1 | #!/usr/bin/python -u
2 | import string, sys, time
3 | import thread
4 | from threading import Thread, Lock
5 |
6 | import libxml2
7 |
9 |
10 | failed = 0
11 |
12 | class ErrorHandler:
13 |
14 | def __init__(self):
15 | self.errors = []
16 | self.lock = Lock()
17 |
18 | def handler(self,ctx,str):
19 | self.lock.acquire()
20 | self.errors.append(str)
21 | self.lock.release()
22 |
23 | def getLineNumbersDefault():
24 | old = libxml2.lineNumbersDefault(0)
25 | libxml2.lineNumbersDefault(old)
26 | return old
27 |
28 | def test(expectedLineNumbersDefault):
29 | time.sleep(1)
30 | global failed
31 | # check a per thread-global
32 | if expectedLineNumbersDefault != getLineNumbersDefault():
33 | failed = 1
34 | print "FAILED to obtain correct value for " \
35 | "lineNumbersDefault in thread %d" % thread.get_ident()
36 | # check ther global error handler
37 | # (which is NOT per-thread in the python bindings)
38 | try:
39 | doc = libxml2.parseFile("bad.xml")
40 | except:
41 | pass
42 | else:
43 | assert "failed"
44 |
45 | # global error handler
46 | eh = ErrorHandler()
47 | libxml2.registerErrorHandler(eh.handler,"")
48 |
49 | # set on the main thread only
50 | libxml2.lineNumbersDefault(1)
51 | test(1)
52 | ec = len(eh.errors)
53 | if ec == 0:
54 | print "FAILED: should have obtained errors"
55 | sys.exit(1)
56 |
57 | ts = []
58 | for i in range(THREADS_COUNT):
59 | # expect 0 for lineNumbersDefault because
60 | # the new value has been set on the main thread only
61 | ts.append(Thread(target=test,args=(0,)))
62 | for t in ts:
63 | t.start()
64 | for t in ts:
65 | t.join()
66 |
67 | if len(eh.errors) != ec+THREADS_COUNT*ec:
68 | print "FAILED: did not obtain the correct number of errors"
69 | sys.exit(1)
70 |
71 | # set lineNumbersDefault for future new threads
72 | libxml2.thrDefLineNumbersDefaultValue(1)
73 | ts = []
74 | for i in range(THREADS_COUNT):
75 | # expect 1 for lineNumbersDefault
76 | ts.append(Thread(target=test,args=(1,)))
77 | for t in ts:
78 | t.start()
79 | for t in ts:
80 | t.join()
81 |
82 | if len(eh.errors) != ec+THREADS_COUNT*ec*2:
83 | print "FAILED: did not obtain the correct number of errors"
84 | sys.exit(1)
85 |
86 | if failed:
87 | print "FAILED"
88 | sys.exit(1)
89 |
90 | # Memory debug specific
91 | libxml2.cleanupParser()
92 | if libxml2.debugMemory(1) == 0:
93 | print "OK"
94 | else:
95 | print "Memory leak %d bytes" % (libxml2.debugMemory(1))
96 | libxml2.dumpMemory()