1 | GRAPHS=cipher.dot digest.dot kdf.dot mac.dot pkey.dot rand.dot
3 |
4 | all: png txt
5 | png: $(subst .dot,.png,$(GRAPHS))
6 | txt: $(subst .dot,.txt,$(GRAPHS))
7 | @echo
8 | @echo Remember to check and manually fix the mistakes before merging
9 | @echo into the man pages.
10 | @echo
11 |
12 | # for the dot program:
13 | # sudo apt install graphviz
14 | %.png: %.dot
15 | dot -Tpng -O $<
16 | @mv $<.png $@
17 |
18 | # for the graph-easy program:
19 | # sudo apt install cpanminus
20 | # sudo cpanm Graph::Easy
21 | %.txt: %.dot
22 | graph-easy --from=dot --as_ascii < $< > $@
23 |
24 | clean:
25 | rm -f $(wildcard *.png) $(wildcard *.txt)
26 |