# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # $Id: wuihlpgraphmatplotlib.py 61220 2016-05-27 01:16:02Z vboxsync $ """ Test Manager Web-UI - Graph Helpers - Implemented using matplotlib. """ __copyright__ = \ """ Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Oracle Corporation This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. """ __version__ = "$Revision: 61220 $" # Standard Python Import and extensions installed on the system. import re; import StringIO; import matplotlib; # pylint: disable=F0401 matplotlib.use('Agg'); # Force backend. import matplotlib.pyplot; # pylint: disable=F0401 from numpy import arange as numpy_arange; # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401 # Validation Kit imports. from testmanager.webui.wuihlpgraphbase import WuiHlpGraphBase; class WuiHlpGraphMatplotlibBase(WuiHlpGraphBase): """ Base class for the matplotlib graphs. """ def __init__(self, sId, oData, oDisp): WuiHlpGraphBase.__init__(self, sId, oData, oDisp); self._fXkcdStyle = True; def setXkcdStyle(self, fEnabled = True): """ Enables xkcd style graphs for implementations that supports it. """ self._fXkcdStyle = fEnabled; return True; def _createFigure(self): """ Wrapper around matplotlib.pyplot.figure that feeds the figure the basic graph configuration. """ if self._fXkcdStyle and matplotlib.__version__ > '1.2.9': matplotlib.pyplot.xkcd(); # pylint: disable=E1101 matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': self._cPtFont}); oFigure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize = (float(self._cxGraph) / self._cDpiGraph, float(self._cyGraph) / self._cDpiGraph), dpi = self._cDpiGraph); return oFigure; def _produceSvg(self, oFigure, fTightLayout = True): """ Creates an SVG string from the given figure. """ oOutput = StringIO.StringIO(); if fTightLayout: oFigure.tight_layout(); oFigure.savefig(oOutput, format = 'svg'); if self._oDisp and self._oDisp.isBrowserGecko('20100101'): # This browser will stretch images to fit if no size or width is given. sSubstitute = r'\1 \3 reserveAspectRatio="xMidYMin meet"'; else: # Chrome and IE likes to have the sizes as well as the viewBox. sSubstitute = r'\1 \3 reserveAspectRatio="xMidYMin meet" \2 \4'; return re.sub(r'( fpMax: fpMax = fpValue; fpMid = fpMin + (fpMax - fpMin) / 2.0; if self.cxBarWidth is None: self.cxBarWidth = 1.0 / (len(aoTable[0].asValues) + 1.1); # Render the PNG. oFigure = self._createFigure(); oSubPlot = oFigure.add_subplot(1, 1, 1); aoBars = list(); for i, _ in enumerate(aoSeries): sColor = self.calcSeriesColor(i); aoBars.append(oSubPlot.bar(oXRange + self.cxBarWidth * i, aoSeries[i], self.cxBarWidth, color = sColor, align = 'edge')); #oSubPlot.set_title('Title') #oSubPlot.set_xlabel('X-axis') #oSubPlot.set_xticks(oXRange + self.cxBarWidth); oSubPlot.set_xticks(oXRange); oLegend = oSubPlot.legend(aoTable[0].asValues, loc = 'best', fancybox = True); oLegend.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5); oSubPlot.set_xticklabels(asNames, ha = "left"); #oSubPlot.set_ylabel('Y-axis') oSubPlot.set_yticks(numpy_arange(fpMin, fpMax + (fpMax - fpMin) / 10 * 0, fpMax / 10)); oSubPlot.grid(True); fpPadding = (fpMax - fpMin) * 0.02; for i, _ in enumerate(aoBars): aoRects = aoBars[i] for j, _ in enumerate(aoRects): oRect = aoRects[j]; fpValue = float(aoTable[j + 1].aoValues[i]); if fpValue <= fpMid: oSubPlot.text(oRect.get_x() + oRect.get_width() / 2.0, oRect.get_height() + fpPadding, aoTable[j + 1].asValues[i], ha = 'center', va = 'bottom', rotation = 'vertical', alpha = 0.6, fontsize = 'small'); else: oSubPlot.text(oRect.get_x() + oRect.get_width() / 2.0, oRect.get_height() - fpPadding, aoTable[j + 1].asValues[i], ha = 'center', va = 'top', rotation = 'vertical', alpha = 0.6, fontsize = 'small'); return self._produceSvg(oFigure); class WuiHlpLineGraph(WuiHlpGraphMatplotlibBase): """ Line graph. """ def __init__(self, sId, oData, oDisp = None, fErrorBarY = False): # oData must be a WuiHlpGraphDataTableEx like object. WuiHlpGraphMatplotlibBase.__init__(self, sId, oData, oDisp); self._cMaxErrorBars = 12; self._fErrorBarY = fErrorBarY; def setErrorBarY(self, fEnable): """ Enables or Disables error bars, making this work like a line graph. """ self._fErrorBarY = fEnable; return True; def renderGraph(self): # pylint: disable=R0914 aoSeries = self._oData.aoSeries; oFigure = self._createFigure(); oSubPlot = oFigure.add_subplot(1, 1, 1); if self._oData.sYUnit is not None: oSubPlot.set_ylabel(self._oData.sYUnit); if self._oData.sXUnit is not None: oSubPlot.set_xlabel(self._oData.sXUnit); cSeriesNames = 0; cYMin = 1000; cYMax = 0; for iSeries, oSeries in enumerate(aoSeries): sColor = self.calcSeriesColor(iSeries); cYMin = min(cYMin, min(oSeries.aoYValues)); cYMax = max(cYMax, max(oSeries.aoYValues)); if not self._fErrorBarY: oSubPlot.errorbar(oSeries.aoXValues, oSeries.aoYValues, color = sColor); elif len(oSeries.aoXValues) > self._cMaxErrorBars: if matplotlib.__version__ < '1.3.0': oSubPlot.errorbar(oSeries.aoXValues, oSeries.aoYValues, color = sColor); else: oSubPlot.errorbar(oSeries.aoXValues, oSeries.aoYValues, yerr = [oSeries.aoYErrorBarBelow, oSeries.aoYErrorBarAbove], errorevery = len(oSeries.aoXValues) / self._cMaxErrorBars, color = sColor ); else: oSubPlot.errorbar(oSeries.aoXValues, oSeries.aoYValues, yerr = [oSeries.aoYErrorBarBelow, oSeries.aoYErrorBarAbove], color = sColor); cSeriesNames += oSeries.sName is not None; if cYMin != 0 or cYMax != 0: oSubPlot.set_ylim(bottom = 0); if cSeriesNames > 0: oLegend = oSubPlot.legend([oSeries.sName for oSeries in aoSeries], loc = 'best', fancybox = True); oLegend.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5); if self._sTitle is not None: oSubPlot.set_title(self._sTitle); if self._cxGraph >= 256: oSubPlot.minorticks_on(); oSubPlot.grid(True, 'major', axis = 'both'); oSubPlot.grid(True, 'both', axis = 'x'); if True: # pylint: disable=W0125 # oSubPlot.axis('off'); #oSubPlot.grid(True, 'major', axis = 'none'); #oSubPlot.grid(True, 'both', axis = 'none'); matplotlib.pyplot.setp(oSubPlot, xticks = [], yticks = []); return self._produceSvg(oFigure); class WuiHlpLineGraphErrorbarY(WuiHlpLineGraph): """ Line graph with an errorbar for the Y axis. """ def __init__(self, sId, oData, oDisp = None): WuiHlpLineGraph.__init__(self, sId, oData, fErrorBarY = True); class WuiHlpMiniSuccessRateGraph(WuiHlpGraphMatplotlibBase): """ Mini rate graph. """ def __init__(self, sId, oData, oDisp = None): """ oData must be a WuiHlpGraphDataTableEx like object, but only aoSeries, aoSeries[].aoXValues, and aoSeries[].aoYValues will be used. The values are expected to be a percentage, i.e. values between 0 and 100. """ WuiHlpGraphMatplotlibBase.__init__(self, sId, oData, oDisp); self.setFontSize(6); def renderGraph(self): # pylint: disable=R0914 assert len(self._oData.aoSeries) == 1; oSeries = self._oData.aoSeries[0]; # hacking #self.setWidth(512); #self.setHeight(128); # end oFigure = self._createFigure(); from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid.axislines import SubplotZero; # pylint: disable=E0401 oAxis = SubplotZero(oFigure, 111); oFigure.add_subplot(oAxis); # Disable all the normal axis. oAxis.axis['right'].set_visible(False) oAxis.axis['top'].set_visible(False) oAxis.axis['bottom'].set_visible(False) oAxis.axis['left'].set_visible(False) # Use the zero axis instead. oAxis.axis['yzero'].set_axisline_style('-|>'); oAxis.axis['yzero'].set_visible(True); oAxis.axis['xzero'].set_axisline_style('-|>'); oAxis.axis['xzero'].set_visible(True); if oSeries.aoYValues[-1] == 100: sColor = 'green'; elif oSeries.aoYValues[-1] > 75: sColor = 'yellow'; else: sColor = 'red'; oAxis.plot(oSeries.aoXValues, oSeries.aoYValues, '.-', color = sColor, linewidth = 3); oAxis.fill_between(oSeries.aoXValues, oSeries.aoYValues, facecolor = sColor, alpha = 0.5) oAxis.set_xlim(left = -0.01); oAxis.set_xticklabels([]); oAxis.set_xmargin(1); oAxis.set_ylim(bottom = 0, top = 100); oAxis.set_yticks([0, 50, 100]); oAxis.set_ylabel('%'); #oAxis.set_yticklabels([]); oAxis.set_yticklabels(['', '%', '']); return self._produceSvg(oFigure, False);