1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE html
3 | PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
4 | <html xml:lang="en-us" lang="en-us">
5 | <head>
6 | <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
7 | <meta name="copyright" content="(C) Copyright 2005"/>
8 | <meta name="DC.rights.owner" content="(C) Copyright 2005"/>
9 | <meta name="DC.Type" content="reference"/>
10 | <meta name="DC.Title" content="Modifying or adding generated text"/>
11 | <meta name="abstract" content="Generated text is the term for strings that are automatically added by the build, such as "Note" before the contents of a <note> element."/>
12 | <meta name="description" content="Generated text is the term for strings that are automatically added by the build, such as "Note" before the contents of a <note> element."/>
13 | <meta name="DC.Relation" scheme="URI" content="../dev_ref/plugins-overview.html"/>
14 | <meta name="DC.Relation" scheme="URI" content="../readme/DITA-globalization-xhtml.html"/>
15 | <meta name="DC.Format" content="XHTML"/>
16 | <meta name="DC.Identifier" content="plugin-addgeneratedtext"/>
17 | <meta name="DC.Language" content="en-us"/>
18 | <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../commonltr.css"/>
19 | <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../dita-ot-doc.css"/>
20 | <title>Modifying or adding generated text</title>
21 | </head>
22 | <body id="plugin-addgeneratedtext">
23 |
24 |
25 | <h1 class="title topictitle1">Modifying or adding generated text</h1>
26 |
27 |
28 | <div class="body refbody"><p class="shortdesc">Generated text is the term for strings that are automatically
29 | added by the build, such as "Note" before the contents of a <note>
30 | element.</p>
31 |
32 | <div class="section"><div class="p">The generated text extension point is used to add new
33 | strings to the default set of generated text. There are several reasons
34 | you may want to use this:<ul class="ul">
35 | <li class="li">It can be used to add new text for your own processing extensions;
36 | for example, it could be used to add localized versions of the string
37 | "User response" to aid in rendering troubleshooting information.</li>
38 |
39 | <li class="li">It can be used to override the default strings in the toolkit;
40 | for example, it could be used to reset the English string "Figure"
41 | to "Fig".</li>
42 |
43 | <li class="li">It can be used to add support for new languages (for non-PDF transforms
44 | only; PDF requires more complicated localization support). For example,
45 | it could be used to add support for Vietnamese or Gaelic; it could
46 | also be used to support a new variant of a previously supported language,
47 | such as Australian English.</li>
48 |
49 | </ul>
50 | </div>
51 | <dl class="dl">
52 | <dt class="dt dlterm"><samp class="ph codeph">dita.xsl.strings</samp></dt>
53 |
54 | <dd class="dd">Add new strings to generated text file. </dd>
55 |
56 | </dl>
57 | </div>
58 |
59 | <div class="example"><h2 class="title sectiontitle">Example: adding new strings</h2><p class="p">First copy the
60 | file <span class="ph filepath">xsl/common/strings.xml</span> to your plug-in,
61 | and edit it to contain the languages that you are providing translations
62 | for ("en-us" must be present). For this sample, copy the file into
63 | your plug-in as <span class="ph filepath">xsl/my-new-strings.xml</span>. The new
64 | strings file will look something like this:</p>
65 | <pre class="pre codeblock"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
66 | <!-- Provide strings for my plug-in; this plug-in supports
67 | English, Icelandic, and Russian. -->
68 | <langlist>
69 | <lang xml:lang="en" filename="mystring-en-us.xml"/>
70 | <lang xml:lang="en-us" filename="mystring-en-us.xml"/>
71 | <lang xml:lang="is" filename="mystring-is-is.xml"/>
72 | <lang xml:lang="is-is" filename="mystring-is-is.xml"/>
73 | <lang xml:lang="ru" filename="mystring-ru-ru.xml"/>
74 | <lang xml:lang="ru-ru" filename="mystring-ru-ru.xml"/>
75 | </langlist></pre>
76 | <p class="p">Next, copy the file <span class="ph filepath">xsl/common/strings-en-us.xml</span> to
77 | your plug-in, and replace the content with your own strings (be sure
78 | to give them unique name attributes). Do the same for each language
79 | that you are providing a translation for. For example, the file <span class="ph filepath">mystring-en-us.xml</span> might
80 | contain:</p>
81 | <pre class="pre codeblock"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
82 | <strings xml:lang="en-us">
83 | <str name="String1">English generated text</str>
84 | <str name="Another String">Another String in English</str>
85 | </strings></pre>
86 | <p class="p">Use the following extension code to include
87 | your strings in the set of generated text: </p>
88 | <pre class="pre codeblock"><plugin id="com.example.strings">
89 | <feature extension="dita.xsl.strings" file="xsl/my-new-strings.xml"/>
90 | </plugin></pre>
91 | <p class="p">The string is now available to the "getString"
92 | template used in many DITA-OT XSLT files. For example, if processing
93 | in a context where the xml:lang value is "en-us", the following call
94 | would return "Another String in English":</p>
95 | <pre class="pre codeblock"><xsl:call-template name="getString">
96 | <xsl:with-param name="stringName" select="'Another String'"/>
97 | </xsl:call-template>
98 | </pre>
99 | <div class="note note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> If two plug-ins define the same string, the results
100 | will be non-deterministic, so multiple plug-ins should not try to
101 | create the same generated text string. One common way to avoid this
102 | problem is to ensure the name attributes used to look up the string
103 | value are related to the ID or purpose of your plug-in.</div>
104 | </div>
105 |
106 | <div class="example"><h2 class="title sectiontitle">Example: modifying existing strings</h2><p class="p">The
107 | process for modifying existing generated text is exactly the same
108 | as for adding new text, except that the strings you provide override
109 | values that already exist. To begin, set up the <span class="ph filepath">xsl/my-new-strings.xml</span> file
110 | in your plug-in as in the previous example. </p>
111 | <p class="p">Next, copy the
112 | file <span class="ph filepath">xsl/common/strings-en-us.xml</span> to your plug-in,
113 | and choose the strings you wish to change (be sure to leave the name
114 | attribute unchanged, because this is the key used to look up the string).
115 | Create a strings file for each language that needs to modify existing
116 | strings. For example, the new file <span class="ph filepath">mystring-en-us.xml</span> might
117 | contain:</p>
118 | <pre class="pre codeblock"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
119 | <strings xml:lang="en-us">
120 | <str name="Figure">Fig</str>
121 | <str name="Draft comment">ADDRESS THIS DRAFT COMMENT</str>
122 | </strings></pre>
123 | <p class="p">To integrate the new strings, use the
124 | same method as above to add these strings to your <span class="ph filepath">plugin.xml</span> file.
125 | Once this plug-in is integrated, where XHTML output previously generated
126 | the term "Figure", it will now generate "Fig"; where it previously
127 | generated "Draft comment", it will now generate "ADDRESS THIS DRAFT
128 | COMMENT". The same strings in other languages will not be modified
129 | unless you also provide new versions for those languages.</p>
130 | <div class="note note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> If
131 | two plug-ins override the same string in the same language, the results
132 | will be non-deterministic (either string may be used under different
133 | conditions). Multiple plug-ins should not override the same generated
134 | text string for a single language.</div>
135 | </div>
136 |
137 | <div class="example"><h2 class="title sectiontitle">Example: adding a new language</h2><div class="p">The process
138 | for adding a new language is exactly the same as for adding new text,
139 | except you are effectively just translating an existing strings file.
140 | To begin, set up the <span class="ph filepath">xsl/my-new-strings.xml</span> file
141 | in your plug-in as in the previous examples. In this case, the only
142 | difference is that you are adding a mapping to new languages; for
143 | example, the following file would be used to set up support for Vietnamese:<pre class="pre codeblock"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
144 | <!-- Map languages with xml:lang="vi" or xml:lang="vi-vn"
145 | to the translations in this plug-in. -->
146 | <langlist>
147 | <lang xml:lang="vi" filename="strings-vi.xml"/>
148 | <lang xml:lang="vi-vn" filename="strings-vi.xml"/>
149 | </langlist></pre>
150 | </div>
151 | <p class="p">Next, copy the file <span class="ph filepath">xsl/common/strings-en-us.xml</span> to
152 | your plug-in, and rename it to match the language you wish to add.
153 | For example, to support Vietnamese strings you may want to pick a
154 | name like <span class="ph filepath">strings-vi.xml</span>. In that file, change
155 | the <samp class="ph codeph">xml:lang</samp> attribute on the root element to match
156 | your new language.</p>
157 | <p class="p">Once the file is ready, translate the contents
158 | of each <samp class="ph codeph"><str></samp> element (be sure to leave the name
159 | attribute unchanged). Repeat this process for each new language you
160 | wish to add.</p>
161 | <p class="p">To integrate the new languages, use the same method
162 | as above to add these strings to your <span class="ph filepath">plugin.xml</span> file.
163 | Once this plug-in is integrated, non-PDF builds will include support
164 | for Vietnamese; instead of generating the English word "Caution",
165 | the element <samp class="ph codeph"><note type="caution" xml:lang="vi"></samp> may
166 | generate something like "<dfn class="term" xml:lang="vi" lang="vi">chú ý</dfn>".</p>
167 | <div class="note note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> If
168 | two plug-ins add support for the same language using different
169 | values, the results will be non-deterministic (translations from either
170 | plug-in may be picked up under different conditions).</div>
171 | </div>
172 |
173 | </div>
174 |
175 | <div class="related-links">
176 | <div class="familylinks">
177 | <div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a class="link" href="../dev_ref/plugins-overview.html" title="The DITA Open Toolkit comes with a built in mechanism for adding in extensions through plug-ins. These plug-ins may do a wide variety of things, such as adding support for specialized DITA DTDs or Schemas, integrating processing overrides, or even providing entirely new output transforms. Plug-ins are the best way to extend the toolkit in a way that is consistent, easily sharable, and easy to preserve through toolkit upgrades.">Creating DITA-OT plug-ins</a></div>
178 | </div>
179 | <div class="relinfo relref"><strong>Related reference</strong><br/>
180 | <div><a class="link" href="../readme/DITA-globalization-xhtml.html" title="The DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT) supports over 50 languages and language variants for the HTML- and XHTML-based transformations, for example, Eclipse Help, HTML Help, and TocJS.">Languages supported by the core toolkit</a></div>
181 | </div>
182 | </div>
183 |
184 | </body>
185 | </html>