# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# $Id: wuigraphwiz.py 62484 2016-07-22 18:35:33Z vboxsync $
Test Manager WUI - Graph Wizard
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# Python imports.
import functools;
# Validation Kit imports.
from testmanager.webui.wuimain import WuiMain;
from testmanager.webui.wuihlpgraph import WuiHlpLineGraphErrorbarY, WuiHlpGraphDataTableEx;
from testmanager.webui.wuireport import WuiReportBase;
from common import utils, webutils;
from common import constants;
class WuiGraphWiz(WuiReportBase):
"""Construct a graph for analyzing test results (values) across builds and testboxes."""
## @name Series name parts.
## @{
kfSeriesName_TestBox = 1;
kfSeriesName_Product = 2;
kfSeriesName_Branch = 4;
kfSeriesName_BuildType = 8;
kfSeriesName_OsArchs = 16;
kfSeriesName_TestCase = 32;
kfSeriesName_TestCaseArgs = 64;
kfSeriesName_All = 127;
## @}
def __init__(self, oModel, dParams, fSubReport = False, fnDPrint = None, oDisp = None):
WuiReportBase.__init__(self, oModel, dParams, fSubReport = fSubReport, fnDPrint = fnDPrint, oDisp = oDisp);
# Select graph implementation.
if dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizImpl] == 'charts':
from testmanager.webui.wuihlpgraphgooglechart import WuiHlpLineGraphErrorbarY as MyGraph;
self.oGraphClass = MyGraph;
elif dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizImpl] == 'matplotlib':
from testmanager.webui.wuihlpgraphmatplotlib import WuiHlpLineGraphErrorbarY as MyGraph;
self.oGraphClass = MyGraph;
self.oGraphClass = WuiHlpLineGraphErrorbarY;
def _figureSeriesNameBits(self, aoSeries):
""" Figures out the method (bitmask) to use when naming series. """
if len(aoSeries) <= 1:
return WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_TestBox;
# Start with all and drop unnecessary specs one-by-one.
fRet = WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_All;
if [oSrs.idTestBox for oSrs in aoSeries].count(aoSeries[0].idTestBox) == len(aoSeries):
fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_TestBox;
if [oSrs.idBuildCategory for oSrs in aoSeries].count(aoSeries[0].idBuildCategory) == len(aoSeries):
fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_Product;
fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_Branch;
fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_BuildType;
fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_OsArchs;
if [oSrs.oBuildCategory.sProduct for oSrs in aoSeries].count(aoSeries[0].oBuildCategory.sProduct) == len(aoSeries):
fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_Product;
if [oSrs.oBuildCategory.sBranch for oSrs in aoSeries].count(aoSeries[0].oBuildCategory.sBranch) == len(aoSeries):
fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_Branch;
if [oSrs.oBuildCategory.sType for oSrs in aoSeries].count(aoSeries[0].oBuildCategory.sType) == len(aoSeries):
fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_BuildType;
# Complicated.
fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_OsArchs;
daTestBoxes = {};
for oSeries in aoSeries:
if oSeries.idTestBox in daTestBoxes:
daTestBoxes[oSeries.idTestBox] = [oSeries,];
for _, aoSeriesPerTestBox in daTestBoxes.iteritems():
if len(aoSeriesPerTestBox) >= 0:
asOsArches = aoSeriesPerTestBox[0].oBuildCategory.asOsArches;
for i in range(1, len(aoSeriesPerTestBox)):
if aoSeriesPerTestBox[i].oBuildCategory.asOsArches != asOsArches:
fRet |= WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_OsArchs;
if aoSeries[0].oTestCaseArgs is None:
fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_TestCaseArgs;
if [oSrs.idTestCase for oSrs in aoSeries].count(aoSeries[0].idTestCase) == len(aoSeries):
fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_TestCase;
fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_TestCase;
if [oSrs.idTestCaseArgs for oSrs in aoSeries].count(aoSeries[0].idTestCaseArgs) == len(aoSeries):
fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_TestCaseArgs;
return fRet;
def _getSeriesNameFromBits(self, oSeries, fBits):
""" Creates a series name from bits (kfSeriesName_xxx). """
assert fBits != 0;
sName = '';
if fBits & WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_Product:
if len(sName) > 0: sName += ' / ';
sName += oSeries.oBuildCategory.sProduct;
if fBits & WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_Branch:
if len(sName) > 0: sName += ' / ';
sName += oSeries.oBuildCategory.sBranch;
if fBits & WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_BuildType:
if len(sName) > 0: sName += ' / ';
sName += oSeries.oBuildCategory.sType;
if fBits & WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_OsArchs:
if len(sName) > 0: sName += ' / ';
sName += ' & '.join(oSeries.oBuildCategory.asOsArches);
if fBits & WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_TestCaseArgs:
if len(sName) > 0: sName += ' / ';
if oSeries.idTestCaseArgs is not None:
sName += oSeries.oTestCase.sName + ':#' + str(oSeries.idTestCaseArgs);
sName += oSeries.oTestCase.sName;
elif fBits & WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_TestCase:
if len(sName) > 0: sName += ' / ';
sName += oSeries.oTestCase.sName;
if fBits & WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_TestBox:
if len(sName) > 0: sName += ' / ';
sName += oSeries.oTestBox.sName;
return sName;
def _calcGraphName(self, oSeries, fSeriesName, sSampleName):
""" Constructs a name for the graph. """
fGraphName = ~fSeriesName & ( WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_TestBox
| WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_Product
| WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_Branch
| WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_BuildType
sName = self._getSeriesNameFromBits(oSeries, fGraphName);
if len(sName) > 0: sName += ' - ';
sName += sSampleName;
return sName;
def _calcSampleName(self, oCollection):
""" Constructs a name for a sample source (collection). """
if oCollection.sValue is not None:
asSampleName = [oCollection.sValue, 'in',];
elif oCollection.sType == self._oModel.ksTypeElapsed:
asSampleName = ['Elapsed time', 'for', ];
elif oCollection.sType == self._oModel.ksTypeResult:
asSampleName = ['Error count', 'for',];
return 'Invalid collection type: "%s"' % (oCollection.sType,);
sTestName = ', '.join(oCollection.asTests if len(oCollection.asTests[0]) else oCollection.asTests[1:]);
if sTestName == '':
# Use the testcase name if there is only one for all series.
if len(oCollection.aoSeries) == 0:
return asSampleName[0];
if len(oCollection.aoSeries) > 1:
idTestCase = oCollection.aoSeries[0].idTestCase;
for oSeries in oCollection.aoSeries:
if oSeries.idTestCase != idTestCase:
return asSampleName[0];
sTestName = oCollection.aoSeries[0].oTestCase.sName;
return ' '.join(asSampleName) + ' ' + sTestName;
def _splitSeries(self, aoSeries):
Splits the data series (ReportGraphModel.DataSeries) into one or more graphs.
Returns an array of data series arrays.
# Must be at least two series for something to be splittable.
if len(aoSeries) <= 1:
if len(aoSeries) < 1:
return [];
return [aoSeries,];
# Split on unit.
dUnitSeries = dict();
for oSeries in aoSeries:
if oSeries.iUnit not in dUnitSeries:
dUnitSeries[oSeries.iUnit] = [];
# Sort the per-unit series since the build category was only sorted by ID.
for iUnit in dUnitSeries:
def mycmp(oSelf, oOther):
""" __cmp__ like function. """
iCmp = utils.stricmp(oSelf.oBuildCategory.sProduct, oOther.oBuildCategory.sProduct);
if iCmp != 0:
return iCmp;
iCmp = utils.stricmp(oSelf.oBuildCategory.sBranch, oOther.oBuildCategory.sBranch);
if iCmp != 0:
return iCmp;
iCmp = utils.stricmp(oSelf.oBuildCategory.sType, oOther.oBuildCategory.sType);
if iCmp != 0:
return iCmp;
iCmp = utils.stricmp(oSelf.oTestBox.sName, oOther.oTestBox.sName);
if iCmp != 0:
return iCmp;
return 0;
dUnitSeries[iUnit] = sorted(dUnitSeries[iUnit], key = functools.cmp_to_key(mycmp));
# Split the per-unit series up if necessary.
cMaxPerGraph = self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizMaxPerGraph];
aaoRet = [];
for iUnit in dUnitSeries:
aoUnitSeries = dUnitSeries[iUnit];
while len(aoUnitSeries) > cMaxPerGraph:
aoUnitSeries = aoUnitSeries[cMaxPerGraph:];
if len(aoUnitSeries) > 0:
return aaoRet;
def _configureGraph(self, oGraph):
Configures oGraph according to user parameters and other config settings.
Returns oGraph.
if hasattr(oGraph, 'setXkcdStyle'):
return oGraph;
def _generateInteractiveForm(self):
Generates the HTML for the interactive form.
Returns (sTopOfForm, sEndOfForm)
# The top of the form.
sTop = '
# Create a form for altering the data we're working with.
if fInteractive:
(sTopOfForm, sEndOfForm) = self._generateInteractiveForm();
sHtml += sTopOfForm;
del sTopOfForm;
# Emit the graphs. At least one per sample source.
sHtml += '
iGraph = 0;
aoCollections = self._oModel.fetchGraphData();
for iCollection, oCollection in enumerate(aoCollections):
# Name the graph and add a checkbox for removing it.
sSampleName = self._calcSampleName(oCollection);
sHtml += '
\n' % (iCollection,);
if fInteractive:
sHtml += '
\n' \
' \n' \
' \n' \
\n' \
% ( WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, oCollection.sType,
':'.join([str(idStr) for idStr in oCollection.aidStrTests]),
':%u' % oCollection.idStrValue if oCollection.idStrValue else '',
WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, sSampleName );
if len(oCollection.aoSeries) > 0:
# Split the series into sub-graphs as needed and produce SVGs.
aaoSeries = self._splitSeries(oCollection.aoSeries);
for aoSeries in aaoSeries:
# Gather the data for this graph. (Most big stuff is passed by
# reference, so there shouldn't be any large memory penalty for
# repacking the data here.)
sYUnit = None;
if aoSeries[0].iUnit < len(constants.valueunit.g_asNames) and aoSeries[0].iUnit > 0:
sYUnit = constants.valueunit.g_asNames[aoSeries[0].iUnit];
oData = WuiHlpGraphDataTableEx(sXUnit = 'Build revision', sYUnit = sYUnit);
fSeriesName = self._figureSeriesNameBits(aoSeries);
for oSeries in aoSeries:
sSeriesName = self._getSeriesNameFromBits(oSeries, fSeriesName);
asHtmlTooltips = None;
if len(oSeries.aoRevInfo) == len(oSeries.aiRevisions):
asHtmlTooltips = [];
for i in range(len(oSeries.aoRevInfo)):
sPlusMinus = '';
if oSeries.acSamples[i] > 1:
sPlusMinus = ' (+%s/-%s; %u samples)' \
% ( utils.formatNumber(oSeries.aiErrorBarAbove[i]),
sTooltip = '