1 | % -*- mode: latex; TeX-master: "Vorbis_I_spec"; -*-
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3 | \section*{Colophon}
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5 | \includegraphics[width=5cm]{fish_xiph_org}
6 | \label{footer}
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8 | Ogg is a \href{https://xiph.org/}{Xiph.Org Foundation} effort
9 | to protect essential tenets of Internet multimedia from corporate
10 | hostage-taking; Open Source is the net's greatest tool to keep
11 | everyone honest. See \href{https://xiph.org/about/}{About
12 | the Xiph.Org Foundation} for details.
13 |
14 |
15 | Ogg Vorbis is the first Ogg audio CODEC. Anyone may freely use and
16 | distribute the Ogg and Vorbis specification, whether in a private,
17 | public or corporate capacity. However, the Xiph.Org Foundation and
18 | the Ogg project (xiph.org) reserve the right to set the Ogg Vorbis
19 | specification and certify specification compliance.
20 |
21 | Xiph.Org's Vorbis software CODEC implementation is distributed under a
22 | BSD-like license. This does not restrict third parties from
23 | distributing independent implementations of Vorbis software under
24 | other licenses.
25 |
26 | Ogg, Vorbis, Xiph.Org Foundation and their logos are trademarks (tm)
27 | of the \href{https://xiph.org/}{Xiph.Org Foundation}. These
28 | pages are copyright (C) 1994-2015 Xiph.Org Foundation. All rights
29 | reserved.
30 |
31 | This document is set using \LaTeX.