1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!-- Test for bug #341150 -->
3 | <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" >
4 |
5 | <!-- This is the head of our substitution group for events that have only
6 | simple content. -->
7 | <xs:element name="SimpleEvent" type="SimpleEventType"/>
8 |
9 | <!-- All SimpleEvent elements have the required set of attributes -->
10 | <xs:complexType name="SimpleEventType">
11 | <xs:simpleContent>
12 | <xs:extension base="xs:anySimpleType">
13 | </xs:extension>
14 | </xs:simpleContent>
15 | </xs:complexType>
16 |
17 | <!-- Common members of the SimpleEvent substitution group -->
18 | <xs:element name="TestEvent" substitutionGroup="SimpleEvent">
19 | <xs:complexType>
20 | <xs:simpleContent>
21 | <xs:restriction base="SimpleEventType">
22 | <xs:simpleType>
23 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
24 | </xs:simpleType>
25 | </xs:restriction>
26 | </xs:simpleContent>
27 | </xs:complexType>
28 | </xs:element>
29 |
30 | <!-- Root element -->
31 | <xs:element name="TestRoot" type="TestRootType"/>
32 |
33 | <!-- Core data type of an audit trail -->
34 | <xs:complexType name="TestRootType">
35 | <xs:sequence>
36 | <xs:element name="Events">
37 | <xs:complexType>
38 | <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
39 | <xs:element ref="SimpleEvent"/>
40 | </xs:choice>
41 | </xs:complexType>
42 | </xs:element>
43 | </xs:sequence>
44 | </xs:complexType>
45 | </xs:schema>