTooltipDelayedShow() { var oSubElement; var sSrc; oTooltip = g_dTooltips[sKey]; //console.log('svnHistoryTooltipDelayedShow ' + sRepository + ' ' + oTooltip); if (!oTooltip) { /* * Create a new tooltip element. */ //console.log('creating ' + sKey); oTooltip = {}; oTooltip.oElm = document.createElement('div'); oTooltip.oElm.setAttribute('id', sKey); oTooltip.oElm.setAttribute('class', 'tmvcstooltip'); oTooltip.oElm.style.position = 'absolute'; oTooltip.oElm.style.zIndex = 6001; oTooltip.xPos = 0; oTooltip.yPos = 0; oTooltip.cxMax = 0; oTooltip.cyMax = 0; oTooltip.cyMaxUp = 0; oTooltip.xScroll = 0; oTooltip.yScroll = 0; oSubElement = document.createElement('iframe'); oSubElement.setAttribute('id', sKey + '_iframe'); oSubElement.setAttribute('style', 'position: relative;"'); oSubElement.onload = function() {svnHistoryTooltipOnLoad(); setTimeout(svnHistoryTooltipOnLoad,0);}; oSubElement.onmouseenter = tooltipElementOnMouseEnter; oSubElement.onmouseout = tooltipElementOnMouseOut; oTooltip.oElm.appendChild(oSubElement); oTooltip.oIFrame = oSubElement; g_dTooltips[sKey] = oTooltip; document.body.appendChild(oTooltip.oElm); } else { oSubElement = oTooltip.oIFrame; } oSubElement.setAttribute('src', 'index.py?Action=VcsHistoryTooltip&repo=' + sRepository + '&rev=' + svnHistoryTooltipCalcLastRevision(iRevision) + '&cEntries=' + g_cTooltipSvnRevisions + '#r' + iRevision); tooltipReallyShow(oTooltip, oParent); /* Resize and repositioning hacks. */ svnHistoryTooltipOnLoad(); setTimeout(svnHistoryTooltipOnLoad, 0); } /* * Delay the change. */ tooltipResetShowTimer(); g_idTooltipShowTimer = setTimeout(svnHistoryTooltipDelayedShow, 512); } /** @} */ /** @name Debugging and Introspection * @{ */ /** * Python-like dir() implementation. * * @returns Array of names associated with oObj. * @param oObj The object under inspection. If not specified we'll * look at the window object. */ function pythonlikeDir(oObj, fDeep) { var aRet = []; var dTmp = {}; if (!oObj) { oObj = window; } for (var oCur = oObj; oCur; oCur = Object.getPrototypeOf(oCur)) { var aThis = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(oCur); for (var i = 0; i < aThis.length; i++) { if (!(aThis[i] in dTmp)) { dTmp[aThis[i]] = 1; aRet.push(aThis[i]); } } } return aRet; } /** * Python-like dir() implementation, shallow version. * * @returns Array of names associated with oObj. * @param oObj The object under inspection. If not specified we'll * look at the window object. */ function pythonlikeShallowDir(oObj, fDeep) { var aRet = []; var dTmp = {}; if (oObj) { for (var i in oObj) { aRet.push(i); } } return aRet; } function dbgGetObjType(oObj) { var sType = typeof oObj; if (sType == "object" && oObj !== null) { if (oObj.constructor && oObj.constructor.name) { sType = oObj.constructor.name; } else { var fnToString = Object.prototype.toString; var sTmp = fnToString.call(oObj); if (sTmp.indexOf('[object ') === 0) { sType = sTmp.substring(8, sTmp.length); } } } return sType; } /** * Dumps the given object to the console. * * @param oObj The object under inspection. * @param sPrefix What to prefix the log output with. */ function dbgDumpObj(oObj, sName, sPrefix) { var aMembers; var sType; /* * Defaults */ if (!oObj) { oObj = window; } if (!sPrefix) { if (sName) { sPrefix = sName + ':'; } else { sPrefix = 'dbgDumpObj:'; } } if (!sName) { sName = ''; } /* * The object itself. */ sPrefix = sPrefix + ' '; console.log(sPrefix + sName + ' ' + dbgGetObjType(oObj)); /* * The members. */ sPrefix = sPrefix + ' '; aMembers = pythonlikeDir(oObj); for (i = 0; i < aMembers.length; i++) { console.log(sPrefix + aMembers[i]); } return true; } function dbgDumpObjWorker(sType, sName, oObj, sPrefix) { var sRet; switch (sType) { case 'function': { sRet = sPrefix + 'function ' + sName + '()' + '\n'; break; } case 'object': { sRet = sPrefix + 'var ' + sName + '(' + dbgGetObjType(oObj) + ') ='; if (oObj !== null) { sRet += '\n'; } else { sRet += ' null\n'; } break; } case 'string': { sRet = sPrefix + 'var ' + sName + '(string, ' + oObj.length + ')'; if (oObj.length < 80) { sRet += ' = "' + oObj + '"\n'; } else { sRet += '\n'; } break; } case 'Oops!': sRet = sPrefix + sName + '(??)\n'; break; default: sRet = sPrefix + 'var ' + sName + '(' + sType + ')\n'; break; } return sRet; } function dbgObjInArray(aoObjs, oObj) { var i = aoObjs.length; while (i > 0) { i--; if (aoObjs[i] === oObj) { return true; } } return false; } function dbgDumpObjTreeWorker(oObj, sPrefix, aParentObjs, cMaxDepth) { var sRet = ''; var aMembers = pythonlikeShallowDir(oObj); var i; for (i = 0; i < aMembers.length; i++) { //var sName = i; var sName = aMembers[i]; var oMember; var sType; var oEx; try { oMember = oObj[sName]; sType = typeof oObj[sName]; } catch (oEx) { oMember = null; sType = 'Oops!'; } //sRet += '[' + i + '/' + aMembers.length + ']'; sRet += dbgDumpObjWorker(sType, sName, oMember, sPrefix); if ( sType == 'object' && oObj !== null) { if (dbgObjInArray(aParentObjs, oMember)) { sRet += sPrefix + '! parent recursion\n'; } else if ( sName == 'previousSibling' || sName == 'previousElement' || sName == 'lastChild' || sName == 'firstElementChild' || sName == 'lastElementChild' || sName == 'nextElementSibling' || sName == 'prevElementSibling' || sName == 'parentElement' || sName == 'ownerDocument') { sRet += sPrefix + '! potentially dangerous element name\n'; } else if (aParentObjs.length >= cMaxDepth) { sRet = sRet.substring(0, sRet.length - 1); sRet += ' !\n'; } else { aParentObjs.push(oMember); if (i + 1 < aMembers.length) { sRet += dbgDumpObjTreeWorker(oMember, sPrefix + '| ', aParentObjs, cMaxDepth); } else { sRet += dbgDumpObjTreeWorker(oMember, sPrefix.substring(0, sPrefix.length - 2) + ' | ', aParentObjs, cMaxDepth); } aParentObjs.pop(); } } } return sRet; } /** * Dumps the given object and all it's subobjects to the console. * * @returns String dump of the object. * @param oObj The object under inspection. * @param sName The object name (optional). * @param sPrefix What to prefix the log output with (optional). * @param cMaxDepth The max depth, optional. */ function dbgDumpObjTree(oObj, sName, sPrefix, cMaxDepth) { var sType; var sRet; var oEx; /* * Defaults */ if (!sPrefix) { sPrefix = ''; } if (!sName) { sName = '??'; } if (!cMaxDepth) { cMaxDepth = 2; } /* * The object itself. */ try { sType = typeof oObj; } catch (oEx) { sType = 'Oops!'; } sRet = dbgDumpObjWorker(sType, sName, oObj, sPrefix); if (sType == 'object' && oObj !== null) { var aParentObjs = Array(); aParentObjs.push(oObj); sRet += dbgDumpObjTreeWorker(oObj, sPrefix + '| ', aParentObjs, cMaxDepth); } return sRet; } function dbgLogString(sLongString) { var aStrings = sLongString.split("\n"); var i; for (i = 0; i < aStrings.length; i++) { console.log(aStrings[i]); } console.log('dbgLogString - end - ' + aStrings.length + '/' + sLongString.length); return true; } function dbgLogObjTree(oObj, sName, sPrefix, cMaxDepth) { return dbgLogString(dbgDumpObjTree(oObj, sName, sPrefix, cMaxDepth)); } /** @} */