1 | * Summary: XML Schemastron implementation
2 | * Description: interface to the XML Schematron validity checking.
3 | *
4 | * Copy: See Copyright for the status of this software.
5 | *
6 | * Author: Patrick Monnerat <pm@datasphere.ch>, DATASPHERE S.A.
7 |
8 | /if not defined(XML_SCHEMATRON_H__)
9 | /define XML_SCHEMATRON_H__
10 |
11 | /include "libxmlrpg/xmlversion"
12 |
14 |
15 | /include "libxmlrpg/xmlTypesC"
16 | /include "libxmlrpg/tree"
17 |
18 | d xmlSchematronValidOptions...
19 | d s based(######typedef######)
20 | d like(xmlCenum)
21 | d XML_SCHEMATRON_OUT_QUIET... Quiet no report
22 | d c X'0001'
23 | d XML_SCHEMATRON_OUT_TEXT... Build textual report
24 | d c X'0002'
26 | d c X'0004'
27 | d XML_SCHEMATRON_OUT_ERROR... Output to error func
28 | d c X'0008'
29 | d XML_SCHEMATRON_OUT_FILE... Output to file descr
30 | d c X'0100'
31 | d XML_SCHEMATRON_OUT_BUFFER... Output to a buffer
32 | d c X'0200'
33 | d XML_SCHEMATRON_OUT_IO... Output to I/O mech
34 | d c X'0400'
35 |
36 | * The schemas related types are kept internal
37 |
38 | d xmlSchematronPtr...
39 | d s * based(######typedef######)
40 |
41 | * xmlSchematronValidityErrorFunc:
42 | * @ctx: the validation context
43 | * @msg: the message
44 | * @...: extra arguments
45 | *
46 | * Signature of an error callback from a Schematron validation
47 |
48 | d xmlSchematronValidityErrorFunc...
49 | d s * based(######typedef######)
50 | d procptr
51 |
52 | * xmlSchematronValidityWarningFunc:
53 | * @ctx: the validation context
54 | * @msg: the message
55 | * @...: extra arguments
56 | *
57 | * Signature of a warning callback from a Schematron validation
58 |
59 | d xmlSchematronValidityWarningFunc...
60 | d s * based(######typedef######)
61 | d procptr
62 |
63 | * A schemas validation context
64 |
65 | d xmlSchematronParserCtxtPtr...
66 | d s * based(######typedef######)
67 |
68 | d xmlSchematronValidCtxtPtr...
69 | d s * based(######typedef######)
70 |
71 | * Interfaces for parsing.
72 |
73 | d xmlSchematronNewParserCtxt...
74 | d pr extproc('xmlSchematronNewParserCtxt')
75 | d like(xmlSchematronParserCtxtPtr)
76 | d URL * value options(*string) const char *
77 |
78 | d xmlSchematronNewMemParserCtxt...
79 | d pr extproc(
80 | d 'xmlSchematronNewMemParserCtxt')
81 | d like(xmlSchematronParserCtxtPtr)
82 | d buffer * value options(*string) const char *
83 | d size value like(xmlCint)
84 |
85 | d xmlSchematronNewDocParserCtxt...
86 | d pr extproc(
87 | d 'xmlSchematronNewDocParserCtxt')
88 | d like(xmlSchematronParserCtxtPtr)
89 | d doc value like(xmlDocPtr)
90 |
91 | d xmlSchematronFreeParserCtxt...
92 | d pr extproc(
93 | d 'xmlSchematronFreeParserCtxt')
94 | d ctxt value
95 | d like(xmlSchematronParserCtxtPtr)
96 |
97 | /if defined(DISABLED)
98 | d xmlSchematronSetParserErrors...
99 | d pr extproc(
100 | d 'xmlSchematronSetParserErrors')
101 | d ctxt value
102 | d like(xmlSchematronParserCtxtPtr)
103 | d err value
104 | d like(xmlSchematronValidityErrorFunc)
105 | d warn value like(
106 | d xmlSchematronValidityWarningFunc)
107 | d ctx * value void *
108 |
109 | d xmlSchematronGetParserErrors...
110 | d pr extproc(
111 | d 'xmlSchematronGetParserErrors')
112 | d like(xmlCint)
113 | d ctxt value
114 | d like(xmlSchematronParserCtxtPtr)
115 | d err like(xmlSchematronValidityErrorFunc)
116 | d warn like(
117 | d xmlSchematronValidityWarningFunc)
118 | d ctx * void *(*)
119 |
120 | d xmlSchematronIsValid...
121 | d pr extproc('xmlSchematronIsValid')
122 | d like(xmlCint)
123 | d ctxt value like(xmlSchematronValidCtxtPtr)
124 | /endif
125 |
126 | d xmlSchematronParse...
127 | d pr extproc('xmlSchematronParse')
128 | d like(xmlSchematronPtr)
129 | d ctxt value
130 | d like(xmlSchematronParserCtxtPtr)
131 |
132 | d xmlSchematronFree...
133 | d pr extproc('xmlSchematronFree')
134 | d schema value like(xmlSchematronPtr)
135 |
136 | * Interfaces for validating
137 |
138 | d xmlSchematronSetValidStructuredErrors...
139 | d pr extproc('xmlSchematronSetValidStruct-
140 | d uredErrors')
141 | d ctxt value like(xmlSchematronValidCtxtPtr)
142 | d serror value like(xmlStructuredErrorFunc)
143 | d ctx * value void *
144 |
145 | /if defined(DISABLED)
146 | d xmlSchematronSetValidErrors...
147 | d pr extproc(
148 | d 'xmlSchematronSetValidErrors')
149 | d ctxt value like(xmlSchematronValidCtxtPtr)
150 | d err value
151 | d like(xmlSchematronValidityErrorFunc)
152 | d warn value like(
153 | d xmlSchematronValidityWarningFunc)
154 | d ctx * value void *
155 |
156 | d xmlSchematronGetValidErrors...
157 | d pr extproc(
158 | d 'xmlSchematronGetValidErrors')
159 | d like(xmlCint)
160 | d ctxt value like(xmlSchematronValidCtxtPtr)
161 | d err like(xmlSchematronValidityErrorFunc)
162 | d warn like(
163 | d xmlSchematronValidityWarningFunc)
164 | d ctx * void *(*)
165 |
166 | d xmlSchematronSetValidOptions...
167 | d pr extproc(
168 | d 'xmlSchematronSetValidOptions')
169 | d like(xmlCint)
170 | d ctxt value like(xmlSchematronValidCtxtPtr)
171 | d options value like(xmlCint)
172 |
173 | d xmlSchematronValidCtxtGetOptions...
174 | d pr extproc(
175 | d 'xmlSchematronValidCtxtGetOptions')
176 | d like(xmlCint)
177 | d ctxt value like(xmlSchematronValidCtxtPtr)
178 |
179 | d xmlSchematronValidateOneElement...
180 | d pr extproc(
181 | d 'xmlSchematronValidateOneElement')
182 | d like(xmlCint)
183 | d ctxt value like(xmlSchematronValidCtxtPtr)
184 | d elem value like(xmlNodePtr)
185 | /endif
186 |
187 | d xmlSchematronNewValidCtxt...
188 | d pr extproc('xmlSchematronNewValidCtxt')
189 | d like(xmlSchematronValidCtxtPtr)
190 | d schema value like(xmlSchematronPtr)
191 | d options value like(xmlCint)
192 |
193 | d xmlSchematronFreeValidCtxt...
194 | d pr extproc('xmlSchematronFreeValidCtxt')
195 | d ctxt value like(xmlSchematronValidCtxtPtr)
196 |
197 | d xmlSchematronValidateDoc...
198 | d pr extproc('xmlSchematronValidateDoc')
199 | d like(xmlCint)
200 | d ctxt value like(xmlSchematronValidCtxtPtr)
201 | d instance value like(xmlDocPtr)
202 |
204 | /endif XML_SCHEMATRON_H__