1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN" "reference.dtd">
3 | <reference id="plugin-newextensions" xml:lang="en-us">
4 | <title>Creating a new plug-in extension point</title>
5 | <shortdesc>If your plug-in needs to define its own extension point in an XML file, add the string
6 | "<codeph>_template</codeph>" to the filename before the file suffix. During integration, this
7 | file will be processed like the built-in DITA-OT templates.</shortdesc>
8 | <refbody>
9 | <section><p>Template files are used to integrate most DITA-OT extensions. For example, the file
10 | <filepath>dita2xhtml_template.xsl</filepath> contains all of the default rules for
11 | converting DITA topics to XHTML, along with an integration point for plug-in extensions.
12 | When the integrator runs, the file dita2xhtml.xsl is recreated, and the integration point is
13 | replaced with references to all appropriate plug-ins.</p><p>To mark a new file as a template
14 | file, use the <codeph><template></codeph> element.</p>
15 | <p>The template extension namespace has the URI
16 | <codeph>http://dita-ot.sourceforge.net</codeph>. It is used to identify elements and
17 | attributes that have a special meaning in template processing. This documentation uses a
18 | prefix of <codeph>dita:</codeph> for referring to elements in the template extension
19 | namespace. However, template files are free to use any prefix, provided that there is a
20 | namespace declaration that binds the prefix to the URI of the template extension namespace.
21 | </p>
22 | </section>
23 | <section>
24 | <title><codeph>dita:extension</codeph> element</title>
25 | <p>The <codeph>dita:extension</codeph> elements are used to insert generated content during
26 | integration process. There are two required attributes:</p>
27 | <ul>
28 | <li>The <codeph>id</codeph> attribute defines the extension point ID which provides the
29 | argument data.</li>
30 | <li>The <codeph>behaviour</codeph> attribute defines which processing action is used.</li>
31 | </ul>
32 | <p>Supported values for <codeph>behavior</codeph> attribute:</p>
33 | <dl>
34 | <dlentry>
35 | <dt><codeph>org.dita.dost.platform.CheckTranstypeAction</codeph></dt>
36 | <dd>Create Ant condition elements to check if <codeph>${transtype}</codeph> property value
37 | equals a supported transtype value.</dd>
38 | </dlentry>
39 | <dlentry>
40 | <dt><codeph>org.dita.dost.platform.ImportAntLibAction</codeph></dt>
41 | <dd>Create Ant <codeph>pathelement</codeph> elements for <xref href="plugin-javalib.dita"
42 | format="dita">library imported extension point</xref>. The <codeph>id</codeph>
43 | attribute is used to define the extension point ID.</dd>
44 | </dlentry>
45 | <dlentry>
46 | <dt><codeph>org.dita.dost.platform.ImportPluginCatalogAction</codeph></dt>
47 | <dd>Include plug-in metadata catalog content.</dd>
48 | </dlentry>
49 | <dlentry>
50 | <dt><codeph>org.dita.dost.platform.ImportPluginInfoAction</codeph></dt>
51 | <dd>Create plug-in metadata Ant properties.</dd>
52 | </dlentry>
53 | <dlentry>
54 | <dt><codeph>org.dita.dost.platform.ImportStringsAction</codeph></dt>
55 | <dd>Include plug-in string file content base on <xref href="plugin-addgeneratedtext.dita"
56 | format="dita">generated text extension point</xref>. The <codeph>id</codeph> attribute
57 | is used to define the extension point ID.</dd>
58 | </dlentry>
59 | <dlentry>
60 | <dt><codeph>org.dita.dost.platform.ImportXSLAction</codeph></dt>
61 | <dd>Create <codeph>xsl:import</codeph> elements based on <xref
62 | href="plugin-overridestyle.dita">XSLT import extension point</xref>. The
63 | <codeph>id</codeph> attribute is used to define the extension point ID.</dd>
64 | </dlentry>
65 | <dlentry>
66 | <dt><codeph>org.dita.dost.platform.InsertAction</codeph></dt>
67 | <dd>Include plug-in conductor content based on <xref href="plugin-anttarget.dita"
68 | format="dita">Ant import extension point</xref>. The <codeph>id</codeph> attribute is
69 | used to define the extension point ID.</dd>
70 | </dlentry>
71 | <dlentry>
72 | <dt><codeph>org.dita.dost.platform.InsertAntActionRelative</codeph></dt>
73 | <dd>Include plug-in conductor content based on <xref href="plugin-anttarget.dita"
74 | format="dita">relative Ant import extension point</xref>. The <codeph>id</codeph>
75 | attribute is used to define the extension point ID.</dd>
76 | </dlentry>
77 | <dlentry>
78 | <dt><codeph>org.dita.dost.platform.InsertCatalogActionRelative</codeph></dt>
79 | <dd>Include plug-in catalog content based on <xref href="plugin-xmlcatalog.dita"
80 | format="dita">catalog import extension point</xref>. The <codeph>id</codeph> attribute
81 | is used to define the extension point ID.</dd>
82 | </dlentry>
83 | <dlentry>
84 | <dt><codeph>org.dita.dost.platform.ListTranstypeAction</codeph></dt>
85 | <dd>Create a pipe delimited list of supported transtypes.</dd>
86 | </dlentry>
87 | </dl>
88 | </section>
89 | <section id="section_vfc_gvw_mg">
90 | <title><codeph>dita:extension</codeph> attribute</title>
91 | <p>The <codeph>dita:extension</codeph> attribute is used to process attributes in elements
92 | which are not in template extension namespace. The value of the attribute is a space
93 | delimited tuple, where the first item is the name of the attribute to process and the second
94 | item is the action ID.</p>
95 | <p>Supported values:</p>
96 | <dl>
97 | <dlentry>
98 | <dt><codeph>depends org.dita.dost.platform.InsertDependsAction</codeph></dt>
99 | <dd>Ant target dependency list is processed to replace all target names which start with
100 | an open curly bracket and end with a close curly bracket. The value of the extension
101 | point is the ID between the curly brackets.</dd>
102 | </dlentry>
103 | </dl>
104 | </section>
105 | <example><title>Example</title><p>The following plug-in defines
106 | <filepath>myBuildFile_template.xml</filepath> as a new template for extensions, and two
107 | new extension points.</p><?Pub Caret -1?><codeblock><plugin id="com.example.new-extensions">
108 | <extension-point id="com.example.new-extensions.pre"
109 | name="Custom target preprocess"/>
110 | <extension-point id="com.example.new-extensions.content"
111 | name="Custom target content"/>
112 | <template file="myBuildFile_template.xml"/>
113 | </plugin></codeblock>
114 | <p>When the integrator runs, this will be used to recreate
115 | <filepath>myBuildFile.xml</filepath>, replacing Ant file content based on extension point
116 | use.</p>
117 | <codeblock><project xmlns:dita="http://dita-ot.sourceforge.net">
118 | <target name="dita2custom"
119 | depends="dita2custom.init,
120 | {com.example.new-extensions.pre},
121 | dita2xhtml"
122 | dita:extension="depends org.dita.dost.platform.InsertDependsAction">
123 | <dita:extension id="com.example.new-extensions.content"
124 | behaviour="org.dita.dost.platform.InsertAction"/>
125 | <target>
126 | </project></codeblock></example>
127 | </refbody>
128 | </reference>
129 | <?Pub *0000001608?>