1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN"
3 | "reference.dtd">
4 | <reference id="preprocess-content-changes" rev="1.8" xml:lang="en-us">
5 | <title>Content changes that occur during pre-processing</title>
6 | <shortdesc>Pre-processing introduces changes to the DITA content that you might want to be aware
7 | of if you work with the temporary files. While some steps, such as conref resolution, change the
8 | DITA content in a way that is expected and mandated by the DITA specification, other steps
9 | result in temporary output that does not comply with the DITA standard. In addition, if you are
10 | using a restrictive specialization, the pre-processing steps might introduce content that is not
11 | permitted by the content model of the specialization.</shortdesc>
12 | <prolog>
13 | <author type="creator">Robert D. Anderson</author>
14 | <author type="contributor">Kristen James Eberlein</author>
15 | <copyright>
16 | <copyryear year="2013"/>
17 | <copyrholder>DITA Open Toolkit </copyrholder>
18 | </copyright>
19 | <critdates>
20 | <created date="2013-03-29"/>
21 | </critdates>
22 | </prolog>
23 | <refbody>
24 | <section><title>Changes that do not comply with the DITA standard</title><p>The DITA-OT makes certain changes to documents during the pre-processing operation, in order to
25 | simplify or optimize later stages in the processing chain. These changes result in temporary
26 | files that do not comply with the DITA standard.<draft-comment author="Kristen Eberlein"
27 | time="29 March 2013">Robert, I don't think that the first two items are correctly phrased.
28 | I couldn't manage to generate either the image or mapclass attributes in my intermediate
29 | files ...</draft-comment><dl>
30 | <dlentry>
31 | <dt>Image attributes</dt>
32 | <dd>If the document contains images, the DITA-OT adds @dita-ot:image-width and
33 | @dita-ot:image-height attributes to the <image> elements. These attributes enable
34 | scaling when the images are finally rendered.</dd>
35 | </dlentry>
36 | <dlentry>
37 | <dt>@mapclass attribute on generated links</dt>
38 | <dd>When links are generated based on information in the DITA map, a @mapclass attribute
39 | is added to the <link> element that indicates the class of the <topicref>
40 | element used to create the map. This attribute can be used to sort links or filter how
41 | links are displayed in output.</dd>
42 | </dlentry>
43 | <dlentry>
44 | <dt>Flagging</dt>
45 | <dd>The flagging stage of the pre-processing operation creates pseudo-specializations of
46 | the <foreign> element which contain flagging information. Flagging some elements,
47 | such as <topic> and <row>, results in markup where the pseudo-specialization of
48 | the <foreign> element is the first and last child of the element. </dd>
49 | </dlentry>
50 | </dl></p></section>
51 | <section><title>Changes that might not comply with restrictive specializations</title><p>Some changes made during the pre-processing operation might not comply with restrictive
52 | specialization. Most of these changes are listed here, athough the list is not exhaustive.
53 | If you develop an output transformation for a restrictive specialization, you should be
54 | aware of these changes. If necessary, you can customize the pre-processing operation to
55 | avoid these changes.<dl>
56 | <dlentry>
57 | <dt>Related links</dt>
58 | <dd>The maplink step of the pre-processing operation generates contextual links based on
59 | the maps, for example, next and previous links; this step uses the <related-links>
60 | element to contain the contextual links. This can cause unexpected output if a
61 | specialized document type has removed the <related-links> element.</dd>
62 | </dlentry>
63 | <dlentry>
64 | <dt>Cascade of map metadata</dt>
65 | <dd>When metadata is specified in a map, it generally cascades to nested <topicref>
66 | elements and the referenced topics. If the map contains specialized metadata elements
67 | or attributes, the metadata might cascade to <topicref> elements or topic
68 | <prolog> elements that are not intended to have the metadata. If a topic document
69 | type has been specialized to disallow metadata, metadata specified in the map might
70 | nonetheless cascade into the topic <prolog> element.</dd>
71 | </dlentry>
72 | <dlentry>
73 | <dt>Title text in links</dt>
74 | <dd> By default, links or cross references without link text are updated to include link
75 | text. The link text is generally generated by using the title of the referenced topic.
76 | This can cause unexpected output if cross references or links have been specialized
77 | and the specialized content model does not allow text.</dd>
78 | </dlentry>
79 | <dlentry>
80 | <dt>@xtrf and @xtrc elements</dt>
81 | <dd>The pre-processing operation adds these two attributes to every element, in order to
82 | provide trace-back information in case of errors. These attributes are added even for
83 | specializations that forgot to define these attributes.</dd>
84 | </dlentry>
85 | </dl></p></section>
86 | <section><title>Changes or files that are not intended to comply with existing document types</title><p>Some processes in the toolkit are not designed to produce documents that comply fully with a DITA
87 | DTD or XSD.<dl>
88 | <dlentry>
89 | <dt>Topic merge</dt>
90 | <dd>The topicmerge process is used by the PDF, ODT, and RTF transformations to produce a
91 | single document that contains all of the content that is referenced by the master map.
92 | This file is not DITA and is specific to the DITA-OT. Its purpose is to simplify
93 | processing for output transformations that result in a single document.</dd>
94 | </dlentry>
95 | <dlentry>
96 | <dt>Chunking</dt>
97 | <dd>When the @chunk attribute is used in a map, DITA documents might be split or merged
98 | in a way that does not comply with any existing document type. For example, merging
99 | documents might result in a topic that nests concept, task, and specialized
100 | troubleshooting topics, even if no existing DTD or Schema permits that combination in
101 | a document.</dd>
102 | </dlentry>
103 | </dl>
104 | </p></section>
105 | </refbody>
106 | </reference>