1 | /********************************************************************************/
2 | /* */
3 | /* Storage Functions */
4 | /* Written by Ken Goldman */
5 | /* IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center */
6 | /* $Id: tpm_storage.c 4442 2011-02-14 20:20:01Z kgoldman $ */
7 | /* */
8 | /* (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2006, 2010. */
9 | /* */
10 | /* All rights reserved. */
11 | /* */
12 | /* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without */
13 | /* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are */
14 | /* met: */
15 | /* */
16 | /* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, */
17 | /* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. */
18 | /* */
19 | /* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright */
20 | /* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the */
21 | /* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. */
22 | /* */
23 | /* Neither the names of the IBM Corporation nor the names of its */
24 | /* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from */
25 | /* this software without specific prior written permission. */
26 | /* */
38 | /********************************************************************************/
39 |
40 | #include <stdio.h>
41 | #include <stdlib.h>
42 | #include <string.h>
43 |
44 | #include "tpm_auth.h"
45 | #include "tpm_cryptoh.h"
46 | #include "tpm_crypto.h"
47 | #include "tpm_debug.h"
48 | #include "tpm_digest.h"
49 | #include "tpm_error.h"
50 | #include "tpm_io.h"
51 | #include "tpm_key.h"
52 | #include "tpm_memory.h"
53 | #include "tpm_nonce.h"
54 | #include "tpm_pcr.h"
55 | #include "tpm_process.h"
56 | #include "tpm_secret.h"
57 | #include "tpm_structures.h"
58 | #include "tpm_ver.h"
59 |
60 | #include "tpm_storage.h"
61 |
62 | /* local function prototypes */
63 |
64 | static TPM_RESULT TPM_SealCryptCommon(BYTE **o1,
65 | TPM_ADIP_ENC_SCHEME adipEncScheme,
66 | TPM_SIZED_BUFFER *inData,
67 | TPM_AUTH_SESSION_DATA *auth_session_data,
68 | TPM_NONCE nonceOdd);
69 |
70 | static TPM_RESULT TPM_LoadKeyCommon(TPM_KEY_HANDLE *inKeyHandle,
71 | TPM_BOOL *key_added,
72 | TPM_SECRET **hmacKey,
73 | TPM_AUTH_SESSION_DATA **auth_session_data,
74 | tpm_state_t *tpm_state,
75 | TPM_TAG tag,
76 | TPM_COMMAND_CODE ordinal,
77 | TPM_KEY_HANDLE parentHandle,
78 | TPM_KEY *inKey,
79 | TPM_DIGEST inParamDigest,
80 | TPM_AUTHHANDLE authHandle,
81 | TPM_NONCE nonceOdd,
82 | TPM_BOOL continueAuthSession,
83 | TPM_AUTHDATA parentAuth);
84 |
85 | /*
87 | */
88 |
89 | /* TPM_BoundData_Init()
90 |
91 | sets members to default values
92 | sets all pointers to NULL and sizes to 0
93 | always succeeds - no return code
94 | */
95 |
96 | void TPM_BoundData_Init(TPM_BOUND_DATA *tpm_bound_data)
97 | {
98 | printf(" TPM_BoundData_Init:\n");
99 | TPM_StructVer_Init(&(tpm_bound_data->ver));
100 | tpm_bound_data->payload = TPM_PT_BIND;
101 | tpm_bound_data->payloadDataSize = 0;
102 | tpm_bound_data->payloadData = NULL;
103 | return;
104 | }
105 |
106 | /* TPM_BoundData_Load()
107 |
108 | deserialize the structure from a 'stream'
109 | 'stream_size' is checked for sufficient data
110 | returns 0 or error codes
111 |
112 | Before use, call TPM_BoundData_Init()
113 | After use, call TPM_BoundData_Delete() to free memory
114 | */
115 |
116 | TPM_RESULT TPM_BoundData_Load(TPM_BOUND_DATA *tpm_bound_data,
117 | unsigned char **stream,
118 | uint32_t *stream_size)
119 | {
120 | TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
121 |
122 | printf(" TPM_BoundData_Load:\n");
123 | if (rc == 0) {
124 | rc = TPM_StructVer_Load(&(tpm_bound_data->ver), stream, stream_size);
125 | }
126 | /* check ver immediately to ease debugging */
127 | if (rc == 0) {
128 | rc = TPM_StructVer_CheckVer(&(tpm_bound_data->ver));
129 | }
130 | if (rc == 0) {
131 | rc = TPM_Load8(&(tpm_bound_data->payload), stream, stream_size);
132 | }
133 | if ((rc == 0) && (*stream_size > 0)){
134 | /* There is no payloadData size in the serialized data. Assume it consumes the rest of the
135 | stream */
136 | tpm_bound_data->payloadDataSize = *stream_size;
137 | rc = TPM_Malloc(&(tpm_bound_data->payloadData), tpm_bound_data->payloadDataSize);
138 | }
139 | if ((rc == 0) && (*stream_size > 0)){
140 | memcpy(tpm_bound_data->payloadData, *stream, tpm_bound_data->payloadDataSize);
141 | *stream += tpm_bound_data->payloadDataSize;
142 | *stream_size -= tpm_bound_data->payloadDataSize;
143 | }
144 | return rc;
145 | }
146 |
147 | #if 0
148 | /* TPM_BoundData_Store()
149 |
150 | serialize the structure to a stream contained in 'sbuffer'
151 | returns 0 or error codes
152 |
153 | This structure serialization assumes that the payloadDataSize member indicates the size of
154 | payloadData.
155 | */
156 |
157 | TPM_RESULT TPM_BoundData_Store(TPM_STORE_BUFFER *sbuffer,
158 | const TPM_BOUND_DATA *tpm_bound_data)
159 | {
160 | TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
161 |
162 | printf(" TPM_BoundData_Store:\n");
163 | if (rc == 0) {
164 | rc = TPM_StructVer_Store(sbuffer, &(tpm_bound_data->ver));
165 | }
166 | if (rc == 0) {
167 | rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append(sbuffer, &(tpm_bound_data->payload), sizeof(TPM_PAYLOAD_TYPE));
168 | }
169 | if (rc == 0) {
170 | rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append(sbuffer, tpm_bound_data->payloadData,
171 | tpm_bound_data->payloadDataSize);
172 | }
173 | return rc;
174 | }
175 | #endif
176 |
177 | /* TPM_BoundData_Delete()
178 |
179 | No-OP if the parameter is NULL, else:
180 | frees memory allocated for the bound_data
181 | sets pointers to NULL
182 | calls TPM_BoundData_Init to set members back to default values
183 | The bound_data itself is not freed
184 | */
185 |
186 | void TPM_BoundData_Delete(TPM_BOUND_DATA *tpm_bound_data)
187 | {
188 | printf(" TPM_BoundData_Delete:\n");
189 | if (tpm_bound_data != NULL) {
190 | free(tpm_bound_data->payloadData);
191 | TPM_BoundData_Init(tpm_bound_data);
192 | }
193 | return;
194 | }
195 |
196 | /*
198 | */
199 |
200 | /* TPM_SealedData_Init()
201 |
202 | sets members to default values
203 | sets all pointers to NULL and sizes to 0
204 | always succeeds - no return code
205 | */
206 |
207 | void TPM_SealedData_Init(TPM_SEALED_DATA *tpm_sealed_data)
208 | {
209 | printf(" TPM_SealedData_Init:\n");
210 | tpm_sealed_data->payload = TPM_PT_SEAL;
211 | TPM_Secret_Init(tpm_sealed_data->authData);
212 | TPM_Secret_Init(tpm_sealed_data->tpmProof);
213 | TPM_Digest_Init(tpm_sealed_data->storedDigest);
214 | TPM_SizedBuffer_Init(&(tpm_sealed_data->data));
215 | return;
216 | }
217 |
218 | /* TPM_SealedData_Load()
219 |
220 | deserialize the structure from a 'stream'
221 | 'stream_size' is checked for sufficient data
222 | returns 0 or error codes
223 |
224 | Before use, call TPM_SealedData_Init()
225 | After use, call TPM_SealedData_Delete() to free memory
226 | */
227 |
228 | TPM_RESULT TPM_SealedData_Load(TPM_SEALED_DATA *tpm_sealed_data,
229 | unsigned char **stream,
230 | uint32_t *stream_size)
231 | {
232 | TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
233 |
234 | printf(" TPM_SealedData_Load:\n");
235 | /* load payload */
236 | if (rc == 0) {
237 | rc = TPM_Load8(&(tpm_sealed_data->payload), stream, stream_size);
238 | }
239 | /* load authData */
240 | if (rc == 0) {
241 | rc = TPM_Secret_Load(tpm_sealed_data->authData, stream, stream_size);
242 | }
243 | /* load tpmProof */
244 | if (rc == 0) {
245 | rc = TPM_Secret_Load(tpm_sealed_data->tpmProof, stream, stream_size);
246 | }
247 | /* load storedDigest */
248 | if (rc == 0) {
249 | rc = TPM_Digest_Load(tpm_sealed_data->storedDigest, stream, stream_size);
250 | }
251 | /* load dataSize and data */
252 | if (rc == 0) {
253 | rc = TPM_SizedBuffer_Load(&(tpm_sealed_data->data), stream, stream_size);
254 | }
255 | return rc;
256 | }
257 |
258 | /* TPM_SealedData_Store()
259 |
260 | serialize the structure to a stream contained in 'sbuffer'
261 | returns 0 or error codes
262 | */
263 |
264 | TPM_RESULT TPM_SealedData_Store(TPM_STORE_BUFFER *sbuffer,
265 | const TPM_SEALED_DATA *tpm_sealed_data)
266 | {
267 | TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
268 | printf(" TPM_SealedData_Store:\n");
269 | /* store payload */
270 | if (rc == 0) {
271 | rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append(sbuffer, &(tpm_sealed_data->payload), sizeof(TPM_PAYLOAD_TYPE));
272 | }
273 | /* store authData */
274 | if (rc == 0) {
275 | rc = TPM_Secret_Store(sbuffer, tpm_sealed_data->authData);
276 | }
277 | /* store tpmProof */
278 | if (rc == 0) {
279 | rc = TPM_Secret_Store(sbuffer, tpm_sealed_data->tpmProof);
280 | }
281 | /* store storedDigest */
282 | if (rc == 0) {
283 | rc = TPM_Digest_Store(sbuffer, tpm_sealed_data->storedDigest);
284 | }
285 | /* store dataSize and data */
286 | if (rc == 0) {
287 | rc = TPM_SizedBuffer_Store(sbuffer, &(tpm_sealed_data->data));
288 | }
289 | return rc;
290 | }
291 |
292 | /* TPM_SealedData_Delete()
293 |
294 | No-OP if the parameter is NULL, else:
295 | frees memory allocated for the object
296 | sets pointers to NULL
297 | calls TPM_SealedData_Init to set members back to default values
298 | The object itself is not freed
299 | */
300 |
301 | void TPM_SealedData_Delete(TPM_SEALED_DATA *tpm_sealed_data)
302 | {
303 | printf(" TPM_SealedData_Delete:\n");
304 | if (tpm_sealed_data != NULL) {
305 | TPM_SizedBuffer_Delete(&(tpm_sealed_data->data));
306 | TPM_SealedData_Init(tpm_sealed_data);
307 | }
308 | return;
309 | }
310 |
311 | /* TPM_SealedData_GenerateEncData() generates an enc_data structure by serializing the
312 | TPM_SEALED_DATA structure and encrypting the result using the public key.
313 | */
314 |
315 | TPM_RESULT TPM_SealedData_GenerateEncData(TPM_SIZED_BUFFER *enc_data,
316 | const TPM_SEALED_DATA *tpm_sealed_data,
317 | TPM_KEY *tpm_key)
318 | {
319 | TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
320 | TPM_STORE_BUFFER sbuffer; /* TPM_SEALED_DATA serialization */
321 |
322 | printf(" TPM_SealedData_GenerateEncData\n");
323 | TPM_Sbuffer_Init(&sbuffer); /* freed @1 */
324 | /* serialize the TPM_SEALED_DATA */
325 | if (rc == 0) {
326 | rc = TPM_SealedData_Store(&sbuffer, tpm_sealed_data);
327 | }
328 | /* encrypt the TPM_SEALED_DATA serialization buffer with the public key, and place
329 | the result in the encData members */
330 | if (rc == 0) {
331 | rc = TPM_RSAPublicEncryptSbuffer_Key(enc_data, &sbuffer, tpm_key);
332 | }
333 | TPM_Sbuffer_Delete(&sbuffer); /* @1 */
334 | return rc;
335 | }
336 |
337 | /* TPM_SealedData_DecryptEncData() decrypts the enc_data using the private key. The
338 | result is deserialized and stored in the TPM_SEALED_DATA structure.
339 |
340 | */
341 |
342 | TPM_RESULT TPM_SealedData_DecryptEncData(TPM_SEALED_DATA *tpm_sealed_data, /* result */
343 | TPM_SIZED_BUFFER *enc_data, /* encrypted input */
344 | TPM_KEY *tpm_key) /* key for decrypting */
345 | {
346 | TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
347 | unsigned char *decryptData = NULL; /* freed @1 */
348 | uint32_t decryptDataLength = 0; /* actual valid data */
349 | unsigned char *stream;
350 | uint32_t stream_size;
351 |
352 | printf(" TPM_SealedData_DecryptEncData:\n");
353 | /* allocate space for the decrypted data */
354 | if (rc == 0) {
355 | rc = TPM_RSAPrivateDecryptMalloc(&decryptData, /* decrypted data */
356 | &decryptDataLength, /* actual size of decrypted data */
357 | enc_data->buffer, /* encrypted data */
358 | enc_data->size, /* encrypted data size */
359 | tpm_key);
360 | }
361 | /* load the TPM_SEALED_DATA structure from the decrypted data stream */
362 | if (rc == 0) {
363 | /* use temporary variables, because TPM_SealedData_Load() moves the stream */
364 | stream = decryptData;
365 | stream_size = decryptDataLength;
366 | rc = TPM_SealedData_Load(tpm_sealed_data, &stream, &stream_size);
367 | }
368 | free(decryptData); /* @1 */
369 | return rc;
370 | }
371 |
372 |
373 | /*
375 | */
376 |
377 | /* TPM_StoredData_Init()
378 |
379 | sets members to default values
380 | sets all pointers to NULL and sizes to 0
381 | always succeeds - no return code
382 | */
383 |
384 | void TPM_StoredData_Init(TPM_STORED_DATA *tpm_stored_data,
385 | unsigned int version)
386 | {
387 | printf(" TPM_StoredData_Init: v%u\n", version);
388 | if (version == 1) {
389 | TPM_StructVer_Init(&(tpm_stored_data->ver));
390 | }
391 | else {
392 | ((TPM_STORED_DATA12 *)tpm_stored_data)->tag = TPM_TAG_STORED_DATA12;
393 | ((TPM_STORED_DATA12 *)tpm_stored_data)->et = 0x0000;
394 | }
395 | TPM_SizedBuffer_Init(&(tpm_stored_data->sealInfo));
396 | TPM_SizedBuffer_Init(&(tpm_stored_data->encData));
397 | tpm_stored_data->tpm_seal_info = NULL;
398 | return;
399 | }
400 |
401 | /* TPM_StoredData_Load()
402 |
403 | deserialize the structure from a 'stream'
404 | 'stream_size' is checked for sufficient data
405 | returns 0 or error codes
406 |
407 | Before use, call TPM_StoredData_Init()
408 | After use, call TPM_StoredData_Delete() to free memory
409 |
410 | This function handles both TPM_STORED_DATA and TPM_STORED_DATA12 and returns the 'version'.
411 | */
412 |
413 | TPM_RESULT TPM_StoredData_Load(TPM_STORED_DATA *tpm_stored_data,
414 | unsigned int *version,
415 | unsigned char **stream,
416 | uint32_t *stream_size)
417 | {
418 | TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
419 |
420 | /* Peek at the first byte to guess the version number. The data is verified later.
421 | TPM_STORED_DATA is 01,01,00,00 TPM_STORED_DATA12 is 00,16,00,00 */
422 | if ((rc == 0) && (*stream_size > 0)) {
423 | if (**stream == 0x01) {
424 | *version = 1;
425 | }
426 | else {
427 | *version = 2;
428 | }
429 | printf(" TPM_StoredData_Load: v%u\n", *version);
430 | }
431 | /* 1.1 load ver */
432 | if ((rc == 0) && (*version == 1)) {
433 | rc = TPM_StructVer_Load(&(tpm_stored_data->ver), stream, stream_size);
434 | }
435 | /* 1.2 load tag */
436 | if ((rc == 0) && (*version != 1)) {
437 | rc = TPM_Load16(&(((TPM_STORED_DATA12 *)tpm_stored_data)->tag), stream, stream_size);
438 | }
439 | /* 1.2 load et */
440 | if ((rc == 0) && (*version != 1)) {
441 | rc = TPM_Load16(&(((TPM_STORED_DATA12 *)tpm_stored_data)->et), stream, stream_size);
442 | }
443 | /* check the TPM_STORED_DATA structure version */
444 | if ((rc == 0) && (*version == 1)) {
445 | rc = TPM_StructVer_CheckVer(&(tpm_stored_data->ver));
446 | }
447 | /* check the TPM_STORED_DATA12 structure tag */
448 | if ((rc == 0) && (*version != 1)) {
449 | rc = TPM_StoredData_CheckTag((TPM_STORED_DATA12 *)tpm_stored_data);
450 | }
451 | /* load sealInfoSize and sealInfo */
452 | if (rc == 0) {
453 | rc = TPM_SizedBuffer_Load(&(tpm_stored_data->sealInfo), stream, stream_size);
454 | }
455 | /* load the TPM_PCR_INFO or TPM_PCR_INFO_LONG cache */
456 | if (rc == 0) {
457 | if (*version == 1) {
458 | rc = TPM_PCRInfo_CreateFromBuffer(&(tpm_stored_data->tpm_seal_info),
459 | &(tpm_stored_data->sealInfo));
460 | }
461 | else {
462 | rc = TPM_PCRInfoLong_CreateFromBuffer
463 | (&(((TPM_STORED_DATA12 *)tpm_stored_data)->tpm_seal_info_long),
464 | &(tpm_stored_data->sealInfo));
465 | }
466 | }
467 | /* load encDataSize and encData */
468 | if (rc == 0) {
469 | rc = TPM_SizedBuffer_Load(&(tpm_stored_data->encData), stream, stream_size);
470 | }
471 | return rc;
472 | }
473 |
474 | /* TPM_StoredData_StoreClearData() serializes a TPM_STORED_DATA structure, excluding encData,
475 | appending results to 'sbuffer'.
476 |
477 | Before serializing, it serializes tpm_seal_info to sealInfoSize and sealInfo.
478 |
479 | This function handles both TPM_STORED_DATA and TPM_STORED_DATA12.
480 |
481 | serialize the structure to a stream contained in 'sbuffer'
482 | returns 0 or error codes
483 | */
484 |
485 | TPM_RESULT TPM_StoredData_StoreClearData(TPM_STORE_BUFFER *sbuffer,
486 | TPM_STORED_DATA *tpm_stored_data,
487 | unsigned int version)
488 | {
489 | TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
490 |
491 | printf(" TPM_StoredData_StoreClearData: v%u\n", version);
492 | /* 1.1 store ver */
493 | if ((rc == 0) && (version == 1)) {
494 | rc = TPM_StructVer_Store(sbuffer, &(tpm_stored_data->ver));
495 | }
496 | /* 1.2 store tag */
497 | if ((rc == 0) && (version != 1)) {
498 | rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append16(sbuffer, ((TPM_STORED_DATA12 *)tpm_stored_data)->tag);
499 | }
500 | /* 1.2 store et */
501 | if ((rc == 0) && (version != 1)) {
502 | rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append16(sbuffer, ((TPM_STORED_DATA12 *)tpm_stored_data)->et);
503 | }
504 | /* store sealInfoSize and sealInfo */
505 | if (rc == 0) {
506 | /* copy cache to sealInfoSize and sealInfo */
507 | if (version == 1) {
508 | rc = TPM_SizedBuffer_SetStructure(&(tpm_stored_data->sealInfo),
509 | tpm_stored_data->tpm_seal_info,
511 | }
512 | else {
513 | rc = TPM_SizedBuffer_SetStructure(&(tpm_stored_data->sealInfo),
514 | tpm_stored_data->tpm_seal_info,
516 | }
517 | }
518 | /* copy sealInfoSize and sealInfo to sbuffer */
519 | if (rc == 0) {
520 | rc = TPM_SizedBuffer_Store(sbuffer, &(tpm_stored_data->sealInfo));
521 | }
522 | return rc;
523 | }
524 |
525 | /* TPM_StoredData_Store()
526 |
527 | Before serializing, it serializes tpm_seal_info to sealInfoSize and sealInfo.
528 |
529 | serialize the structure to a stream contained in 'sbuffer'
530 | returns 0 or error codes
531 | */
532 |
533 | TPM_RESULT TPM_StoredData_Store(TPM_STORE_BUFFER *sbuffer,
534 | TPM_STORED_DATA *tpm_stored_data,
535 | unsigned int version)
536 | {
537 | TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
538 |
539 | printf(" TPM_StoredData_Store: v%u\n", version);
540 | if (rc == 0) {
541 | rc = TPM_StoredData_StoreClearData(sbuffer, tpm_stored_data, version);
542 | }
543 | /* store encDataSize and encData */
544 | if (rc == 0) {
545 | rc = TPM_SizedBuffer_Store(sbuffer, &(tpm_stored_data->encData));
546 | }
547 | return rc;
548 | }
549 |
550 | /* TPM_StoredData_Delete()
551 |
552 | No-OP if the parameter is NULL, else:
553 | frees memory allocated for the object
554 | sets pointers to NULL
555 | calls TPM_StoredData_Init to set members back to default values
556 | The object itself is not freed
557 | */
558 |
559 | void TPM_StoredData_Delete(TPM_STORED_DATA *tpm_stored_data,
560 | unsigned int version)
561 | {
562 | printf(" TPM_StoredData_Delete: v%u\n", version);
563 | if (tpm_stored_data != NULL) {
564 | TPM_SizedBuffer_Delete(&(tpm_stored_data->sealInfo));
565 | TPM_SizedBuffer_Delete(&(tpm_stored_data->encData));
566 | if (version == 1) {
567 | TPM_PCRInfo_Delete(tpm_stored_data->tpm_seal_info);
568 | free(tpm_stored_data->tpm_seal_info);
569 | }
570 | else {
571 | TPM_PCRInfoLong_Delete((TPM_PCR_INFO_LONG *)tpm_stored_data->tpm_seal_info);
572 | free(tpm_stored_data->tpm_seal_info);
573 | }
574 | TPM_StoredData_Init(tpm_stored_data, version);
575 | }
576 | return;
577 | }
578 |
579 | /* TPM_StoredData_CheckTag() verifies the tag and et members of a TPM_STORED_DATA12 structure
580 |
581 | */
582 |
583 | TPM_RESULT TPM_StoredData_CheckTag(TPM_STORED_DATA12 *tpm_stored_data12)
584 | {
585 | TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
586 |
587 | printf(" TPM_StoredData_CheckTag:\n");
588 | if (rc == 0) {
589 | if (tpm_stored_data12->tag != TPM_TAG_STORED_DATA12) {
590 | printf("TPM_StoredData_CheckTag: Error, tag expected %04x found %04hx\n",
591 | TPM_TAG_STORED_DATA12, tpm_stored_data12->tag);
592 | rc = TPM_BAD_VERSION;
593 | }
594 | }
595 | return rc;
596 | }
597 |
598 | /* TPM_StoredData_GenerateDigest() generates a TPM_DIGEST over the TPM_STORED_DATA structure
599 | excluding the encDataSize and encData members.
600 | */
601 |
602 | TPM_RESULT TPM_StoredData_GenerateDigest(TPM_DIGEST tpm_digest,
603 | TPM_STORED_DATA *tpm_stored_data,
604 | unsigned int version)
605 | {
606 | TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
607 | TPM_STORE_BUFFER sbuffer; /* TPM_STORED_DATA serialization */
608 |
609 | printf(" TPM_StoredData_GenerateDigest:\n");
610 | TPM_Sbuffer_Init(&sbuffer); /* freed @1 */
611 | /* serialize the TPM_STORED_DATA excluding the encData fields */
612 | if (rc == 0) {
613 | rc = TPM_StoredData_StoreClearData(&sbuffer, tpm_stored_data, version);
614 | }
615 | if (rc == 0) {
616 | rc = TPM_SHA1Sbuffer(tpm_digest, &sbuffer);
617 | }
618 | TPM_Sbuffer_Delete(&sbuffer); /* @1 */
619 | return rc;
620 | }
621 |
622 | /*
623 | Processing Functions
624 | */
625 |
626 | /* TPM_SealCryptCommon() rev 98
627 |
628 | Handles the encrypt/decrypt actions common to TPM_Sealx and TPM_Unseal
629 |
630 | 'encrypt TRUE for encryption, FALSE for decryption
631 |
632 | The output o1 must be freed by the caller.
633 | */
634 |
635 | static TPM_RESULT TPM_SealCryptCommon(BYTE **o1, /* freed by caller */
636 | TPM_ADIP_ENC_SCHEME adipEncScheme,
637 | TPM_SIZED_BUFFER *inData,
638 | TPM_AUTH_SESSION_DATA *auth_session_data,
639 | TPM_NONCE nonceOdd)
640 | {
641 | TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
642 | BYTE *x1; /* XOR string, MGF1 output */
643 | TPM_DIGEST ctr; /* symmetric key algorithm CTR */
644 |
645 | printf(" TPM_SealCryptCommon:\n");
646 | x1 = NULL; /* freed @1 */
647 |
648 | /* allocate for the output o1 */
649 | if (rc == TPM_SUCCESS) {
650 | rc = TPM_Malloc(o1, inData->size); /* freed by caller */
651 | }
652 | if (rc == TPM_SUCCESS) {
653 | TPM_PrintFourLimit(" TPM_SealCryptCommon: input data", inData->buffer, inData->size);
654 | }
655 | switch (adipEncScheme) {
656 | case TPM_ET_XOR:
657 | printf(" TPM_SealCryptCommon: TPM_ET_XOR\n");
658 | if (rc == TPM_SUCCESS) {
659 | /* i. Use MGF1 to create string X1 of length sealedDataSize. The inputs to MGF1 are;
660 | authLastnonceEven, nonceOdd, "XOR", and authHandle -> sharedSecret. The four
661 | concatenated values form the Z value that is the seed for MFG1. */
662 | rc = TPM_MGF1_GenerateArray(&x1, /* MGF1 array */
663 | inData->size, /* MGF1 array length */
664 |
667 | sizeof("XOR") -1 +
668 | TPM_DIGEST_SIZE, /* seed length */
669 |
670 | TPM_NONCE_SIZE, auth_session_data->nonceEven,
671 | TPM_NONCE_SIZE, nonceOdd,
672 | sizeof("XOR") -1, "XOR",
673 | TPM_DIGEST_SIZE, auth_session_data->sharedSecret,
674 | 0, NULL);
675 | }
676 | /* ii. Create o1 by XOR of d1 -> data and X1 */
677 | if (rc == TPM_SUCCESS) {
678 | TPM_PrintFour(" TPM_SealCryptCommon: XOR key", x1);
679 | TPM_XOR(*o1, inData->buffer, x1, inData->size);
680 | }
681 | break;
682 | case TPM_ET_AES128_CTR:
683 | printf(" TPM_SealCryptCommon: TPM_ET_AES128_CTR\n");
684 | /* i. Create o1 by encrypting d1 -> data using the algorithm indicated by inData ->
685 | et */
686 | /* ii. Key is from authHandle -> sharedSecret */
687 | /* iii. IV is SHA-1 of (authLastNonceEven || nonceOdd) */
688 | if (rc == TPM_SUCCESS) {
689 | rc = TPM_SHA1(ctr,
690 | TPM_NONCE_SIZE, auth_session_data->nonceEven,
691 | TPM_NONCE_SIZE, nonceOdd,
692 | 0, NULL);
693 | }
694 | if (rc == TPM_SUCCESS) {
695 | TPM_PrintFour(" TPM_SealCryptCommon: AES key", auth_session_data->sharedSecret);
696 | TPM_PrintFour(" TPM_SealCryptCommon: CTR", ctr);
697 | rc = TPM_SymmetricKeyData_CtrCrypt(*o1, /* output data */
698 | inData->buffer, /* input data */
699 | inData->size, /* data size */
700 | auth_session_data->sharedSecret, /* key */
701 | TPM_SECRET_SIZE, /* key size */
702 | ctr, /* CTR */
703 | TPM_DIGEST_SIZE); /* CTR size */
704 | }
705 | break;
706 | default:
707 | printf("TPM_SealCryptCommon: Error, unsupported adipEncScheme %02x\n", adipEncScheme);
709 | break;
710 | }
711 | if (rc == 0) {
712 | TPM_PrintFour(" TPM_SealCryptCommon: output data", *o1);
713 |
714 | }
715 | free(x1); /* @1 */
716 | return rc;
717 | }
718 |
719 | /* 10.1 TPM_Seal rev 110
720 |
721 | The SEAL operation allows software to explicitly state the future "trusted" configuration that
722 | the platform must be in for the secret to be revealed. The SEAL operation also implicitly
723 | includes the relevant platform configuration (PCR-values) when the SEAL operation was
724 | performed. The SEAL operation uses the tpmProof value to BIND the blob to an individual TPM.
725 |
726 | TPM_Seal is used to encrypt private objects that can only be decrypted using TPM_Unseal.
727 | */
728 |
729 | TPM_RESULT TPM_Process_Seal(tpm_state_t *tpm_state,
730 | TPM_STORE_BUFFER *response,
731 | TPM_TAG tag,
732 | uint32_t paramSize,
733 | TPM_COMMAND_CODE ordinal,
734 | unsigned char *command,
735 | TPM_TRANSPORT_INTERNAL *transportInternal)
736 | {
737 | TPM_RESULT rcf = 0; /* fatal error precluding response */
738 | TPM_RESULT returnCode = TPM_SUCCESS; /* command return code */
739 |
740 | /* input parameters */
741 | TPM_KEY_HANDLE keyHandle; /* Handle of a loaded key that can perform seal
742 | operations. */
743 | TPM_ENCAUTH encAuth; /* The encrypted authorization data for the sealed data. */
744 | TPM_SIZED_BUFFER pcrInfo; /* The PCR selection information. The caller MAY use
746 | TPM_SIZED_BUFFER inData; /* The data to be sealed to the platform and any specified
747 | PCRs */
748 | TPM_AUTHHANDLE authHandle; /* The authorization handle used for keyHandle
749 | authorization. Must be an OS_AP session for this
750 | command. */
751 | TPM_NONCE nonceOdd; /* Nonce generated by system associated with authHandle */
752 | TPM_BOOL continueAuthSession = TRUE; /* Ignored */
753 | TPM_AUTHDATA pubAuth; /* The authorization digest for inputs and keyHandle. HMAC
754 | key: key.usageAuth. */
755 |
756 | /* processing */
757 | unsigned char * inParamStart; /* starting point of inParam's */
758 | unsigned char * inParamEnd; /* ending point of inParam's */
759 | TPM_DIGEST inParamDigest;
760 | TPM_BOOL auditStatus; /* audit the ordinal */
761 | TPM_BOOL transportEncrypt; /* wrapped in encrypted transport session */
762 | TPM_BOOL authHandleValid = FALSE;
763 | TPM_SECRET *hmacKey;
764 | TPM_KEY *key = NULL; /* the key specified by keyHandle */
765 | TPM_SECRET *keyUsageAuth;
766 | TPM_BOOL parentPCRStatus;
767 | TPM_AUTH_SESSION_DATA *auth_session_data = NULL; /* session data for authHandle */
768 | unsigned int v1PcrVersion = 1; /* pcrInfo version */
769 | TPM_STORED_DATA12 *s1_12;
770 | TPM_PCR_INFO tpm_pcr_info; /* deserialized pcrInfo v1 */
771 | TPM_PCR_INFO_LONG tpm_pcr_info_long; /* deserialized pcrInfo v2 */
772 | unsigned char *stream;
773 | uint32_t stream_size;
774 | TPM_DIGEST a1Auth;
775 | TPM_SEALED_DATA s2SealedData;
776 |
777 | /* output parameters */
778 | uint32_t outParamStart; /* starting point of outParam's */
779 | uint32_t outParamEnd; /* ending point of outParam's */
780 | TPM_DIGEST outParamDigest;
781 | TPM_STORED_DATA s1StoredData; /* Encrypted, integrity-protected data object that is the
782 | result of the TPM_Seal operation. Returned as
783 | SealedData */
784 |
785 | printf("TPM_Process_Seal: Ordinal Entry\n");
786 | TPM_SizedBuffer_Init(&pcrInfo); /* freed @1 */
787 | TPM_SizedBuffer_Init(&inData); /* freed @2 */
788 | TPM_StoredData_Init(&s1StoredData, v1PcrVersion); /* freed @3, default is v1 */
789 | TPM_PCRInfo_Init(&tpm_pcr_info); /* freed @4 */
790 | TPM_PCRInfoLong_Init(&tpm_pcr_info_long); /* freed @5 */
791 | TPM_SealedData_Init(&s2SealedData); /* freed @6 */
792 | s1_12 = (TPM_STORED_DATA12 *)&s1StoredData; /* to avoid casts */
793 | /*
794 | get inputs
795 | */
796 | /* get keyHandle parameter */
797 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
798 | returnCode = TPM_Load32(&keyHandle, &command, ¶mSize);
799 | }
800 | /* save the starting point of inParam's for authorization and auditing */
801 | inParamStart = command;
802 | /* get encAuth parameter */
803 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
804 | printf("TPM_Process_Seal: keyHandle %08x\n", keyHandle);
805 | returnCode = TPM_Authdata_Load(encAuth, &command, ¶mSize);
806 | }
807 | /* get pcrInfo parameter */
808 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
809 | returnCode = TPM_SizedBuffer_Load(&pcrInfo, &command, ¶mSize);
810 | }
811 | /* get inData parameter */
812 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
813 | returnCode = TPM_SizedBuffer_Load(&inData, &command, ¶mSize);
814 | }
815 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
816 | printf("TPM_Process_Seal: Sealing %u bytes\n", inData.size);
817 | }
818 | /* save the ending point of inParam's for authorization and auditing */
819 | inParamEnd = command;
820 | /* digest the input parameters */
821 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
822 | returnCode = TPM_GetInParamDigest(inParamDigest, /* output */
823 | &auditStatus, /* output */
824 | &transportEncrypt, /* output */
825 | tpm_state,
826 | tag,
827 | ordinal,
828 | inParamStart,
829 | inParamEnd,
830 | transportInternal);
831 | }
832 | /* check state */
833 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
834 | returnCode = TPM_CheckState(tpm_state, tag, TPM_CHECK_ALL);
835 | }
836 | /* check tag */
837 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
838 | returnCode = TPM_CheckRequestTag1(tag);
839 | }
840 | /* get the 'below the line' authorization parameters */
841 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
842 | returnCode = TPM_AuthParams_Get(&authHandle,
843 | &authHandleValid,
844 | nonceOdd,
845 | &continueAuthSession,
846 | pubAuth,
847 | &command, ¶mSize);
848 | }
849 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
850 | if (paramSize != 0) {
851 | printf("TPM_Process_Seal: Error, command has %u extra bytes\n",
852 | paramSize);
853 | returnCode = TPM_BAD_PARAM_SIZE;
854 | }
855 | }
856 | /* do not terminate sessions if the command did not parse correctly */
857 | if (returnCode != TPM_SUCCESS) {
858 | authHandleValid = FALSE;
859 | }
860 | /*
861 | Processing
862 | */
863 | /* get the key corresponding to the keyHandle parameter */
864 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
865 | returnCode = TPM_KeyHandleEntries_GetKey(&key, &parentPCRStatus, tpm_state, keyHandle,
866 | FALSE, /* not r/o, using to encrypt */
867 | FALSE, /* do not ignore PCRs */
868 | FALSE); /* cannot use EK */
869 | }
870 | /* get keyHandle -> usageAuth */
871 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
872 | returnCode = TPM_Key_GetUsageAuth(&keyUsageAuth, key);
873 | }
874 | /* get the session data */
875 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
876 | returnCode = TPM_AuthSessions_GetData(&auth_session_data,
877 | &hmacKey,
878 | tpm_state,
879 | authHandle,
882 | ordinal,
883 | key,
884 | NULL, /* OIAP */
885 | key->tpm_store_asymkey->pubDataDigest); /* OSAP */
886 | }
887 | /* 1. Validate the authorization to use the key pointed to by keyHandle */
888 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
889 | returnCode = TPM_Authdata_Check(tpm_state,
890 | *hmacKey, /* HMAC key */
891 | inParamDigest,
892 | auth_session_data, /* authorization session */
893 | nonceOdd, /* Nonce generated by system
894 | associated with authHandle */
895 | continueAuthSession,
896 | pubAuth); /* Authorization digest for input */
897 | }
898 | /* 2. If the inDataSize is 0 the TPM returns TPM_BAD_PARAMETER */
899 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
900 | if (inData.size == 0) {
901 | printf("TPM_Process_Seal: Error, inDataSize is 0\n");
902 | returnCode = TPM_BAD_PARAMETER;
903 | }
904 | }
905 | /* 3. If the keyUsage field of the key indicated by keyHandle does not have the value
906 | TPM_KEY_STORAGE, the TPM must return the error code TPM_INVALID_KEYUSAGE. */
907 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
908 | if (key->keyUsage != TPM_KEY_STORAGE) {
909 | printf("TPM_Process_Seal: Error, key keyUsage %04hx must be TPM_KEY_STORAGE\n",
910 | key->keyUsage);
911 | returnCode = TPM_INVALID_KEYUSAGE;
912 | }
913 | }
914 | /* 4. If the keyHandle points to a migratable key then the TPM MUST return the error code
916 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
917 | if (key->keyFlags & TPM_MIGRATABLE) {
918 | printf("TPM_Process_Seal: Error, key keyFlags %08x indicates migratable\n",
919 | key->keyFlags);
920 | returnCode = TPM_INVALID_KEYUSAGE;
921 | }
922 | }
923 | /* 5. Determine the version of pcrInfo */
924 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
925 | /* a. If pcrInfoSize is 0 */
926 | if (pcrInfo.size == 0) {
927 | v1PcrVersion = 1; /* i. set V1 to 1 */
928 | }
929 | else { /* b. Else */
930 | /* i. Point X1 as TPM_PCR_INFO_LONG structure to pcrInfo */
931 | /* ii. If X1 -> tag is TPM_TAG_PCR_INFO_LONG */
932 | if (htons(*(uint16_t *)(pcrInfo.buffer)) == TPM_TAG_PCR_INFO_LONG) {
933 | v1PcrVersion = 2; /* (1) Set V1 to 2 */
934 | }
935 | else { /* iii. Else */
936 | v1PcrVersion = 1; /* (1) Set V1 to 1 */
937 | }
938 | }
939 | /* 6. If V1 is 1 then */
940 | /* a. Create S1 a TPM_STORED_DATA structure */
941 | /* 7. else */
942 | /* a. Create S1 a TPM_STORED_DATA12 structure */
943 | /* b. Set S1 -> et to 0 */
944 | /* 8. Set S1 -> encDataSize to 0 */
945 | /* 9. Set S1 -> encData to all zeros */
946 | printf("TPM_Process_Seal: V%u\n", v1PcrVersion);
947 | TPM_StoredData_Init(&s1StoredData, v1PcrVersion);
948 | /* 10. Set S1 -> sealInfoSize to pcrInfoSize */
949 | /* NOTE This step is unnecessary. If pcrInfoSize is 0, sealInfoSize is already initialized
950 | to 0. If pcrInfoSize is non-zero, sealInfoSize is the result of serialization of the
951 | tpm_seal_info member, which is either a TPM_PCR_INFO or a TPM_PCR_INFO_LONG */
952 | }
953 | /* 11. If pcrInfoSize is not 0 then */
954 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (pcrInfo.size != 0)) {
955 | printf("TPM_Process_Seal: Creating PCR digest\n");
956 | /* assign the stream, so pcrInfo is not altered */
957 | stream = pcrInfo.buffer;
958 | stream_size = pcrInfo.size;
959 | /* a. if V1 is 1 then */
960 | if (v1PcrVersion == 1) {
961 | /* i. Validate pcrInfo as a valid TPM_PCR_INFO structure, return TPM_BADINDEX on
962 | error */
963 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
964 | returnCode = TPM_PCRInfo_Load(&tpm_pcr_info, &stream, &stream_size);
965 | if (returnCode != 0) {
966 | returnCode = TPM_BADINDEX;
967 | }
968 | }
969 | /* build the TPM_STORED_DATA S1 structure */
970 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
971 | /* ii. Set S1 -> sealInfo -> pcrSelection to pcrInfo -> pcrSelection */
972 | returnCode = TPM_PCRInfo_CreateFromBuffer(&(s1StoredData.tpm_seal_info), &pcrInfo);
973 | }
974 | /* iii. Create h1 the composite hash of the PCR selected by pcrInfo -> pcrSelection */
975 | /* iv. Set S1 -> sealInfo -> digestAtCreation to h1 */
976 | /* NOTE hash directly to destination. */
977 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
978 | returnCode =
979 | TPM_PCRSelection_GenerateDigest(s1StoredData.tpm_seal_info->digestAtCreation,
980 | &(tpm_pcr_info.pcrSelection),
981 | tpm_state->tpm_stclear_data.PCRS);
982 | }
983 | /* v. Set S1 -> sealInfo -> digestAtRelease to pcrInfo -> digestAtRelease */
984 | /* NOTE digestAtRelease copied during TPM_PCRInfo_CreateFromBuffer() */
985 | }
986 | /* b. else (v1 is 2) */
987 | else {
988 | /* i. Validate pcrInfo as a valid TPM_PCR_INFO_LONG structure, return TPM_BADINDEX
989 | on error */
990 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
991 | returnCode = TPM_PCRInfoLong_Load(&tpm_pcr_info_long, &stream, &stream_size);
992 | if (returnCode != 0) {
993 | returnCode = TPM_BADINDEX;
994 | }
995 | }
996 | /* build the TPM_STORED_DATA S1 structure */
997 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
998 | /* ii. Set S1 -> sealInfo -> creationPCRSelection to pcrInfo -> creationPCRSelection
999 | */
1000 | /* iii. Set S1 -> sealInfo -> releasePCRSelection to pcrInfo -> releasePCRSelection
1001 | */
1002 | /* iv. Set S1 -> sealInfo -> digestAtRelease to pcrInfo -> digestAtRelease */
1003 | /* v. Set S1 -> sealInfo -> localityAtRelease to pcrInfo -> localityAtRelease */
1004 | /* NOTE copied during TPM_PCRInfoLong_CreateFromBuffer() */
1005 | returnCode = TPM_PCRInfoLong_CreateFromBuffer(&(s1_12->tpm_seal_info_long),
1006 | &pcrInfo);
1007 | }
1008 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1009 | /* vi. Create h2 the composite hash of the PCR selected by pcrInfo ->
1010 | creationPCRSelection */
1011 | /* vii. Set S1 -> sealInfo -> digestAtCreation to h2 */
1012 | /* NOTE hash directly to destination. */
1013 | returnCode =
1014 | TPM_PCRSelection_GenerateDigest(s1_12->tpm_seal_info_long->digestAtCreation,
1015 | &(tpm_pcr_info_long.creationPCRSelection),
1016 | tpm_state->tpm_stclear_data.PCRS);
1017 | }
1018 | /* viii. Set S1 -> sealInfo -> localityAtCreation to TPM_STANY_FLAGS ->
1019 | localityModifier */
1020 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1021 | returnCode = TPM_Locality_Set(&(s1_12->tpm_seal_info_long->localityAtCreation),
1022 | tpm_state->tpm_stany_flags.localityModifier);
1023 | }
1024 | }
1025 | }
1026 | /* 12. Create a1 by decrypting encAuth according to the ADIP indicated by authHandle. */
1027 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1028 | returnCode = TPM_AuthSessionData_Decrypt(a1Auth,
1029 | NULL,
1030 | encAuth,
1031 | auth_session_data,
1032 | NULL,
1033 | NULL,
1034 | FALSE); /* even and odd */
1035 | }
1036 | /* 13. The TPM provides NO validation of a1. Well-known values (like all zeros) are valid and
1037 | possible. */
1038 | /* 14. Create S2 a TPM_SEALED_DATA structure */
1039 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1040 | /* a. Set S2 -> payload to TPM_PT_SEAL */
1041 | /* NOTE: Done at TPM_SealedData_Init() */
1042 | /* b. Set S2 -> tpmProof to TPM_PERMANENT_DATA -> tpmProof */
1043 | TPM_Secret_Copy(s2SealedData.tpmProof, tpm_state->tpm_permanent_data.tpmProof);
1044 | /* c. Create h3 the SHA-1 of S1 */
1045 | /* d. Set S2 -> storedDigest to h3 */
1046 | returnCode = TPM_StoredData_GenerateDigest(s2SealedData.storedDigest,
1047 | &s1StoredData, v1PcrVersion);
1048 | }
1049 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1050 | /* e. Set S2 -> authData to a1 */
1051 | TPM_Secret_Copy(s2SealedData.authData, a1Auth);
1052 | /* f. Set S2 -> dataSize to inDataSize */
1053 | /* g. Set S2 -> data to inData */
1054 | returnCode = TPM_SizedBuffer_Copy(&(s2SealedData.data), &inData);
1055 | }
1056 | /* 15. Validate that the size of S2 can be encrypted by the key pointed to by keyHandle, return
1057 | TPM_BAD_DATASIZE on error */
1058 | /* 16. Create s3 the encryption of S2 using the key pointed to by keyHandle */
1059 | /* 17. Set continueAuthSession to FALSE */
1060 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1061 | continueAuthSession = FALSE;
1062 | }
1063 | /* 18. Set S1 -> encDataSize to the size of s3 */
1064 | /* 19. Set S1 -> encData to s3 */
1065 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1066 | returnCode = TPM_SealedData_GenerateEncData(&(s1StoredData.encData), &s2SealedData, key);
1067 | }
1068 | /*
1069 | response
1070 | */
1071 | /* standard response: tag, (dummy) paramSize, returnCode. Failure is fatal. */
1072 | if (rcf == 0) {
1073 | printf("TPM_Process_Seal: Ordinal returnCode %08x %u\n",
1074 | returnCode, returnCode);
1075 | rcf = TPM_Sbuffer_StoreInitialResponse(response, tag, returnCode);
1076 | }
1077 | /* success response, append the rest of the parameters. */
1078 | if (rcf == 0) {
1079 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1080 | /* checkpoint the beginning of the outParam's */
1081 | outParamStart = response->buffer_current - response->buffer;
1082 | /* 20. Return S1 as sealedData */
1083 | returnCode = TPM_StoredData_Store(response, &s1StoredData, v1PcrVersion);
1084 | /* checkpoint the end of the outParam's */
1085 | outParamEnd = response->buffer_current - response->buffer;
1086 | }
1087 | /* digest the above the line output parameters */
1088 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1089 | returnCode = TPM_GetOutParamDigest(outParamDigest, /* output */
1090 | auditStatus, /* input audit status */
1091 | transportEncrypt,
1092 | tag,
1093 | returnCode,
1094 | ordinal, /* command ordinal */
1095 | response->buffer + outParamStart, /* start */
1096 | outParamEnd - outParamStart); /* length */
1097 | }
1098 | /* calculate and set the below the line parameters */
1099 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1100 | returnCode = TPM_AuthParams_Set(response,
1101 | *hmacKey, /* owner HMAC key */
1102 | auth_session_data,
1103 | outParamDigest,
1104 | nonceOdd,
1105 | continueAuthSession);
1106 | }
1107 | /* audit if required */
1108 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && auditStatus) {
1109 | returnCode = TPM_ProcessAudit(tpm_state,
1110 | transportEncrypt,
1111 | inParamDigest,
1112 | outParamDigest,
1113 | ordinal);
1114 | }
1115 | /* adjust the initial response */
1116 | rcf = TPM_Sbuffer_StoreFinalResponse(response, returnCode, tpm_state);
1117 | }
1118 | /* if there was an error, or continueAuthSession is FALSE, terminate the session */
1119 | if (((rcf != 0) ||
1120 | ((returnCode != TPM_SUCCESS) && (returnCode != TPM_DEFEND_LOCK_RUNNING)) ||
1121 | !continueAuthSession) &&
1122 | authHandleValid) {
1123 | TPM_AuthSessions_TerminateHandle(tpm_state->tpm_stclear_data.authSessions, authHandle);
1124 | }
1125 | /*
1126 | cleanup
1127 | */
1128 | TPM_SizedBuffer_Delete(&pcrInfo); /* @1 */
1129 | TPM_SizedBuffer_Delete(&inData); /* @2 */
1130 | TPM_StoredData_Delete(&s1StoredData, v1PcrVersion); /* @3 */
1131 | TPM_PCRInfo_Delete(&tpm_pcr_info); /* @4 */
1132 | TPM_PCRInfoLong_Delete(&tpm_pcr_info_long); /* @5 */
1133 | TPM_SealedData_Delete(&s2SealedData); /* @6 */
1134 | return rcf;
1135 | }
1136 |
1137 | /* 10.7 TPM_Sealx rev 110
1138 |
1139 | The TPM_Sealx command works exactly like the TPM_Seal command with the additional requirement of
1140 | encryption for the inData parameter. This command also places in the sealed blob the information
1141 | that the TPM_Unseal also requires encryption.
1142 |
1143 | TPM_Sealx requires the use of 1.2 data structures. The actions are the same as TPM_Seal without
1144 | the checks for 1.1 data structure usage.
1145 | */
1146 |
1147 | TPM_RESULT TPM_Process_Sealx(tpm_state_t *tpm_state,
1148 | TPM_STORE_BUFFER *response,
1149 | TPM_TAG tag,
1150 | uint32_t paramSize,
1151 | TPM_COMMAND_CODE ordinal,
1152 | unsigned char *command,
1153 | TPM_TRANSPORT_INTERNAL *transportInternal)
1154 | {
1155 | TPM_RESULT rcf = 0; /* fatal error precluding response */
1156 | TPM_RESULT returnCode = TPM_SUCCESS; /* command return code */
1157 |
1158 | /* input parameters */
1159 | TPM_KEY_HANDLE keyHandle; /* Handle of a loaded key that can perform seal
1160 | operations. */
1161 | TPM_ENCAUTH encAuth; /* The encrypted authorization data for the sealed data */
1162 | TPM_SIZED_BUFFER pcrInfo; /* If 0 there are no PCR registers in use. pcrInfo MUST use
1164 | TPM_SIZED_BUFFER inData; /* The data to be sealed to the platform and any specified
1165 | PCRs */
1166 |
1167 | TPM_AUTHHANDLE authHandle; /* The authorization session handle used for keyHandle
1168 | authorization. Must be an OSAP session for this command.
1169 | */
1170 | TPM_NONCE nonceOdd; /* Nonce generated by system associated with authHandle */
1171 | TPM_BOOL continueAuthSession = TRUE; /* Ignored */
1172 | TPM_AUTHDATA pubAuth; /* The authorization digest for inputs and keyHandle. HMAC
1173 | key: key.usageAuth. */
1174 |
1175 | /* processing */
1176 | unsigned char * inParamStart; /* starting point of inParam's */
1177 | unsigned char * inParamEnd; /* ending point of inParam's */
1178 | TPM_DIGEST inParamDigest;
1179 | TPM_BOOL auditStatus; /* audit the ordinal */
1180 | TPM_BOOL transportEncrypt; /* wrapped in encrypted transport session */
1181 | TPM_BOOL authHandleValid = FALSE;
1182 | TPM_SECRET *hmacKey;
1183 | TPM_KEY *key = NULL; /* the key specified by keyHandle */
1184 | TPM_SECRET *keyUsageAuth;
1185 | TPM_BOOL parentPCRStatus;
1186 | TPM_AUTH_SESSION_DATA *auth_session_data = NULL; /* session data for authHandle */
1187 |
1188 | /* output parameters */
1189 | uint32_t outParamStart; /* starting point of outParam's */
1190 | uint32_t outParamEnd; /* ending point of outParam's */
1191 | TPM_DIGEST outParamDigest;
1192 | TPM_STORED_DATA12 s1StoredData; /* Encrypted, integrity-protected data object that
1193 | is the result of the TPM_Seal operation. Returned
1194 | as SealedData */
1195 | TPM_STORED_DATA *s1_11; /* 1.1 version to avoid casts */
1196 | TPM_SEALED_DATA s2SealedData;
1197 | TPM_DIGEST a1Auth;
1198 | BYTE *o1DecryptedData;
1199 |
1200 | printf("TPM_Process_Sealx: Ordinal Entry\n");
1201 | s1_11 = (TPM_STORED_DATA *)&s1StoredData; /* 1.1 version to avoid casts */
1202 | TPM_SizedBuffer_Init(&pcrInfo); /* freed @1 */
1203 | TPM_SizedBuffer_Init(&inData); /* freed @2 */
1204 | TPM_StoredData_Init(s1_11, 2); /* freed @3 */
1205 | TPM_SealedData_Init(&s2SealedData); /* freed @4 */
1206 | o1DecryptedData = NULL; /* freed @5 */
1207 | /*
1208 | get inputs
1209 | */
1210 | /* get keyHandle parameter */
1211 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1212 | returnCode = TPM_Load32(&keyHandle, &command, ¶mSize);
1213 | }
1214 | /* save the starting point of inParam's for authorization and auditing */
1215 | inParamStart = command;
1216 | /* get encAuth parameter */
1217 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1218 | returnCode = TPM_Authdata_Load(encAuth, &command, ¶mSize);
1219 | }
1220 | /* get pcrInfo parameter */
1221 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1222 | returnCode = TPM_SizedBuffer_Load(&pcrInfo, &command, ¶mSize);
1223 | }
1224 | /* get inData parameter */
1225 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1226 | returnCode = TPM_SizedBuffer_Load(&inData, &command, ¶mSize);
1227 | }
1228 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1229 | printf("TPM_Process_Sealx: Sealing %u bytes\n", inData.size);
1230 | TPM_PrintFourLimit("TPM_Process_Sealx: Sealing data", inData.buffer, inData.size);
1231 | }
1232 | /* save the ending point of inParam's for authorization and auditing */
1233 | inParamEnd = command;
1234 | /* digest the input parameters */
1235 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1236 | returnCode = TPM_GetInParamDigest(inParamDigest, /* output */
1237 | &auditStatus, /* output */
1238 | &transportEncrypt, /* output */
1239 | tpm_state,
1240 | tag,
1241 | ordinal,
1242 | inParamStart,
1243 | inParamEnd,
1244 | transportInternal);
1245 | }
1246 | /* check state */
1247 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1248 | returnCode = TPM_CheckState(tpm_state, tag, TPM_CHECK_ALL);
1249 | }
1250 | /* check tag */
1251 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1252 | returnCode = TPM_CheckRequestTag1(tag);
1253 | }
1254 | /* get the 'below the line' authorization parameters */
1255 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1256 | returnCode = TPM_AuthParams_Get(&authHandle,
1257 | &authHandleValid,
1258 | nonceOdd,
1259 | &continueAuthSession,
1260 | pubAuth,
1261 | &command, ¶mSize);
1262 | }
1263 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1264 | if (paramSize != 0) {
1265 | printf("TPM_Process_Sealx: Error, command has %u extra bytes\n",
1266 | paramSize);
1267 | returnCode = TPM_BAD_PARAM_SIZE;
1268 | }
1269 | }
1270 | /* do not terminate sessions if the command did not parse correctly */
1271 | if (returnCode != TPM_SUCCESS) {
1272 | authHandleValid = FALSE;
1273 | }
1274 | /*
1275 | Processing
1276 | */
1277 | /* get the key corresponding to the keyHandle parameter */
1278 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1279 | returnCode = TPM_KeyHandleEntries_GetKey(&key, &parentPCRStatus, tpm_state, keyHandle,
1280 | FALSE, /* not r/o, using to encrypt */
1281 | FALSE, /* do not ignore PCRs */
1282 | FALSE); /* cannot use EK */
1283 | }
1284 | /* get keyHandle -> usageAuth */
1285 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1286 | returnCode = TPM_Key_GetUsageAuth(&keyUsageAuth, key);
1287 | }
1288 | /* get the session data */
1289 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1290 | returnCode = TPM_AuthSessions_GetData(&auth_session_data,
1291 | &hmacKey,
1292 | tpm_state,
1293 | authHandle,
1294 | TPM_PID_OSAP,
1296 | ordinal,
1297 | key,
1298 | NULL, /* OIAP */
1299 | key->tpm_store_asymkey->pubDataDigest); /* OSAP */
1300 | }
1301 | /* 1. Validate the authorization to use the key pointed to by keyHandle */
1302 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1303 | returnCode = TPM_Authdata_Check(tpm_state,
1304 | *hmacKey, /* HMAC key */
1305 | inParamDigest,
1306 | auth_session_data, /* authorization session */
1307 | nonceOdd, /* Nonce generated by system
1308 | associated with authHandle */
1309 | continueAuthSession,
1310 | pubAuth); /* Authorization digest for input */
1311 | }
1312 | /* 2. If the inDataSize is 0 the TPM returns TPM_BAD_PARAMETER */
1313 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1314 | if (inData.size == 0) {
1315 | printf("TPM_Process_Sealx: Error, inDataSize is 0\n");
1316 | returnCode = TPM_BAD_PARAMETER;
1317 | }
1318 | }
1319 | /* 3. If the keyUsage field of the key indicated by keyHandle does not have the value
1320 | TPM_KEY_STORAGE, the TPM must return the error code TPM_INVALID_KEYUSAGE. */
1321 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1322 | if (key->keyUsage != TPM_KEY_STORAGE) {
1323 | printf("TPM_Process_Sealx: Error, key keyUsage %04hx must be TPM_KEY_STORAGE\n",
1324 | key->keyUsage);
1325 | returnCode = TPM_INVALID_KEYUSAGE;
1326 | }
1327 | }
1328 | /* 4. If the keyHandle points to a migratable key then the TPM MUST return the error code
1330 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1331 | if (key->keyFlags & TPM_MIGRATABLE) {
1332 | printf("TPM_Process_Sealx: Error, key keyFlags %08x indicates migratable\n",
1333 | key->keyFlags);
1334 | returnCode = TPM_INVALID_KEYUSAGE;
1335 | }
1336 | }
1337 | /* 5. Create S1 a TPM_STORED_DATA12 structure */
1338 | /* 6. Set S1 -> encDataSize to 0 */
1339 | /* 7. Set S1 -> encData to all zeros */
1340 | /* NOTE: Done by TPM_StoredData_Init() */
1341 | /* 8. Set S1 -> sealInfoSize to pcrInfoSize */
1342 | /* NOTE This step is unnecessary. If pcrInfoSize is 0, sealInfoSize is already initialized
1343 | to 0. If pcrInfoSize is non-zero, sealInfoSize is the result of serialization of the
1344 | tpm_seal_info member, which is a TPM_PCR_INFO_LONG */
1345 | /* 9. If pcrInfoSize is not 0 then */
1346 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (pcrInfo.size != 0)) {
1347 | printf("TPM_Process_Sealx: Setting sealInfo to pcrInfo\n");
1348 | /* initializing the s -> TPM_PCR_INFO_LONG cache to the contents of pcrInfo */
1349 | /* a. Validate pcrInfo as a valid TPM_PCR_INFO_LONG structure, return TPM_BADINDEX on
1350 | error */
1351 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1352 | returnCode = TPM_PCRInfoLong_CreateFromBuffer(&(s1StoredData.tpm_seal_info_long),
1353 | &pcrInfo);
1354 | if (returnCode != TPM_SUCCESS) {
1355 | returnCode = TPM_BADINDEX;
1356 | }
1357 | }
1358 | /* b. Set S1 -> sealInfo -> creationPCRSelection to pcrInfo -> creationPCRSelection */
1359 | /* c. Set S1 -> sealInfo -> releasePCRSelection to pcrInfo -> releasePCRSelection */
1360 | /* d. Set S1 -> sealInfo -> digestAtRelease to pcrInfo -> digestAtRelease */
1361 | /* e. Set S1 -> sealInfo -> localityAtRelease to pcrInfo -> localityAtRelease */
1362 | /* NOTE copied during TPM_PCRInfoLong_CreateFromBuffer() */
1363 | /* f. Create h2 the composite hash of the PCR selected by pcrInfo -> creationPCRSelection */
1364 | /* g. Set S1 -> sealInfo -> digestAtCreation to h2 */
1365 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1366 | returnCode = TPM_PCRSelection_GenerateDigest
1367 | (s1StoredData.tpm_seal_info_long->digestAtCreation,
1368 | &(s1StoredData.tpm_seal_info_long->creationPCRSelection),
1369 | tpm_state->tpm_stclear_data.PCRS);
1370 | }
1371 | /* h. Set S1 -> sealInfo -> localityAtCreation to TPM_STANY_DATA -> localityModifier */
1372 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1373 | returnCode = TPM_Locality_Set(&(s1StoredData.tpm_seal_info_long->localityAtCreation),
1374 | tpm_state->tpm_stany_flags.localityModifier);
1375 | }
1376 | }
1377 | /* 10. Create S2 a TPM_SEALED_DATA structure */
1378 | /* NOTE: Done at TPM_SealedData_Init() */
1379 | /* 11.Create a1 by decrypting encAuth according to the ADIP indicated by authHandle. */
1380 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1381 | printf("TPM_Process_Sealx: Decrypting encAuth\n");
1382 | returnCode = TPM_AuthSessionData_Decrypt(a1Auth, /* a1 even */
1383 | NULL, /* a1 odd (2nd encAuth) */
1384 | encAuth, /* encAuthEven */
1385 | auth_session_data,
1386 | NULL, /* nonceOdd */
1387 | NULL, /* encAuthOdd */
1388 | FALSE); /* even and odd */
1389 | }
1390 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1391 | TPM_PrintFour("TPM_Process_Sealx: Decrypted Auth", a1Auth);
1392 | /* a. If authHandle indicates XOR encryption for the AuthData secrets */
1393 | if (auth_session_data->adipEncScheme == TPM_ET_XOR) {
1394 | /* i. Set S1 -> et to TPM_ET_XOR || TPM_ET_KEY */
1395 | /* (1) TPM_ET_KEY is added because TPM_Unseal uses zero as a special value indicating no
1396 | encryption. */
1397 | s1StoredData.et = TPM_ET_XOR | TPM_ET_KEY;
1398 | }
1399 | /* b. Else */
1400 | else {
1401 | /* i. Set S1 -> et to algorithm indicated by authHandle */
1402 | s1StoredData.et = auth_session_data->adipEncScheme << 8;
1403 | }
1404 | }
1405 | /* 12. The TPM provides NO validation of a1. Well-known values (like all zeros) are valid and
1406 | possible. */
1407 | /* 13. If authHandle indicates XOR encryption */
1408 | /* a. Use MGF1 to create string X2 of length inDataSize. The inputs to MGF1 are;
1409 | authLastNonceEven, nonceOdd, "XOR", and authHandle -> sharedSecret. The four concatenated
1410 | values form the Z value that is the seed for MFG1. */
1411 | /* b. Create o1 by XOR of inData and x2 */
1412 | /* 14. Else */
1413 | /* a. Create o1 by decrypting inData using the algorithm indicated by authHandle */
1414 | /* b. Key is from authHandle -> sharedSecret */
1415 | /* c. CTR is SHA-1 of (authLastNonceEven || nonceOdd) */
1416 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1417 | printf("TPM_Process_Sealx: decrypting inData\n");
1418 | returnCode = TPM_SealCryptCommon(&o1DecryptedData, /* freed by caller */
1419 | auth_session_data->adipEncScheme,
1420 | &inData,
1421 | auth_session_data,
1422 | nonceOdd);
1423 |
1424 | }
1425 | /* 15. Create S2 a TPM_SEALED_DATA structure */
1426 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1427 | /* a. Set S2 -> payload to TPM_PT_SEAL */
1428 | /* NOTE: Done at TPM_SealedData_Init() */
1429 | /* b. Set S2 -> tpmProof to TPM_PERMANENT_DATA -> tpmProof */
1430 | TPM_Secret_Copy(s2SealedData.tpmProof, tpm_state->tpm_permanent_data.tpmProof);
1431 | /* c. Create h3 the SHA-1 of S1 */
1432 | /* d. Set S2 -> storedDigest to h3 */
1433 | returnCode = TPM_StoredData_GenerateDigest(s2SealedData.storedDigest, s1_11, 2);
1434 | }
1435 | /* e. Set S2 -> authData to a1 */
1436 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1437 | TPM_Secret_Copy(s2SealedData.authData, a1Auth);
1438 | /* f. Set S2 -> dataSize to inDataSize */
1439 | /* g. Set S2 -> data to o1 */
1440 | returnCode = TPM_SizedBuffer_Set(&(s2SealedData.data), inData.size, o1DecryptedData);
1441 | }
1442 | /* 16. Validate that the size of S2 can be encrypted by the key pointed to by keyHandle, return
1443 | */
1444 | /* TPM_BAD_DATASIZE on error */
1445 | /* 17. Create s3 the encryption of S2 using the key pointed to by keyHandle */
1446 | /* 18. Set continueAuthSession to FALSE */
1447 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1448 | continueAuthSession = FALSE;
1449 | }
1450 | /* 19. Set S1 -> encDataSize to the size of s3 */
1451 | /* 20. Set S1 -> encData to s3 */
1452 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1453 | printf("TPM_Process_Sealx: Encrypting sealed data\n");
1454 | returnCode = TPM_SealedData_GenerateEncData(&(s1StoredData.encData), &s2SealedData, key);
1455 | }
1456 | /*
1457 | response
1458 | */
1459 | /* standard response: tag, (dummy) paramSize, returnCode. Failure is fatal. */
1460 | if (rcf == 0) {
1461 | printf("TPM_Process_Sealx: Ordinal returnCode %08x %u\n",
1462 | returnCode, returnCode);
1463 | rcf = TPM_Sbuffer_StoreInitialResponse(response, tag, returnCode);
1464 | }
1465 | /* success response, append the rest of the parameters. */
1466 | if (rcf == 0) {
1467 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1468 | /* checkpoint the beginning of the outParam's */
1469 | outParamStart = response->buffer_current - response->buffer;
1470 | /* 21. Return S1 as sealedData */
1471 | returnCode = TPM_StoredData_Store(response, s1_11, 2);
1472 | /* checkpoint the end of the outParam's */
1473 | outParamEnd = response->buffer_current - response->buffer;
1474 | }
1475 | /* digest the above the line output parameters */
1476 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1477 | returnCode = TPM_GetOutParamDigest(outParamDigest, /* output */
1478 | auditStatus, /* input audit status */
1479 | transportEncrypt,
1480 | tag,
1481 | returnCode,
1482 | ordinal, /* command ordinal */
1483 | response->buffer + outParamStart, /* start */
1484 | outParamEnd - outParamStart); /* length */
1485 | }
1486 | /* calculate and set the below the line parameters */
1487 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1488 | returnCode = TPM_AuthParams_Set(response,
1489 | *hmacKey, /* owner HMAC key */
1490 | auth_session_data,
1491 | outParamDigest,
1492 | nonceOdd,
1493 | continueAuthSession);
1494 | }
1495 | /* audit if required */
1496 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && auditStatus) {
1497 | returnCode = TPM_ProcessAudit(tpm_state,
1498 | transportEncrypt,
1499 | inParamDigest,
1500 | outParamDigest,
1501 | ordinal);
1502 | }
1503 | /* adjust the initial response */
1504 | rcf = TPM_Sbuffer_StoreFinalResponse(response, returnCode, tpm_state);
1505 | }
1506 | /* if there was an error, or continueAuthSession is FALSE, terminate the session */
1507 | if (((rcf != 0) ||
1508 | ((returnCode != TPM_SUCCESS) && (returnCode != TPM_DEFEND_LOCK_RUNNING)) ||
1509 | !continueAuthSession) &&
1510 | authHandleValid) {
1511 | TPM_AuthSessions_TerminateHandle(tpm_state->tpm_stclear_data.authSessions, authHandle);
1512 | }
1513 | /*
1514 | cleanup
1515 | */
1516 | TPM_SizedBuffer_Delete(&pcrInfo); /* @1 */
1517 | TPM_SizedBuffer_Delete(&inData); /* @2 */
1518 | TPM_StoredData_Delete(s1_11, 2); /* @3 */
1519 | TPM_SealedData_Delete(&s2SealedData); /* @4 */
1520 | free(o1DecryptedData); /* @5 */
1521 | return rcf;
1522 | }
1523 |
1524 | /* 10.2 TPM_Unseal rev 110
1525 |
1526 | The TPM_Unseal operation will reveal TPM_Sealed data only if it was encrypted on this platform
1527 | and the current configuration (as defined by the named PCR contents) is the one named as
1528 | qualified to decrypt it. Internally, TPM_Unseal accepts a data blob generated by a TPM_Seal
1529 | operation. TPM_Unseal decrypts the structure internally, checks the integrity of the resulting
1530 | data, and checks that the PCR named has the value named during TPM_Seal. Additionally, the
1531 | caller must supply appropriate authorization data for blob and for the key that was used to seal
1532 | that data.
1533 |
1534 | If the integrity, platform configuration and authorization checks succeed, the sealed data is
1535 | returned to the caller; otherwise, an error is generated.
1536 | */
1537 |
1538 | TPM_RESULT TPM_Process_Unseal(tpm_state_t *tpm_state,
1539 | TPM_STORE_BUFFER *response,
1540 | TPM_TAG tag,
1541 | uint32_t paramSize,
1542 | TPM_COMMAND_CODE ordinal,
1543 | unsigned char *command,
1544 | TPM_TRANSPORT_INTERNAL *transportInternal)
1545 | {
1546 | TPM_RESULT rcf = 0; /* fatal error precluding response */
1547 | TPM_RESULT returnCode = TPM_SUCCESS; /* command return code */
1548 |
1549 | /* input parameters */
1550 | TPM_KEY_HANDLE parentHandle; /* Handle of a loaded key that can unseal the data. */
1551 | TPM_STORED_DATA inData; /* The encrypted data generated by TPM_Seal. */
1552 | TPM_AUTHHANDLE authHandle; /* The authorization handle used for parentHandle. */
1553 | TPM_NONCE nonceOdd; /* Nonce generated by system associated with authHandle */
1554 | TPM_BOOL continueAuthSession = TRUE; /* The continue use flag for the authorization
1555 | handle */
1556 | TPM_AUTHDATA parentAuth; /* The authorization digest for inputs and
1557 | parentHandle. HMAC key: parentKey.usageAuth. */
1558 | TPM_AUTHHANDLE dataAuthHandle; /* The authorization handle used to authorize inData. */
1559 | TPM_NONCE datanonceOdd; /* Nonce generated by system associated with
1560 | entityAuthHandle */
1561 | TPM_BOOL continueDataSession = TRUE; /* Continue usage flag for dataAuthHandle. */
1562 | TPM_AUTHDATA dataAuth; /* The authorization digest for the encrypted entity. HMAC
1563 | key: entity.usageAuth. */
1564 |
1565 | /* processing */
1566 | unsigned char * inParamStart; /* starting point of inParam's */
1567 | unsigned char * inParamEnd; /* ending point of inParam's */
1568 | TPM_DIGEST inParamDigest;
1569 | TPM_BOOL auditStatus; /* audit the ordinal */
1570 | TPM_BOOL transportEncrypt; /* wrapped in encrypted transport session */
1571 | TPM_BOOL authHandleValid = FALSE;
1572 | TPM_BOOL dataAuthHandleValid = FALSE;
1573 | TPM_AUTH_SESSION_DATA *auth_session_data = NULL; /* session data for authHandle */
1574 | TPM_AUTH_SESSION_DATA *data_auth_session_data = NULL; /* session data for dataAuthHandle
1575 | */
1576 | TPM_SECRET *hmacKey;
1577 | TPM_SECRET *dataHmacKey;
1578 | unsigned int v1StoredDataVersion = 1; /* version of TPM_STORED_DATA
1579 | inData */
1580 | TPM_KEY *parentKey;
1581 | TPM_BOOL parentPCRStatus;
1582 | TPM_SECRET *parentUsageAuth;
1583 | TPM_SEALED_DATA d1SealedData;
1584 | TPM_DIGEST h1StoredDataDigest;
1585 | TPM_STORED_DATA12 *s2StoredData;
1586 | BYTE *o1Encrypted; /* For ADIP encryption */
1587 | TPM_ADIP_ENC_SCHEME adipEncScheme;
1588 |
1589 | /* output parameters */
1590 | uint32_t outParamStart; /* starting point of outParam's */
1591 | uint32_t outParamEnd; /* ending point of outParam's */
1592 | TPM_DIGEST outParamDigest;
1593 | uint32_t secretSize = 0; /* Decrypted data that had been sealed */
1594 | BYTE *secret = NULL;
1595 |
1596 | printf("TPM_Process_Unseal: Ordinal Entry\n");
1597 | TPM_StoredData_Init(&inData, v1StoredDataVersion); /* freed @1, default is v1 */
1598 | TPM_SealedData_Init(&d1SealedData); /* freed @2 */
1599 | o1Encrypted = NULL; /* freed @3 */
1600 | s2StoredData = (TPM_STORED_DATA12 *)&inData; /* inData when it's a TPM_STORED_DATA12
1601 | structure */
1602 | /*
1603 | get inputs
1604 | */
1605 | /* get parentHandle parameter */
1606 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1607 | returnCode = TPM_Load32(&parentHandle, &command, ¶mSize);
1608 | }
1609 | /* save the starting point of inParam's for authorization and auditing */
1610 | inParamStart = command;
1611 | /* get inData parameter */
1612 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1613 | printf("TPM_Process_Unseal: parentHandle %08x\n", parentHandle);
1614 | returnCode = TPM_StoredData_Load(&inData, &v1StoredDataVersion, &command, ¶mSize);
1615 | }
1616 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1617 | printf("TPM_Process_Unseal: inData is v%u\n", v1StoredDataVersion);
1618 | }
1619 | /* save the ending point of inParam's for authorization and auditing */
1620 | inParamEnd = command;
1621 | /* digest the input parameters */
1622 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1623 | returnCode = TPM_GetInParamDigest(inParamDigest, /* output */
1624 | &auditStatus, /* output */
1625 | &transportEncrypt, /* output */
1626 | tpm_state,
1627 | tag,
1628 | ordinal,
1629 | inParamStart,
1630 | inParamEnd,
1631 | transportInternal);
1632 | }
1633 | /* check state */
1634 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1635 | returnCode = TPM_CheckState(tpm_state, tag, TPM_CHECK_ALL);
1636 | }
1637 | /* check tag */
1638 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1639 | returnCode = TPM_CheckRequestTag21(tag);
1640 | }
1641 | /* get the optional 'below the line' authorization parameters */
1642 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH2_COMMAND)) {
1643 | returnCode = TPM_AuthParams_Get(&authHandle,
1644 | &authHandleValid,
1645 | nonceOdd,
1646 | &continueAuthSession,
1647 | parentAuth,
1648 | &command, ¶mSize);
1649 | }
1650 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH2_COMMAND)) {
1651 | printf("TPM_Process_Unseal: authHandle %08x\n", authHandle);
1652 | }
1653 | /* get the 'below the line' authorization parameters */
1654 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1655 | returnCode = TPM_AuthParams_Get(&dataAuthHandle,
1656 | &dataAuthHandleValid,
1657 | datanonceOdd,
1658 | &continueDataSession,
1659 | dataAuth,
1660 | &command, ¶mSize);
1661 | }
1662 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1663 | printf("TPM_Process_Unseal: dataAuthHandle %08x\n", dataAuthHandle);
1664 | }
1665 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1666 | if (paramSize != 0) {
1667 | printf("TPM_Process_Unseal: Error, command has %u extra bytes\n",
1668 | paramSize);
1669 | returnCode = TPM_BAD_PARAM_SIZE;
1670 | }
1671 | }
1672 | /* do not terminate sessions if the command did not parse correctly */
1673 | if (returnCode != TPM_SUCCESS) {
1674 | authHandleValid = FALSE;
1675 | dataAuthHandleValid = FALSE;
1676 | }
1677 | /*
1678 | Processing
1679 | */
1680 | /* Verify that parentHandle points to a valid key. Get the TPM_KEY associated with parentHandle
1681 | */
1682 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1683 | returnCode = TPM_KeyHandleEntries_GetKey(&parentKey, &parentPCRStatus,
1684 | tpm_state, parentHandle,
1685 | FALSE, /* not r/o, using to decrypt */
1686 | FALSE, /* do not ignore PCRs */
1687 | FALSE); /* cannot use EK */
1688 | }
1689 | /* get parentHandle -> usageAuth */
1690 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH2_COMMAND)) {
1691 | returnCode = TPM_Key_GetUsageAuth(&parentUsageAuth, parentKey);
1692 | }
1693 | /* get the first session data */
1694 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH2_COMMAND)) {
1695 | returnCode = TPM_AuthSessions_GetData(&auth_session_data,
1696 | &hmacKey,
1697 | tpm_state,
1698 | authHandle,
1699 | TPM_PID_NONE,
1701 | ordinal,
1702 | parentKey,
1703 | parentUsageAuth, /* OIAP */
1704 | parentKey->tpm_store_asymkey->pubDataDigest); /*OSAP*/
1705 | }
1706 | /* 1. The TPM MUST validate that parentAuth authorizes the use of the key in parentHandle, on
1707 | error return TPM_AUTHFAIL */
1708 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH2_COMMAND)) {
1709 | returnCode = TPM_Authdata_Check(tpm_state,
1710 | *hmacKey, /* HMAC key */
1711 | inParamDigest,
1712 | auth_session_data, /* authorization session */
1713 | nonceOdd, /* Nonce generated by system
1714 | associated with authHandle */
1715 | continueAuthSession,
1716 | parentAuth); /* Authorization digest for input */
1717 | }
1718 | /* if there are no parent auth parameters */
1719 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag != TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH2_COMMAND)) {
1720 | if (parentKey->authDataUsage != TPM_AUTH_NEVER) {
1721 | printf("TPM_Process_Unseal: Error, parent key authorization required\n");
1722 | returnCode = TPM_AUTHFAIL;
1723 | }
1724 | }
1725 | /* 2. If the keyUsage field of the key indicated by parentHandle does not have the value
1726 | TPM_KEY_STORAGE, the TPM MUST return the error code TPM_INVALID_KEYUSAGE. */
1727 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1728 | if (parentKey->keyUsage != TPM_KEY_STORAGE) {
1729 | printf("TPM_Process_Unseal: Error, key keyUsage %04hx must be TPM_KEY_STORAGE\n",
1730 | parentKey->keyUsage);
1731 | returnCode = TPM_INVALID_KEYUSAGE;
1732 | }
1733 | }
1734 | /* 3. The TPM MUST check that the TPM_KEY_FLAGS -> Migratable flag has the value FALSE in the
1735 | key indicated by parentKeyHandle. If not, the TPM MUST return the error code
1737 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1738 | if (parentKey->keyFlags & TPM_MIGRATABLE) {
1739 | printf("TPM_Process_Unseal: Error, key keyFlags %08x indicates migratable\n",
1740 | parentKey->keyFlags);
1741 | returnCode = TPM_INVALID_KEYUSAGE;
1742 | }
1743 | }
1744 | /* 4. Determine the version of inData */
1745 | /* a. If inData -> tag = TPM_TAG_STORED_DATA12 */
1746 | /* i. Set V1 to 2 */
1747 | /* ii. Map S2 a TPM_STORED_DATA12 structure to inData */
1748 | /* b. Else If inData -> ver = 1.1 */
1749 | /* i. Set V1 to 1 */
1750 | /* ii. Map S2 a TPM_STORED_DATA structure to inData */
1751 | /* c. Else */
1752 | /* i. Return TPM_BAD_VERSION */
1753 | /* NOTE: Done during TPM_StoredData_Load() */
1754 | /* The extra indent of error checking is required because the next steps all return
1755 | TPM_NOTSEALED_BLOB on error */
1756 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1757 | /* 5. Create d1 by decrypting S2 -> encData using the key pointed to by parentHandle */
1758 | printf("TPM_Process_Unseal: Decrypting encData\n");
1759 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1760 | returnCode = TPM_SealedData_DecryptEncData(&d1SealedData, /* TPM_SEALED_DATA */
1761 | &(inData.encData),
1762 | parentKey);
1763 | }
1764 | /* 6. Validate d1 */
1765 | /* a. d1 MUST be a TPM_SEALED_DATA structure */
1766 | /* NOTE Done during TPM_SealedData_DecryptEncData() */
1767 | /* b. d1 -> tpmProof MUST match TPM_PERMANENT_DATA -> tpmProof */
1768 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1769 | printf("TPM_Process_Unseal: Sealed data size %u\n", d1SealedData.data.size);
1770 | TPM_PrintFour("TPM_Process_Unseal: Sealed data", d1SealedData.data.buffer);
1771 | printf("TPM_Process_Unseal: Checking tpmProof\n");
1772 | returnCode = TPM_Secret_Compare(d1SealedData.tpmProof,
1773 | tpm_state->tpm_permanent_data.tpmProof);
1774 | }
1775 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1776 | /* c. Set S2 -> encDataSize to 0 */
1777 | /* d. Set S2 -> encData to all zeros */
1778 | /* NOTE: This would be done at cleanup */
1779 | TPM_SizedBuffer_Delete(&(inData.encData));
1780 | /* e. Create h1 the SHA-1 of S2 */
1781 | returnCode = TPM_StoredData_GenerateDigest(h1StoredDataDigest,
1782 | &inData, v1StoredDataVersion);
1783 | }
1784 | /* f. d1 -> storedDigest MUST match h1 */
1785 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1786 | printf("TPM_Process_Unseal: Checking storedDigest\n");
1787 | returnCode = TPM_Digest_Compare(d1SealedData.storedDigest, h1StoredDataDigest);
1788 | }
1789 | /* g. d1 -> payload MUST be TPM_PT_SEAL */
1790 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1791 | if (d1SealedData.payload != TPM_PT_SEAL) {
1792 | printf("TPM_Process_Unseal: Error, payload %02x not TPM_PT_SEAL\n",
1793 | d1SealedData.payload);
1794 | returnCode = TPM_NOTSEALED_BLOB;
1795 | }
1796 | }
1797 | /* h. Any failure MUST return TPM_NOTSEALED_BLOB */
1798 | if (returnCode != TPM_SUCCESS) {
1799 | returnCode = TPM_NOTSEALED_BLOB;
1800 | }
1801 | }
1802 | /* 7. If S2 -> sealInfo is not 0 then */
1803 | /* NOTE: Done by _CheckDigest() */
1804 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1805 | printf("TPM_Process_Unseal: Checking PCR digest\n");
1806 | /* a. If V1 is 1 then */
1807 | if (v1StoredDataVersion == 1) {
1808 | /* i. Validate that S2 -> pcrInfo is a valid TPM_PCR_INFO structure */
1809 | /* NOTE: Done during TPM_StoredData_Load() */
1810 | /* ii. Create h2 the composite hash of the PCR selected by S2 -> pcrInfo -> pcrSelection
1811 | */
1812 | /* c. Compare h2 with S2 -> pcrInfo -> digestAtRelease, on mismatch return
1814 | returnCode = TPM_PCRInfo_CheckDigest(inData.tpm_seal_info,
1815 | tpm_state->tpm_stclear_data.PCRS); /* PCR array */
1816 | }
1817 | /* b. If V1 is 2 then */
1818 | else {
1819 | /* i. Validate that S2 -> pcrInfo is a valid TPM_PCR_INFO_LONG structure */
1820 | /* NOTE: Done during TPM_StoredData_Load() */
1821 | /* ii. Create h2 the composite hash of the PCR selected by S2 -> pcrInfo ->
1822 | releasePCRSelection */
1823 | /* iii. Check that S2 -> pcrInfo -> localityAtRelease for TPM_STANY_DATA ->
1824 | localityModifier is TRUE */
1825 | /* (1) For example if TPM_STANY_DATA -> localityModifier was 2 then S2 -> pcrInfo ->
1826 | localityAtRelease -> TPM_LOC_TWO would have to be TRUE */
1827 | /* c. Compare h2 with S2 -> pcrInfo -> digestAtRelease, on mismatch return
1829 | returnCode =
1830 | TPM_PCRInfoLong_CheckDigest(s2StoredData->tpm_seal_info_long,
1831 | tpm_state->tpm_stclear_data.PCRS, /* PCR array */
1832 | tpm_state->tpm_stany_flags.localityModifier);
1833 | }
1834 | }
1835 | /* 8. The TPM MUST validate authorization to use d1 by checking that the HMAC calculation
1836 | using d1 -> authData as the shared secret matches the dataAuth. Return TPM_AUTHFAIL on
1837 | mismatch. */
1838 | /* get the second session data */
1839 | /* NOTE: While OSAP isn't specifically excluded, there is currently no way to set up an OSAP
1840 | session using TPM_SEALED_DATA as the entity */
1841 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1842 | returnCode = TPM_AuthSessions_GetData(&data_auth_session_data,
1843 | &dataHmacKey,
1844 | tpm_state,
1845 | dataAuthHandle,
1846 | TPM_PID_OIAP, /* currently require OIAP */
1847 | 0, /* OSAP entity type */
1848 | ordinal,
1849 | NULL,
1850 | &(d1SealedData.authData), /* OIAP */
1851 | NULL); /* OSAP */
1852 | }
1853 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1854 | returnCode = TPM_Auth2data_Check(tpm_state,
1855 | *dataHmacKey, /* HMAC key */
1856 | inParamDigest,
1857 | data_auth_session_data, /* authorization session */
1858 | datanonceOdd, /* Nonce generated by system
1859 | associated with authHandle */
1860 | continueDataSession,
1861 | dataAuth); /* Authorization digest for input */
1862 | }
1863 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1864 | /* 9. If V1 is 2 and S2 -> et specifies encryption (i.e. is not all zeros) then */
1865 | if ((v1StoredDataVersion == 2) && (s2StoredData->et != 0x0000)) {
1866 | /* a. If tag is not TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH2_COMMAND, return TPM_AUTHFAIL */
1867 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1868 | if (tag != TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH2_COMMAND) {
1869 | printf("TPM_Process_Unseal: Error, sealed with encryption but auth-1\n");
1870 | returnCode = TPM_AUTHFAIL;
1871 | }
1872 | }
1873 | /* b. Verify that the authHandle session type is TPM_PID_OSAP or TPM_PID_DSAP, return
1874 | TPM_BAD_MODE on error. */
1875 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1876 | if ((auth_session_data->protocolID != TPM_PID_OSAP) &&
1877 | (auth_session_data->protocolID != TPM_PID_DSAP)) {
1878 | printf("TPM_Process_Unseal: Error, sealed with encryption but OIAP\n");
1879 | returnCode = TPM_BAD_MODE;
1880 | }
1881 | }
1882 | /* c. If MSB of S2 -> et is TPM_ET_XOR */
1883 | /* i. Use MGF1 to create string X1 of length sealedDataSize. The inputs to MGF1 are;
1884 | authLastnonceEven, nonceOdd, "XOR", and authHandle -> sharedSecret. The four
1885 | concatenated values form the Z value that is the seed for MFG1. */
1886 | /* d. Else */
1887 | /* i. Create o1 by encrypting d1 -> data using the algorithm indicated by inData ->
1888 | et */
1889 | /* ii. Key is from authHandle -> sharedSecret */
1890 | /* iii. IV is SHA-1 of (authLastNonceEven || nonceOdd) */
1891 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1892 | /* entity type MSB is ADIP encScheme */
1893 | adipEncScheme = (s2StoredData->et >> 8) & 0x00ff;
1894 | printf("TPM_Process_Unseal: Encrypting the output, encScheme %02x\n",
1895 | adipEncScheme);
1896 | returnCode = TPM_SealCryptCommon(&o1Encrypted,
1897 | adipEncScheme,
1898 | &(d1SealedData.data),
1899 | auth_session_data,
1900 | nonceOdd);
1901 | secretSize = d1SealedData.data.size;
1902 | secret = o1Encrypted;
1903 | }
1904 | /* e. Set continueAuthSession to FALSE */
1905 | continueAuthSession = FALSE;
1906 | }
1907 | /* 10. else */
1908 | else {
1909 | printf("TPM_Process_Unseal: No output encryption\n");
1910 | /* a. Set o1 to d1 -> data */
1911 | secretSize = d1SealedData.data.size;
1912 | secret = d1SealedData.data.buffer;
1913 | }
1914 | }
1915 | /* 11. Set the return secret as o1 */
1916 | /*
1917 | response
1918 | */
1919 | /* standard response: tag, (dummy) paramSize, returnCode. Failure is fatal. */
1920 | if (rcf == 0) {
1921 | printf("TPM_Process_Unseal: Ordinal returnCode %08x %u\n",
1922 | returnCode, returnCode);
1923 | rcf = TPM_Sbuffer_StoreInitialResponse(response, tag, returnCode);
1924 | }
1925 | /* success response, append the rest of the parameters. */
1926 | if (rcf == 0) {
1927 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1928 | /* checkpoint the beginning of the outParam's */
1929 | outParamStart = response->buffer_current - response->buffer;
1930 | /* return secretSize */
1931 | returnCode = TPM_Sbuffer_Append32(response, secretSize);
1932 | }
1933 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1934 | /* return secret */
1935 | returnCode = TPM_Sbuffer_Append(response, secret, secretSize);
1936 | /* checkpoint the end of the outParam's */
1937 | outParamEnd = response->buffer_current - response->buffer;
1938 | }
1939 | /* digest the above the line output parameters */
1940 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1941 | returnCode = TPM_GetOutParamDigest(outParamDigest, /* output */
1942 | auditStatus, /* input audit status */
1943 | transportEncrypt,
1944 | tag,
1945 | returnCode,
1946 | ordinal, /* command ordinal */
1947 | response->buffer + outParamStart, /* start */
1948 | outParamEnd - outParamStart); /* length */
1949 | }
1950 | /* calculate and set the below the line parameters */
1951 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH2_COMMAND)) {
1952 | returnCode = TPM_AuthParams_Set(response,
1953 | *hmacKey, /* HMAC key */
1954 | auth_session_data,
1955 | outParamDigest,
1956 | nonceOdd,
1957 | continueAuthSession);
1958 | }
1959 | /* calculate and set the below the line parameters */
1960 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
1961 | returnCode = TPM_AuthParams_Set(response,
1962 | *dataHmacKey, /* HMAC key */
1963 | data_auth_session_data,
1964 | outParamDigest,
1965 | datanonceOdd,
1966 | continueDataSession);
1967 | }
1968 | /* audit if required */
1969 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && auditStatus) {
1970 | returnCode = TPM_ProcessAudit(tpm_state,
1971 | transportEncrypt,
1972 | inParamDigest,
1973 | outParamDigest,
1974 | ordinal);
1975 | }
1976 | /* adjust the initial response */
1977 | rcf = TPM_Sbuffer_StoreFinalResponse(response, returnCode, tpm_state);
1978 | }
1979 | /* if there was an error, or continueAuthSession is FALSE, terminate the session */
1980 | if (((rcf != 0) ||
1981 | ((returnCode != TPM_SUCCESS) && (returnCode != TPM_DEFEND_LOCK_RUNNING)) ||
1982 | !continueAuthSession) &&
1983 | authHandleValid) {
1984 | TPM_AuthSessions_TerminateHandle(tpm_state->tpm_stclear_data.authSessions, authHandle);
1985 | }
1986 | if (((rcf != 0) ||
1987 | ((returnCode != TPM_SUCCESS) && (returnCode != TPM_DEFEND_LOCK_RUNNING)) ||
1988 | !continueDataSession) &&
1989 | dataAuthHandleValid) {
1990 | TPM_AuthSessions_TerminateHandle(tpm_state->tpm_stclear_data.authSessions, dataAuthHandle);
1991 | }
1992 | /*
1993 | cleanup
1994 | */
1995 | TPM_StoredData_Delete(&inData, v1StoredDataVersion); /* @1 */
1996 | TPM_SealedData_Delete(&d1SealedData); /* @2 */
1997 | free(o1Encrypted); /* @3 */
1998 | return rcf;
1999 | }
2000 |
2001 | /* 10.3 TPM_UnBind rev 87
2002 |
2003 | TPM_UnBind takes the data blob that is the result of a Tspi_Data_Bind command and decrypts it
2004 | for export to the User. The caller must authorize the use of the key that will decrypt the
2005 | incoming blob.
2006 |
2007 | UnBind operates on a block-by-block basis, and has no notion of any relation between one block
2008 | and another.
2009 |
2010 | UnBind SHALL operate on a single block only.
2011 | */
2012 |
2013 | TPM_RESULT TPM_Process_UnBind(tpm_state_t *tpm_state,
2014 | TPM_STORE_BUFFER *response,
2015 | TPM_TAG tag,
2016 | uint32_t paramSize,
2017 | TPM_COMMAND_CODE ordinal,
2018 | unsigned char *command,
2019 | TPM_TRANSPORT_INTERNAL *transportInternal)
2020 | {
2021 | TPM_RESULT rcf = 0; /* fatal error precluding response */
2022 | TPM_RESULT returnCode = TPM_SUCCESS; /* command return code */
2023 |
2024 | /* input parameters */
2025 | TPM_KEY_HANDLE keyHandle; /* The keyHandle identifier of a loaded key that can perform
2026 | UnBind operations. */
2027 | TPM_SIZED_BUFFER inData; /* Encrypted blob to be decrypted */
2028 | TPM_AUTHHANDLE authHandle; /* The handle used for keyHandle authorization */
2029 | TPM_NONCE nonceOdd; /* Nonce generated by system associated with authHandle */
2030 | TPM_BOOL continueAuthSession = TRUE; /* The continue use flag for the authorization
2031 | handle */
2032 | TPM_AUTHDATA privAuth; /* The authorization digest that authorizes the inputs and
2033 | use of keyHandle. HMAC key: key.usageAuth. */
2034 |
2035 | /* processing parameters */
2036 | unsigned char * inParamStart; /* starting point of inParam's */
2037 | unsigned char * inParamEnd; /* ending point of inParam's */
2038 | TPM_DIGEST inParamDigest;
2039 | TPM_BOOL auditStatus; /* audit the ordinal */
2040 | TPM_BOOL transportEncrypt; /* wrapped in encrypted transport session */
2041 | TPM_BOOL authHandleValid = FALSE;
2042 | TPM_SECRET *hmacKey;
2043 | TPM_KEY *key = NULL; /* the key specified by keyHandle */
2044 | TPM_SECRET *keyUsageAuth;
2045 | TPM_RSA_KEY_PARMS *tpm_rsa_key_parms; /* for key */
2046 | TPM_BOOL parentPCRStatus;
2047 | TPM_AUTH_SESSION_DATA *auth_session_data = NULL; /* session data for authHandle */
2048 | uint32_t decrypt_data_size; /* resulting decrypted data size */
2049 | BYTE *decrypt_data = NULL; /* The resulting decrypted data. */
2050 | unsigned char *stream;
2051 | uint32_t stream_size;
2052 | TPM_BOUND_DATA tpm_bound_data;
2053 |
2054 | /* output parameters */
2055 | uint32_t outParamStart; /* starting point of outParam's */
2056 | uint32_t outParamEnd; /* ending point of outParam's */
2057 | TPM_DIGEST outParamDigest;
2058 | size_t outDataSize = 0; /* The length of the returned decrypted data */
2059 | BYTE *outData = NULL; /* The resulting decrypted data. */
2060 |
2061 | printf("TPM_Process_UnBind: Ordinal Entry\n");
2062 | TPM_SizedBuffer_Init(&inData); /* freed @1 */
2063 | TPM_BoundData_Init(&tpm_bound_data); /* freed @3 */
2064 | /*
2065 | get inputs
2066 | */
2067 | /* get keyHandle parameter */
2068 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2069 | returnCode = TPM_Load32(&keyHandle, &command, ¶mSize);
2070 | }
2071 | /* save the starting point of inParam's for authorization and auditing */
2072 | inParamStart = command;
2073 | /* get areaToSignSize and areaToSign parameters */
2074 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2075 | printf("TPM_Process_UnBind: keyHandle %08x\n", keyHandle);
2076 | returnCode = TPM_SizedBuffer_Load(&inData, &command, ¶mSize);
2077 | }
2078 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2079 | printf("TPM_Process_UnBind: UnBinding %u bytes\n", inData.size);
2080 | }
2081 | /* save the ending point of inParam's for authorization and auditing */
2082 | inParamEnd = command;
2083 | /* digest the input parameters */
2084 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2085 | returnCode = TPM_GetInParamDigest(inParamDigest, /* output */
2086 | &auditStatus, /* output */
2087 | &transportEncrypt, /* output */
2088 | tpm_state,
2089 | tag,
2090 | ordinal,
2091 | inParamStart,
2092 | inParamEnd,
2093 | transportInternal);
2094 | }
2095 | /* check state */
2096 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2097 | returnCode = TPM_CheckState(tpm_state, tag, TPM_CHECK_ALL);
2098 | }
2099 | /* check tag */
2100 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2101 | returnCode = TPM_CheckRequestTag10(tag);
2102 | }
2103 | /* get the optional 'below the line' authorization parameters */
2104 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND)) {
2105 | returnCode = TPM_AuthParams_Get(&authHandle,
2106 | &authHandleValid,
2107 | nonceOdd,
2108 | &continueAuthSession,
2109 | privAuth,
2110 | &command, ¶mSize);
2111 | }
2112 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2113 | if (paramSize != 0) {
2114 | printf("TPM_Process_UnBind: Error, command has %u extra bytes\n",
2115 | paramSize);
2116 | returnCode = TPM_BAD_PARAM_SIZE;
2117 | }
2118 | }
2119 | /* do not terminate sessions if the command did not parse correctly */
2120 | if (returnCode != TPM_SUCCESS) {
2121 | authHandleValid = FALSE;
2122 | }
2123 | /*
2124 | Processing
2125 | */
2126 | /* 1. If the inDataSize is 0 the TPM returns TPM_BAD_PARAMETER */
2127 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2128 | if (inData.size == 0) {
2129 | printf("TPM_Process_UnBind: Error, inDataSize is 0\n");
2130 | returnCode = TPM_BAD_PARAMETER;
2131 | }
2132 | }
2133 | /* get the key corresponding to the keyHandle parameter */
2134 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2135 | returnCode = TPM_KeyHandleEntries_GetKey(&key, &parentPCRStatus, tpm_state, keyHandle,
2136 | FALSE, /* not read-only */
2137 | FALSE, /* do not ignore PCRs */
2138 | FALSE); /* cannot use EK */
2139 | }
2140 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_COMMAND)){
2141 | if (key->authDataUsage != TPM_AUTH_NEVER) {
2142 | printf("TPM_Process_UnBind: Error, authorization required\n");
2143 | returnCode = TPM_AUTHFAIL;
2144 | }
2145 | }
2146 | /* get keyHandle -> usageAuth */
2147 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND)) {
2148 | returnCode = TPM_Key_GetUsageAuth(&keyUsageAuth, key);
2149 | }
2150 | /* get the session data */
2151 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND)) {
2152 | returnCode = TPM_AuthSessions_GetData(&auth_session_data,
2153 | &hmacKey,
2154 | tpm_state,
2155 | authHandle,
2156 | TPM_PID_NONE,
2158 | ordinal,
2159 | key,
2160 | keyUsageAuth, /* OIAP */
2161 | key->tpm_store_asymkey->pubDataDigest); /* OSAP */
2162 | }
2163 | /* 2. Validate the authorization to use the key pointed to by keyHandle */
2164 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND)) {
2165 | returnCode = TPM_Authdata_Check(tpm_state,
2166 | *hmacKey, /* HMAC key */
2167 | inParamDigest,
2168 | auth_session_data, /* authorization session */
2169 | nonceOdd, /* Nonce generated by system
2170 | associated with authHandle */
2171 | continueAuthSession,
2172 | privAuth); /* Authorization digest for input */
2173 | }
2174 | /* 3. If the keyUsage field of the key referenced by keyHandle does not have the value
2175 | TPM_KEY_BIND or TPM_KEY_LEGACY, the TPM must return the error code TPM_INVALID_KEYUSAGE */
2176 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2177 | if ((key->keyUsage != TPM_KEY_BIND) && (key->keyUsage != TPM_KEY_LEGACY)) {
2178 | printf("TPM_Process_UnBind: Error, invalid keyUsage %04hx\n", (key->keyUsage));
2179 | returnCode = TPM_INVALID_KEYUSAGE;
2180 | }
2181 | }
2182 | /* Get the TPM_RSA_KEY_PARMS associated with key */
2183 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2184 | returnCode = TPM_KeyParms_GetRSAKeyParms(&tpm_rsa_key_parms, &(key->algorithmParms));
2185 | }
2186 | /* 4. Decrypt the inData using the key pointed to by keyHandle */
2187 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2188 | returnCode =
2189 | TPM_RSAPrivateDecryptMalloc(&decrypt_data, /* decrypted data, freed @2 */
2190 | &decrypt_data_size, /* actual size of decrypted data
2191 | data */
2192 | inData.buffer,
2193 | inData.size,
2194 | key);
2195 | }
2196 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2197 | /* 5. if (keyHandle -> encScheme does not equal TPM_ES_RSAESOAEP_SHA1_MGF1) and (keyHandle
2198 | -> keyUsage equals TPM_KEY_LEGACY), */
2199 | if ((key->algorithmParms.encScheme != TPM_ES_RSAESOAEP_SHA1_MGF1) &&
2200 | (key->keyUsage == TPM_KEY_LEGACY)) {
2201 | printf("TPM_Process_UnBind: Legacy key\n");
2202 | /* a. The payload does not have TPM specific markers to validate, so no consistency
2203 | check can be performed. */
2204 | /* b. Set the output parameter outData to the value of the decrypted value of
2205 | inData. (Padding associated with the encryption wrapping of inData SHALL NOT be
2206 | returned.) */
2207 | outData = decrypt_data;
2208 | /* c. Set the output parameter outDataSize to the size of outData, as deduced from the
2209 | decryption process. */
2210 | outDataSize = decrypt_data_size;
2211 | }
2212 | /* 6. else */
2213 | else {
2214 | printf("TPM_Process_UnBind: Payload is TPM_BOUND_DATA structure\n");
2215 | /* a. Interpret the decrypted data under the assumption that it is a TPM_BOUND_DATA
2216 | structure, and validate that the payload type is TPM_PT_BIND */
2217 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2218 | stream = decrypt_data;
2219 | stream_size = decrypt_data_size;
2220 | returnCode = TPM_BoundData_Load(&tpm_bound_data,
2221 | &stream,
2222 | &stream_size);
2223 | }
2224 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2225 | if (tpm_bound_data.payload != TPM_PT_BIND) {
2226 | printf("TPM_Process_UnBind: Error, "
2227 | "TPM_BOUND_DATA->payload %02x not TPM_PT_BIND\n",
2228 | tpm_bound_data.payload);
2229 | returnCode = TPM_INVALID_STRUCTURE;
2230 | }
2231 | }
2232 | /* b. Set the output parameter outData to the value of TPM_BOUND_DATA ->
2233 | payloadData. (Other parameters of TPM_BOUND_DATA SHALL NOT be returned. Padding
2234 | associated with the encryption wrapping of inData SHALL NOT be returned.) */
2235 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2236 | outData = tpm_bound_data.payloadData;
2237 | /* c. Set the output parameter outDataSize to the size of outData, as deduced from
2238 | the decryption process and the interpretation of TPM_BOUND_DATA. */
2239 | outDataSize = tpm_bound_data.payloadDataSize;
2240 | }
2241 | }
2242 | }
2243 | /*
2244 | response
2245 | */
2246 | /* standard response: tag, (dummy) paramSize, returnCode. Failure is fatal. */
2247 | if (rcf == 0) {
2248 | printf("TPM_Process_UnBind: Ordinal returnCode %08x %u\n",
2249 | returnCode, returnCode);
2250 | rcf = TPM_Sbuffer_StoreInitialResponse(response, tag, returnCode);
2251 | }
2252 | /* success response, append the rest of the parameters. */
2253 | if (rcf == 0) {
2254 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2255 | /* checkpoint the beginning of the outParam's */
2256 | outParamStart = response->buffer_current - response->buffer;
2257 | /* 10. Return the computed outData */
2258 | /* append outDataSize */
2259 | returnCode = TPM_Sbuffer_Append32(response, outDataSize);
2260 | }
2261 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2262 | /* append outData */
2263 | returnCode = TPM_Sbuffer_Append(response, outData, outDataSize);
2264 | /* checkpoint the end of the outParam's */
2265 | outParamEnd = response->buffer_current - response->buffer;
2266 | }
2267 | /* digest the above the line output parameters */
2268 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2269 | returnCode = TPM_GetOutParamDigest(outParamDigest, /* output */
2270 | auditStatus, /* input audit status */
2271 | transportEncrypt,
2272 | tag,
2273 | returnCode,
2274 | ordinal, /* command ordinal */
2275 | response->buffer + outParamStart, /* start */
2276 | outParamEnd - outParamStart); /* length */
2277 | }
2278 | /* calculate and set the below the line parameters */
2279 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND)) {
2280 | returnCode = TPM_AuthParams_Set(response,
2281 | *hmacKey, /* HMAC key */
2282 | auth_session_data,
2283 | outParamDigest,
2284 | nonceOdd,
2285 | continueAuthSession);
2286 | }
2287 | /* audit if required */
2288 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && auditStatus) {
2289 | returnCode = TPM_ProcessAudit(tpm_state,
2290 | transportEncrypt,
2291 | inParamDigest,
2292 | outParamDigest,
2293 | ordinal);
2294 | }
2295 | /* adjust the initial response */
2296 | rcf = TPM_Sbuffer_StoreFinalResponse(response, returnCode, tpm_state);
2297 | }
2298 | /* if there was an error, or continueAuthSession is FALSE, terminate the session */
2299 | if (((rcf != 0) ||
2300 | ((returnCode != TPM_SUCCESS) && (returnCode != TPM_DEFEND_LOCK_RUNNING)) ||
2301 | !continueAuthSession) &&
2302 | authHandleValid) {
2303 | TPM_AuthSessions_TerminateHandle(tpm_state->tpm_stclear_data.authSessions, authHandle);
2304 | }
2305 | /*
2306 | cleanup
2307 | */
2308 | TPM_SizedBuffer_Delete(&inData); /* @1 */
2309 | free(decrypt_data); /* @2 */
2310 | TPM_BoundData_Delete(&tpm_bound_data); /* @3 */
2311 | return rcf;
2312 | }
2313 |
2314 | /* 10.4 TPM_CreateWrapKey rev 114
2315 |
2316 | The TPM_CreateWrapKey command both generates and creates a secure storage bundle for asymmetric
2317 | keys.
2318 |
2319 | The newly created key can be locked to a specific PCR value by specifying a set of PCR registers.
2320 | */
2321 |
2322 | TPM_RESULT TPM_Process_CreateWrapKey(tpm_state_t *tpm_state,
2323 | TPM_STORE_BUFFER *response,
2324 | TPM_TAG tag,
2325 | uint32_t paramSize,
2326 | TPM_COMMAND_CODE ordinal,
2327 | unsigned char *command,
2328 | TPM_TRANSPORT_INTERNAL *transportInternal)
2329 | {
2330 | TPM_RESULT rcf = 0; /* fatal error precluding response */
2331 | TPM_RESULT returnCode = TPM_SUCCESS; /* command return code */
2332 |
2333 | /* input parameters */
2334 | TPM_KEY_HANDLE parentHandle; /* Handle of a loaded key that can perform key wrapping. */
2335 | TPM_ENCAUTH dataUsageAuth; /* Encrypted usage authorization data for the key. */
2336 | TPM_ENCAUTH dataMigrationAuth; /* Encrypted migration authorization data for the
2337 | key.*/
2338 | TPM_KEY keyInfo; /* Information about key to be created, pubkey.keyLength and
2339 | keyInfo.encData elements are 0. MAY be TPM_KEY12 */
2340 | TPM_AUTHHANDLE authHandle; /* The authorization handle used for parent key
2341 | authorization. Must be an OSAP session. */
2342 | TPM_NONCE nonceOdd; /* Nonce generated by system associated with authHandle */
2343 | TPM_BOOL continueAuthSession = TRUE; /* Ignored */
2344 | TPM_AUTHDATA pubAuth; /* The authorization digest that authorizes the use of the
2345 | public key in parentHandle. HMAC key:
2346 | parentKey.usageAuth. */
2347 |
2348 | /* processing parameters */
2349 | unsigned char * inParamStart; /* starting point of inParam's */
2350 | unsigned char * inParamEnd; /* ending point of inParam's */
2351 | TPM_DIGEST inParamDigest;
2352 | TPM_BOOL auditStatus; /* audit the ordinal */
2353 | TPM_BOOL transportEncrypt; /* wrapped in encrypted transport session */
2354 | TPM_BOOL authHandleValid = FALSE;
2355 | TPM_AUTH_SESSION_DATA *auth_session_data = NULL; /* session data for authHandle */
2356 | TPM_SECRET *hmacKey;
2357 | TPM_KEY *parentKey = NULL; /* the key specified by parentHandle */
2358 | TPM_BOOL parentPCRStatus;
2359 | TPM_RSA_KEY_PARMS *keyInfoRSAParms = NULL; /* substructure of keyInfo */
2360 | TPM_SECRET du1UsageAuth;
2361 | TPM_SECRET dm1MigrationAuth;
2362 | TPM_STORE_ASYMKEY *wrappedStoreAsymkey; /* substructure of wrappedKey */
2363 | TPM_PCR_INFO wrappedPCRInfo;
2364 | int ver; /* TPM_KEY or TPM_KEY12 */
2365 |
2366 | /* output parameters */
2367 | TPM_KEY wrappedKey; /* The TPM_KEY structure which includes the public and
2368 | encrypted private key. MAY be TPM_KEY12 */
2369 | uint32_t outParamStart; /* starting point of outParam's */
2370 | uint32_t outParamEnd; /* ending point of outParam's */
2371 | TPM_DIGEST outParamDigest;
2372 |
2373 | printf("TPM_Process_CreateWrapKey: Ordinal Entry\n");
2374 | TPM_Key_Init(&keyInfo);
2375 | TPM_Key_Init(&wrappedKey);
2376 | TPM_PCRInfo_Init(&wrappedPCRInfo);
2377 | /*
2378 | get inputs
2379 | */
2380 | /* get parentHandle parameter */
2381 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2382 | returnCode = TPM_Load32(&parentHandle, &command, ¶mSize);
2383 | }
2384 | /* save the starting point of inParam's for authorization and auditing */
2385 | inParamStart = command;
2386 | /* get dataUsageAuth parameter */
2387 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2388 | printf("TPM_Process_CreateWrapKey: parentHandle %08x\n", parentHandle);
2389 | returnCode = TPM_Authdata_Load(dataUsageAuth, &command, ¶mSize);
2390 | }
2391 | /* get dataMigrationAuth parameter */
2392 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2393 | returnCode = TPM_Authdata_Load(dataMigrationAuth, &command, ¶mSize);
2394 | }
2395 | /* get keyInfo parameter */
2396 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2397 | returnCode = TPM_Key_Load(&keyInfo, &command, ¶mSize); /* freed @1 */
2398 | }
2399 | /* save the ending point of inParam's for authorization and auditing */
2400 | inParamEnd = command;
2401 | /* digest the input parameters */
2402 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2403 | returnCode = TPM_GetInParamDigest(inParamDigest, /* output */
2404 | &auditStatus, /* output */
2405 | &transportEncrypt, /* output */
2406 | tpm_state,
2407 | tag,
2408 | ordinal,
2409 | inParamStart,
2410 | inParamEnd,
2411 | transportInternal);
2412 | }
2413 | /* check state */
2414 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2415 | returnCode = TPM_CheckState(tpm_state, tag, TPM_CHECK_ALL);
2416 | }
2417 | /* check tag */
2418 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2419 | returnCode = TPM_CheckRequestTag1(tag);
2420 | }
2421 | /* get the 'below the line' authorization parameters */
2422 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2423 | returnCode = TPM_AuthParams_Get(&authHandle,
2424 | &authHandleValid,
2425 | nonceOdd,
2426 | &continueAuthSession,
2427 | pubAuth,
2428 | &command, ¶mSize);
2429 | }
2430 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2431 | if (paramSize != 0) {
2432 | printf("TPM_Process_CreateWrapKey: Error, command has %u extra bytes\n",
2433 | paramSize);
2434 | returnCode = TPM_BAD_PARAM_SIZE;
2435 | }
2436 | }
2437 | /* do not terminate sessions if the command did not parse correctly */
2438 | if (returnCode != TPM_SUCCESS) {
2439 | authHandleValid = FALSE;
2440 | }
2441 | /*
2442 | Processing
2443 | */
2444 | /* get the key corresponding to the parentHandle parameter */
2445 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2446 | returnCode = TPM_KeyHandleEntries_GetKey(&parentKey, &parentPCRStatus, tpm_state,
2447 | parentHandle,
2448 | FALSE, /* not r/o, using to encrypt w/public key */
2449 | FALSE, /* do not ignore PCRs */
2450 | FALSE); /* cannot use EK */
2451 | }
2452 | /* get the session data */
2453 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2454 | returnCode = TPM_AuthSessions_GetData(&auth_session_data,
2455 | &hmacKey,
2456 | tpm_state,
2457 | authHandle,
2458 | TPM_PID_OSAP,
2460 | ordinal,
2461 | parentKey,
2462 | NULL, /* OIAP */
2463 | parentKey->tpm_store_asymkey->pubDataDigest); /*OSAP*/
2464 | }
2465 | /* 1. Validate the authorization to use the key pointed to by parentHandle. Return TPM_AUTHFAIL
2466 | on any error. */
2467 | /* 2. Validate the session type for parentHandle is OSAP. */
2468 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2469 | TPM_PrintFour("TPM_Process_CreateWrapKey: sharedSecret", auth_session_data->sharedSecret);
2470 | returnCode = TPM_Authdata_Check(tpm_state,
2471 | *hmacKey, /* HMAC key */
2472 | inParamDigest,
2473 | auth_session_data, /* authorization session */
2474 | nonceOdd, /* Nonce generated by system
2475 | associated with authHandle
2476 | */
2477 | continueAuthSession,
2478 | pubAuth); /* Authorization digest for input */
2479 | }
2480 | /* 3. If the TPM is not designed to create a key of the type requested in keyInfo, return the
2481 | error code TPM_BAD_KEY_PROPERTY */
2482 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2483 | printf("TPM_Process_CreateWrapKey: Checking key properties\n");
2484 | returnCode = TPM_Key_CheckProperties(&ver, &keyInfo, 0,
2485 | tpm_state->tpm_permanent_flags.FIPS);
2486 | }
2487 | /* Get the TPM_RSA_KEY_PARMS associated with keyInfo */
2488 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2489 | printf("TPM_Process_CreateWrapKey: key parameters v = %d\n", ver);
2490 | returnCode = TPM_KeyParms_GetRSAKeyParms(&keyInfoRSAParms, &(keyInfo.algorithmParms));
2491 | }
2492 | /* 4. Verify that parentHandle->keyUsage equals TPM_KEY_STORAGE */
2493 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2494 | if (parentKey->keyUsage != TPM_KEY_STORAGE) {
2495 | printf("TPM_Process_CreateWrapKey: Error, parent keyUsage not TPM_KEY_STORAGE\n");
2496 | returnCode = TPM_INVALID_KEYUSAGE;
2497 | }
2498 | }
2499 | /* 5. If parentHandle -> keyFlags -> migratable is TRUE and keyInfo -> keyFlags -> migratable is
2500 | FALSE then return TPM_INVALID_KEYUSAGE */
2501 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2502 | if ((parentKey->keyFlags & TPM_MIGRATABLE) && !(keyInfo.keyFlags & TPM_MIGRATABLE)) {
2503 | printf("TPM_Process_CreateWrapKey: Error, parent not migratable\n");
2504 | returnCode = TPM_INVALID_KEYUSAGE;
2505 | }
2506 | }
2507 | /* 6. Validate key parameters */
2508 | /* a. keyInfo -> keyUsage MUST NOT be TPM_KEY_IDENTITY or TPM_KEY_AUTHCHANGE. If it is, return
2510 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2511 | if ((keyInfo.keyUsage == TPM_KEY_IDENTITY) ||
2512 | (keyInfo.keyUsage == TPM_KEY_AUTHCHANGE)) {
2513 | printf("TPM_Process_CreateWrapKey: Error, Invalid key usage %04x\n",
2514 | keyInfo.keyUsage);
2515 | returnCode = TPM_INVALID_KEYUSAGE;
2516 | }
2517 | }
2518 | /* b. If keyInfo -> keyFlags -> migrateAuthority is TRUE then return TPM_INVALID_KEYUSAGE */
2519 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2520 | if (keyInfo.keyFlags & TPM_MIGRATEAUTHORITY) {
2521 | printf("TPM_Process_CreateWrapKey: Error, Invalid key flags %08x\n",
2522 | keyInfo.keyFlags);
2523 | returnCode = TPM_INVALID_KEYUSAGE;
2524 | }
2525 | }
2526 | /* 7. If TPM_PERMANENT_FLAGS -> FIPS is TRUE then
2527 | a. If keyInfo -> keySize is less than 1024 return TPM_NOTFIPS
2528 | b. If keyInfo -> authDataUsage specifies TPM_AUTH_NEVER return TPM_NOTFIPS
2529 | c. If keyInfo -> keyUsage specifies TPM_KEY_LEGACY return TPM_NOTFIPS
2530 | NOTE Done in step 3 TPM_Key_CheckProperties()
2531 | */
2532 | /* 8. If keyInfo -> keyUsage equals TPM_KEY_STORAGE or TPM_KEY_MIGRATE
2533 | i. algorithmID MUST be TPM_ALG_RSA
2534 | ii. encScheme MUST be TPM_ES_RSAESOAEP_SHA1_MGF1
2535 | iii. sigScheme MUST be TPM_SS_NONE
2536 | iv. key size MUST be 2048
2537 | v. exponentSize MUST be 0
2538 | NOTE Done in step 3 TPM_Key_CheckProperties()
2539 | */
2540 | /* 9. Determine the version of key
2541 | a.If keyInfo -> ver is 1.1
2542 | i. Set V1 to 1
2543 | ii. Map wrappedKey to a TPM_KEY structure
2544 | iii. Validate all remaining TPM_KEY structures
2545 | b. Else if keyInfo -> tag is TPM_TAG_KEY12
2546 | i. Set V1 to 2
2547 | ii. Map wrappedKey to a TPM_KEY12 structure
2548 | iii. Validate all remaining TPM_KEY12 structures
2549 | NOTE Check done by TPM_Key_CheckProperties()
2550 | NOTE Map done by TPM_Key_GenerateRSA()
2551 | */
2552 | /* 10..Create DU1 by decrypting dataUsageAuth according to the ADIP indicated by authHandle */
2553 | /* 11. Create DM1 by decrypting dataMigrationAuth according to the ADIP indicated by
2554 | authHandle */
2555 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2556 | TPM_AuthSessionData_Decrypt(du1UsageAuth,
2557 | dm1MigrationAuth,
2558 | dataUsageAuth, /* even encAuth */
2559 | auth_session_data,
2560 | nonceOdd,
2561 | dataMigrationAuth, /* odd encAuth */
2562 | TRUE);
2563 | }
2564 | /* 12. Set continueAuthSession to FALSE */
2565 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2566 | continueAuthSession = FALSE;
2567 | }
2568 | /* 13. Generate asymmetric key according to algorithm information in keyInfo */
2569 | /* 14. Fill in the wrappedKey structure with information from the newly generated key. */
2570 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2571 | printf("TPM_Process_CreateWrapKey: Generating key\n");
2572 | returnCode = TPM_Key_GenerateRSA(&wrappedKey,
2573 | tpm_state,
2574 | parentKey,
2575 | tpm_state->tpm_stclear_data.PCRS, /* PCR array */
2576 | ver,
2577 | keyInfo.keyUsage,
2578 | keyInfo.keyFlags,
2579 | keyInfo.authDataUsage, /* TPM_AUTH_DATA_USAGE */
2580 | &(keyInfo.algorithmParms), /* TPM_KEY_PARMS */
2581 | keyInfo.tpm_pcr_info, /* TPM_PCR_INFO */
2582 | keyInfo.tpm_pcr_info_long); /* TPM_PCR_INFO_LONG */
2583 | }
2584 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2585 | returnCode = TPM_Key_GetStoreAsymkey(&wrappedStoreAsymkey,
2586 | &wrappedKey);
2587 | }
2588 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2589 | /* a. Set wrappedKey -> encData -> usageAuth to DU1 */
2590 | TPM_Secret_Copy(wrappedStoreAsymkey->usageAuth, du1UsageAuth);
2591 | /* b. If the KeyFlags -> migratable bit is set to 1, the wrappedKey -> encData ->
2592 | migrationAuth SHALL contain the decrypted value from dataMigrationAuth. */
2593 | if (wrappedKey.keyFlags & TPM_MIGRATABLE) {
2594 | TPM_Secret_Copy(wrappedStoreAsymkey->migrationAuth, dm1MigrationAuth);
2595 | }
2596 | /* c. If the KeyFlags -> migratable bit is set to 0, the wrappedKey -> encData ->
2597 | migrationAuth SHALL be set to the value tpmProof */
2598 | else {
2599 | TPM_Secret_Copy(wrappedStoreAsymkey->migrationAuth,
2600 | tpm_state->tpm_permanent_data.tpmProof);
2601 | }
2602 | printf("TPM_Process_CreateWrapKey: wrappedKey.PCRInfoSize %d\n", wrappedKey.pcrInfo.size);
2603 | }
2604 | /* 15. If keyInfo->PCRInfoSize is non-zero. */
2605 | /* a. If V1 is 1 */
2606 | /* i. Set wrappedKey -> pcrInfo to a TPM_PCR_INFO structure using the pcrSelection to
2607 | indicate the PCR's in use */
2608 | /* b. Else */
2609 | /* i. Set wrappedKey -> pcrInfo to a TPM_PCR_INFO_LONG structure */
2610 | /* c. Set wrappedKey -> pcrInfo to keyInfo -> pcrInfo */
2611 | /* d. Set wrappedKey -> digestAtCreation to the TPM_COMPOSITE_HASH indicated by
2612 | creationPCRSelection */
2613 | /* e. If V1 is 2 set wrappedKey -> localityAtCreation to TPM_STANY_DATA -> locality */
2614 | /* NOTE Done by TPM_Key_GenerateRSA() */
2615 | /* 16. Encrypt the private portions of the wrappedKey structure using the key in parentHandle */
2616 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2617 | returnCode = TPM_Key_GenerateEncData(&wrappedKey, parentKey);
2618 | }
2619 | /*
2620 | response
2621 | */
2622 | /* standard response: tag, (dummy) paramSize, returnCode. Failure is fatal. */
2623 | if (rcf == 0) {
2624 | printf("TPM_Process_CreateWrapKey: Ordinal returnCode %08x %u\n",
2625 | returnCode, returnCode);
2626 | rcf = TPM_Sbuffer_StoreInitialResponse(response, tag, returnCode);
2627 | }
2628 | /* success response, append the rest of the parameters. */
2629 | if (rcf == 0) {
2630 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2631 | /* checkpoint the beginning of the outParam's */
2632 | outParamStart = response->buffer_current - response->buffer;
2633 | /* 17. Return the newly generated key in the wrappedKey parameter */
2634 | returnCode = TPM_Key_Store(response, &wrappedKey);
2635 | /* checkpoint the end of the outParam's */
2636 | outParamEnd = response->buffer_current - response->buffer;
2637 | }
2638 | /* digest the above the line output parameters */
2639 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2640 | returnCode = TPM_GetOutParamDigest(outParamDigest, /* output */
2641 | auditStatus, /* input audit status */
2642 | transportEncrypt,
2643 | tag,
2644 | returnCode,
2645 | ordinal, /* command ordinal */
2646 | response->buffer + outParamStart, /* start */
2647 | outParamEnd - outParamStart); /* length */
2648 | }
2649 | /* calculate and set the below the line parameters */
2650 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2651 | returnCode = TPM_AuthParams_Set(response,
2652 | *hmacKey, /* HMAC key */
2653 | auth_session_data,
2654 | outParamDigest,
2655 | nonceOdd,
2656 | continueAuthSession);
2657 | }
2658 | /* audit if required */
2659 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && auditStatus) {
2660 | returnCode = TPM_ProcessAudit(tpm_state,
2661 | transportEncrypt,
2662 | inParamDigest,
2663 | outParamDigest,
2664 | ordinal);
2665 | }
2666 | /* adjust the initial response */
2667 | rcf = TPM_Sbuffer_StoreFinalResponse(response, returnCode, tpm_state);
2668 | }
2669 | /* if there was an error, or continueAuthSession is FALSE, terminate the session */
2670 | if (((rcf != 0) ||
2671 | ((returnCode != TPM_SUCCESS) && (returnCode != TPM_DEFEND_LOCK_RUNNING)) ||
2672 | !continueAuthSession) &&
2673 | authHandleValid) {
2674 | TPM_AuthSessions_TerminateHandle(tpm_state->tpm_stclear_data.authSessions, authHandle);
2675 | }
2676 | /* cleanup */
2677 | TPM_Key_Delete(&keyInfo); /* @1 */
2678 | TPM_Key_Delete(&wrappedKey); /* @2 */
2679 | TPM_PCRInfo_Delete(&wrappedPCRInfo); /* @3 */
2680 | return rcf;
2681 | }
2682 |
2683 | /* 27.8 TPM_LoadKey rev 114
2684 |
2685 | Version 1.2 deprecates LoadKey due to the HMAC of the new keyhandle on return. The wrapping makes
2686 | use of the handle difficult in an environment where the TSS, or other management entity, is
2687 | changing the TPM handle to a virtual handle.
2688 |
2689 | Software using loadKey on a 1.2 TPM can have a collision with the returned handle as the 1.2 TPM
2690 | uses random values in the lower three bytes of the handle. All new software must use LoadKey2 to
2691 | allow management software the ability to manage the key handle.
2692 |
2693 | Before the TPM can use a key to either wrap, unwrap, bind, unbind, seal, unseal, sign or perform
2694 | any other action, it needs to be present in the TPM. The TPM_LoadKey function loads the key into
2695 | the TPM for further use.
2696 | */
2697 |
2698 | TPM_RESULT TPM_Process_LoadKey(tpm_state_t *tpm_state,
2699 | TPM_STORE_BUFFER *response,
2700 | TPM_TAG tag,
2701 | uint32_t paramSize,
2702 | TPM_COMMAND_CODE ordinal,
2703 | unsigned char *command,
2704 | TPM_TRANSPORT_INTERNAL *transportInternal)
2705 | {
2706 | TPM_RESULT rcf = 0; /* fatal error precluding response */
2707 | TPM_RESULT returnCode = TPM_SUCCESS; /* command return code */
2708 |
2709 | /* input parameters */
2710 | TPM_KEY_HANDLE parentHandle; /* TPM handle of parent key. */
2711 | TPM_KEY *inKey; /* Incoming key structure, both encrypted private and clear
2712 | public portions. MAY be TPM_KEY12 */
2713 | TPM_AUTHHANDLE authHandle; /* The authorization handle used for parentHandle
2714 | authorization. */
2715 | TPM_NONCE nonceOdd; /* Nonce generated by system associated with authHandle */
2716 | TPM_BOOL continueAuthSession = FALSE; /* The continue use flag for the authorization
2717 | handle */
2718 | TPM_AUTHDATA parentAuth; /* The authorization digest for inputs and
2719 | parentHandle. HMAC key: parentKey.usageAuth. */
2720 | /* processing parameters */
2721 | unsigned char * inParamStart; /* starting point of inParam's */
2722 | unsigned char * inParamEnd; /* ending point of inParam's */
2723 | TPM_DIGEST inParamDigest;
2724 | TPM_BOOL auditStatus; /* audit the ordinal */
2725 | TPM_BOOL transportEncrypt; /* wrapped in encrypted transport session */
2726 | TPM_BOOL authHandleValid = FALSE;
2727 | TPM_SECRET *hmacKey;
2728 | TPM_BOOL key_added = FALSE; /* key has been added to handle list */
2729 | TPM_AUTH_SESSION_DATA *auth_session_data = NULL; /* session data for authHandle */
2730 |
2731 | /* output parameters */
2732 | uint32_t outParamStart; /* starting point of outParam's */
2733 | uint32_t outParamEnd; /* ending point of outParam's */
2734 | TPM_DIGEST outParamDigest;
2735 | TPM_KEY_HANDLE inKeyHandle; /* Internal TPM handle where decrypted key was loaded. */
2736 |
2737 | printf("TPM_Process_LoadKey: Ordinal Entry\n");
2738 | inKey = NULL; /* freed @1 */
2739 | /*
2740 | get inputs
2741 | */
2742 | /* get parentHandle parameter */
2743 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2744 | returnCode = TPM_Load32(&parentHandle, &command, ¶mSize);
2745 | }
2746 | /* save the starting point of inParam's for authorization and auditing */
2747 | inParamStart = command;
2748 | /* Allocate space for inKey. The key cannot be a local variable, since it persists in key
2749 | storage after the command completes. */
2750 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2751 | printf("TPM_Process_LoadKey: parentHandle %08x\n", parentHandle);
2752 | returnCode = TPM_Malloc((unsigned char **)&inKey, sizeof(TPM_KEY)); /* freed @1 */
2753 | }
2754 | /* get inKey parameter */
2755 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2756 | TPM_Key_Init(inKey); /* freed @2 */
2757 | returnCode = TPM_Key_Load(inKey, &command, ¶mSize); /* freed @2 */
2758 | }
2759 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2760 | TPM_PrintFour("TPM_Process_LoadKey: inKey n", inKey->pubKey.buffer);
2761 | }
2762 | /* save the ending point of inParam's for authorization and auditing */
2763 | inParamEnd = command;
2764 | /* digest the input parameters */
2765 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2766 | returnCode = TPM_GetInParamDigest(inParamDigest, /* output */
2767 | &auditStatus, /* output */
2768 | &transportEncrypt, /* output */
2769 | tpm_state,
2770 | tag,
2771 | ordinal,
2772 | inParamStart,
2773 | inParamEnd,
2774 | transportInternal);
2775 | }
2776 | /* check state */
2777 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2778 | returnCode = TPM_CheckState(tpm_state, tag, TPM_CHECK_ALL);
2779 | }
2780 | /* check tag */
2781 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2782 | returnCode = TPM_CheckRequestTag10(tag);
2783 | }
2784 | /* get the optional 'below the line' authorization parameters */
2785 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND)) {
2786 | returnCode = TPM_AuthParams_Get(&authHandle,
2787 | &authHandleValid,
2788 | nonceOdd,
2789 | &continueAuthSession,
2790 | parentAuth,
2791 | &command, ¶mSize);
2792 | }
2793 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2794 | if (paramSize != 0) {
2795 | printf("TPM_Process_LoadKey: Error, command has %u extra bytes\n",
2796 | paramSize);
2797 | returnCode = TPM_BAD_PARAM_SIZE;
2798 | }
2799 | }
2800 | /* do not terminate sessions if the command did not parse correctly */
2801 | if (returnCode != TPM_SUCCESS) {
2802 | authHandleValid = FALSE;
2803 | }
2804 | /*
2805 | Processing
2806 | */
2807 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2808 | returnCode = TPM_LoadKeyCommon(&inKeyHandle, /* output */
2809 | &key_added, /* output */
2810 | &hmacKey, /* output */
2811 | &auth_session_data, /* output */
2812 | tpm_state,
2813 | tag,
2814 | ordinal,
2815 | parentHandle,
2816 | inKey,
2817 | inParamDigest,
2818 | authHandle, /*uninitialized*/
2819 | nonceOdd,
2820 | continueAuthSession,
2821 | parentAuth);
2822 | }
2823 | /*
2824 | response
2825 | */
2826 | /* standard response: tag, (dummy) paramSize, returnCode. Failure is fatal. */
2827 | if (rcf == 0) {
2828 | printf("TPM_Process_LoadKey: Ordinal returnCode %08x %u\n",
2829 | returnCode, returnCode);
2830 | rcf = TPM_Sbuffer_StoreInitialResponse(response, tag, returnCode);
2831 | }
2832 | /* success response, append the rest of the parameters. */
2833 | if (rcf == 0) {
2834 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2835 | /* checkpoint the beginning of the outParam's */
2836 | outParamStart = response->buffer_current - response->buffer;
2837 | /* return the key handle */
2838 | returnCode = TPM_Sbuffer_Append32(response, inKeyHandle);
2839 | /* checkpoint the end of the outParam's */
2840 | outParamEnd = response->buffer_current - response->buffer;
2841 | }
2842 | /* digest the above the line output parameters */
2843 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2844 | returnCode = TPM_GetOutParamDigest(outParamDigest, /* output */
2845 | auditStatus, /* input audit status */
2846 | transportEncrypt,
2847 | tag,
2848 | returnCode,
2849 | ordinal, /* command ordinal */
2850 | response->buffer + outParamStart, /* start */
2851 | outParamEnd - outParamStart); /* length */
2852 | }
2853 | /* calculate and set the below the line parameters */
2854 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND)) {
2855 | returnCode = TPM_AuthParams_Set(response,
2856 | *hmacKey, /* HMAC key */
2857 | auth_session_data,
2858 | outParamDigest,
2859 | nonceOdd,
2860 | continueAuthSession);
2861 | }
2862 | /* audit if required */
2863 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && auditStatus) {
2864 | returnCode = TPM_ProcessAudit(tpm_state,
2865 | transportEncrypt,
2866 | inParamDigest,
2867 | outParamDigest,
2868 | ordinal);
2869 | }
2870 | /* adjust the initial response */
2871 | rcf = TPM_Sbuffer_StoreFinalResponse(response, returnCode, tpm_state);
2872 | }
2873 | /* if there was an error, or continueAuthSession is FALSE, terminate the session */
2874 | if (((rcf != 0) ||
2875 | ((returnCode != TPM_SUCCESS) && (returnCode != TPM_DEFEND_LOCK_RUNNING)) ||
2876 | !continueAuthSession) &&
2877 | authHandleValid) {
2878 | TPM_AuthSessions_TerminateHandle(tpm_state->tpm_stclear_data.authSessions, authHandle);
2879 | }
2880 | /*
2881 | cleanup
2882 | */
2883 | /* if there was a failure, delete inKey */
2884 | if ((rcf != 0) || (returnCode != TPM_SUCCESS)) {
2885 | TPM_Key_Delete(inKey); /* @2 */
2886 | free(inKey); /* @1 */
2887 | if (key_added) {
2888 | /* if there was a failure and inKey was stored in the handle list, free the handle.
2889 | Ignore errors, since only one error code can be returned. */
2890 | TPM_KeyHandleEntries_DeleteHandle(tpm_state->tpm_key_handle_entries, inKeyHandle);
2891 | }
2892 | }
2893 | return rcf;
2894 | }
2895 |
2896 | /* 10.5 TPM_LoadKey2 rev 107
2897 |
2898 | Before the TPM can use a key to either wrap, unwrap, unbind, seal, unseal, sign or perform any
2899 | other action, it needs to be present in the TPM. The TPM_LoadKey2 function loads the key into
2900 | the TPM for further use.
2901 |
2902 | The TPM assigns the key handle. The TPM always locates a loaded key by use of the handle. The
2903 | assumption is that the handle may change due to key management operations. It is the
2904 | responsibility of upper level software to maintain the mapping between handle and any label used
2905 | by external software.
2906 |
2907 | This command has the responsibility of enforcing restrictions on the use of keys. For example,
2908 | when attempting to load a STORAGE key it will be checked for the restrictions on a storage key
2909 | (2048 size etc.).
2910 |
2911 | The load command must maintain a record of whether any previous key in the key hierarchy was
2912 | bound to a PCR using parentPCRStatus.
2913 |
2914 | The flag parentPCRStatus enables the possibility of checking that a platform passed through some
2915 | particular state or states before finishing in the current state. A grandparent key could be
2916 | linked to state-1, a parent key could linked to state-2, and a child key could be linked to
2917 | state-3, for example. The use of the child key then indicates that the platform passed through
2918 | states 1 and 2 and is currently in state 3, in this example. TPM_Startup with stType ==
2919 | TPM_ST_CLEAR indicates that the platform has been reset, so the platform has not passed through
2920 | the previous states. Hence keys with parentPCRStatus==TRUE must be unloaded if TPM_Startup is
2921 | issued with stType == TPM_ST_CLEAR.
2922 |
2923 | If a TPM_KEY structure has been decrypted AND the integrity test using "pubDataDigest" has passed
2924 | AND the key is non-migratory, the key must have been created by the TPM. So there is every reason
2925 | to believe that the key poses no security threat to the TPM. While there is no known attack from
2926 | a rogue migratory key, there is a desire to verify that a loaded migratory key is a real key,
2927 | arising from a general sense of unease about execution of arbitrary data as a key. Ideally a
2928 | consistency check would consist of an encrypt/decrypt cycle, but this may be expensive. For RSA
2929 | keys, it is therefore suggested that the consistency test consists of dividing the supposed RSA
2930 | product by the supposed RSA prime, and checking that there is no remainder.
2931 | */
2932 |
2933 | TPM_RESULT TPM_Process_LoadKey2(tpm_state_t *tpm_state,
2934 | TPM_STORE_BUFFER *response,
2935 | TPM_TAG tag,
2936 | uint32_t paramSize,
2937 | TPM_COMMAND_CODE ordinal,
2938 | unsigned char *command,
2939 | TPM_TRANSPORT_INTERNAL *transportInternal)
2940 | {
2941 | TPM_RESULT rcf = 0; /* fatal error precluding response */
2942 | TPM_RESULT returnCode = TPM_SUCCESS; /* command return code */
2943 |
2944 | /* input parameters */
2945 | TPM_KEY_HANDLE parentHandle; /* TPM handle of parent key. */
2946 | TPM_KEY *inKey; /* Incoming key structure, both encrypted private and clear
2947 | public portions. MAY be TPM_KEY12 */
2948 | TPM_AUTHHANDLE authHandle; /* The authorization handle used for parentHandle
2949 | authorization. */
2950 | TPM_NONCE nonceOdd; /* Nonce generated by system associated with authHandle */
2951 | TPM_BOOL continueAuthSession = FALSE; /* The continue use flag for the authorization
2952 | handle */
2953 | TPM_AUTHDATA parentAuth; /* The authorization digest for inputs and
2954 | parentHandle. HMAC key: parentKey.usageAuth. */
2955 | /* processing parameters */
2956 | unsigned char * inParamStart; /* starting point of inParam's */
2957 | unsigned char * inParamEnd; /* ending point of inParam's */
2958 | TPM_DIGEST inParamDigest;
2959 | TPM_BOOL auditStatus; /* audit the ordinal */
2960 | TPM_BOOL transportEncrypt; /* wrapped in encrypted transport session */
2961 | TPM_BOOL authHandleValid = FALSE;
2962 | TPM_SECRET *hmacKey;
2963 | TPM_BOOL key_added = FALSE; /* key has been added to handle list */
2964 | TPM_AUTH_SESSION_DATA *auth_session_data = NULL; /* session data for authHandle */
2965 |
2966 | /* output parameters */
2967 | uint32_t outParamStart; /* starting point of outParam's */
2968 | uint32_t outParamEnd; /* ending point of outParam's */
2969 | TPM_DIGEST outParamDigest;
2970 | TPM_KEY_HANDLE inKeyHandle; /* Internal TPM handle where decrypted key was loaded. */
2971 |
2972 | printf("TPM_Process_LoadKey2: Ordinal Entry\n");
2973 | inKey = NULL; /* freed @1 */
2974 | /*
2975 | get inputs
2976 | */
2977 | /* get parentHandle parameter */
2978 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2979 | returnCode = TPM_Load32(&parentHandle, &command, ¶mSize);
2980 | }
2981 | /* save the starting point of inParam's for authorization and auditing */
2982 | inParamStart = command;
2983 | /* Allocate space for inKey. The key cannot be a local variable, since it persists in key
2984 | storage after the command completes. */
2985 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2986 | printf("TPM_Process_LoadKey2: parentHandle %08x\n", parentHandle);
2987 | returnCode = TPM_Malloc((unsigned char **)&inKey, sizeof(TPM_KEY)); /* freed @1 */
2988 | }
2989 | /* get inKey parameter */
2990 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2991 | TPM_Key_Init(inKey); /* freed @2 */
2992 | returnCode = TPM_Key_Load(inKey, &command, ¶mSize); /* freed @2 */
2993 | }
2994 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
2995 | TPM_PrintFour("TPM_Process_LoadKey2: inKey n", inKey->pubKey.buffer);
2996 | }
2997 | /* save the ending point of inParam's for authorization and auditing */
2998 | inParamEnd = command;
2999 | /* digest the input parameters */
3000 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3001 | returnCode = TPM_GetInParamDigest(inParamDigest, /* output */
3002 | &auditStatus, /* output */
3003 | &transportEncrypt, /* output */
3004 | tpm_state,
3005 | tag,
3006 | ordinal,
3007 | inParamStart,
3008 | inParamEnd,
3009 | transportInternal);
3010 | }
3011 | /* check state */
3012 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3013 | returnCode = TPM_CheckState(tpm_state, tag, TPM_CHECK_ALL);
3014 | }
3015 | /* check tag */
3016 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3017 | returnCode = TPM_CheckRequestTag10(tag);
3018 | }
3019 | /* get the optional 'below the line' authorization parameters */
3020 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND)) {
3021 | returnCode = TPM_AuthParams_Get(&authHandle,
3022 | &authHandleValid,
3023 | nonceOdd,
3024 | &continueAuthSession,
3025 | parentAuth,
3026 | &command, ¶mSize);
3027 | }
3028 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3029 | if (paramSize != 0) {
3030 | printf("TPM_Process_LoadKey2: Error, command has %u extra bytes\n",
3031 | paramSize);
3032 | returnCode = TPM_BAD_PARAM_SIZE;
3033 | }
3034 | }
3035 | /* do not terminate sessions if the command did not parse correctly */
3036 | if (returnCode != TPM_SUCCESS) {
3037 | authHandleValid = FALSE;
3038 | }
3039 | /*
3040 | Processing
3041 | */
3042 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3043 | returnCode = TPM_LoadKeyCommon(&inKeyHandle, /* output */
3044 | &key_added, /* output */
3045 | &hmacKey, /* output */
3046 | &auth_session_data, /* output */
3047 | tpm_state,
3048 | tag,
3049 | ordinal,
3050 | parentHandle,
3051 | inKey,
3052 | inParamDigest,
3053 | authHandle, /* uninitialized */
3054 | nonceOdd,
3055 | continueAuthSession,
3056 | parentAuth);
3057 | }
3058 | /*
3059 | response
3060 | */
3061 | /* standard response: tag, (dummy) paramSize, returnCode. Failure is fatal. */
3062 | if (rcf == 0) {
3063 | printf("TPM_Process_LoadKey2: Ordinal returnCode %08x %u\n",
3064 | returnCode, returnCode);
3065 | rcf = TPM_Sbuffer_StoreInitialResponse(response, tag, returnCode);
3066 | }
3067 | /* success response, append the rest of the parameters. */
3068 | if (rcf == 0) {
3069 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3070 | /* checkpoint the beginning of the outParam's */
3071 | outParamStart = response->buffer_current - response->buffer;
3072 | /* checkpoint the end of the outParam's */
3073 | outParamEnd = response->buffer_current - response->buffer;
3074 | /* In TPM_LoadKey2, the inKeyHandle is not part of the output HMAC */
3075 | /* return the key handle */
3076 | returnCode = TPM_Sbuffer_Append32(response, inKeyHandle);
3077 | }
3078 | /* digest the above the line output parameters */
3079 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3080 | returnCode = TPM_GetOutParamDigest(outParamDigest, /* output */
3081 | auditStatus, /* input audit status */
3082 | transportEncrypt,
3083 | tag,
3084 | returnCode,
3085 | ordinal, /* command ordinal */
3086 | response->buffer + outParamStart, /* start */
3087 | outParamEnd - outParamStart); /* length */
3088 | }
3089 | /* calculate and set the below the line parameters */
3090 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND)) {
3091 | returnCode = TPM_AuthParams_Set(response,
3092 | *hmacKey, /* HMAC key */
3093 | auth_session_data,
3094 | outParamDigest,
3095 | nonceOdd,
3096 | continueAuthSession);
3097 | }
3098 | /* audit if required */
3099 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && auditStatus) {
3100 | returnCode = TPM_ProcessAudit(tpm_state,
3101 | transportEncrypt,
3102 | inParamDigest,
3103 | outParamDigest,
3104 | ordinal);
3105 | }
3106 | /* adjust the initial response */
3107 | rcf = TPM_Sbuffer_StoreFinalResponse(response, returnCode, tpm_state);
3108 | }
3109 | /* if there was an error, or continueAuthSession is FALSE, terminate the session */
3110 | if (((rcf != 0) ||
3111 | ((returnCode != TPM_SUCCESS) && (returnCode != TPM_DEFEND_LOCK_RUNNING)) ||
3112 | !continueAuthSession) &&
3113 | authHandleValid) {
3114 | TPM_AuthSessions_TerminateHandle(tpm_state->tpm_stclear_data.authSessions, authHandle);
3115 | }
3116 | /*
3117 | cleanup
3118 | */
3119 | /* if there was a failure, delete inKey */
3120 | if ((rcf != 0) || (returnCode != TPM_SUCCESS)) {
3121 | TPM_Key_Delete(inKey); /* @2 */
3122 | free(inKey); /* @1 */
3123 | if (key_added) {
3124 | /* if there was a failure and inKey was stored in the handle list, free the handle.
3125 | Ignore errors, since only one error code can be returned. */
3126 | TPM_KeyHandleEntries_DeleteHandle(tpm_state->tpm_key_handle_entries, inKeyHandle);
3127 | }
3128 | }
3129 | return rcf;
3130 | }
3131 |
3132 | /* TPM_LoadKeyCommon rev 114
3133 |
3134 | Code common to TPM_LoadKey and TPM_LoadKey2. They differ only in whether the key handle is
3135 | included in the response HMAC calculation.
3136 | */
3137 |
3138 | static TPM_RESULT TPM_LoadKeyCommon(TPM_KEY_HANDLE *inKeyHandle, /* output */
3139 | TPM_BOOL *key_added, /* output */
3140 | TPM_SECRET **hmacKey, /* output */
3141 | TPM_AUTH_SESSION_DATA **auth_session_data, /* output */
3142 | tpm_state_t *tpm_state,
3143 | TPM_TAG tag,
3144 | TPM_COMMAND_CODE ordinal,
3145 | TPM_KEY_HANDLE parentHandle,
3146 | TPM_KEY *inKey,
3147 | TPM_DIGEST inParamDigest,
3148 | TPM_AUTHHANDLE authHandle,
3149 | TPM_NONCE nonceOdd,
3150 | TPM_BOOL continueAuthSession,
3151 | TPM_AUTHDATA parentAuth)
3152 | {
3153 | TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
3154 | TPM_KEY *parentKey; /* the key specified by parentHandle */
3155 | TPM_SECRET *parentUsageAuth;
3156 | TPM_BOOL parentPCRStatus;
3157 | TPM_BOOL parentPCRUsage;
3158 | int ver;
3159 |
3160 | printf("TPM_LoadKeyCommon:\n");
3161 | *key_added = FALSE; /* key has been added to handle list */
3162 | /* Verify that parentHandle points to a valid key. Get the TPM_KEY associated with parentHandle
3163 | */
3164 | if (rc == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3165 | rc = TPM_KeyHandleEntries_GetKey(&parentKey, &parentPCRStatus,
3166 | tpm_state, parentHandle,
3167 | FALSE, /* not r/o, using to decrypt */
3168 | FALSE, /* do not ignore PCRs */
3169 | FALSE); /* cannot use EK */
3170 | }
3171 | /* check TPM_AUTH_DATA_USAGE authDataUsage */
3172 | if ((rc == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_COMMAND)) {
3173 | if (parentKey->authDataUsage != TPM_AUTH_NEVER) {
3174 | printf("TPM_LoadKeyCommon: Error, authorization required\n");
3175 | rc = TPM_AUTHFAIL;
3176 | }
3177 | }
3178 | /* get parentHandle -> usageAuth */
3179 | if ((rc == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND)) {
3180 | rc = TPM_Key_GetUsageAuth(&parentUsageAuth, parentKey);
3181 | }
3182 | /* get the session data */
3183 | if ((rc == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND)) {
3184 | rc = TPM_AuthSessions_GetData(auth_session_data,
3185 | hmacKey,
3186 | tpm_state,
3187 | authHandle,
3188 | TPM_PID_NONE,
3190 | ordinal,
3191 | parentKey,
3192 | parentUsageAuth, /* OIAP */
3193 | parentKey->tpm_store_asymkey->pubDataDigest); /* OSAP */
3194 | }
3195 | /* 1. Validate the command and the parameters using parentAuth and parentHandle -> usageAuth */
3196 | if ((rc == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND)) {
3197 | rc = TPM_Authdata_Check(tpm_state,
3198 | **hmacKey, /* HMAC key */
3199 | inParamDigest,
3200 | *auth_session_data, /* authorization session */
3201 | nonceOdd, /* Nonce generated by system
3202 | associated with authHandle */
3203 | continueAuthSession,
3204 | parentAuth); /* Authorization digest for input */
3205 | }
3206 | /* 2. If parentHandle -> keyUsage is NOT TPM_KEY_STORAGE return TPM_INVALID_KEYUSAGE */
3207 | if (rc == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3208 | if (parentKey->keyUsage != TPM_KEY_STORAGE) {
3209 | printf("TPM_LoadKeyCommon: Error, "
3210 | "parentHandle -> keyUsage should be TPM_KEY_STORAGE, is %04x\n",
3211 | parentKey->keyUsage);
3213 | }
3214 | }
3215 | /* 3. If the TPM is not designed to operate on a key of the type specified by inKey, return the
3216 | error code TPM_BAD_KEY_PROPERTY. */
3217 | if (rc == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3218 | rc = TPM_Key_CheckProperties(&ver, inKey, 0, tpm_state->tpm_permanent_flags.FIPS);
3219 | printf("TPM_LoadKeyCommon: key parameters v = %d\n", ver);
3220 | }
3221 | /* 4. The TPM MUST handle both TPM_KEY and TPM_KEY12 structures.
3222 | This step is done at TPM_Key_Load()
3223 | */
3224 | /* 5. Decrypt the inKey -> privkey to obtain TPM_STORE_ASYMKEY structure using the key in
3225 | parentHandle.
3226 | */
3227 | if (rc == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3228 | rc = TPM_Key_DecryptEncData(inKey, parentKey);
3229 | }
3230 | /* 6. Validate the integrity of inKey and decrypted TPM_STORE_ASYMKEY
3231 | a. Reproduce inKey -> TPM_STORE_ASYMKEY -> pubDataDigest using the fields of inKey, and check
3232 | that the reproduced value is the same as pubDataDigest
3233 | */
3234 | if (rc == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3235 | rc = TPM_Key_CheckPubDataDigest(inKey);
3236 | }
3237 | /* 7. Validate the consistency of the key and it's key usage. */
3238 | /* a. If inKey -> keyFlags -> migratable is TRUE, the TPM SHALL verify consistency of the public
3239 | and private components of the asymmetric key pair. If inKey -> keyFlags -> migratable is
3240 | FALSE, the TPM MAY verify consistency of the public and private components of the asymmetric
3241 | key pair. The consistency of an RSA key pair MAY be verified by dividing the supposed (P*Q)
3242 | product by a supposed prime and checking that there is no remainder.
3243 |
3244 | This step is done at TPM_Key_Load()
3245 | */
3246 | /* b. If inKey -> keyUsage is TPM_KEY_IDENTITY, verify that inKey->keyFlags->migratable is
3247 | FALSE. If it is not, return TPM_INVALID_KEYUSAGE
3248 | */
3249 | if (rc == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3250 | if ((inKey->keyUsage == TPM_KEY_IDENTITY) &&
3251 | (inKey->keyFlags & TPM_MIGRATABLE)) {
3252 | printf("TPM_LoadKeyCommon: Error, identity key is migratable\n");
3254 | }
3255 | }
3256 | /* c. If inKey -> keyUsage is TPM_KEY_AUTHCHANGE, return TPM_INVALID_KEYUSAGE */
3257 | if (rc == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3258 | if (inKey->keyUsage == TPM_KEY_AUTHCHANGE) {
3259 | printf("TPM_LoadKeyCommon: Error, keyUsage is TPM_KEY_AUTHCHANGE\n");
3261 | }
3262 | }
3263 | /* d. If inKey -> keyFlags -> migratable equals 0 then verify that TPM_STORE_ASYMKEY ->
3264 | migrationAuth equals TPM_PERMANENT_DATA -> tpmProof */
3265 | if (rc == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3266 | if (!(inKey->keyFlags & TPM_MIGRATABLE)) {
3267 | rc = TPM_Secret_Compare(tpm_state->tpm_permanent_data.tpmProof,
3268 | inKey->tpm_store_asymkey->migrationAuth);
3269 | if (rc != 0) {
3270 | printf("TPM_LoadKeyCommon: Error, tpmProof mismatch\n");
3272 | }
3273 | }
3274 | }
3275 | /* e. Validate the mix of encryption and signature schemes
3276 | f. If TPM_PERMANENT_FLAGS -> FIPS is TRUE then
3277 | i. If keyInfo -> keySize is less than 1024 return TPM_NOTFIPS
3278 | ii. If keyInfo -> authDataUsage specifies TPM_AUTH_NEVER return
3280 | iii. If keyInfo -> keyUsage specifies TPM_KEY_LEGACY return
3282 | g. If inKey -> keyUsage is TPM_KEY_STORAGE or TPM_KEY_MIGRATE
3283 | i. algorithmID MUST be TPM_ALG_RSA
3284 | ii. Key size MUST be 2048
3285 | iii. exponentSize MUST be 0
3286 | iv. sigScheme MUST be TPM_SS_NONE
3287 | h. If inKey -> keyUsage is TPM_KEY_IDENTITY
3288 | i. algorithmID MUST be TPM_ALG_RSA
3289 | ii. Key size MUST be 2048
3290 | iv. exponentSize MUST be 0
3291 | iii. encScheme MUST be TPM_ES_NONE
3292 | NOTE Done in step 3.
3293 | */
3294 | if (rc == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3295 | /* i. If the decrypted inKey -> pcrInfo is NULL, */
3296 | /* i. The TPM MUST set the internal indicator to indicate that the key is not using any PCR
3297 | registers. */
3298 | /* j. Else */
3299 | /* i. The TPM MUST store pcrInfo in a manner that allows the TPM to calculate a composite
3300 | hash whenever the key will be in use */
3301 | /* ii. The TPM MUST handle both version 1.1 TPM_PCR_INFO and 1.2 TPM_PCR_INFO_LONG
3302 | structures according to the type of TPM_KEY structure */
3303 | /* (1) The TPM MUST validate the TPM_PCR_INFO or TPM_PCR_INFO_LONG structures for legal
3304 | values. However, the digestAtRelease and localityAtRelease are not validated for
3305 | authorization until use time.*/
3306 | /* NOTE TPM_Key_Load() loads the TPM_PCR_INFO or TPM_PCR_INFO_LONG cache */
3307 | }
3308 | /* 8. Perform any processing necessary to make TPM_STORE_ASYMKEY key available for
3309 | operations. */
3310 | /* NOTE Done at TPM_Key_Load() */
3311 | /* 9. Load key and key information into internal memory of the TPM. If insufficient memory
3312 | exists return error TPM_NOSPACE. */
3313 | /* 10. Assign inKeyHandle according to internal TPM rules. */
3314 | /* 11. Set InKeyHandle -> parentPCRStatus to parentHandle -> parentPCRStatus. */
3315 | if (rc == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3316 | *inKeyHandle = 0; /* no preferred value */
3317 | rc = TPM_KeyHandleEntries_AddKeyEntry(inKeyHandle, /* output */
3318 | tpm_state->tpm_key_handle_entries, /* input */
3319 | inKey, /* input */
3320 | parentPCRStatus,
3321 | 0); /* keyControl */
3322 | }
3323 | if (rc == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3324 | printf(" TPM_LoadKeyCommon: Loaded key handle %08x\n", *inKeyHandle);
3325 | /* remember that the handle has been added to handle list, so it can be deleted on error */
3326 | *key_added = TRUE;
3327 |
3328 | }
3329 | /* 12. If parentHandle indicates it is using PCR registers then set inKeyHandle ->
3330 | parentPCRStatus to TRUE. */
3331 | if (rc == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3332 | rc = TPM_Key_GetPCRUsage(&parentPCRUsage, parentKey, 0);
3333 | }
3334 | if (rc == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3335 | if (parentPCRUsage) {
3336 | rc = TPM_KeyHandleEntries_SetParentPCRStatus(tpm_state->tpm_key_handle_entries,
3337 | *inKeyHandle, TRUE);
3338 | }
3339 | }
3340 | return rc;
3341 | }
3342 |
3343 | /* 10.6 TPM_GetPubKey rev 102
3344 |
3345 | The owner of a key may wish to obtain the public key value from a loaded key. This information
3346 | may have privacy concerns so the command must have authorization from the key owner.
3347 | */
3348 |
3349 | TPM_RESULT TPM_Process_GetPubKey(tpm_state_t *tpm_state,
3350 | TPM_STORE_BUFFER *response,
3351 | TPM_TAG tag,
3352 | uint32_t paramSize,
3353 | TPM_COMMAND_CODE ordinal,
3354 | unsigned char *command,
3355 | TPM_TRANSPORT_INTERNAL *transportInternal)
3356 | {
3357 | TPM_RESULT rcf = 0; /* fatal error precluding response */
3358 | TPM_RESULT returnCode = TPM_SUCCESS; /* command return code */
3359 |
3360 | /* input parameters */
3361 | TPM_KEY_HANDLE keyHandle; /* TPM handle of key. */
3362 | TPM_AUTHHANDLE authHandle; /* The authorization handle used for keyHandle
3363 | authorization. */
3364 | TPM_NONCE nonceOdd; /* Nonce generated by system associated with authHandle */
3365 | TPM_BOOL continueAuthSession = TRUE; /*The continue use flag for the authorization
3366 | handle */
3367 | TPM_AUTHDATA keyAuth; /* Authorization HMAC key: key.usageAuth. */
3368 |
3369 | /* processing parameters */
3370 | unsigned char * inParamStart; /* starting point of inParam's */
3371 | unsigned char * inParamEnd; /* ending point of inParam's */
3372 | TPM_DIGEST inParamDigest;
3373 | TPM_BOOL auditStatus; /* audit the ordinal */
3374 | TPM_BOOL transportEncrypt; /* wrapped in encrypted transport session */
3375 | TPM_BOOL authHandleValid = FALSE;
3376 | TPM_SECRET *hmacKey;
3377 | TPM_KEY *key = NULL; /* the key specified by keyHandle */
3378 | TPM_BOOL parentPCRStatus;
3379 | TPM_AUTH_SESSION_DATA *auth_session_data = NULL; /* session data for authHandle */
3380 | TPM_SECRET *keyUsageAuth;
3381 | TPM_STORE_BUFFER pubkeyStream;
3382 |
3383 | /* output parameters */
3384 | uint32_t outParamStart; /* starting point of outParam's */
3385 | uint32_t outParamEnd; /* ending point of outParam's */
3386 | TPM_DIGEST outParamDigest;
3387 | const unsigned char *pubkeyStreamBuffer; /* output */
3388 | uint32_t pubkeyStreamLength;
3389 |
3390 | printf("TPM_Process_GetPubKey: Ordinal Entry\n");
3391 | TPM_Sbuffer_Init(&pubkeyStream); /* freed @1 */
3392 | /*
3393 | get inputs
3394 | */
3395 | /* get keyHandle parameter */
3396 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3397 | returnCode = TPM_Load32(&keyHandle, &command, ¶mSize);
3398 | }
3399 | /* save the starting point of inParam's for authorization and auditing */
3400 | inParamStart = command;
3401 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3402 | printf("TPM_Process_GetPubKey: keyHandle %08x\n", keyHandle);
3403 | }
3404 | /* save the ending point of inParam's for authorization and auditing */
3405 | inParamEnd = command;
3406 | /* digest the input parameters */
3407 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3408 | returnCode = TPM_GetInParamDigest(inParamDigest, /* output */
3409 | &auditStatus, /* output */
3410 | &transportEncrypt, /* output */
3411 | tpm_state,
3412 | tag,
3413 | ordinal,
3414 | inParamStart,
3415 | inParamEnd,
3416 | transportInternal);
3417 | }
3418 | /* check state */
3419 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3420 | returnCode = TPM_CheckState(tpm_state, tag, TPM_CHECK_ALL);
3421 | }
3422 | /* check tag */
3423 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3424 | returnCode = TPM_CheckRequestTag10(tag);
3425 | }
3426 | /* get the optional 'below the line' authorization parameters */
3427 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND)) {
3428 | returnCode = TPM_AuthParams_Get(&authHandle,
3429 | &authHandleValid,
3430 | nonceOdd,
3431 | &continueAuthSession,
3432 | keyAuth,
3433 | &command, ¶mSize);
3434 | }
3435 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3436 | if (paramSize != 0) {
3437 | printf("TPM_Process_GetPubKey: Error, command has %u extra bytes\n",
3438 | paramSize);
3439 | returnCode = TPM_BAD_PARAM_SIZE;
3440 | }
3441 | }
3442 | /* do not terminate sessions if the command did not parse correctly */
3443 | if (returnCode != TPM_SUCCESS) {
3444 | authHandleValid = FALSE;
3445 | }
3446 | /*
3447 | Processing
3448 | */
3449 | /* get the key corresponding to the keyHandle parameter */
3450 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3451 | printf("TPM_Process_GetPubKey: Key handle %08x\n", keyHandle);
3452 | returnCode = TPM_KeyHandleEntries_GetKey(&key, &parentPCRStatus, tpm_state, keyHandle,
3453 | TRUE, /* read-only */
3454 | FALSE, /* do not ignore PCRs */
3455 | FALSE); /* cannot use EK */
3456 | }
3457 | /* 1. If tag = TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND then */
3458 | /* get keyHandle -> usageAuth */
3459 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND)) {
3460 | returnCode = TPM_Key_GetUsageAuth(&keyUsageAuth, key);
3461 | }
3462 | /* get the session data */
3463 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND)) {
3464 | returnCode = TPM_AuthSessions_GetData(&auth_session_data,
3465 | &hmacKey,
3466 | tpm_state,
3467 | authHandle,
3468 | TPM_PID_NONE,
3470 | ordinal,
3471 | key,
3472 | keyUsageAuth, /* OIAP */
3473 | key->tpm_store_asymkey->pubDataDigest); /* OSAP */
3474 | }
3475 |
3476 |
3477 | /* a. Validate the command parameters using keyHandle -> usageAuth, on error return
3478 | TPM_AUTHFAIL */
3479 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND)) {
3480 | returnCode = TPM_Authdata_Check(tpm_state,
3481 | *hmacKey, /* HMAC key */
3482 | inParamDigest,
3483 | auth_session_data, /* authorization session */
3484 | nonceOdd, /* Nonce generated by system
3485 | associated with authHandle */
3486 | continueAuthSession,
3487 | keyAuth); /* Authorization digest for input */
3488 | }
3489 | /* 2. Else */
3490 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_COMMAND)){
3491 | /* a. Verify that keyHandle -> authDataUsage is TPM_NO_READ_PUBKEY_AUTH or TPM_AUTH_NEVER,
3492 | on error return TPM_AUTHFAIL */
3493 | #ifdef TPM_V12
3494 | if ((key->authDataUsage != TPM_NO_READ_PUBKEY_AUTH) &&
3495 | (key->authDataUsage != TPM_AUTH_NEVER)) {
3496 | printf("TPM_Process_GetPubKey: Error, authorization required\n");
3497 | returnCode = TPM_AUTHFAIL;
3498 | }
3499 | #else /* TPM 1.1 does not have TPM_NO_READ_PUBKEY_AUTH */
3500 | if (key->authDataUsage != TPM_AUTH_NEVER) {
3501 | printf("TPM_Process_GetPubKey: Error, authorization required\n");
3502 | returnCode = TPM_AUTHFAIL;
3503 | }
3504 | #endif
3505 | }
3506 | #ifdef TPM_V12 /* TPM 1.1 does not have readSRKPub */
3507 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3508 | /* 3. If keyHandle == TPM_KH_SRK then */
3509 | if ((keyHandle == TPM_KH_SRK) &&
3510 | /* a. If TPM_PERMANENT_FLAGS -> readSRKPub is FALSE then return TPM_INVALID_KEYHANDLE */
3511 | !tpm_state->tpm_permanent_flags.readSRKPub) {
3512 | printf("TPM_Process_GetPubKey: "
3513 | "Error, keyHandle is TPM_KH_SRK and readSRKPub is FALSE\n");
3514 | returnCode = TPM_INVALID_KEYHANDLE;
3515 | }
3516 | }
3517 | #endif
3518 | /* 4. If keyHandle -> pcrInfoSize is not 0 */
3519 | /* a. If keyHandle -> keyFlags has pcrIgnoredOnRead set to FALSE */
3520 | /* i. Create a digestAtRelease according to the specified PCR registers and compare
3521 | to keyHandle -> digestAtRelease and if a mismatch return TPM_WRONGPCRVAL */
3522 | /* ii. If specified validate any locality requests */
3523 | /* NOTE: Done at TPM_KeyHandleEntries_GetKey() */
3524 | /* 5. Create a TPM_PUBKEY structure and return */
3525 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3526 | returnCode = TPM_Key_StorePubkey(&pubkeyStream, /* output */
3527 | &pubkeyStreamBuffer, /* output */
3528 | &pubkeyStreamLength, /* output */
3529 | key); /* input */
3530 | }
3531 | /*
3532 | response
3533 | */
3534 | /* standard response: tag, (dummy) paramSize, returnCode. Failure is fatal. */
3535 | if (rcf == 0) {
3536 | printf("TPM_Process_GetPubKey: Ordinal returnCode %08x %u\n",
3537 | returnCode, returnCode);
3538 | rcf = TPM_Sbuffer_StoreInitialResponse(response, tag, returnCode);
3539 | }
3540 | /* success response, append the rest of the parameters. */
3541 | if (rcf == 0) {
3542 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3543 | /* checkpoint the beginning of the outParam's */
3544 | outParamStart = response->buffer_current - response->buffer;
3545 | /* TPM_PUBKEY structure */
3546 | returnCode = TPM_Sbuffer_Append(response, pubkeyStreamBuffer, pubkeyStreamLength);
3547 | /* checkpoint the end of the outParam's */
3548 | outParamEnd = response->buffer_current - response->buffer;
3549 | }
3550 | /* digest the above the line output parameters */
3551 | if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
3552 | returnCode = TPM_GetOutParamDigest(outParamDigest, /* output */
3553 | auditStatus, /* input audit status */
3554 | transportEncrypt,
3555 | tag,
3556 | returnCode,
3557 | ordinal, /* command ordinal */
3558 | response->buffer + outParamStart, /* start */
3559 | outParamEnd - outParamStart); /* length */
3560 | }
3561 | /* calculate and set the below the line parameters */
3562 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && (tag == TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND)) {
3563 | returnCode = TPM_AuthParams_Set(response,
3564 | *hmacKey, /* owner HMAC key */
3565 | auth_session_data,
3566 | outParamDigest,
3567 | nonceOdd,
3568 | continueAuthSession);
3569 | }
3570 | /* audit if required */
3571 | if ((returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) && auditStatus) {
3572 | returnCode = TPM_ProcessAudit(tpm_state,
3573 | transportEncrypt,
3574 | inParamDigest,
3575 | outParamDigest,
3576 | ordinal);
3577 | }
3578 | /* adjust the initial response */
3579 | rcf = TPM_Sbuffer_StoreFinalResponse(response, returnCode, tpm_state);
3580 | }
3581 | /* if there was an error, or continueAuthSession is FALSE, terminate the session */
3582 | if (((rcf != 0) ||
3583 | ((returnCode != TPM_SUCCESS) && (returnCode != TPM_DEFEND_LOCK_RUNNING)) ||
3584 | !continueAuthSession) &&
3585 | authHandleValid) {
3586 | TPM_AuthSessions_TerminateHandle(tpm_state->tpm_stclear_data.authSessions, authHandle);
3587 | }
3588 | /*
3589 | cleanup
3590 | */
3591 | TPM_Sbuffer_Delete(&pubkeyStream); /* @1 */
3592 | return rcf;
3593 | }