1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!--
3 | ===========================================
4 | NewsML Document Type Definition Version 1.2
5 | ===========================================
6 | International Press Telecommunications Council
7 | V 1.2 approved 10 October 2003
8 | Copyright (c) IPTC, 2000 - 2003
9 | All rights reserved
10 | NewsML is a trademark of IPTC
11 |
12 | ======================================
14 | ======================================
15 | Non-Exclusive License Agreement for International Press
16 | Telecommunications Council Specifications and Related Documentation
17 |
18 | IMPORTANT: International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC)
19 | standard specifications for news (the Specifications) and supporting
20 | software, documentation, technical reports, web sites and other
21 | material related to the Specifications (the Materials) including the
22 | document accompanying this license (the Document), whether in a paper
23 | or electronic format, are made available to you subject to the terms
24 | stated below. By obtaining, using and/or copying the Specifications or
25 | Materials, you (the licensee) agree that you have read, understood,
26 | and will comply with the following terms and conditions.
27 |
28 | 1. The Specifications and Materials are licensed for use only on the
29 | condition that you agree to be bound by the terms of this license.
30 | Subject to this and other licensing requirements contained herein, you
31 | may, on a non-exclusive basis, use the Specifications and Materials.
32 |
33 | 2. The IPTC openly provides the Specifications and Materials for
34 | voluntary use by individuals, partnerships, companies, corporations,
35 | organizations and any other entity for use at the entity's own risk.
36 | This disclaimer, license and release is intended to apply to the IPTC,
37 | its officers, directors, agents, representatives, members,
38 | contributors, affiliates, contractors, or co-venturers acting jointly
39 | or severally.
40 |
41 | 3. The Document and translations thereof may be copied and furnished
42 | to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain
43 | it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
44 | and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind,
45 | provided that the copyright and license notices and references to the
46 | IPTC appearing in the Document and the terms of this Specifications
47 | License Agreement are included on all such copies and derivative
48 | works. Further, upon the receipt of written permission from the IPTC,
49 | the Document may be modified for the purpose of developing
50 | applications that use IPTC Specifications or as required to translate
51 | the Document into languages other than English.
52 |
53 | 4. Any use, duplication, distribution, or exploitation of the Document
54 | and Specifications and Materials in any manner is at your own risk.
55 |
74 |
75 | 6. The IPTC takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
76 | Intellectual Property or other rights that might be claimed to pertain
77 | to the implementation or use of the technology described in the
78 | Document or the extent to which any license under such rights might or
79 | might not be available. The IPTC does not represent that it has made
80 | any effort to identify any such rights. Copies of claims of rights
81 | made available for publication, assurances of licenses to be made
82 | available, or the result of an attempt made to obtain a general
83 | license or permission for the use of such proprietary rights by
84 | implementers or users of the Specifications and Materials, can be
85 | obtained from the Managing Director of the IPTC.
86 |
87 | 7. By using the Specifications and Materials including the Document in
88 | any manner or for any purpose, you release the IPTC from all
89 | liabilities, claims, causes of action, allegations, losses, injuries,
90 | damages, or detriments of any nature arising from or relating to the
91 | use of the Specifications, Materials or any portion thereof. You
92 | further agree not to file a lawsuit, make a claim, or take any other
93 | formal or informal legal action against the IPTC, resulting from your
94 | acquisition, use, duplication, distribution, or exploitation of the
95 | Specifications, Materials or any portion thereof. Finally, you hereby
96 | agree that the IPTC is not liable for any direct, indirect, special or
97 | consequential damages arising from or relating to your acquisition,
98 | use, duplication, distribution, or exploitation of the Specifications,
99 | Materials or any portion thereof.
100 |
101 | 8. Specifications and Materials may be downloaded or copied provided
102 | that ALL copies retain the ownership, copyright and license notices.
103 |
104 | 9. Materials may not be edited, modified, or presented in a context
105 | that creates a misleading or false impression or statement as to the
106 | positions, actions, or statements of the IPTC.
107 |
108 | 10. The name and trademarks of the IPTC may not be used in
109 | advertising, publicity, or in relation to products or services and
110 | their names without the specific, written prior permission of the
111 | IPTC. Any permitted use of the trademarks of the IPTC, whether
112 | registered or not, shall be accompanied by an appropriate mark and
113 | attribution, as agreed with the IPTC.
114 |
115 | 11. Specifications may be extended by both members and non-members to
116 | provide additional functionality (Extended Specifications) provided
117 | that there is a clear recognition of the IPTC IP and its ownership in
118 | the Extended Specifications and the related documentation and provided
119 | that the extensions are clearly identified and provided that a
120 | perpetual license is granted by the creator of the Extended
121 | Specifications for other members and non-members to use the Extended
122 | Specifications and to continue extensions of the Extended
123 | Specifications. The IPTC does not waive any of its rights in the
124 | Specifications and Materials in this context. The Extended
125 | Specifications may be considered the intellectual property of their
126 | creator. The IPTC expressly disclaims any responsibility for damage
127 | caused by an extension to the Specifications.
128 |
129 | 12. Specifications and Materials may be included in derivative work of
130 | both members and non-members provided that there is a clear
131 | recognition of the IPTC IP and its ownership in the derivative work
132 | and its related documentation. The IPTC does not waive any of its
133 | rights in the Specifications and Materials in this context. Derivative
134 | work in its entirety may be considered the intellectual property of
135 | the creator of the work .The IPTC expressly disclaims any
136 | responsibility for damage caused when its IP is used in a derivative
137 | context.
138 |
139 | 13. This Specifications License Agreement is perpetual subject to your
140 | conformance to the terms of this Agreement. The IPTC may terminate
141 | this Specifications License Agreement immediately upon your breach of
142 | this Agreement and, upon such termination you will cease all use,
143 | duplication, distribution, and/or exploitation in any manner of the
144 | Specifications and Materials.
145 |
146 | 14. This Specifications License Agreement reflects the entire
147 | agreement of the parties regarding the subject matter hereof and
148 | supersedes all prior agreements or representations regarding such
149 | matters, whether written or oral. To the extent any portion or
150 | provision of this Specifications License Agreement is found to be
151 | illegal or unenforceable, then the remaining provisions of this
152 | Specifications License Agreement will remain in full force and effect
153 | and the illegal or unenforceable provision will be construed to give
154 | it such effect as it may properly have that is consistent with the
155 | intentions of the parties.
156 |
157 | 15. This Specifications License Agreement may only be modified in
158 | writing signed by an authorized representative of the IPTC.
159 |
160 | 16. This Specifications License Agreement is governed by the law of
161 | United Kingdom, as such law is applied to contracts made and fully
162 | performed in the United Kingdom. Any disputes arising from or relating
163 | to this Specifications License Agreement will be resolved in the
164 | courts of the United Kingdom. You consent to the jurisdiction of such
165 | courts over you and covenant not to assert before such courts any
166 | objection to proceeding in such forums.
167 |
173 | http://www.iptc.org.
174 |
175 | License agreement version of: 30 January 2006
176 | -->
177 | <!--
178 | ================
180 | ================
181 | NewsML element and attribute names use US-English spellings. With this
182 | exception, this DTD and its accompanying specification use British English
183 | spellings.
184 | -->
185 | <!--
186 | =============================
188 | =============================
189 | -->
190 | <!--
191 | ================================================================================
192 | Attribute sets
193 | ================================================================================
194 | -->
195 | <!--
196 | ================================== assignment ==================================
197 | AssignedBy
198 | ==========
199 | An identifier for the party assigning a piece of metadata. This can be a
200 | string that designates the party informally (for example, a person's name),
201 | or a pointer in the form a fragment identifier consisting of a # character
202 | followed by the Duid of a Topic corresponding to the party.
203 |
204 | Importance
205 | ==========
206 | An indication of the importance the party assigning a piece of metadata
207 | attaches to it. The value of the Importance attribute is a formal name for a
208 | level of importance. Its meaning and permitted values are determined by a
209 | controlled vocabulary.
210 |
211 | Confidence
212 | ==========
213 | An indication of the confidence with which a piece of metadata has been
214 | assigned. The value of the Confidence attribute is a formal name for a
215 | degree of confidence. Its meaning and permitted values are determined by a
216 | controlled vocabulary.
217 |
218 | HowPresent
219 | ==========
220 | An indication of the way in which a piece of metadata applies. The value of
221 | the HowPresent attribute is a formal name for the way the metadata applies.
222 | Its meaning and permitted values are determined by a controlled vocabulary.
223 |
224 | DateAndTime
225 | ===========
226 | The date and (optionally) time at which a piece of metadata was assigned.
227 |
228 | Uses the format CCYYMMDDTHHMMSS{+or-}HHMM (century, year, month, day, time
229 | separator, hours, minutes, seconds, timezone separator, hours, minutes). If
230 | only the Date is needed, then the substring from T onwards may be omitted.
231 | Where the offset difference is +0000 the letter suffix "Z" may alternatively be used.
232 |
233 | This is the Basic Format defined by ISO 8601. CCYY is a 4-digit year number.
234 | MM is a 2-digit month number. DD is a 2-digit day number. T is the letter 'T'.
235 | HH is a 2-digit hour number (using a 24-hour clock). MM is a 2 digit minute
236 | number. (Note that midnight may be represented as 240000 on the date
237 | of the day that is ending, or as 000000 on the date of the day that is
238 | beginning.)
239 |
240 | {+or-} is the '+' character or the '-' character, and the following HHMM are
241 | hours and minutes of offset from Universal Co-ordinated Time (UTC) as defined
242 | by ISO 8601. If the time is being expressed in UTC, then the timezone offset
243 | may be '+0000' or '-0000'. If the time is behind UTC, the timezone separator
244 | is '-'. If the time is ahead of UTC the timezone separator is '+'.
245 |
246 | Example: 10:27 p.m. in New York on 31 December 2000 would be expressed as
247 | "20001231T222700-0500" as New York is five hours behind UTC in winter. At
248 | the same moment in London, the date and time would be expressed as
249 | "20010101T032700+0000" or as "20010101T032700-0000" because in London it is
250 | now 3:27 a.m. on 1 January 2001. At the same moment in Paris,the date and
251 | time would be expressed as "20010101T042700+0100", because Paris is one hour
252 | ahead of UTC in winter and it is now 4:27 a.m. on 1 January 2001.
253 | ================================================================================
254 |
255 | -->
256 | <!ENTITY % assignment " AssignedBy CDATA #IMPLIED
257 | Importance CDATA #IMPLIED
258 | Confidence CDATA #IMPLIED
259 | HowPresent CDATA #IMPLIED
260 | DateAndTime CDATA #IMPLIED">
261 | <!--
262 | ================================= formalname ===================================
263 |
264 | FormalName
265 | ==========
266 | A string of characters whose meaning is determined by a controlled vocabulary.
267 | The controlled vocabulary may (but is not required to) take the form of a NewsML TopicSet.
268 |
269 | Vocabulary
270 | ==========
271 | The Vocabulary attribute, if present, provides a pointer to a TopicSet which is
272 | the controlled vocabulary that can be used to resolve the meaning of the
273 | FormalName.
274 |
275 | The value of the Vocabulary attribute is an http URL or a NewsML
276 | URN, or the # character followed by the value of the Duid attribute of the a
277 | TopicSet in the current document.
278 |
279 | If there is no Vocabulary attribute, then the controlled vocabulary to be used
280 | is located by the following algorithm:
281 | - Proceed to the parent of the current element.
282 | - If it has a Catalog element as its immediate child, see whether that Catalog
283 | contains a Resource element whose DefaultVocabularyFor child contains an XPath
284 | pattern that is matched by the current element. If so, then the controlled
285 | vocabulary is the resource identified by that Resource element.
286 | - If the parent does not meet the above condition, proceed to its parent and
287 | check the same condition.
288 | - Continue until a vocabulary is found, or no further parent elements are
289 | available because the root element has been reached and it too fails to meet
290 | the condition.
291 |
292 | (The comment on Vocabulary was changed for Version 1.2)
293 |
294 | Scheme
295 | ======
296 | The Scheme attribute, if present, serves to distinguish which of possibly
297 | multiple naming schemes in the controlled vocabulary is the one that governs
298 | this FormalName.
299 |
300 | (The following lines added for Version 1.2)
301 | More information about the processing of those attributes can be found in the
302 | NewsML Functional Specifications and the NewsML Implementation Guidelines.
303 | ================================================================================
304 | -->
305 | <!ENTITY % formalname " FormalName CDATA #REQUIRED
306 | Vocabulary CDATA #IMPLIED
307 | Scheme CDATA #IMPLIED">
308 | <!--
309 | =================================== localid ====================================
310 |
311 | Duid
312 | ====
313 | Duid is a "Document-unique Identifier". It must satisfy the rules for XML ID
314 | attributes: it must only contain name characters, and it must start with a
315 | name-start character (not a digit). Its value must be unique within any NewsML
316 | document.
317 |
318 | Every NewsML element type has Duid as an optional attribute. Combined with the
319 | Identifier element, providing a value for the Duid of any element in a NewsML
320 | document makes the element globally identifiable. The Identifier element gives
321 | global identification to the document, and the Duid provides local
322 | identification for the element within the document.
323 |
324 | Euid
325 | ====
326 | Euid is an "Element-unique Identifier". Its value must be unique among elements
327 | of the same element-type and having the same parent element.
328 |
329 | Use of Euid attribute makes it possible to identify any NewsML element within
330 | the context of its local branch of the NewsML document tree. This makes it
331 | possible to copy, or include by reference, subtrees into new combinations in
332 | ways that would break the uniqueness of Duids (thereby forcing new Duids to be
333 | allocated), but still being able to retain the identity of each element. If
334 | Euids are maintained at every level, it is possible to identify, for example
335 | "The ContentItem whose Euid is abc within the NewsComponent whose Euid is def".
336 | Such identification patterns would be preserved even after "pruning and
337 | grafting" of subtrees.
338 | ================================================================================
339 | -->
340 | <!ENTITY % localid " Duid ID #IMPLIED
341 | Euid CDATA #IMPLIED">
342 | <!--
343 | ================================================================================
344 | Content Models
345 | ================================================================================
346 | -->
347 | <!--
348 | ===================================== data =====================================
349 | Where data is included, it may be directly in the form of a DataContent element,
350 | or in the form of DataContent wrapped in an Encoding element, or by reference
351 | through an Href attribute. In the latter case an empty Encoding element may be present.
352 | ================================================================================
353 | -->
354 | <!ENTITY % data "(Encoding | DataContent)?">
355 | <!--
356 | ==================================== party =====================================
357 | Person, organisation or company playing a specific role in the
358 | news workflow. The role being played is determined by the parent element. More
359 | information about it can be provided in the optional Comment subelements.
360 | ================================================================================
361 |
362 | -->
363 | <!ENTITY % party "Comment* , Party+">
364 | <!--
365 | =========================
367 | =========================
368 | -->
369 | <!--
370 | ============================ AdministrativeMetadata ============================
371 | Information about the provenance of a NewsComponent.
372 | Changed for Version 1.2: Creator? changed to Creator*
373 | ================================================================================
374 | -->
375 | <!ELEMENT AdministrativeMetadata (Catalog?, FileName?, SystemIdentifier?, Provider?, Creator*, Source*, Contributor*, Property*)>
376 | <!ATTLIST AdministrativeMetadata
377 | %localid;
378 | >
379 | <!--
380 |
381 | ================================ AssociatedWith ================================
382 | A reference to a NewsItem with which this one is associated (for example, a
383 | series of articles, or a collection of photos, of which it is a part). The
384 | NewsItem attribute identifies the relevant NewsItem. Its value can be an
385 | http URL or a NewsML URN as described in the comment to PublicIdentifier. The
386 | Comment can be used to indicate the nature of the association. FormalName structure added in version 1.1
387 | ================================================================================
388 |
389 | -->
390 | <!ELEMENT AssociatedWith (Comment*)>
391 | <!ATTLIST AssociatedWith
392 | %localid;
393 | FormalName CDATA #IMPLIED
394 | Vocabulary CDATA #IMPLIED
395 | Scheme CDATA #IMPLIED
396 | NewsItem CDATA #IMPLIED
397 | >
398 | <!--
399 | ================================ BasisForChoice ================================
400 | The content of this element is an XPath statement or element-type name
401 | identifying information within each NewsComponent or ContentItem that can be
402 | used as a basis for choice between equivalent NewsComponents or ContentItems.
403 | If the XPath pattern begins with a . character, this represents the 'root' of
404 | the XPath and corresponds to the NewsComponent or ContentItem itself. By
405 | applying the XPath pattern to each NewsComponent or ContentItem in turn within
406 | the set of equivalents, the system can extract the data on the basis of which a
407 | choice between the items can be made. If multiple matches to the XPath pattern
408 | are present within the subtree that begins at the 'root', only the first match
409 | found in document order is significant. The optional Rank attribute allows
410 | providers to place a numerical order on the importance they think should be
411 | attached to the different bases for choice.
412 | Smaller numbers represent higher importance.
413 | ================================================================================
414 | -->
415 | <!ELEMENT BasisForChoice (#PCDATA)>
416 | <!ATTLIST BasisForChoice
417 | %localid;
419 | >
420 | <!--
421 |
422 | ==================================== ByLine ====================================
423 | A natural-language statement of the author/creator information.
424 | ================================================================================
425 | -->
426 | <!ELEMENT ByLine (#PCDATA | Origin)*>
427 | <!ATTLIST ByLine
428 | %localid;
429 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
430 | >
431 | <!--
432 |
433 | ==================================== ByLineTitle ====================================
434 | A natural-language statement of the title of author/creator of the information. (version 1.1)
435 | ================================================================================
436 | -->
437 | <!ELEMENT ByLineTitle (#PCDATA | Origin)*>
438 | <!ATTLIST ByLineTitle
439 | %localid;
440 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
441 | >
442 | <!--
443 | =================================== Catalog ====================================
444 | A container for Resource and TopicUse elements. Resource elements map URNs to
445 | URLs and indicate default vocabularies which apply to the formal names of
446 | certain elements within the subtree that begins with the immediate parent of
447 | the Catalog element. TopicUse elements indicate where in the NewsML document
448 | certain Topics are used. The optional Href attribute provides a pointer to
449 | a Catalog element elsewhere in this or another document. Its value consists of
450 | a # character followed by the value of the Duid attribute of the referenced
451 | Catalog element and preceded, if the referenced Catalog is not in the current
452 | document, by an http URL or a NewsML URN identifying the document or NewsItem
453 | in which the Catalog appears. If the Href attribute is present on a Catalog
454 | element, then that element should be empty. If it contains subelements, the
455 | NewsML system may signal an error.
456 | ================================================================================
457 | -->
458 | <!ELEMENT Catalog (Resource*, TopicUse*)>
459 | <!ATTLIST Catalog
460 | %localid;
462 | >
463 | <!--
464 | =============================== Characteristics ================================
465 | Information about the physical characteristics of a ContentItem.
466 | ================================================================================
467 | -->
468 | <!ELEMENT Characteristics (SizeInBytes?, Property*)>
469 | <!ATTLIST Characteristics
470 | %localid;
471 | >
472 | <!--
473 | =================================== Comment ====================================
474 | A natural-language description of, or statement about, the current element. The
475 | optional TranslationOf attribute is a pointer to another Comment element, of
476 | which this one is a direct translation. The FormalName and associated attributes added for Version 1.1
477 | ================================================================================
478 | -->
479 | <!ELEMENT Comment (#PCDATA)>
480 | <!ATTLIST Comment
481 | %localid;
482 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
483 | TranslationOf IDREF #IMPLIED
484 | FormalName CDATA #IMPLIED
485 | Vocabulary CDATA #IMPLIED
486 | Scheme CDATA #IMPLIED
487 | >
488 | <!--
489 | ================================= ContentItem ==================================
490 | A news object that carries or identifies content intended for presentation to
491 | humans.
492 | ================================================================================
493 | -->
494 | <!ELEMENT ContentItem (Comment*, Catalog?, MediaType?, Format?, MimeType?, Notation?, Characteristics?, %data;)>
495 | <!ATTLIST ContentItem
496 | %localid;
498 | >
499 | <!--
500 | ================================= Contribution ==================================
501 | The contribution of a Party in the scope of the creation or the modification of a news object.
502 | Added for Version 1.2
503 | ==============================================================================
504 | -->
505 | <!ELEMENT Contribution EMPTY>
506 | <!ATTLIST Contribution
507 | %localid;
508 | %formalname;
509 | >
510 | <!--
511 | ================================= Contributor ==================================
512 | An individual and/or company or organisation that modified or enhanced a news
513 | object after its creation.
514 | Changed for Version 1.2: Contribution added
515 | ================================================================================
516 | -->
517 | <!ELEMENT Contributor (%party;, Contribution*)>
518 | <!ATTLIST Contributor
519 | %localid;
520 | >
521 | <!--
522 | ================================== Copyright ===================================
523 | The copyright that pertains to a news object.
524 | ================================================================================
525 | -->
526 | <!ELEMENT Copyright (Comment*, CopyrightHolder, CopyrightDate)>
527 | <!ATTLIST Copyright
528 | %localid;
529 | %assignment;
530 | >
531 | <!--
532 | ================================ CopyrightDate =================================
533 | A natural-language statement of the copyright date.
534 | ================================================================================
535 |
536 | -->
537 | <!ELEMENT CopyrightDate (#PCDATA | Origin)*>
538 | <!ATTLIST CopyrightDate
539 | %localid;
540 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
541 | >
542 | <!--
543 | =============================== CopyrightHolder ================================
544 | A natural-language statement indicating who owns the copyright.
545 | ================================================================================
546 | -->
547 | <!ELEMENT CopyrightHolder (#PCDATA | Origin)*>
548 | <!ATTLIST CopyrightHolder
549 | %localid;
550 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
551 | >
552 | <!--
553 | ================================ CopyrightLine =================================
554 | A natural-language statement of the copyright information.
555 | ================================================================================
556 | -->
557 | <!ELEMENT CopyrightLine (#PCDATA | Origin)*>
558 | <!ATTLIST CopyrightLine
559 | %localid;
560 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
561 | >
562 | <!--
563 | =================================== Creator ====================================
564 | An individual and/or company or organisation that created a news object.
565 | Changed for Version 1.2: Contribution added
566 | ================================================================================
567 | -->
568 | <!ELEMENT Creator (%party;, Contribution*)>
569 | <!ATTLIST Creator
570 | %localid;
571 | >
572 | <!--
573 | ================================== CreditLine ==================================
574 | A natural-language statement of credit information.
575 | ================================================================================
576 | -->
577 | <!ELEMENT CreditLine (#PCDATA | Origin)*>
578 | <!ATTLIST CreditLine
579 | %localid;
580 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
581 | >
582 | <!--
583 | ================================= DataContent ==================================
584 | The data that carries the content of a ContentItem.
585 | ================================================================================
586 | -->
587 | <!ELEMENT DataContent ANY>
588 | <!ATTLIST DataContent
589 | %localid;
590 | >
591 | <!--
592 | ================================= DateAndTime ==================================
593 | A formal representation of a date and, optionally, time, expressed in ISO 8601
594 | Basic Format, as described in the comment to the DateAndTime attribute within
595 | the assignment ENTITY declaration above.
596 | ================================================================================
597 | -->
598 | <!ELEMENT DateAndTime (#PCDATA)>
599 | <!ATTLIST DateAndTime
600 | %localid;
601 | >
602 | <!--
603 | ==================================== DateId ====================================
604 | A date identifier of a NewsItem in short ISO 8601 Basic Format (CCYYMMDD), as
605 | described in the comment to the DateAndTime attribute within the assignment
606 | ENTITY declaration above. The DateId is part of the formal identification of the
607 | NewsItem, and must remain the same through successive revisions of the same
608 | NewsItem.
609 | ================================================================================
610 | -->
611 | <!ELEMENT DateId (#PCDATA)>
612 | <!--
613 | ================================== DateLabel ===================================
614 | A string representation of a date or date and time, used by human users to help
615 | identify a NewsItem.
616 | ================================================================================
617 | -->
618 | <!ELEMENT DateLabel (#PCDATA)>
619 | <!ATTLIST DateLabel
620 | %localid;
621 | >
622 | <!--
623 | =================================== DateLine ===================================
624 | A natural-language statement of the date and/or place of creation.
625 | ================================================================================
626 | -->
627 | <!ELEMENT DateLine (#PCDATA | Origin)*>
628 | <!ATTLIST DateLine
629 | %localid;
630 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
631 | >
632 | <!--
633 | =================================== DateLineDate ===================================
634 | A logical equivalent of the date of creation. ISO8601 Basic Format
635 | ================================================================================
636 | -->
637 | <!ELEMENT DateLineDate (#PCDATA)>
638 | <!ATTLIST DateLineDate
639 | %localid;
640 | >
641 | <!--
642 | ============================ DefaultVocabularyFor ==============================
643 | An indication that the parent Resource provides the default vocabulary that
644 | determines the meanings and permitted values of the data occurring in a
645 | particular part of a NewsML document subtree. The Context attribute is an
646 | XPath pattern identifying the data to which the default vocabulary applies.
647 | If the XPath pattern is one that matches elements, then it is the value of the
648 | FormalName attribute of that element that is designated. If the XPath pattern
649 | is one that matches attributes, then it is the value of that attribute itself
650 | that is designated. The optional Scheme attribute identifies the relevant naming
651 | scheme if the controlled vocabulary contains more than one naming scheme.
652 | If the controlled vocabulary is a NewsML TopicSet, then the meaning of the data
653 | identified by the Context is provided by the Topic whose FormalName subelement
654 | matches that data. If the Resource is not a NewsML TopicSet, then the way in which
655 | it is interpreted in order to provide a meaning for the data is not defined by NewsML
656 | but by the authority that governs whatever format the Resource uses.
657 | ================================================================================
658 | -->
659 | <!ELEMENT DefaultVocabularyFor EMPTY>
660 | <!ATTLIST DefaultVocabularyFor
661 | %localid;
662 | Context CDATA #REQUIRED
663 | Scheme CDATA #IMPLIED
664 | >
665 | <!--
666 | ==================================== Delete ====================================
667 | An instruction to delete an element within a NewsItem. The NewsItem is
668 | the previous revision of the current one, and the element to be deleted is the
669 | one whose Duid value is equal to the value of the Delete element's DuidRef
670 | attribute.
671 | ================================================================================
672 | -->
673 | <!ELEMENT Delete EMPTY>
674 | <!ATTLIST Delete
675 | %localid;
677 | >
678 | <!--
679 | ================================= DerivedFrom ==================================
680 | A reference to an NewsItem from which this one is derived. The NewsItem attribute
681 | identifies the relevant NewsItem. Its value can be an http URL or a NewsML URN
682 | as described in the comment to PublicIdentifier. FormalName structure added in version 1.1
683 | ================================================================================
684 | -->
685 | <!ELEMENT DerivedFrom (Comment*)>
686 | <!ATTLIST DerivedFrom
687 | %localid;
688 | FormalName CDATA #IMPLIED
689 | Vocabulary CDATA #IMPLIED
690 | Scheme CDATA #IMPLIED
691 | NewsItem CDATA #IMPLIED
692 | >
693 | <!--
694 | ================================= Description ==================================
695 | A description that identifies a Topic, thereby indicating the meaning of a
696 | formal name associated with that Topic. The xml:lang attribute indicates what
697 | language the description is in. The optional Variant attribute allows multiple
698 | descriptions to be given in the same language, and meaningfully distinguished
699 | from one another.
700 | ================================================================================
701 | -->
702 | <!ELEMENT Description (#PCDATA)>
703 | <!ATTLIST Description
704 | %localid;
705 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
706 | Variant CDATA #IMPLIED
707 | >
708 | <!--
709 | ============================= DescriptiveMetadata ==============================
710 | Information describing the content of a NewsComponent. Multiple appearance for the child element Genre,
711 | new elements DateLineDate and Location were introduced in version 1.1 of the DTD.
712 | ================================================================================
713 | -->
714 | <!ELEMENT DescriptiveMetadata (Catalog?, Language*, Genre*, SubjectCode*, OfInterestTo*, DateLineDate?, Location*, TopicOccurrence*, Property*)>
715 | <!ATTLIST DescriptiveMetadata
716 | %localid;
717 | %assignment;
718 | >
719 | <!--
720 | =================================== Encoding ===================================
721 | The encoding of the data comprising the content of a ContentItem.
722 | ================================================================================
723 | -->
724 | <!ELEMENT Encoding %data;>
725 | <!ATTLIST Encoding
726 | %localid;
727 | Notation CDATA #REQUIRED
728 | >
729 | <!--
730 | =================================== EndDate ====================================
731 | A natural-language statement of the date at which specified usage rights come
732 | to an end.
733 | ================================================================================
734 | -->
735 | <!ELEMENT EndDate (#PCDATA | Origin)*>
736 | <!ATTLIST EndDate
737 | %localid;
738 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
739 | %assignment;
740 | >
741 | <!--
742 | =================================== FileName ===================================
743 | The suggested or actual storage file name for a NewsItem.
744 | ================================================================================
745 | -->
746 | <!ELEMENT FileName (#PCDATA)>
747 | <!ATTLIST FileName
748 | %localid;
749 | >
750 | <!--
751 | ================================= FirstCreated =================================
752 | The date and, optionally, time at which a NewsItem was first created, expressed
753 | in ISO 8601 Basic Format, as described in the comment to the DateAndTime
754 | attribute within the assignment ENTITY declaration above.
755 | ================================================================================
756 | -->
757 | <!ELEMENT FirstCreated (#PCDATA)>
758 | <!ATTLIST FirstCreated
759 | %localid;
760 | >
761 | <!--
762 | ================================= FormalName ===================================
763 | A string of characters whose meaning is determined by a naming scheme within a
764 | controlled vocabulary. The controlled vocabulary may (but is not required to)
765 | take the form of a NewsML TopicSet. The optional Scheme attribute determines
766 | which naming scheme applies, when several exist within the same controlled
767 | vocabulary.
768 | ================================================================================
769 | -->
770 | <!ELEMENT FormalName (#PCDATA)>
771 | <!ATTLIST FormalName
772 | %localid;
773 | Scheme CDATA #IMPLIED
774 | >
775 | <!--
776 | ==================================== Format ====================================
777 | An indication of the format of a ContentItem. The value of the FormalName
778 | attribute is a formal name for the Format. Its meaning and permitted values are
779 | determined by a controlled vocabulary as described in the comment to the
780 | formalname ENTITY declaration above.
781 | ================================================================================
782 | -->
783 | <!ELEMENT Format EMPTY>
784 | <!ATTLIST Format
785 | %localid;
786 | %formalname;
787 | >
788 | <!--
789 | ================================= FutureStatus =================================
790 | An indication of the status a NewsItem will have at a specified future date. The
791 | value of the FormalName attribute is a formal name for the FutureStatus. Its
792 | meaning is determined by a controlled vocabulary as described in the comment
793 | to the formalname ENTITY declaration above.
794 | ================================================================================
795 | -->
796 | <!ELEMENT FutureStatus EMPTY>
797 | <!ATTLIST FutureStatus
798 | %localid;
799 | %formalname;
800 | >
801 | <!--
802 | ==================================== Genre =====================================
803 | An indication of the Genre of a NewsComponent. The value of the FormalName
804 | attribute is a formal name for the Genre. Its meaning and permitted values are
805 | determined by a controlled vocabulary as described in the comment to the
806 | formalname ENTITY declaration above.
807 | ================================================================================
808 | -->
809 | <!ELEMENT Genre EMPTY>
810 | <!ATTLIST Genre
811 | %localid;
812 | %formalname;
813 | %assignment;
814 | >
815 | <!--
816 | ================================== Geography ===================================
817 | A natural-language statement of the geographical area or areas to which
818 | specified usage rights apply.
819 | ================================================================================
820 | -->
821 | <!ELEMENT Geography (#PCDATA | Origin)*>
822 | <!ATTLIST Geography
823 | %localid;
824 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
825 | %assignment;
826 | >
827 | <!--
828 | =================================== HeadLine ===================================
829 | A displayable headline.
830 | ================================================================================
831 | -->
832 | <!ELEMENT HeadLine (#PCDATA | Origin)*>
833 | <!ATTLIST HeadLine
834 | %localid;
835 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
836 | >
837 | <!--
838 | ================================ Identification ================================
839 | Identification information for the NewsItem.
840 | ================================================================================
841 | -->
842 | <!ELEMENT Identification (NewsIdentifier, NameLabel?, DateLabel?, Label*)>
843 | <!ATTLIST Identification
844 | %localid;
845 | >
846 | <!--
847 | ================================= InsertAfter ==================================
848 | An instruction to insert content after a designated element within a NewsItem.
849 | The content to be inserted is the content of the InsertAfter element. The
850 | NewsItem into which it is to be inserted is the previous revision of the current
851 | one, and the element after which it is to be inserted is the one whose Duid
852 | value is equal to the value of the InsertAfter element's DuidRef attribute.
853 | ================================================================================
854 | -->
855 | <!ELEMENT InsertAfter ANY>
856 | <!ATTLIST InsertAfter
857 | %localid;
859 | >
860 | <!--
861 | ================================= InsertBefore =================================
862 | An instruction to insert content before a designated element within a NewsItem.
863 | The content to be inserted is the content of the InsertBefore element. The
864 | NewsItem into which it is to be inserted is the previous revision of the current
865 | one, and the element before which it is to be inserted is the one whose Duid
866 | value is equal to the value of the InsertBefore element's DuidRef attribute.
867 | ================================================================================
868 | -->
869 | <!ELEMENT InsertBefore ANY>
870 | <!ATTLIST InsertBefore
871 | %localid;
873 | >
874 | <!--
875 | ================================= Instruction ==================================
876 | An instruction from a news provider to the recipient of a NewsItem. A special
877 | case of Instruction is an indication of the effect the current revision of a
878 | NewsItem has on the status of any previous revisions of the NewsItem that may
879 | still be on the recipient's system. In this case, it will contain one or more
880 | RevisionStatus elements. Otherwise, the value of the FormalName attribute is a
881 | formal name for the Instruction, and its meaning is determined by a controlled
882 | vocabulary as described in the comment to the formalname ENTITY declaration
883 | above.
884 | ================================================================================
885 | -->
886 | <!ELEMENT Instruction (RevisionStatus*)>
887 | <!ATTLIST Instruction
888 | %localid;
889 | %formalname;
890 | >
891 | <!--
892 | ================================= KeywordLine ==================================
893 | A displayable set of keywords relevant to a news object. This can be used by a
894 | NewsML system to assist manual or automated searches.
895 | ================================================================================
896 | -->
897 | <!ELEMENT KeywordLine (#PCDATA | Origin)*>
898 | <!ATTLIST KeywordLine
899 | %localid;
900 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
901 | >
902 | <!--
903 | ==================================== Label =====================================
904 | A human-readable label for a NewsItem.
905 | ================================================================================
906 | -->
907 | <!ELEMENT Label (LabelType, LabelText)>
908 | <!ATTLIST Label
909 | %localid;
910 | >
911 | <!--
912 | =================================== LabelText ==================================
913 | The text that constitutes a Label of a given LabelType.
914 | ================================================================================
915 | -->
916 | <!ELEMENT LabelText (#PCDATA)>
917 | <!ATTLIST LabelText
918 | %localid;
919 | >
920 | <!--
921 | ================================= LabelType ====================================
922 | A user-defined type of label. The value of the FormalName attribute is a formal
923 | name for the LabelType. Its meaning and permitted values are determined by a
924 | controlled vocabulary as described in the comment to the formalname ENTITY
925 | declaration above.
926 | ================================================================================
927 | -->
928 | <!ELEMENT LabelType EMPTY>
929 | <!ATTLIST LabelType
930 | %localid;
931 | %formalname;
932 | >
933 | <!--
934 | =================================== Language ===================================
935 | An indication of the, or a, language used in a content item. The value of the
936 | FormalName attribute is a formal name for the Language. Its meaning and
937 | permitted values are determined by a controlled vocabulary as described in the
938 | comment to the formalname ENTITY declaration above.
939 | ================================================================================
940 | -->
941 | <!ELEMENT Language EMPTY>
942 | <!ATTLIST Language
943 | %localid;
944 | %formalname;
945 | %assignment;
946 | >
947 | <!--
948 | ================================= Limitations ==================================
949 | A natural-language statement of the terms and conditions that apply to the
950 | specified usage rights.
951 | ================================================================================
952 | -->
953 | <!ELEMENT Limitations (#PCDATA | Origin)*>
954 | <!ATTLIST Limitations
955 | %localid;
956 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
957 | %assignment;
958 | >
959 | <!--
960 | =========================== Location (version 1.1)=============================
961 | An indication of the location somehow relevant to the NewsItem. Type of the
962 | location (the nature of its relation to the NewsItem) is specified using the
963 | HowPresent attribute that is part of the %assignment; entity (e.g.
964 | DateLine, Event, etc). Logical components of the location's definition (eg Country) are specified
965 | using the Property child elements with the FormalName attributes taken from the IPTC normative controlled
966 | vocabulary. In addition, if the location in question exists as a single Topic, the optional Topic attribute may be
967 | used as a direct pointer to that Topic. The pointer may take the form of an http URL or a NewsML
968 | URN, or a # character followed by the value of the Duid attribute of a Topic element in the current document
969 | ================================================================================
970 | -->
971 | <!ELEMENT Location (Property)*>
972 | <!ATTLIST Location
973 | %localid;
974 | %assignment;
975 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
976 | Topic CDATA #IMPLIED
977 | >
978 | <!--
979 | ================================== MediaType ===================================
980 | An indication of the media type of a ContentItem. The value of the FormalName
981 | attribute is a formal name for the MediaType. Its meaning and permitted values
982 | are determined by a controlled vocabulary as described in the comment to the
983 | formalname ENTITY declaration above.
984 | ================================================================================
985 | -->
986 | <!ELEMENT MediaType EMPTY>
987 | <!ATTLIST MediaType
988 | %localid;
989 | %formalname;
990 | >
991 | <!--
992 | =================================== Metadata ===================================
993 | An container for a user-defined type of metadata.
994 | ================================================================================
995 | -->
996 | <!ELEMENT Metadata (Catalog?, MetadataType, Property+)>
997 | <!ATTLIST Metadata
998 | %localid;
999 | >
1000 | <!--
1001 | =============================== MetadataType ===================================
1002 | An indication of the type of metadata that is represented by the Property
1003 | elements within this Metadata element. The value of the FormalName attribute is
1004 | a formal name for the MetadataType. Its meaning and permitted values are
1005 | determined by a controlled vocabulary as described in the comment to the
1006 | formalname ENTITY declaration above.
1007 | ================================================================================
1008 | -->
1009 | <!ELEMENT MetadataType EMPTY>
1010 | <!ATTLIST MetadataType
1011 | %localid;
1012 | %formalname;
1013 | >
1014 | <!--
1015 | =================================== MimeType ===================================
1016 | An indication of the MIME-type of a ContentItem. The value of the FormalName
1017 | attribute is a formal name for the MimeType. Its meaning and permitted values
1018 | are determined by a controlled vocabulary as described in the comment to the
1019 | formalname ENTITY declaration above.
1020 | ================================================================================
1021 | -->
1022 | <!ELEMENT MimeType EMPTY>
1023 | <!ATTLIST MimeType
1024 | %localid;
1025 | %formalname;
1026 | >
1027 | <!--
1028 | ================================== NameLabel ===================================
1029 | A string used by human users as a name to help identify a NewsItem. Its form is
1030 | determined by the provider. It might be identical to the textual content of
1031 | the SlugLine element, for example, but even if this is so, the system should not
1032 | process the NameLabel as a slugline. Nothing can be assumed about the nature of
1033 | the string within NameLabel beyond the fact that it can help to identify the
1034 | NewsItem to humans.
1035 | ================================================================================
1036 | -->
1037 | <!ELEMENT NameLabel (#PCDATA)>
1038 | <!ATTLIST NameLabel
1039 | %localid;
1040 | >
1041 | <!--
1042 | ================================ NewsComponent =================================
1043 | A container for news objects, used to identify the role of news objects in
1044 | relation to one another, and to ascribe metadata to them. The Essential
1045 | attribute indicates whether the provider considers that this NewsComponent
1046 | is essential to the meaning of the NewsComponent within which it is contained.
1047 | The EquivalentsList attribute indicates whether or not the NewsItems or
1048 | NewsItemRefs, NewsComponents or ContentItems contained within this one are
1049 | equivalent to one another in content and/or meaning
1050 | ================================================================================
1051 | -->
1052 | <!ELEMENT NewsComponent (Comment*, Catalog?, TopicSet*, Role?, BasisForChoice*, NewsLines?, AdministrativeMetadata?, RightsMetadata?, DescriptiveMetadata?, Metadata*, ((NewsItem | NewsItemRef)+ | NewsComponent+ | ContentItem+)?)>
1053 | <!ATTLIST NewsComponent
1054 | %localid;
1055 | Essential (yes | no) "no"
1056 | EquivalentsList (yes | no) "no"
1057 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
1058 | >
1059 | <!--
1060 | ================================= NewsEnvelope =================================
1061 | Information about the transmission of one or more NewsItems as a NewsML
1062 | document.
1063 | ================================================================================
1064 | -->
1065 | <!ELEMENT NewsEnvelope (TransmissionId?, SentFrom?, SentTo?, DateAndTime, NewsService*, NewsProduct*, Priority?)>
1066 | <!ATTLIST NewsEnvelope
1067 | %localid;
1068 | >
1069 | <!--
1070 | ================================ NewsIdentifier ================================
1071 | A globally unique identifier for a NewsItem.
1072 | ================================================================================
1073 | -->
1074 | <!ELEMENT NewsIdentifier (ProviderId, DateId, NewsItemId, RevisionId, PublicIdentifier)>
1075 | <!--
1076 | =================================== NewsItem ===================================
1077 | A managed set of information representing a point of view, at a given time, on
1078 | some event or events. Its Identification and NewsManagement provide
1079 | manageability. It may contain either a NewsComponent, or one or more Updates
1080 | that modify aspects of a previous Revision of the same NewsItem, or a
1081 | TopicSet.
1082 | ================================================================================
1083 | -->
1084 | <!ELEMENT NewsItem (Comment*, Catalog?, Identification, NewsManagement, (NewsComponent | Update+ | TopicSet)?)>
1085 | <!ATTLIST NewsItem
1086 | %localid;
1087 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
1088 | >
1089 | <!--
1090 | ================================== NewsItemId ==================================
1091 | An identifier for the NewsItem. The combination of NewsItemId and DateId must
1092 | be unique among NewsItems that emanate from the same provider. Within these
1093 | constraints, the NewsItemId can take any form the provider wishes. It may take
1094 | the form of a name for the NewsItem that will be meaningful to humans, but this
1095 | is not a requirement. The provider may optionally relate the values of
1096 | NewsItemId to a controlled vocabulary, which is invoked by the Vocabulary
1097 | attribute. The value of the Vocabulary attribute may be an http URL, a NewsML
1098 | URN, or the # character followed by the value of the Duid attribute of a
1099 | TopicSet in the current document. The Scheme attribute, if present, serves to
1100 | distinguish which of possibly multiple naming schemes in the controlled
1101 | vocabulary is the one that governs the NewsItemId.
1102 | ================================================================================
1103 | -->
1104 | <!ELEMENT NewsItemId (#PCDATA)>
1105 | <!ATTLIST NewsItemId
1106 | Vocabulary CDATA #IMPLIED
1107 | Scheme CDATA #IMPLIED
1108 | >
1109 | <!--
1110 | ================================= NewsItemRef ==================================
1111 | A pointer to a NewsItem that is deemed to replace the NewsItemRef element. The
1112 | NewsItem attribute is a pointer to the relevant NewsItem. Its value can be an
1113 | http URL, or a NewsML URN as described in the comment to PublicIdentifier, or a
1114 | fragment identifier consisting of a # character followed by the Duid of a
1115 | NewsItem in the current document.
1116 | ================================================================================
1117 | -->
1118 | <!ELEMENT NewsItemRef (Comment*)>
1119 | <!ATTLIST NewsItemRef
1120 | %localid;
1121 | NewsItem CDATA #IMPLIED
1122 | >
1123 | <!--
1124 | ================================= NewsItemType =================================
1125 | An indication of the type of a NewsItem. The value of the FormalName attribute
1126 | is a formal name for the NewsItemType. Its meaning and permitted values are
1127 | determined by a controlled vocabulary as described in the comment to the
1128 | formalname ENTITY declaration above.
1129 | ================================================================================
1130 | -->
1131 | <!ELEMENT NewsItemType EMPTY>
1132 | <!ATTLIST NewsItemType
1133 | %localid;
1134 | %formalname;
1135 | >
1136 | <!--
1137 | =================================== NewsLine ===================================
1138 | A newsline of a type not included in the NewsML specification.
1139 | ================================================================================
1140 | -->
1141 | <!ELEMENT NewsLine (NewsLineType, NewsLineText+)>
1142 | <!ATTLIST NewsLine
1143 | %localid;
1144 | >
1145 | <!--
1146 | =================================== NewsLineText ===================================
1147 | The text of a NewsLine of user-defined type.
1148 | ================================================================================
1149 | -->
1150 | <!ELEMENT NewsLineText (#PCDATA | Origin)*>
1151 | <!ATTLIST NewsLineText
1152 | %localid;
1153 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
1154 | >
1155 | <!--
1156 | ================================ NewsLineType ==================================
1157 | An indication of a user-defined NewsLine type. The value of the FormalName
1158 | attribute is a formal name for the NewsLineType. Its meaning and permitted
1159 | values are determined by a controlled vocabulary as described in the comment
1160 | to the formalname ENTITY declaration above.
1161 | ================================================================================
1162 | -->
1163 | <!ELEMENT NewsLineType EMPTY>
1164 | <!ATTLIST NewsLineType
1165 | %localid;
1166 | %formalname;
1167 | >
1168 | <!--
1169 | ================================== NewsLines ===================================
1170 | A container for all the NewsLines that a NewsComponent has.
1171 | Made an "or" group and ByLineTitle added in version 1.1
1172 | ================================================================================
1173 | -->
1174 | <!ELEMENT NewsLines ((HeadLine, SubHeadLine*) | (ByLine, ByLineTitle*) | DateLine | CreditLine | CopyrightLine | RightsLine | SeriesLine | SlugLine | KeywordLine | NewsLine)*>
1175 | <!ATTLIST NewsLines
1176 | %localid;
1177 | >
1178 | <!--
1179 | ================================ NewsManagement ================================
1180 | Information relevant to the management of a NewsItem. Multiple StatusWillChange introduced in version 1.1
1181 | ================================================================================
1182 | -->
1183 | <!ELEMENT NewsManagement (NewsItemType, FirstCreated, ThisRevisionCreated, Status, StatusWillChange*, Urgency?, RevisionHistory?, DerivedFrom*, AssociatedWith*, Instruction*, Property*)>
1184 | <!ATTLIST NewsManagement
1185 | %localid;
1186 | >
1187 | <!--
1188 | ==================================== NewsML ====================================
1189 | A NewsML document, which must contain a NewsEnvelope and one or more NewsItems,
1190 | and may include a Catalog element and a TopicSet element. The Version attribute, introduced in version 1.1,
1191 | is used to signify the version of NewsML that the instance is validated against.
1192 | It should always be used if the version is above 1.0.
1193 | ================================================================================
1194 | -->
1195 | <!ELEMENT NewsML (Catalog?, TopicSet*, (NewsEnvelope, NewsItem+))>
1196 | <!ATTLIST NewsML
1197 | %localid;
1198 | Version CDATA #IMPLIED
1199 | >
1200 | <!--
1201 | ================================= NewsProduct ==================================
1202 | An identifier for a product to which all the NewsItems in a NewsML document
1203 | belong. The value of the FormalName attribute is a formal name for the
1204 | NewsProduct. Its meaning and permitted values are determined by a controlled
1205 | vocabulary as described in the comment to the formalname ENTITY declaration
1206 | above.
1207 | ================================================================================
1208 | -->
1209 | <!ELEMENT NewsProduct EMPTY>
1210 | <!ATTLIST NewsProduct
1211 | %localid;
1212 | %formalname;
1213 | >
1214 | <!--
1215 | ================================= NewsService ==================================
1216 | An identifier for a service to which all the NewsItems in a NewsML document
1217 | belong. The value of the FormalName attribute is a formal name for the
1218 | NewsService. Its meaning and permitted values are determined by a controlled
1219 | vocabulary as described in the comment to the formalname ENTITY declaration
1220 | above.
1221 | ================================================================================
1222 | -->
1223 | <!ELEMENT NewsService EMPTY>
1224 | <!ATTLIST NewsService
1225 | %localid;
1226 | %formalname;
1227 | >
1228 | <!--
1229 | =================================== Notation ===================================
1230 | An indication of the notation of a ContentItem. The value of the FormalName
1231 | attribute is a formal name for the Notation. Its meaning and permitted values
1232 | are determined by a controlled vocabulary as described in the comment to the
1233 | formalname ENTITY declaration above.
1234 | ================================================================================
1235 | -->
1236 | <!ELEMENT Notation EMPTY>
1237 | <!ATTLIST Notation
1238 | %localid;
1239 | %formalname;
1240 | >
1241 | <!--
1242 | ================================= OfInterestTo =================================
1243 | An indication of the target audience of a NewsItem. The value of the FormalName
1244 | attribute is a formal name for the target audience. Its meaning and permitted
1245 | values are determined by a controlled vocabulary as described in the comment to
1246 | the formalname ENTITY declaration above.
1247 | ================================================================================
1248 | -->
1249 | <!ELEMENT OfInterestTo (Relevance?)>
1250 | <!ATTLIST OfInterestTo
1251 | %localid;
1252 | %formalname;
1253 | %assignment;
1254 | >
1255 | <!--
1256 | ==================================== Origin ====================================
1257 | A wrapper for all or part of the text of a piece of text, which provides a
1258 | pointer to an item of data corresponding formally to what is being described
1259 | here in natural language. The Href attribute identifies the relevant data, and
1260 | may be an http URL or a NewsML URN as described in the comment to
1261 | PublicIdentifier, optionally including a fragment identifier. Alternatively, it
1262 | can be a simple fragment identifier consisting of a # character followed by the
1263 | value of the Duid of an element in the current document.
1264 | ================================================================================
1265 | -->
1266 | <!ELEMENT Origin (#PCDATA | Origin)*>
1267 | <!ATTLIST Origin
1268 | %localid;
1269 | %assignment;
1270 | Href CDATA #IMPLIED
1271 | >
1272 | <!--
1273 | =================================== Party ======================================
1274 | An indication of the person, company or organisation that has a particular
1275 | relationship to this NewsItem in the news workflow. The value of the FormalName
1276 | attribute is a formal name for the Party. Its meaning and permitted values
1277 | are determined by a controlled vocabulary as described in the comment to the
1278 | formalname ENTITY declaration above. The optional Topic attribute may be used as
1279 | a direct pointer to that Topic. The pointer may take the form of an http URL or
1280 | a NewsML URN, or a # character followed by the value of the Duid attribute of a
1281 | Topic element in the current document. The Property child element was added in version 1.1 to eliminate
1282 | the need for creation of ad-hoc topics for volatile information internal to a NewsML document (eg the name
1283 | of the person involved in editing of the story, which is usually internal information to the provider).
1284 | ================================================================================
1285 | -->
1286 | <!ELEMENT Party (Property)*>
1287 | <!ATTLIST Party
1288 | %localid;
1289 | %formalname;
1290 | Topic CDATA #IMPLIED
1291 | >
1292 | <!--
1293 | =================================== Priority ===================================
1294 | An indication of the priority notation of a NewsItem. The value of the
1295 | FormalName attribute is a formal name for the Priority. Its meaning and
1296 | permitted values are determined by a controlled vocabulary as described in
1297 | the comment to the formalname ENTITY declaration above.
1298 | ================================================================================
1299 | -->
1300 | <!ELEMENT Priority EMPTY>
1301 | <!ATTLIST Priority
1302 | %localid;
1303 | %formalname;
1304 | >
1305 | <!--
1306 | =================================== Property ===================================
1307 | A property of a NewsItem, NewsComponent, ContentItem, Topic, Location or Party. The property has a
1308 | name and either a simple Value or a complex value consisting of a set of further properties.
1309 |
1310 | Value
1311 | =====
1312 | A string representation of the value of a Property.
1313 |
1314 | ValueRef
1315 | ========
1316 | A pointer to the value of the Property. This might be a Topic in a TopicSet, or
1317 | any other piece of data. If both Value and ValueRef are provided, then ValueRef
1318 | identifies the actual value of the property, with Value simply providing a
1319 | string representation or mnemonic for it.
1320 |
1321 |
1322 | Example:
1323 | <Catalog>
1324 | <Resource Duid="resource1">
1325 | <Urn>urn:newsml:reuters.com:20001001:Physical Characteristics:3</Urn>
1326 | <Url>www.reuters.com/vocabs/physical.xml</Url>
1327 | <Url>www.iptc.com/vocabularies/memberdefined/reuters/physical.xml</Url>
1328 | <DefaultVocabularyFor Scheme="short" Context="Metadata/Property[@FormalName='Width']"/>
1329 | </Resource>
1330 | </Catalog>
1331 | ...
1332 | <Property FormalName="Width" Vocabulary="#resource1">
1333 | <Property FormalName="Unit" ValueRef="urn:newsml:iptc.org:20001006:units:1#cm"/>
1334 | <Property FormalName="Quantity" Value="7.5"/>
1335 | </Property>
1336 |
1337 | AllowedValues
1338 | =============
1339 | The AllowedValues attribute, if present, is a pointer to a controlled vocabulary
1340 | that delimits the set of allowed values for the property. This may be an http
1341 | URL, or a NewsML URN, or a fragment identifier consisting of a # charactger
1342 | followed by the Duid of an element in the current document. The pointer must
1343 | reference either a Resource element that designates an external controlled
1344 | vocabulary, or a TopicSet element, that is itself the controlled vocabulary.
1345 |
1346 | AllowedScheme (added in Version 1.1)
1347 | =============
1348 | The AllowedScheme attribute, if present, distinguishes the Scheme in a controlled
1349 | vocabulary that delimits the set of allowed values for the property. For a match to be
1350 | obtained within the controlled vocabulary both the AllowedScheme must match the
1351 | Scheme in the vocabulary and the Value must match the FormalName in the vocabulary.
1352 | The use of the AllowedScheme attribute serves to indicate that the Value data is
1353 | drawn from a controlled vocabulary rather that being an uncontrolled entry.
1354 | ================================================================================
1355 | -->
1356 | <!ELEMENT Property (Property*)>
1357 | <!ATTLIST Property
1358 | %localid;
1359 | %formalname;
1360 | %assignment;
1361 | Value CDATA #IMPLIED
1362 | ValueRef CDATA #IMPLIED
1363 | AllowedValues CDATA #IMPLIED
1364 | AllowedScheme CDATA #IMPLIED
1365 | >
1366 | <!--
1367 | =================================== Provider ===================================
1368 | An individual and/or company or organisation that released a news object for
1369 | publication.
1370 | ================================================================================
1371 | -->
1372 | <!ELEMENT Provider (%party;)>
1373 | <!ATTLIST Provider
1374 | %localid;
1375 | >
1376 | <!--
1377 | ================================== ProviderId ==================================
1378 | An identifier for the news provider that produced the NewsItem. The
1379 | provider's ID is specified in the element content. This should be an Internet
1380 | domain name that is owned by the provider at the date identified by the DateId
1381 | subelement of the NewsIdentifier.
1382 |
1383 | Example:
1384 | <NewsIdentifier>
1385 | <ProviderId>iptc.org</ProviderId>
1386 | <DateId>20001001</DateId>
1387 | <NewsItemId>NewsML version 1.0</NewsItemId>
1388 | <RevisionId>1</RevisionId
1389 | </NewsIdentifier>
1390 |
1391 | Because the domain name "iptc.org" was owned on 1 October 2000 by the
1392 | International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) and no-one else, it is
1393 | certain that IPTC is the provider in this case.
1394 | ================================================================================
1395 | -->
1396 | <!ELEMENT ProviderId (#PCDATA)>
1397 | <!ATTLIST ProviderId
1398 | Vocabulary CDATA #IMPLIED
1399 | >
1400 | <!--
1401 | =============================== PublicIdentifier ===============================
1402 | A public identifier (in the sense defined by the XML 1,0 Specification) for a
1403 | NewsItem. This is the NewsML URN, and must be constructed as follows:
1404 |
1405 | urn:newsml:{ProviderId}:{DateId}:{NewsItemId}:{RevisionId}{RevisionId@Update}
1406 |
1407 | where {x} means "the content of the x subelement of the NewsIdentifier" and
1408 | {x@y} means "the value of the y attribute of the x subelement of the
1409 | NewsIdentifier", with the exception that if the Update attribute of the
1410 | RevisionId element has its default value of N, it is omitted from the URN.
1411 |
1412 | Note that the set of characters that can be directly included within a URN
1413 | is limited. The allowed characters are specified by the Internet Engineering
1414 | Task Force (IETF) in its Request For Comments (RFC) number 2141.
1415 | This document is available at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2141.txt.
1416 | Any character that is not within the permitted URN character set must be
1417 | converted to a sequence of legal characters as described in RFC 2141.
1418 |
1419 | Note that the existence of this URN enables the NewsItem to be referenced
1420 | unambiguously by pointers from other XML elements or resources. Within such
1421 | pointers, if the RevisionId, its preceding : character and its following Update
1422 | qualifier are omitted, then the pointer designates the most recent revision at
1423 | the time it is resolved.
1424 | ================================================================================
1425 | -->
1426 | <!ELEMENT PublicIdentifier (#PCDATA)>
1427 | <!--
1428 | ================================== Relevance ===================================
1429 | An indication of the relevance of a NewsItem to a given target audience. The
1430 | value of the FormalName attribute is a formal name for the Relevance. Its
1431 | meaning and permitted values are determined by a controlled vocabulary as
1432 | described in the comment to the formalname ENTITY declaration above.
1433 | ================================================================================
1434 | -->
1435 | <!ELEMENT Relevance EMPTY>
1436 | <!ATTLIST Relevance
1437 | %localid;
1438 | %formalname;
1439 | %assignment;
1440 | >
1441 | <!--
1442 | =================================== Replace ====================================
1443 | An instruction to replace a designated element within a NewsItem. The element
1444 | that is to replace the designated element is the content of the Replace element.
1445 | The NewsItem within which the replacement takes place is the previous revision
1446 | of the current one, and the element to be replaced is the one whose Duid
1447 | value is equal to the value of the Replace element's DuidRef attribute.
1448 | ================================================================================
1449 | -->
1450 | <!ELEMENT Replace ANY>
1451 | <!ATTLIST Replace
1452 | %localid;
1453 | DuidRef CDATA #REQUIRED
1454 | >
1455 | <!--
1456 | ================================== Resource ====================================
1457 | An indication where a given resource can be found, and whether it is to be used
1458 | as the default vocabulary for certain formal names within the current subtree
1459 | of a NewsML document. The Urn attribute provides a NewsML URN for the resource.
1460 | The Url attribute(s) provide(s) a location or locations where the resource may
1461 | be found. The DefaultVocabularyFor element contains an XPath pattern. The
1462 | identified resource acts as default vocabulary for any element within the
1463 | subtree whose root is the parent of the current Catalog, that matches this XPath
1464 | pattern.
1465 | ================================================================================
1466 | -->
1467 | <!ELEMENT Resource (Urn?, Url*, DefaultVocabularyFor*)>
1468 | <!ATTLIST Resource
1469 | %localid;
1470 | >
1471 | <!--
1472 | =============================== RevisionHistory ================================
1473 | A pointer to a file containing the revision history of the NewsItem.
1474 | ================================================================================
1475 | -->
1476 | <!ELEMENT RevisionHistory EMPTY>
1477 | <!ATTLIST RevisionHistory
1478 | %localid;
1480 | >
1481 | <!--
1482 | ================================== RevisionId ==================================
1483 | A positive integer indicating which Revision of a given NewsItem this is. Any
1484 | positive integer may be used, but it must always be the case that of two
1485 | instances of a NewsItem that have the same ProviderId, DateId and NewsItemId,
1486 | the one whose RevisionId has the larger value must be the more recent revision.
1487 | A RevisionId of 0 is not permitted. The PreviousRevision attribute must be
1488 | present, and its value must be equal to the content of the RevisionId element
1489 | of the NewsItem's previous revision, if there is one, and 0 if the NewsItem has
1490 | no previous revision. If the NewsItem contains an Update element or elements,
1491 | then the Update attribute must be set to U. If the NewsItem consists only of a
1492 | replacement set of NewsManagement data, then the Update attribute must be set
1493 | to A. If neither of these is the case, then the Update attribute must be set
1494 | to N.
1495 | ================================================================================
1496 | -->
1497 | <!ELEMENT RevisionId (#PCDATA)>
1498 | <!ATTLIST RevisionId
1499 | PreviousRevision CDATA #REQUIRED
1500 | Update CDATA #REQUIRED
1501 | >
1502 | <!--
1503 | ================================ RevisionStatus ================================
1504 | Indicates the status that previous revisions now has as a result of the release
1505 | of the current revision. The optional Revision attribute is an integer, equal to
1506 | the RevisionId of the revision in question. If it is not present, then the
1507 | status applies to ALL previous revisions, without exception.
1508 | ================================================================================
1509 | -->
1510 | <!ELEMENT RevisionStatus (Status)>
1511 | <!ATTLIST RevisionStatus
1512 | %localid;
1513 | Revision CDATA #IMPLIED
1514 | >
1515 | <!--
1516 | ================================= RightsHolder =================================
1517 | A string of text indicating who has the usage rights, optionally enriched with
1518 | pointers to further information about the relevant people, companies or
1519 | organisations.
1520 | ================================================================================
1521 | -->
1522 | <!ELEMENT RightsHolder (#PCDATA | Origin)*>
1523 | <!ATTLIST RightsHolder
1524 | %localid;
1525 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
1526 | %assignment;
1527 | >
1528 | <!--
1529 | ================================== RightsLine ==================================
1530 | A displayable version of rights information. Note that this is distinct from
1531 | copyright information. Copyright information is about who owns a news object;
1532 | rights information is about who is allowed to use it, in what way and under
1533 | what circumstances.
1534 | ================================================================================
1535 | -->
1536 | <!ELEMENT RightsLine (#PCDATA | Origin)*>
1537 | <!ATTLIST RightsLine
1538 | %localid;
1539 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
1540 | >
1541 | <!--
1542 | ================================ RightsMetadata ================================
1543 | Information about the rights pertaining to a NewsComponent.
1544 | ================================================================================
1545 | -->
1546 | <!ELEMENT RightsMetadata (Catalog?, Copyright*, UsageRights*, Property*)>
1547 | <!ATTLIST RightsMetadata
1548 | %localid;
1549 | %assignment;
1550 | >
1551 | <!--
1552 | ===================================== Role =====================================
1553 | An identifier of the role played by a NewsComponent within a NewsComponent
1554 | that contains it. The outermost NewsComponent within a NewsItem need not
1555 | specify a Role attribute value. The value of the FormalName attribute is a
1556 | formal name for the Role. Its meaning and permitted values are determined by
1557 | a controlled vocabulary as described in the comment to the formalname ENTITY
1558 | declaration above.
1559 | ================================================================================
1560 | -->
1561 | <!ELEMENT Role EMPTY>
1562 | <!ATTLIST Role
1563 | %localid;
1564 | %formalname;
1565 | >
1566 | <!--
1567 | =================================== SentFrom ===================================
1568 | An individual and/or company or organisation from whom the NewsML document is
1569 | being sent.
1570 | ================================================================================
1571 | -->
1572 | <!ELEMENT SentFrom (%party;)>
1573 | <!ATTLIST SentFrom
1574 | %localid;
1575 | >
1576 | <!--
1577 | ==================================== SentTo ====================================
1578 | An individual and/or company or organisation to whom the NewsML document is
1579 | being sent.
1580 | ================================================================================
1581 | -->
1582 | <!ELEMENT SentTo (%party;)>
1583 | <!ATTLIST SentTo
1584 | %localid;
1585 | >
1586 | <!--
1587 | ================================== SeriesLine ==================================
1588 | A displayable version of information about a news object's place in a series.
1589 | ================================================================================
1590 | -->
1591 | <!ELEMENT SeriesLine (#PCDATA | Origin)*>
1592 | <!ATTLIST SeriesLine
1593 | %localid;
1594 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
1595 | >
1596 | <!--
1597 | ================================== SizeInBytes =================================
1598 | The exact size in bytes of a ContentItem's inline or referenced data object.
1599 | ================================================================================
1600 | -->
1601 | <!ELEMENT SizeInBytes (#PCDATA)>
1602 | <!ATTLIST SizeInBytes
1603 | %localid;
1604 | >
1605 | <!--
1606 | =================================== SlugLine ===================================
1607 | A string of text, possibly embellished by hyperlinks and/or formatting, used to
1608 | display a NewsItem's slug line. (Note that the meaning of the term "slug line",
1609 | and the uses to which it is put, are a matter for individual providers to
1610 | define within their own workflow and business practice.)
1611 | ================================================================================
1612 | -->
1613 | <!ELEMENT SlugLine (#PCDATA | Origin)*>
1614 | <!ATTLIST SlugLine
1615 | %localid;
1616 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
1617 | >
1618 | <!--
1619 | ==================================== Source ====================================
1620 | An individual and/or company or organisation that provided source material for
1621 | a news object. The optional NewsItem attribute must be present in the case of
1622 | a syndicated NewsItem. It provides the URN of the NewsItem that is being
1623 | syndicated. Note that a sequence of Source elements can be used to indicate the
1624 | sequence of syndicators through which a NewsItem has passed.
1625 | ================================================================================
1626 | -->
1627 | <!ELEMENT Source (%party;)>
1628 | <!ATTLIST Source
1629 | %localid;
1630 | NewsItem CDATA #IMPLIED
1631 | >
1632 | <!--
1633 | ================================== StartDate ===================================
1634 | A natural-language statement of the date at which specified usage rights come
1635 | into effect.
1636 | ================================================================================
1637 | -->
1638 | <!ELEMENT StartDate (#PCDATA | Origin)*>
1639 | <!ATTLIST StartDate
1640 | %localid;
1641 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
1642 | %assignment;
1643 | >
1644 | <!--
1645 | ==================================== Status ===================================
1646 | An indication of the Status of a NewsItem. The value of the FormalName
1647 | attribute is a formal name for the Status. Its meaning and permitted values
1648 | are determined by a controlled vocabulary as described in the comment to the
1649 | formalname ENTITY declaration above.
1650 | ================================================================================
1651 | -->
1652 | <!ELEMENT Status EMPTY>
1653 | <!ATTLIST Status
1654 | %localid;
1655 | %formalname;
1656 | >
1657 | <!--
1658 | =============================== StatusWillChange ===============================
1659 | Advance notification of a status change that will automatically occur at the
1660 | specified date and time. For example, an item with a Status of "embargoed" might
1661 | have a StatusWillChange element stating that the status will become "usable" at
1662 | a specified time. This is equivalent to announcing in advance the time at which
1663 | the embargo will end and the item will be released.
1664 | ================================================================================
1665 | -->
1666 | <!ELEMENT StatusWillChange (FutureStatus, DateAndTime)>
1667 | <!ATTLIST StatusWillChange
1668 | %localid;
1669 | >
1670 | <!--
1671 | ================================= SubHeadLine ==================================
1672 | A displayable subsidiary headline.
1673 | ================================================================================
1674 | -->
1675 | <!ELEMENT SubHeadLine (#PCDATA | Origin)*>
1676 | <!ATTLIST SubHeadLine
1677 | %localid;
1678 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
1679 | >
1680 | <!--
1681 | =================================== Subject ====================================
1682 | An indication of the Subject of a NewsItem. The value of the FormalName
1683 | attribute is a formal name for the Subject. Its meaning and permitted values
1684 | are determined by a controlled vocabulary as described in the comment to the
1685 | formalname ENTITY declaration above.
1686 | ================================================================================
1687 | -->
1688 | <!ELEMENT Subject EMPTY>
1689 | <!ATTLIST Subject
1690 | %localid;
1691 | %formalname;
1692 | %assignment;
1693 | >
1694 | <!--
1695 | ================================= SubjectCode ==================================
1696 | A container for the IPTC Subject Codes that indicate the subject of a NewsItem,
1697 | as defined in the IPTC Subject Reference Scheme. It consists of one more
1698 | Subject, SubjectMatter and SubjectDetail elements, optionally amplified by one
1699 | or more SubjectQualifier elements.
1700 | ================================================================================
1701 | -->
1702 | <!ELEMENT SubjectCode ((Subject | SubjectMatter | SubjectDetail), SubjectQualifier*)*>
1703 | <!ATTLIST SubjectCode
1704 | %localid;
1705 | %assignment;
1706 | >
1707 | <!--
1708 | ================================ SubjectDetail =================================
1709 | An indication of the SubjectDetail of a NewsItem. The value of the FormalName
1710 | attribute is a formal name for the SubjectDetail. Its meaning and permitted
1711 | values are determined by a controlled vocabulary as described in the comment
1712 | to the formalname ENTITY declaration above.
1713 | ================================================================================
1714 | -->
1715 | <!ELEMENT SubjectDetail EMPTY>
1716 | <!ATTLIST SubjectDetail
1717 | %localid;
1718 | %formalname;
1719 | %assignment;
1720 | >
1721 | <!--
1722 | ================================ SubjectMatter =================================
1723 | An indication of the SubjectMatter of a NewsItem. The value of the FormalName
1724 | attribute is a formal name for the SubjectMatter. Its meaning and permitted
1725 | values are determined by a controlled vocabulary as described in the comment to
1726 | the formalname ENTITY declaration above.
1727 | ================================================================================
1728 | -->
1729 | <!ELEMENT SubjectMatter EMPTY>
1730 | <!ATTLIST SubjectMatter
1731 | %localid;
1732 | %formalname;
1733 | %assignment;
1734 | >
1735 | <!--
1736 | =============================== SubjectQualifier ===============================
1737 | An indication of the SubjectQualifier of a NewsItem. The value of the FormalName
1738 | attribute is a formal name for the SubjectQualifier. Its meaning and permitted
1739 | values are determined by a controlled vocabulary as described in the comment to
1740 | the formalname ENTITY declaration above.
1741 | ================================================================================
1742 | -->
1743 | <!ELEMENT SubjectQualifier EMPTY>
1744 | <!ATTLIST SubjectQualifier
1745 | %localid;
1746 | %formalname;
1747 | %assignment;
1748 | >
1749 | <!--
1750 | =============================== SystemIdentifier ===============================
1751 | A system identifier (in the sense defined by the XML 1,0 Specification) for a
1752 | NewsItem.
1753 | ================================================================================
1754 | -->
1755 | <!ELEMENT SystemIdentifier (#PCDATA)>
1756 | <!ATTLIST SystemIdentifier
1757 | %localid;
1758 | >
1759 | <!--
1760 | ============================= ThisRevisionCreated ==============================
1761 | The date and, optionally, time at which the current revision of a NewsItem was
1762 | created, expressed in ISO 8601 Basic Format, as described in the comment to the
1763 | DateAndTime attribute within the assignment ENTITY declaration above.
1764 | ================================================================================
1765 | -->
1766 | <!ELEMENT ThisRevisionCreated (#PCDATA)>
1767 | <!ATTLIST ThisRevisionCreated
1768 | %localid;
1769 | >
1770 | <!--
1771 | ==================================== Topic =====================================
1772 | This element provides information about a thing (Topic) named by a formal
1773 | name or occurring in a NewsComponent. A Topic must have one or more TopicType
1774 | subelements, which state what type of Topic it is. The optional Details
1775 | attribute provides a pointer, in the form of a URL or URN, to additional
1776 | information about the Topic.
1777 | ================================================================================
1778 | -->
1779 | <!ELEMENT Topic (Comment*, Catalog?, TopicType+, FormalName*, Description*, Property*)>
1780 | <!ATTLIST Topic
1781 | %localid;
1782 | Details CDATA #IMPLIED
1783 | >
1784 | <!--
1785 | =============================== TopicOccurrence ================================
1786 | An indication that a particular topic occurs within the content of a
1787 | NewsComponent. The optional HowPresent attribute indicates the nature of that
1788 | topic's occurrence. The value of the Topic attribute must consist of a #
1789 | character followed by the value of the Duid attribute of a Topic in the current
1790 | document.
1791 | ================================================================================
1792 | -->
1793 | <!ELEMENT TopicOccurrence EMPTY>
1794 | <!ATTLIST TopicOccurrence
1795 | %localid;
1796 | %assignment;
1797 | Topic CDATA #IMPLIED
1798 | >
1799 | <!--
1800 | ================================== TopicSet ====================================
1801 | A container for Topics. The value of the FormalName attribute is a formal name
1802 | for the TopicSet. Its meaning and permitted values are determined by a
1803 | controlled vocabulary as described in the comment to the formalname ENTITY
1804 | declaration above.
1805 | ================================================================================
1806 | -->
1807 | <!ELEMENT TopicSet (Comment*, Catalog?, TopicSetRef*, Topic*)>
1808 | <!ATTLIST TopicSet
1809 | %localid;
1810 | %formalname;
1811 | >
1812 | <!--
1813 | ================================= TopicSetRef ==================================
1814 | A pointer to a TopicSet that is to be merged with the current one. The TopicSet
1815 | attribute is a pointer to the relevant TopicSet. Its value can be an http URL,
1816 | or a NewsML URN as described in the comment to PublicIdentifier, or a fragment
1817 | identifier consisting of a # character followed by the Duid of a TopicSet in the
1818 | current document. The presence of a TopicSetRef child in a TopicSet has the
1819 | effect that all the Topics in the referenced TopicSet are included by reference
1820 | within the current TopicSet. When this merging results in there exising two
1821 | FormalName grandchildren of the same TopicSet that have the same content and
1822 | the same Scheme attribute value, then the Topics whose children are in fact the
1823 | same topic, and are deemed to be merged. The merging of Topics need not be
1824 | performed physically by the system, but the meaning of the data is
1825 | exactly the same as if the merging were actually performed. Merging two
1826 | Topcis consists of creating a single Topic that contains all the children of
1827 | both, and eliminating duplicates.
1828 | ================================================================================
1829 | -->
1830 | <!ELEMENT TopicSetRef (Comment*)>
1831 | <!ATTLIST TopicSetRef
1832 | %localid;
1833 | TopicSet CDATA #IMPLIED
1834 | >
1835 | <!--
1836 | ================================== TopicType ===================================
1837 | An indication of the type of a Topic. The value of the FormalName attribute is
1838 | a formal name for the TopicType. Its meaning and permitted values are determined
1839 | by a controlled vocabulary as described in the comment to the formalname ENTITY
1840 | declaration above.
1841 | ================================================================================
1842 | -->
1843 | <!ELEMENT TopicType EMPTY>
1844 | <!ATTLIST TopicType
1845 | %localid;
1846 | %formalname;
1847 | >
1848 | <!--
1849 | ================================== TopicUse ====================================
1850 | An indication of where a particular Topic is used in a NewsML document. The
1851 | value of the Topic attribute must consist of a # character followed by the
1852 | value of the Duid of a Topic in the current document. The value of the Context
1853 | attribute is an XPath pattern indicating the context where the referenced topic
1854 | is used within the subtree to which the current Catalog applies.- -cut llm - - If the Context
1855 | attribute is not present, the TopicUse element simply states that this topic is
1856 | present somewhere in the subtree- -cut llm - -.
1857 | ================================================================================
1858 | -->
1859 | <!ELEMENT TopicUse EMPTY>
1860 | <!ATTLIST TopicUse
1861 | Topic CDATA #REQUIRED
1862 | Context CDATA #IMPLIED
1863 | >
1864 | <!--
1865 | ================================ TransmissionId ================================
1866 | An identifier for the NewsML document transmission. This should be unique among
1867 | all distinct transmissions from the same publisher. If a transmission is
1868 | repeated (perhaps because the sender is not confident that it was successfully
1869 | received) then the same TransmissionId content may be used, but a Repeat
1870 | attribute should be provided to distinguish the second transmission from the
1871 | first. - -cut llm - -The form that the value of the Repeat attribute takes is determined by
1872 | the provider. Likewise, the format for the TransmissionId itself is for the
1873 | provider to decide. It could for example consist of a channel identifier
1874 | followed by a sequence number- -cut llm - -.
1875 | ================================================================================
1876 | -->
1877 | <!ELEMENT TransmissionId (#PCDATA)>
1878 | <!ATTLIST TransmissionId
1879 | %localid;
1880 | Repeat CDATA #IMPLIED
1881 | >
1882 | <!--
1883 | ==================================== Update ====================================
1884 | A modification to an existing NewsItem. This can be an insertion, replacement
1885 | or deletion. - -cut llm - -Note that the Update element cannot be used to modify the
1886 | NewsManagement or Identification element, or any of their descendants.
1887 | Modifications to these parts of the NewsItem can be made by issuing the
1888 | NewsItem under the current revision number, with only the Identification and
1889 | NewsManagement elements present. These will replace the previous Identification
1890 | and NewsManagement elements in their totality- -cut llm - -.
1891 | ================================================================================
1892 | -->
1893 | <!ELEMENT Update (InsertBefore | InsertAfter | Replace | Delete)*>
1894 | <!ATTLIST Update
1895 | %localid;
1896 | >
1897 | <!--
1898 | =================================== Urgency ====================================
1899 | An indication of the urgency of a NewsItem. The value of the FormalName
1900 | attribute is a formal name for the Urgency. Its meaning and permitted values
1901 | are determined by a controlled vocabulary - -cut llm - - as described in the comment to the
1902 | formalname ENTITY declaration above- -cut llm - -.
1903 | ================================================================================
1904 | -->
1905 | <!ELEMENT Urgency EMPTY>
1906 | <!ATTLIST Urgency
1907 | %localid;
1908 | %formalname;
1909 | >
1910 | <!--
1911 | ===================================== Url ======================================
1912 | A URL that can be used to locate a Resource.
1913 | ================================================================================
1914 | -->
1915 | <!ELEMENT Url (#PCDATA)>
1916 | <!ATTLIST Url
1917 | %localid;
1918 | >
1919 | <!--
1920 | ===================================== Urn ======================================
1921 | A URN that provides a global identifier for a resource. This will typically (but
1922 | not necessarily) be a NewsML URN as described in the comment to PublicIdentifier.
1923 | ================================================================================
1924 | -->
1925 | <!ELEMENT Urn (#PCDATA)>
1926 | <!ATTLIST Urn
1927 | %localid;
1928 | >
1929 | <!--
1930 | ================================= UsageRights ==================================
1931 | Information about the usage rights pertaining to a NewsComponent.
1932 | ================================================================================
1933 | -->
1934 | <!ELEMENT UsageRights (UsageType?, Geography?, RightsHolder?, Limitations?, StartDate?, EndDate?)>
1935 | <!ATTLIST UsageRights
1936 | %localid;
1937 | %assignment;
1938 | >
1939 | <!--
1940 | ================================== UsageType ===================================
1941 | A natural-language indication of the type of usage to which the rights apply.
1942 | ================================================================================
1943 | -->
1944 | <!ELEMENT UsageType (#PCDATA | Origin)*>
1945 | <!ATTLIST UsageType
1946 | %localid;
1947 | xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
1948 | %assignment;
1949 | >