1 | project('dxvk', ['c', 'cpp'], version : 'v2.3.1', meson_version : '>= 0.58', default_options : [ 'cpp_std=c++17', 'warning_level=2' ])
2 |
3 | cpu_family = target_machine.cpu_family()
4 | platform = target_machine.system()
5 | fs = import('fs')
6 |
7 | cpp = meson.get_compiler('cpp')
8 | cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
9 | dxvk_is_msvc = cpp.get_argument_syntax() == 'msvc'
10 |
11 | compiler_args = [
12 | '-msse',
13 | '-msse2',
14 | '-msse3',
15 | '-mfpmath=sse',
16 | '-Wimplicit-fallthrough',
17 | # gcc
18 | '-Wno-missing-field-initializers',
19 | '-Wno-unused-parameter',
20 | '-Wno-cast-function-type', # Needed for GetProcAddress.
21 | # clang
22 | '-Wno-unused-private-field',
23 | '-Wno-microsoft-exception-spec',
24 | '-Wno-extern-c-compat',
25 | '-Wno-unused-const-variable',
26 | '-Wno-missing-braces',
27 | ]
28 |
29 | link_args = []
30 |
31 | if get_option('build_id')
32 | link_args += [
33 | '-Wl,--build-id',
34 | ]
35 | endif
36 |
37 | dxvk_include_dirs = ['./include']
38 | if fs.is_dir('./include/vulkan/include')
39 | dxvk_include_dirs += ['./include/vulkan/include']
40 | elif not cpp.check_header('vulkan/vulkan.h')
41 | error('Missing Vulkan-Headers')
42 | endif
43 | if fs.is_dir('./include/spirv/include')
44 | dxvk_include_dirs += ['./include/spirv/include']
45 | elif not cpp.check_header('spirv/unified1/spirv.hpp')
46 | error('Missing SPIRV-Headers')
47 | endif
48 |
49 | dep_displayinfo = dependency(
50 | 'libdisplay-info',
51 | version: ['>= 0.0.0', '< 0.2.0'],
52 | fallback: ['libdisplay-info', 'di_dep'],
53 | default_options: ['default_library=static'],
54 | )
55 |
56 | if platform == 'windows'
57 | compiler_args += [
58 | '-DNOMINMAX',
59 | '-D_WIN32_WINNT=0xa00',
60 | ]
61 |
62 | if not dxvk_is_msvc
63 | link_args += [
64 | '-static',
65 | '-static-libgcc',
66 | '-static-libstdc++',
67 | # We need to set the section alignment for debug symbols to
68 | # work properly as well as avoiding a memcpy from the Wine loader.
69 | '-Wl,--file-alignment=4096',
70 | ]
71 |
72 | # Wine's built-in back traces only work with dwarf4 symbols
73 | if get_option('debug')
74 | compiler_args += [
75 | '-gdwarf-4',
76 | ]
77 | endif
78 |
79 | # Enable stdcall fixup on 32-bit
80 | if cpu_family == 'x86'
81 | link_args += [
82 | '-Wl,--enable-stdcall-fixup',
83 | '-Wl,--kill-at',
84 | ]
85 | endif
86 | else
87 | link_args += [
88 | '/FILEALIGN:4096',
89 | ]
90 | endif
91 |
92 | lib_d3d9 = cpp.find_library('d3d9')
93 | lib_d3d11 = cpp.find_library('d3d11')
94 | lib_dxgi = cpp.find_library('dxgi')
95 |
96 | if dxvk_is_msvc
97 | lib_d3dcompiler_47 = cpp.find_library('d3dcompiler')
98 | else
99 | lib_d3dcompiler_47 = cpp.find_library('d3dcompiler_47')
100 | endif
101 |
102 | if dxvk_is_msvc
103 | res_ext = '.res'
104 | wrc = find_program('rc')
105 | wrc_generator = generator(wrc,
106 | output : [ '@BASENAME@' + res_ext ],
107 | arguments : [ '/fo', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@' ],
108 | )
109 | else
110 | res_ext = '.o'
111 | wrc = find_program('windres')
112 | wrc_generator = generator(wrc,
113 | output : [ '@BASENAME@' + res_ext ],
114 | arguments : [ '-i', '@INPUT@', '-o', '@OUTPUT@' ],
115 | )
116 | endif
117 |
118 | dxvk_wsi = 'win32'
119 | dxvk_name_prefix = ''
120 | compiler_args += ['-DDXVK_WSI_WIN32']
121 | else
122 | wrc = find_program('touch')
123 | wrc_generator = generator(wrc, output : [ '@BASENAME@_ignored.h' ], arguments : [ '@OUTPUT@' ] )
124 |
125 | dxvk_include_dirs += [
126 | './include/native',
127 | './include/native/windows',
128 | './include/native/directx'
129 | ]
130 |
131 | dxvk_wsi = get_option('dxvk_native_wsi')
132 |
133 | if dxvk_wsi == 'sdl2'
134 | lib_sdl2 = cpp.find_library('SDL2')
135 | compiler_args += ['-DDXVK_WSI_SDL2']
136 | elif dxvk_wsi == 'glfw'
137 | lib_glfw = cpp.find_library('glfw')
138 | compiler_args += ['-DDXVK_WSI_GLFW']
139 | endif
140 |
141 | dxvk_name_prefix = 'libdxvk_'
142 |
143 | link_args += [
144 | '-static-libgcc',
145 | '-static-libstdc++',
146 | ]
147 | endif
148 |
149 | dxvk_include_path = include_directories(dxvk_include_dirs)
150 |
151 | add_project_arguments(cpp.get_supported_arguments(compiler_args), language: 'cpp')
152 | add_project_arguments(cc.get_supported_arguments(compiler_args), language: 'c')
153 | add_project_link_arguments(cpp.get_supported_link_arguments(link_args), language: 'cpp')
154 | add_project_link_arguments(cc.get_supported_link_arguments(link_args), language: 'c')
155 |
156 | exe_ext = ''
157 | dll_ext = ''
158 | def_spec_ext = '.def'
159 |
160 | glsl_compiler = find_program('glslang', 'glslangValidator')
161 | glsl_args = [
162 | '--quiet',
163 | '--target-env', 'vulkan1.2',
164 | '--vn', '@BASENAME@',
165 | '--depfile', '@DEPFILE@',
166 | '@INPUT@',
167 | '-o', '@OUTPUT@',
168 | ]
169 | glsl_generator = generator(
170 | glsl_compiler,
171 | output : [ '@[email protected]' ],
172 | depfile : '@[email protected]',
173 | arguments : glsl_args,
174 | )
175 |
176 | dxvk_version = vcs_tag(
177 | command: ['git', 'describe', '--dirty=+'],
178 | input: 'version.h.in',
179 | output: 'version.h',
180 | )
181 |
182 | subdir('src')