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10 | <meta name="DC.Title" content="PDF processing modules"/>
11 | <meta name="abstract" content="The PDF (formerly known as PDF2) transformation process runs the pre-processing routine and follows it by a series of additional targets. These steps work together to create a merged set of content, convert the merged content to XSL-FO, and then format the XSL-FO file to PDF."/>
12 | <meta name="description" content="The PDF (formerly known as PDF2) transformation process runs the pre-processing routine and follows it by a series of additional targets. These steps work together to create a merged set of content, convert the merged content to XSL-FO, and then format the XSL-FO file to PDF."/>
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19 | <title>PDF processing modules</title>
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24 | <h1 class="title topictitle1">PDF processing modules</h1>
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27 | <div class="body conbody"><p class="shortdesc">The <span class="keyword option">PDF</span> (formerly known as <span class="keyword option">PDF2</span>) transformation process
28 | runs the pre-processing routine and follows it by a series of additional targets. These steps work
29 | together to create a merged set of content, convert the merged content to XSL-FO, and then format
30 | the XSL-FO file to PDF.</p>
31 |
32 | <div class="section"><p class="p">The PDF process includes many Ant targets. During a typical conversion from map to PDF, the
33 | following targets are most significant.</p>
34 |
35 | <dl class="dl">
36 |
37 | <dt class="dt dlterm">map2pdf2</dt>
38 |
39 | <dd class="dd">Creates a merged file by calling a common Java merge module. It then calls the
40 | <samp class="ph codeph">publish.map.pdf</samp> target to do the remainder of the work.</dd>
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 | <dt class="dt dlterm">publish.map.pdf</dt>
45 |
46 | <dd class="dd">Performs some initialization and then calls the <samp class="ph codeph">transform.topic2pdf</samp> target to
47 | do the remainder of processing.</dd>
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 | <dt class="dt dlterm">transform.topic2pdf</dt>
52 |
53 | <dd class="dd">Converts the merged file to XSL-FO, generates the PDF, and deletes the
54 | <span class="ph filepath">topic.fo</span> file, unless instructed to keep it. Uses the following targets to
55 | perform those tasks:<dl class="dl">
56 |
57 | <dt class="dt dlterm">transform.topic2fo</dt>
58 |
59 | <dd class="dd">Convert the merged file to an XSL-FO file. This process is composed of several Ant
60 | targets.<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary="" border="1" class="simpletable"><tr class="sthead">
61 | <th valign="bottom" align="left" id="d2981e74" class="stentry" width="50%">Ant target</th>
62 |
63 | <th valign="bottom" align="left" id="d2981e77" class="stentry" width="50%">Description</th>
64 |
65 | </tr>
66 | <tr class="strow">
67 | <td valign="top" headers="d2981e74" class="stentry">transform.topic2fo.index</td>
68 |
69 | <td valign="top" headers="d2981e77" class="stentry">Runs a Java process to set up index processing, based on the document language. This step
70 | generates the file <span class="ph filepath">stage1.xml</span> in the temporary processing directory.</td>
71 |
72 | </tr>
73 | <tr class="strow">
74 | <td valign="top" headers="d2981e74" class="stentry">transform.topic2fo.flagging</td>
75 |
76 | <td valign="top" headers="d2981e77" class="stentry">Sets up preprocessing for flagging based on a DITAVAL file. This step generates the file
77 | <span class="ph filepath">stage1a.xml</span> in the temporary processing directory.</td>
78 |
79 | </tr>
80 | <tr class="strow">
81 | <td valign="top" headers="d2981e74" class="stentry">transform.topic2fo.main</td>
82 |
83 | <td valign="top" headers="d2981e77" class="stentry">Does the bulk of the conversion from DITA to XSL-FO. It runs the XSLT based process that
84 | creates <span class="ph filepath">stage2.fo</span> in the temporary processing directory</td>
85 |
86 | </tr>
87 | <tr class="strow">
88 | <td valign="top" headers="d2981e74" class="stentry">transform.topic2fo.i18n</td>
89 |
90 | <td valign="top" headers="d2981e77" class="stentry">Does additional localization processing on the FO file; it runs a Java process that
91 | converts <span class="ph filepath">stage2.fo</span> into <span class="ph filepath">stage3.fo</span>, followed by an XSLT
92 | process that converts <span class="ph filepath">stage3.fo</span> into <span class="ph filepath">topic.fo</span>.</td>
93 |
94 | </tr>
95 | <tr class="strow"/>
96 | </table>
97 | </dd>
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99 |
100 |
101 | <dt class="dt dlterm">transform.fo2pdf</dt>
102 |
103 | <dd class="dd">Converts the <span class="ph filepath">topic.fo</span> file into PDF using the specified FO processor
104 | (Antenna House, XEP, or Apache FOP).</dd>
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 | <dt class="dt dlterm">delete.fo2pdf.topic.fo</dt>
109 |
110 | <dd class="dd">Deletes the <span class="ph filepath">topic.fo</span> file, unless otherwise specified by setting an Ant
111 | property or command-line option.</dd>
112 |
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114 | </dl>
115 | </dd>
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118 | </dl>
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123 | <div class="related-links">
124 | <div class="familylinks">
125 | <div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a class="link" href="../dev_ref/DITA-OTArchitecture.html" title="The DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT) is an open-source implementation of the OASIS specification for the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA). The toolkit uses ANT, XSLT, and Java to implement transforming DITA content (maps and topics) into different deliverable formats.">Architecture of the DITA Open Toolkit</a></div>
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