1 | #! /usr/bin/env perl
2 | # Copyright 2002-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 | #
4 | # Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
5 | # this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
6 | # in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
7 | # https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
8 |
9 |
10 | require 5.10.0;
11 | use warnings;
12 | use strict;
13 | use Pod::Checker;
14 | use File::Find;
15 | use File::Basename;
16 | use File::Spec::Functions;
17 | use Getopt::Std;
18 | use lib catdir(dirname($0), "perl");
19 | use OpenSSL::Util::Pod;
20 |
21 | # Options.
22 | our($opt_d);
23 | our($opt_h);
24 | our($opt_l);
25 | our($opt_n);
26 | our($opt_p);
27 | our($opt_u);
28 | our($opt_c);
29 |
30 | sub help()
31 | {
32 | print <<EOF;
33 | Find small errors (nits) in documentation. Options:
34 | -d Detailed list of undocumented (implies -u)
35 | -l Print bogus links
36 | -n Print nits in POD pages
37 | -p Warn if non-public name documented (implies -n)
38 | -u Count undocumented functions
39 | -h Print this help message
40 | -c List undocumented commands and options
41 | EOF
42 | exit;
43 | }
44 |
45 | my $temp = '/tmp/docnits.txt';
46 | my $OUT;
47 | my %public;
48 |
49 | my %mandatory_sections =
50 | ( '*' => [ 'NAME', 'DESCRIPTION', 'COPYRIGHT' ],
51 | 1 => [ 'SYNOPSIS', 'OPTIONS' ],
52 | 3 => [ 'SYNOPSIS', 'RETURN VALUES' ],
53 | 5 => [ ],
54 | 7 => [ ] );
55 |
56 | # Cross-check functions in the NAME and SYNOPSIS section.
57 | sub name_synopsis()
58 | {
59 | my $id = shift;
60 | my $filename = shift;
61 | my $contents = shift;
62 |
63 | # Get NAME section and all words in it.
64 | return unless $contents =~ /=head1 NAME(.*)=head1 SYNOPSIS/ms;
65 | my $tmp = $1;
66 | $tmp =~ tr/\n/ /;
67 | print "$id trailing comma before - in NAME\n" if $tmp =~ /, *-/;
68 | $tmp =~ s/ -.*//g;
69 | $tmp =~ s/ */ /g;
70 | print "$id missing comma in NAME\n" if $tmp =~ /[^,] /;
71 | $tmp =~ s/,//g;
72 |
73 | my $dirname = dirname($filename);
74 | my $simplename = basename($filename);
75 | $simplename =~ s/.pod$//;
76 | my $foundfilename = 0;
77 | my %foundfilenames = ();
78 | my %names;
79 | foreach my $n ( split ' ', $tmp ) {
80 | $names{$n} = 1;
81 | $foundfilename++ if $n eq $simplename;
82 | $foundfilenames{$n} = 1
83 | if -f "$dirname/$n.pod" && $n ne $simplename;
84 | }
85 | print "$id the following exist as other .pod files:\n",
86 | join(" ", sort keys %foundfilenames), "\n"
87 | if %foundfilenames;
88 | print "$id $simplename (filename) missing from NAME section\n"
89 | unless $foundfilename;
90 | foreach my $n ( keys %names ) {
91 | print "$id $n is not public\n"
92 | if $opt_p and !defined $public{$n};
93 | }
94 |
95 | # Find all functions in SYNOPSIS
96 | return unless $contents =~ /=head1 SYNOPSIS(.*)=head1 DESCRIPTION/ms;
97 | my $syn = $1;
98 | foreach my $line ( split /\n+/, $syn ) {
99 | my $sym;
100 | $line =~ s/STACK_OF\([^)]+\)/int/g;
101 | $line =~ s/__declspec\([^)]+\)//;
102 | if ( $line =~ /env (\S*)=/ ) {
103 | # environment variable env NAME=...
104 | $sym = $1;
105 | } elsif ( $line =~ /typedef.*\(\*(\S+)\)\(.*/ ) {
106 | # a callback function pointer: typedef ... (*NAME)(...
107 | $sym = $1;
108 | } elsif ( $line =~ /typedef.* (\S+)\(.*/ ) {
109 | # a callback function signature: typedef ... NAME(...
110 | $sym = $1;
111 | } elsif ( $line =~ /typedef.* (\S+);/ ) {
112 | # a simple typedef: typedef ... NAME;
113 | $sym = $1;
114 | } elsif ( $line =~ /enum (\S*) \{/ ) {
115 | # an enumeration: enum ... {
116 | $sym = $1;
117 | } elsif ( $line =~ /#define ([A-Za-z0-9_]+)/ ) {
118 | $sym = $1;
119 | } elsif ( $line =~ /([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\(/ ) {
120 | $sym = $1;
121 | }
122 | else {
123 | next;
124 | }
125 | print "$id $sym missing from NAME section\n"
126 | unless defined $names{$sym};
127 | $names{$sym} = 2;
128 |
129 | # Do some sanity checks on the prototype.
130 | print "$id prototype missing spaces around commas: $line\n"
131 | if ( $line =~ /[a-z0-9],[^ ]/ );
132 | }
133 |
134 | foreach my $n ( keys %names ) {
135 | next if $names{$n} == 2;
136 | print "$id $n missing from SYNOPSIS\n";
137 | }
138 | }
139 |
140 | # Check if SECTION ($3) is located before BEFORE ($4)
141 | sub check_section_location()
142 | {
143 | my $id = shift;
144 | my $contents = shift;
145 | my $section = shift;
146 | my $before = shift;
147 |
148 | return
149 | unless $contents =~ /=head1 $section/ and $contents =~ /=head1 $before/;
150 | print "$id $section should be placed before $before section\n"
151 | if $contents =~ /=head1 $before.*=head1 $section/ms;
152 | }
153 |
154 | sub check()
155 | {
156 | my $filename = shift;
157 | my $dirname = basename(dirname($filename));
158 |
159 | my $contents = '';
160 | {
161 | local $/ = undef;
162 | open POD, $filename or die "Couldn't open $filename, $!";
163 | $contents = <POD>;
164 | close POD;
165 | }
166 |
167 | my $id = "${filename}:1:";
168 |
169 | # Check ordering of some sections in man3
170 | if ( $filename =~ m|man3/| ) {
171 | &check_section_location($id, $contents, "RETURN VALUES", "EXAMPLES");
172 | &check_section_location($id, $contents, "SEE ALSO", "HISTORY");
173 | &check_section_location($id, $contents, "EXAMPLES", "SEE ALSO");
174 | }
175 |
176 | &name_synopsis($id, $filename, $contents)
177 | unless $contents =~ /=for comment generic/
178 | or $filename =~ m@man[157]/@;
179 |
180 | print "$id doesn't start with =pod\n"
181 | if $contents !~ /^=pod/;
182 | print "$id doesn't end with =cut\n"
183 | if $contents !~ /=cut\n$/;
184 | print "$id more than one cut line.\n"
185 | if $contents =~ /=cut.*=cut/ms;
186 | print "$id EXAMPLE not EXAMPLES section.\n"
187 | if $contents =~ /=head1 EXAMPLE[^S]/;
188 | print "$id WARNING not WARNINGS section.\n"
189 | if $contents =~ /=head1 WARNING[^S]/;
190 | print "$id missing copyright\n"
191 | if $contents !~ /Copyright .* The OpenSSL Project Authors/;
192 | print "$id copyright not last\n"
193 | if $contents =~ /head1 COPYRIGHT.*=head/ms;
194 | print "$id head2 in All uppercase\n"
195 | if $contents =~ /head2\s+[A-Z ]+\n/;
196 | print "$id extra space after head\n"
197 | if $contents =~ /=head\d\s\s+/;
198 | print "$id period in NAME section\n"
199 | if $contents =~ /=head1 NAME.*\.\n.*=head1 SYNOPSIS/ms;
200 | print "$id POD markup in NAME section\n"
201 | if $contents =~ /=head1 NAME.*[<>].*=head1 SYNOPSIS/ms;
202 | print "$id Duplicate $1 in L<>\n"
203 | if $contents =~ /L<([^>]*)\|([^>]*)>/ && $1 eq $2;
204 | print "$id Bad =over $1\n"
205 | if $contents =~ /=over([^ ][^24])/;
206 | print "$id Possible version style issue\n"
207 | if $contents =~ /OpenSSL version [019]/;
208 |
209 | if ( $contents !~ /=for comment multiple includes/ ) {
210 | # Look for multiple consecutive openssl #include lines
211 | # (non-consecutive lines are okay; see man3/MD5.pod).
212 | if ( $contents =~ /=head1 SYNOPSIS(.*)=head1 DESCRIPTION/ms ) {
213 | my $count = 0;
214 | foreach my $line ( split /\n+/, $1 ) {
215 | if ( $line =~ m@include <openssl/@ ) {
216 | print "$id has multiple includes\n" if ++$count == 2;
217 | } else {
218 | $count = 0;
219 | }
220 | }
221 | }
222 | }
223 |
224 | open my $OUT, '>', $temp
225 | or die "Can't open $temp, $!";
226 | podchecker($filename, $OUT);
227 | close $OUT;
228 | open $OUT, '<', $temp
229 | or die "Can't read $temp, $!";
230 | while ( <$OUT> ) {
231 | next if /\(section\) in.*deprecated/;
232 | print;
233 | }
234 | close $OUT;
235 | unlink $temp || warn "Can't remove $temp, $!";
236 |
237 | # Find what section this page is in; assume 3.
238 | my $section = 3;
239 | $section = $1 if $dirname =~ /man([1-9])/;
240 |
241 | foreach ((@{$mandatory_sections{'*'}}, @{$mandatory_sections{$section}})) {
242 | # Skip "return values" if not -s
243 | print "$id: missing $_ head1 section\n"
244 | if $contents !~ /^=head1\s+${_}\s*$/m;
245 | }
246 | }
247 |
248 | my %dups;
249 |
250 | sub parsenum()
251 | {
252 | my $file = shift;
253 | my @apis;
254 |
255 | open my $IN, '<', $file
256 | or die "Can't open $file, $!, stopped";
257 |
258 | while ( <$IN> ) {
259 | next if /^#/;
260 | next if /\bNOEXIST\b/;
261 | next if /\bEXPORT_VAR_AS_FUNC\b/;
262 | my @fields = split();
263 | die "Malformed line $_"
264 | if scalar @fields != 2 && scalar @fields != 4;
265 | push @apis, $fields[0];
266 | }
267 |
268 | close $IN;
269 |
270 | print "# Found ", scalar(@apis), " in $file\n" unless $opt_p;
271 | return sort @apis;
272 | }
273 |
274 | sub getdocced()
275 | {
276 | my $dir = shift;
277 | my %return;
278 |
279 | foreach my $pod ( glob("$dir/*.pod") ) {
280 | my %podinfo = extract_pod_info($pod);
281 | foreach my $n ( @{$podinfo{names}} ) {
282 | $return{$n} = $pod;
283 | print "# Duplicate $n in $pod and $dups{$n}\n"
284 | if defined $dups{$n} && $dups{$n} ne $pod;
285 | $dups{$n} = $pod;
286 | }
287 | }
288 |
289 | return %return;
290 | }
291 |
292 | my %docced;
293 |
294 | sub checkmacros()
295 | {
296 | my $count = 0;
297 | my %seen;
298 |
299 | print "# Checking macros (approximate)\n";
300 | foreach my $f ( glob('include/openssl/*.h') ) {
301 | # Skip some internals we don't want to document yet.
302 | next if $f eq 'include/openssl/asn1.h';
303 | next if $f eq 'include/openssl/asn1t.h';
304 | next if $f eq 'include/openssl/err.h';
305 | open(IN, $f) || die "Can't open $f, $!";
306 | while ( <IN> ) {
307 | next unless /^#\s*define\s*(\S+)\(/;
308 | my $macro = $1;
309 | next if $docced{$macro} || defined $seen{$macro};
310 | next if $macro =~ /i2d_/
311 | || $macro =~ /d2i_/
312 | || $macro =~ /DEPRECATEDIN/
313 | || $macro =~ /IMPLEMENT_/
314 | || $macro =~ /DECLARE_/;
315 | print "$f:$macro\n" if $opt_d;
316 | $count++;
317 | $seen{$macro} = 1;
318 | }
319 | close(IN);
320 | }
321 | print "# Found $count macros missing (not all should be documented)\n"
322 | }
323 |
324 | sub printem()
325 | {
326 | my $libname = shift;
327 | my $numfile = shift;
328 | my $count = 0;
329 | my %seen;
330 |
331 | foreach my $func ( &parsenum($numfile) ) {
332 | next if $docced{$func} || defined $seen{$func};
333 |
334 | # Skip ASN1 utilities
335 | next if $func =~ /^ASN1_/;
336 |
337 | print "$libname:$func\n" if $opt_d;
338 | $count++;
339 | $seen{$func} = 1;
340 | }
341 | print "# Found $count missing from $numfile\n\n";
342 | }
343 |
344 |
345 | # Collection of links in each POD file.
346 | # filename => [ "foo(1)", "bar(3)", ... ]
347 | my %link_collection = ();
348 | # Collection of names in each POD file.
349 | # "name(s)" => filename
350 | my %name_collection = ();
351 |
352 | sub collectnames {
353 | my $filename = shift;
354 | $filename =~ m|man(\d)/|;
355 | my $section = $1;
356 | my $simplename = basename($filename, ".pod");
357 | my $id = "${filename}:1:";
358 |
359 | my $contents = '';
360 | {
361 | local $/ = undef;
362 | open POD, $filename or die "Couldn't open $filename, $!";
363 | $contents = <POD>;
364 | close POD;
365 | }
366 |
367 | $contents =~ /=head1 NAME([^=]*)=head1 /ms;
368 | my $tmp = $1;
369 | unless (defined $tmp) {
370 | print "$id weird name section\n";
371 | return;
372 | }
373 | $tmp =~ tr/\n/ /;
374 | $tmp =~ s/-.*//g;
375 |
376 | my @names = map { s/\s+//g; $_ } split(/,/, $tmp);
377 | unless (grep { $simplename eq $_ } @names) {
378 | print "$id missing $simplename\n";
379 | push @names, $simplename;
380 | }
381 | foreach my $name (@names) {
382 | next if $name eq "";
383 | my $name_sec = "$name($section)";
384 | if (! exists $name_collection{$name_sec}) {
385 | $name_collection{$name_sec} = $filename;
386 | } else { #elsif ($filename ne $name_collection{$name_sec}) {
387 | print "$id $name_sec also in $name_collection{$name_sec}\n";
388 | }
389 | }
390 |
391 | my @foreign_names =
392 | map { map { s/\s+//g; $_ } split(/,/, $_) }
393 | $contents =~ /=for\s+comment\s+foreign\s+manuals:\s*(.*)\n\n/;
394 | foreach (@foreign_names) {
395 | $name_collection{$_} = undef; # It still exists!
396 | }
397 |
398 | my @links = $contents =~ /L<
399 | # if the link is of the form L<something|name(s)>,
400 | # then remove 'something'. Note that 'something'
401 | # may contain POD codes as well...
402 | (?:(?:[^\|]|<[^>]*>)*\|)?
403 | # we're only interested in references that have
404 | # a one digit section number
405 | ([^\/>\(]+\(\d\))
406 | /gx;
407 | $link_collection{$filename} = [ @links ];
408 | }
409 |
410 | sub checklinks {
411 | foreach my $filename (sort keys %link_collection) {
412 | foreach my $link (@{$link_collection{$filename}}) {
413 | print "${filename}:1: reference to non-existing $link\n"
414 | unless exists $name_collection{$link};
415 | }
416 | }
417 | }
418 |
419 | sub publicize() {
420 | foreach my $name ( &parsenum('util/libcrypto.num') ) {
421 | $public{$name} = 1;
422 | }
423 | foreach my $name ( &parsenum('util/libssl.num') ) {
424 | $public{$name} = 1;
425 | }
426 | foreach my $name ( &parsenum('util/private.num') ) {
427 | $public{$name} = 1;
428 | }
429 | }
430 |
431 | my %skips = (
432 | 'aes128' => 1,
433 | 'aes192' => 1,
434 | 'aes256' => 1,
435 | 'aria128' => 1,
436 | 'aria192' => 1,
437 | 'aria256' => 1,
438 | 'camellia128' => 1,
439 | 'camellia192' => 1,
440 | 'camellia256' => 1,
441 | 'des' => 1,
442 | 'des3' => 1,
443 | 'idea' => 1,
444 | '[cipher]' => 1,
445 | '[digest]' => 1,
446 | );
447 |
448 | sub checkflags() {
449 | my $cmd = shift;
450 | my %cmdopts;
451 | my %docopts;
452 | my $ok = 1;
453 |
454 | # Get the list of options in the command.
455 | open CFH, "./apps/openssl list --options $cmd|"
456 | || die "Can list options for $cmd, $!";
457 | while ( <CFH> ) {
458 | chop;
459 | s/ .$//;
460 | $cmdopts{$_} = 1;
461 | }
462 | close CFH;
463 |
464 | # Get the list of flags from the synopsis
465 | open CFH, "<doc/man1/$cmd.pod"
466 | || die "Can't open $cmd.pod, $!";
467 | while ( <CFH> ) {
468 | chop;
469 | last if /DESCRIPTION/;
470 | next unless /\[B<-([^ >]+)/;
471 | $docopts{$1} = 1;
472 | }
473 | close CFH;
474 |
475 | # See what's in the command not the manpage.
476 | my @undocced = ();
477 | foreach my $k ( keys %cmdopts ) {
478 | push @undocced, $k unless $docopts{$k};
479 | }
480 | if ( scalar @undocced > 0 ) {
481 | $ok = 0;
482 | foreach ( @undocced ) {
483 | print "doc/man1/$cmd.pod: Missing -$_\n";
484 | }
485 | }
486 |
487 | # See what's in the command not the manpage.
488 | my @unimpl = ();
489 | foreach my $k ( keys %docopts ) {
490 | push @unimpl, $k unless $cmdopts{$k};
491 | }
492 | if ( scalar @unimpl > 0 ) {
493 | $ok = 0;
494 | foreach ( @unimpl ) {
495 | next if defined $skips{$_};
496 | print "doc/man1/$cmd.pod: Not implemented -$_\n";
497 | }
498 | }
499 |
500 | return $ok;
501 | }
502 |
503 | getopts('cdlnphu');
504 |
505 | &help() if $opt_h;
506 | $opt_n = 1 if $opt_p;
507 | $opt_u = 1 if $opt_d;
508 |
509 | die "Need one of -[cdlnpu] flags.\n"
510 | unless $opt_c or $opt_l or $opt_n or $opt_u;
511 |
512 | if ( $opt_c ) {
513 | my $ok = 1;
514 | my @commands = ();
515 |
516 | # Get list of commands.
517 | open FH, "./apps/openssl list -1 -commands|"
518 | || die "Can't list commands, $!";
519 | while ( <FH> ) {
520 | chop;
521 | push @commands, $_;
522 | }
523 | close FH;
524 |
525 | # See if each has a manpage.
526 | foreach ( @commands ) {
527 | next if $_ eq 'help' || $_ eq 'exit';
528 | if ( ! -f "doc/man1/$_.pod" ) {
529 | print "doc/man1/$_.pod does not exist\n";
530 | $ok = 0;
531 | } else {
532 | $ok = 0 if not &checkflags($_);
533 | }
534 | }
535 |
536 | # See what help is missing.
537 | open FH, "./apps/openssl list --missing-help |"
538 | || die "Can't list missing help, $!";
539 | while ( <FH> ) {
540 | chop;
541 | my ($cmd, $flag) = split;
542 | print "$cmd has no help for -$flag\n";
543 | $ok = 0;
544 | }
545 | close FH;
546 |
547 | exit 1 if not $ok;
548 | }
549 |
550 | if ( $opt_l ) {
551 | foreach (@ARGV ? @ARGV : glob('doc/*/*.pod')) {
552 | collectnames($_);
553 | }
554 | checklinks();
555 | }
556 |
557 | if ( $opt_n ) {
558 | &publicize() if $opt_p;
559 | foreach (@ARGV ? @ARGV : glob('doc/*/*.pod')) {
560 | &check($_);
561 | }
562 | }
563 |
564 | if ( $opt_u ) {
565 | my %temp = &getdocced('doc/man3');
566 | foreach ( keys %temp ) {
567 | $docced{$_} = $temp{$_};
568 | }
569 | &printem('crypto', 'util/libcrypto.num');
570 | &printem('ssl', 'util/libssl.num');
571 | &checkmacros();
572 | }
573 |
574 | exit;