1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN"
3 | "concept.dtd">
4 | <concept id="preprocess-mappull" xml:lang="en-us">
5 | <title>Pull content into maps (mappull)</title>
6 | <shortdesc>The <codeph>mappull</codeph> step pulls content from referenced topics into maps, and
7 | then cascades data within maps. This step is implemented in XSLT.</shortdesc>
8 | <conbody>
9 | <section><p>The <codeph>mappull</codeph> step makes the following changes to the DITA map:<ul>
10 | <li>Titles are pulled from referenced DITA topics. Unless the @locktitle attribute is set to "yes",
11 | the pulled titles replace the navigation titles specified on the <topicref> elements.</li>
12 | <li>The <linktext> element is set based on the title of the referenced topic, unless it is
13 | already specified locally.</li>
14 | <li>The <shortdesc> element is set based on the short description of the referenced topic, unless
15 | it is already specified locally.</li>
16 | <li>The @type attribute is set on <topicref> elements that reference local DITA topics. The value
17 | of the @type attribute is set to value of the root element of the topic; for example, a
18 | <topicref> element that references a task topic is given a @type attribute set to "task"".</li>
19 | <li>Attributes that cascade, such as @toc and print, are made explicit on any child <topicref
20 | >elements. This allows future steps to work with the attributes directly, without reevaluating the
21 | cascading behavior.</li>
22 | </ul></p></section>
23 | </conbody>
24 | </concept>