1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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3 | <!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN"
4 | "topic.dtd">
5 | <?Pub Sty _display FontColor="red"?>
6 | <?Pub Inc?>
7 | <topic id="howtoparticipate" xml:lang="en-us">
8 | <title>How to participate in the DITA Open Toolkit</title><?Pub Caret -2?>
9 | <shortdesc>Any individual or any organization can contribute to the
10 | project; contributions must adhere to the existing toolkit license(s)
11 | and should fit in with the general goals of the project. All major
12 | contributors will get appropriate recognition in release announcements
13 | and on the project home page.</shortdesc>
14 | <body>
15 | <p>Contributors can submit new features, patches, and bug fixes using
16 | existing github facilities (this is done by creating a "pull request"
17 | within github). The Committer(s) who owns the relevant components
18 | will first do due diligence to check code originality and licensing
19 | according to the <xref href="ContributionPolicy.xml"></xref>. After
20 | due diligence, the Committer(s) will use his/her own judgment on whether
21 | to accept the code into the original code base, request updates to
22 | the code, or suggest that the code be maintained as an external patch
23 | or plug-in.</p>
24 | <p>Contributions are always encouraged, and generally fall into one
25 | of two groups, as determined by project Committers:<ul>
26 | <li>Bug fixes and minor patches are accepted with little overhead.</li>
27 | <li>Major contributions require the contributor to sign a form stating
28 | that the submitter is free to commit the code (individually or on
29 | behalf of an employer), and that the code complies with the current
30 | toolkit license terms.</li>
31 | </ul></p>
32 | </body>
33 | </topic>
34 | <?Pub *0000001689?>