1 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 | #include <windows.h>
3 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 | // Important note about DLL memory management when your DLL uses the
5 | // static version of the RunTime Library:
6 | //
7 | // If your DLL exports any functions that pass String objects (or structs/
8 | // classes containing nested Strings) as parameter or function results,
9 | // you will need to add the library MEMMGR.LIB to both the DLL project and
10 | // any other projects that use the DLL. You will also need to use MEMMGR.LIB
11 | // if any other projects which use the DLL will be performing new or delete
12 | // operations on any non-TObject-derived classes which are exported from the
13 | // DLL. Adding MEMMGR.LIB to your project will change the DLL and its calling
14 | // EXE's to use the BORLNDMM.DLL as their memory manager. In these cases,
15 | // the file BORLNDMM.DLL should be deployed along with your DLL.
16 | //
17 | // To avoid using BORLNDMM.DLL, pass string information using "char *" or
18 | // ShortString parameters.
19 | //
20 | // If your DLL uses the dynamic version of the RTL, you do not need to
21 | // explicitly add MEMMGR.LIB as this will be done implicitly for you
22 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 |
24 | int WINAPI DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE, unsigned long, void*)
25 | {
26 | return 1;
27 | }
28 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 |