1 | AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = -Wno-syntax
2 | EXTRA_PROGRAMS = genSeed html regexp schema uri xml xpath
3 | check_PROGRAMS = testFuzzer
4 | EXTRA_DIST = html.dict regexp.dict schema.dict xml.dict xpath.dict \
5 | static_seed/uri static_seed/regexp fuzz.h
7 | AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/include -I$(top_builddir)/include
8 | DEPENDENCIES = $(top_builddir)/libxml2.la
9 | LDADD = $(STATIC_BINARIES) $(top_builddir)/libxml2.la $(THREAD_LIBS) $(Z_LIBS) $(LZMA_LIBS) $(ICONV_LIBS) $(M_LIBS) $(WIN32_EXTRA_LIBADD)
10 |
11 | XML_MAX_LEN = 80000
12 | # Single quotes to avoid wildcard expansion by the shell
14 | '$(top_srcdir)/test/*' \
15 | '$(top_srcdir)/test/errors/*.xml' \
16 | '$(top_srcdir)/test/errors10/*.xml' \
17 | '$(top_srcdir)/test/namespaces/*' \
18 | '$(top_srcdir)/test/valid/*.xml' \
19 | '$(top_srcdir)/test/VC/*' \
20 | '$(top_srcdir)/test/VCM/*' \
21 | '$(top_srcdir)/test/XInclude/docs/*' \
22 | '$(top_srcdir)/test/xmlid/*'
23 |
24 | testFuzzer_SOURCES = testFuzzer.c fuzz.c
25 |
26 | .PHONY: tests corpus clean-corpus
27 |
28 | corpus: seed/html.stamp seed/regexp.stamp seed/schema.stamp seed/uri.stamp \
29 | seed/xml.stamp seed/xpath.stamp
30 |
31 | tests: testFuzzer$(EXEEXT) corpus
32 | @echo "## Running fuzzer tests"
33 | @./testFuzzer$(EXEEXT)
34 |
35 | clean-corpus:
36 | rm -rf seed
37 |
38 | clean-local: clean-corpus
39 |
40 | # Seed corpus
41 |
42 | genSeed_SOURCES = genSeed.c fuzz.c
43 |
44 | # XML fuzzer
45 |
46 | seed/xml.stamp: genSeed$(EXEEXT)
47 | @mkdir -p seed/xml
48 | ./genSeed$(EXEEXT) xml $(XML_SEED_CORPUS_SRC)
49 | @touch seed/xml.stamp
50 |
51 | xml_SOURCES = xml.c fuzz.c
52 | xml_LDFLAGS = -fsanitize=fuzzer
53 |
54 | fuzz-xml: xml$(EXEEXT) seed/xml.stamp
55 | @mkdir -p corpus/xml
56 | ./xml$(EXEEXT) \
57 | -dict=xml.dict \
58 | -max_len=$(XML_MAX_LEN) \
59 | -timeout=20 \
60 | corpus/xml seed/xml
61 |
62 | # HTML fuzzer
63 |
64 | seed/html.stamp: genSeed$(EXEEXT)
65 | @mkdir -p seed/html
66 | ./genSeed$(EXEEXT) html '$(top_srcdir)/test/HTML/*'
67 | @touch seed/html.stamp
68 |
69 | html_SOURCES = html.c fuzz.c
70 | html_LDFLAGS = -fsanitize=fuzzer
71 |
72 | fuzz-html: html$(EXEEXT) seed/html.stamp
73 | @mkdir -p corpus/html
74 | ./html$(EXEEXT) \
75 | -dict=html.dict \
76 | -max_len=1000000 \
77 | -timeout=10 \
78 | corpus/html seed/html
79 |
80 | # Regexp fuzzer
81 |
82 | seed/regexp.stamp:
83 | @mkdir -p seed/regexp
84 | cp -r $(srcdir)/static_seed/regexp seed
85 | @touch seed/regexp.stamp
86 |
87 | regexp_SOURCES = regexp.c fuzz.c
88 | regexp_LDFLAGS = -fsanitize=fuzzer
89 |
90 | fuzz-regexp: regexp$(EXEEXT)
91 | @mkdir -p corpus/regexp
92 | ./regexp$(EXEEXT) \
93 | -dict=regexp.dict \
94 | -max_len=200 \
95 | -timeout=5 \
96 | corpus/regexp seed/regexp
97 |
98 | # URI fuzzer
99 |
100 | seed/uri.stamp:
101 | @mkdir -p seed/uri
102 | cp -r $(srcdir)/static_seed/uri seed
103 | @touch seed/uri.stamp
104 |
105 | uri_SOURCES = uri.c fuzz.c
106 | uri_LDFLAGS = -fsanitize=fuzzer
107 |
108 | fuzz-uri: uri$(EXEEXT)
109 | @mkdir -p corpus/uri
110 | ./uri$(EXEEXT) \
111 | -max_len=10000 \
112 | -timeout=2 \
113 | corpus/uri seed/uri
114 |
115 | # XML Schema fuzzer
116 |
117 | seed/schema.stamp: genSeed$(EXEEXT)
118 | @mkdir -p seed/schema
119 | ./genSeed$(EXEEXT) schema '$(top_srcdir)/test/schemas/*.xsd'
120 | @touch seed/schema.stamp
121 |
122 | schema_SOURCES = schema.c fuzz.c
123 | schema_LDFLAGS = -fsanitize=fuzzer
124 |
125 | fuzz-schema: schema$(EXEEXT) seed/schema.stamp
126 | @mkdir -p corpus/schema
127 | ./schema$(EXEEXT) \
128 | -dict=schema.dict \
129 | -max_len=$(XML_MAX_LEN) \
130 | -timeout=20 \
131 | corpus/schema seed/schema
132 |
133 | # XPath fuzzer
134 |
135 | seed/xpath.stamp: genSeed$(EXEEXT)
136 | @mkdir -p seed/xpath
137 | ./genSeed$(EXEEXT) xpath '$(top_srcdir)/test/XPath'
138 | @touch seed/xpath.stamp
139 |
140 | xpath_SOURCES = xpath.c fuzz.c
141 | xpath_LDFLAGS = -fsanitize=fuzzer
142 |
143 | fuzz-xpath: xpath$(EXEEXT) seed/xpath.stamp
144 | @mkdir -p corpus/xpath
145 | ./xpath$(EXEEXT) \
146 | -dict=xpath.dict \
147 | -max_len=10000 \
148 | -timeout=20 \
149 | corpus/xpath seed/xpath
150 |