1 | Copyright (c) 2017 Glenn Randers-Pehrson
2 |
3 | This code is released under the libpng license.
4 | For conditions of distribution and use, see the disclaimer
5 | and license in png.h
6 |
7 | Files in this directory are used by the oss-fuzz project
8 | (https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/tree/master/projects/libpng).
9 | for "fuzzing" libpng.
10 |
11 | They were licensed by Google Inc, using the BSD-like Chromium license,
12 | which may be found at https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/LICENSE, or, if
13 | noted in the source, under the Apache-2.0 license, which may
14 | be found at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
15 | If they have been modified, the derivatives are copyright Glenn Randers-Pehrson
16 | and are released under the same licenses as the originals. Several of
17 | the original files (libpng_read_fuzzer.options, png.dict, project.yaml)
18 | had no licensing information; we assumed that these were under the Chromium
19 | license. Any new files are released under the libpng license (see png.h).
20 |
21 | The files are
22 | Original
23 | Filename or derived Copyright License
24 | ========================= ========== ================ ==========
25 | Dockerfile* derived 2017, Glenn R-P Apache 2.0
26 | build.sh derived 2017, Glenn R-P Apache 2.0
27 | libpng_read_fuzzer.cc derived 2017, Glenn R-P Chromium
28 | libpng_read_fuzzer.options original 2015, Chrome Devs Chromium
29 | png.dict original 2015, Chrome Devs Chromium
30 | README.txt (this file) original 2017, Glenn R-P libpng
31 |
32 | * Dockerfile is a copy of the file used by oss-fuzz. build.sh,
33 | png.dict and libpng_read_fuzzer.* are the actual files used by oss-fuzz,
34 | which retrieves them from the libpng repository at Github.
35 |
36 | To do: exercise the progressive reader and the png encoder.