1 | =pod
2 |
3 | =begin comment
4 |
5 | Any deprecated keypair/params d2i or i2d functions are collected on this page.
6 |
7 | =end comment
8 |
9 | =head1 NAME
10 |
11 | d2i_DSAPrivateKey,
12 | d2i_DSAPrivateKey_bio,
13 | d2i_DSAPrivateKey_fp,
14 | d2i_DSAPublicKey,
15 | d2i_DSA_PUBKEY,
16 | d2i_DSA_PUBKEY_bio,
17 | d2i_DSA_PUBKEY_fp,
18 | d2i_DSAparams,
19 | d2i_RSAPrivateKey,
20 | d2i_RSAPrivateKey_bio,
21 | d2i_RSAPrivateKey_fp,
22 | d2i_RSAPublicKey,
23 | d2i_RSAPublicKey_bio,
24 | d2i_RSAPublicKey_fp,
25 | d2i_RSA_PUBKEY,
26 | d2i_RSA_PUBKEY_bio,
27 | d2i_RSA_PUBKEY_fp,
28 | d2i_DHparams,
29 | d2i_DHparams_bio,
30 | d2i_DHparams_fp,
31 | d2i_ECPKParameters,
32 | d2i_ECParameters,
33 | d2i_ECPrivateKey,
34 | d2i_ECPrivateKey_bio,
35 | d2i_ECPrivateKey_fp,
36 | d2i_EC_PUBKEY,
37 | d2i_EC_PUBKEY_bio,
38 | d2i_EC_PUBKEY_fp,
39 | i2d_RSAPrivateKey,
40 | i2d_RSAPrivateKey_bio,
41 | i2d_RSAPrivateKey_fp,
42 | i2d_RSAPublicKey,
43 | i2d_RSAPublicKey_bio,
44 | i2d_RSAPublicKey_fp,
45 | i2d_RSA_PUBKEY,
46 | i2d_RSA_PUBKEY_bio,
47 | i2d_RSA_PUBKEY_fp,
48 | i2d_DHparams,
49 | i2d_DHparams_bio,
50 | i2d_DHparams_fp,
51 | i2d_DSAPrivateKey,
52 | i2d_DSAPrivateKey_bio,
53 | i2d_DSAPrivateKey_fp,
54 | i2d_DSAPublicKey,
55 | i2d_DSA_PUBKEY,
56 | i2d_DSA_PUBKEY_bio,
57 | i2d_DSA_PUBKEY_fp,
58 | i2d_DSAparams,
59 | i2d_ECPKParameters,
60 | i2d_ECParameters,
61 | i2d_ECPrivateKey,
62 | i2d_ECPrivateKey_bio,
63 | i2d_ECPrivateKey_fp,
64 | i2d_EC_PUBKEY,
65 | i2d_EC_PUBKEY_bio,
66 | i2d_EC_PUBKEY_fp
68 |
69 | =head1 SYNOPSIS
70 |
71 | =for openssl generic
72 |
73 | The following functions have been deprecated since OpenSSL 3.0, and can be
74 | hidden entirely by defining B<OPENSSL_API_COMPAT> with a suitable version value,
75 | see L<openssl_user_macros(7)>:
76 |
77 | TYPE *d2i_TYPEPrivateKey(TYPE **a, const unsigned char **ppin, long length);
78 | TYPE *d2i_TYPEPrivateKey_bio(BIO *bp, TYPE **a);
79 | TYPE *d2i_TYPEPrivateKey_fp(FILE *fp, TYPE **a);
80 | TYPE *d2i_TYPEPublicKey(TYPE **a, const unsigned char **ppin, long length);
81 | TYPE *d2i_TYPEPublicKey_bio(BIO *bp, TYPE **a);
82 | TYPE *d2i_TYPEPublicKey_fp(FILE *fp, TYPE **a);
83 | TYPE *d2i_TYPEparams(TYPE **a, const unsigned char **ppin, long length);
84 | TYPE *d2i_TYPEparams_bio(BIO *bp, TYPE **a);
85 | TYPE *d2i_TYPEparams_fp(FILE *fp, TYPE **a);
86 | TYPE *d2i_TYPE_PUBKEY(TYPE **a, const unsigned char **ppin, long length);
87 | TYPE *d2i_TYPE_PUBKEY_bio(BIO *bp, TYPE **a);
88 | TYPE *d2i_TYPE_PUBKEY_fp(FILE *fp, TYPE **a);
89 |
90 | int i2d_TYPEPrivateKey(const TYPE *a, unsigned char **ppout);
91 | int i2d_TYPEPrivateKey(TYPE *a, unsigned char **ppout);
92 | int i2d_TYPEPrivateKey_fp(FILE *fp, const TYPE *a);
93 | int i2d_TYPEPrivateKey_fp(FILE *fp, TYPE *a);
94 | int i2d_TYPEPrivateKey_bio(BIO *bp, const TYPE *a);
95 | int i2d_TYPEPrivateKey_bio(BIO *bp, TYPE *a);
96 | int i2d_TYPEPublicKey(const TYPE *a, unsigned char **ppout);
97 | int i2d_TYPEPublicKey(TYPE *a, unsigned char **ppout);
98 | int i2d_TYPEPublicKey_fp(FILE *fp, const TYPE *a);
99 | int i2d_TYPEPublicKey_fp(FILE *fp, TYPE *a);
100 | int i2d_TYPEPublicKey_bio(BIO *bp, const TYPE *a);
101 | int i2d_TYPEPublicKey_bio(BIO *bp, TYPE *a);
102 | int i2d_TYPEparams(const TYPE *a, unsigned char **ppout);
103 | int i2d_TYPEparams(TYPE *a, unsigned char **ppout);
104 | int i2d_TYPEparams_fp(FILE *fp, const TYPE *a);
105 | int i2d_TYPEparams_fp(FILE *fp, TYPE *a);
106 | int i2d_TYPEparams_bio(BIO *bp, const TYPE *a);
107 | int i2d_TYPEparams_bio(BIO *bp, TYPE *a);
108 | int i2d_TYPE_PUBKEY(const TYPE *a, unsigned char **ppout);
109 | int i2d_TYPE_PUBKEY(TYPE *a, unsigned char **ppout);
110 | int i2d_TYPE_PUBKEY_fp(FILE *fp, const TYPE *a);
111 | int i2d_TYPE_PUBKEY_fp(FILE *fp, TYPE *a);
112 | int i2d_TYPE_PUBKEY_bio(BIO *bp, const TYPE *a);
113 | int i2d_TYPE_PUBKEY_bio(BIO *bp, TYPE *a);
114 |
115 | =head1 DESCRIPTION
116 |
117 | All functions described here are deprecated. Please use L<OSSL_DECODER(3)>
118 | instead of the B<d2i> functions and L<OSSL_ENCODER(3)> instead of the B<i2d>
119 | functions. See L</Migration> below.
120 |
121 | In the description here, B<I<TYPE>> is used a placeholder for any of the
122 | OpenSSL datatypes, such as B<RSA>.
123 | The function parameters I<ppin> and I<ppout> are generally either both named
124 | I<pp> in the headers, or I<in> and I<out>.
125 |
126 | All the functions here behave the way that's described in L<d2i_X509(3)>.
127 |
128 | Please note that not all functions in the synopsis are available for all key
129 | types. For example, there are no d2i_RSAparams() or i2d_RSAparams(),
130 | because the PKCS#1 B<RSA> structure doesn't include any key parameters.
131 |
132 | B<d2i_I<TYPE>PrivateKey>() and derivates thereof decode DER encoded
133 | B<I<TYPE>> private key data organized in a type specific structure.
134 |
135 | B<d2i_I<TYPE>PublicKey>() and derivates thereof decode DER encoded
136 | B<I<TYPE>> public key data organized in a type specific structure.
137 |
138 | B<d2i_I<TYPE>params>() and derivates thereof decode DER encoded B<I<TYPE>>
139 | key parameters organized in a type specific structure.
140 |
141 | B<d2i_I<TYPE>_PUBKEY>() and derivates thereof decode DER encoded B<I<TYPE>>
142 | public key data organized in a B<SubjectPublicKeyInfo> structure.
143 |
144 | B<i2d_I<TYPE>PrivateKey>() and derivates thereof encode the private key
145 | B<I<TYPE>> data into a type specific DER encoded structure.
146 |
147 | B<i2d_I<TYPE>PublicKey>() and derivates thereof encode the public key
148 | B<I<TYPE>> data into a type specific DER encoded structure.
149 |
150 | B<i2d_I<TYPE>params>() and derivates thereof encode the B<I<TYPE>> key
151 | parameters data into a type specific DER encoded structure.
152 |
153 | B<i2d_I<TYPE>_PUBKEY>() and derivates thereof encode the public key
154 | B<I<TYPE>> data into a DER encoded B<SubjectPublicKeyInfo> structure.
155 |
156 | For example, d2i_RSAPrivateKey() and d2i_RSAPublicKey() expects the
157 | structure defined by PKCS#1.
158 | Similarly, i2d_RSAPrivateKey() and i2d_RSAPublicKey() produce DER encoded
159 | string organized according to PKCS#1.
160 |
161 | =head2 Migration
162 |
163 | Migration from the diverse B<I<TYPE>>s requires using corresponding new
164 | OpenSSL types. For all B<I<TYPE>>s described here, the corresponding new
165 | type is B<EVP_PKEY>. The rest of this section assumes that this has been
166 | done, exactly how to do that is described elsewhere.
167 |
168 | There are two migration paths:
169 |
170 | =over 4
171 |
172 | =item *
173 |
174 | Replace
175 | b<d2i_I<TYPE>PrivateKey()> with L<d2i_PrivateKey(3)>,
176 | b<d2i_I<TYPE>PublicKey()> with L<d2i_PublicKey(3)>,
177 | b<d2i_I<TYPE>params()> with L<d2i_KeyParams(3)>,
178 | b<d2i_I<TYPE>_PUBKEY()> with L<d2i_PUBKEY(3)>,
179 | b<i2d_I<TYPE>PrivateKey()> with L<i2d_PrivateKey(3)>,
180 | b<i2d_I<TYPE>PublicKey()> with L<i2d_PublicKey(3)>,
181 | b<i2d_I<TYPE>params()> with L<i2d_KeyParams(3)>,
182 | b<i2d_I<TYPE>_PUBKEY()> with L<i2d_PUBKEY(3)>.
183 | A caveat is that L<i2d_PrivateKey(3)> may output a DER encoded PKCS#8
184 | outermost structure instead of the type specific structure, and that
185 | L<d2i_PrivateKey(3)> recognises and unpacks a PKCS#8 structures.
186 |
187 | =item *
188 |
189 | Use L<OSSL_DECODER(3)> and L<OSSL_ENCODER(3)>. How to migrate is described
190 | below. All those descriptions assume that the key to be encoded is in the
191 | variable I<pkey>.
192 |
193 | =back
194 |
195 | =head3 Migrating B<i2d> functions to B<OSSL_ENCODER>
196 |
197 | The exact L<OSSL_ENCODER(3)> output is driven by arguments rather than by
198 | function names. The sample code to get DER encoded output in a type
199 | specific structure is uniform, the only things that vary are the selection
200 | of what part of the B<EVP_PKEY> should be output, and the structure. The
201 | B<i2d> functions names can therefore be translated into two variables,
202 | I<selection> and I<structure> as follows:
203 |
204 | =over 4
205 |
206 | =item B<i2d_I<TYPE>PrivateKey>() translates into:
207 |
208 | int selection = EVP_PKEY_PRIVATE_KEY;
209 | const char *structure = "type-specific";
210 |
211 | =item B<i2d_I<TYPE>PublicKey>() translates into:
212 |
213 | int selection = EVP_PKEY_PUBLIC_KEY;
214 | const char *structure = "type-specific";
215 |
216 | =item B<i2d_I<TYPE>params>() translates into:
217 |
218 | int selection = EVP_PKEY_PARAMETERS;
219 | const char *structure = "type-specific";
220 |
221 | =item B<i2d_I<TYPE>_PUBKEY>() translates into:
222 |
223 | int selection = EVP_PKEY_PUBLIC_KEY;
224 | const char *structure = "SubjectPublicKeyInfo";
225 |
226 | =back
227 |
228 | The following sample code does the rest of the work:
229 |
230 | unsigned char *p = buffer; /* |buffer| is supplied by the caller */
231 | size_t len = buffer_size; /* assumed be the size of |buffer| */
232 | OSSL_ENCODER_CTX *ctx =
233 | OSSL_ENCODER_CTX_new_for_pkey(pkey, selection, "DER", structure,
234 | NULL, NULL);
235 | if (ctx == NULL) {
236 | /* fatal error handling */
237 | }
238 | if (OSSL_ENCODER_CTX_get_num_encoders(ctx) == 0) {
239 | OSSL_ENCODER_CTX_free(ctx);
240 | /* non-fatal error handling */
241 | }
242 | if (!OSSL_ENCODER_to_data(ctx, &p, &len)) {
243 | OSSL_ENCODER_CTX_free(ctx);
244 | /* error handling */
245 | }
246 | OSSL_ENCODER_CTX_free(ctx);
247 |
248 | =for comment TODO: a similar section on OSSL_DECODER is to be added
249 |
250 | =head1 NOTES
251 |
252 | The letters B<i> and B<d> in B<i2d_I<TYPE>>() stand for
253 | "internal" (that is, an internal C structure) and "DER" respectively.
254 | So B<i2d_I<TYPE>>() converts from internal to DER.
255 |
256 | The functions can also understand B<BER> forms.
257 |
258 | The actual TYPE structure passed to B<i2d_I<TYPE>>() must be a valid
259 | populated B<I<TYPE>> structure -- it B<cannot> simply be fed with an
260 | empty structure such as that returned by TYPE_new().
261 |
262 | The encoded data is in binary form and may contain embedded zeros.
263 | Therefore, any FILE pointers or BIOs should be opened in binary mode.
264 | Functions such as strlen() will B<not> return the correct length
265 | of the encoded structure.
266 |
267 | The ways that I<*ppin> and I<*ppout> are incremented after the operation
268 | can trap the unwary. See the B<WARNINGS> section in L<d2i_X509(3)> for some
269 | common errors.
270 | The reason for this-auto increment behaviour is to reflect a typical
271 | usage of ASN1 functions: after one structure is encoded or decoded
272 | another will be processed after it.
273 |
274 | The following points about the data types might be useful:
275 |
276 | =over 4
277 |
278 | =item B<DSA_PUBKEY>
279 |
280 | Represents a DSA public key using a B<SubjectPublicKeyInfo> structure.
281 |
282 | =item B<DSAPublicKey>, B<DSAPrivateKey>
283 |
284 | Use a non-standard OpenSSL format and should be avoided; use B<DSA_PUBKEY>,
285 | L<PEM_write_PrivateKey(3)>, or similar instead.
286 |
287 | =back
288 |
289 | =head1 RETURN VALUES
290 |
291 | B<d2i_I<TYPE>>(), B<d2i_I<TYPE>_bio>() and B<d2i_I<TYPE>_fp>() return a valid
292 | B<I<TYPE>> structure or NULL if an error occurs. If the "reuse" capability has
293 | been used with a valid structure being passed in via I<a>, then the object is
294 | freed in the event of error and I<*a> is set to NULL.
295 |
296 | B<i2d_I<TYPE>>() returns the number of bytes successfully encoded or a negative
297 | value if an error occurs.
298 |
299 | B<i2d_I<TYPE>_bio>() and B<i2d_I<TYPE>_fp>() return 1 for success and 0 if an
300 | error occurs.
301 |
302 | =head1 SEE ALSO
303 |
305 | L<d2i_PrivateKey(3)>, L<d2i_PublicKey(3)>, L<d2i_KeyParams(3)>,
306 | L<d2i_PUBKEY(3)>,
307 | L<i2d_PrivateKey(3)>, L<i2d_PublicKey(3)>, L<i2d_KeyParams(3)>,
308 | L<i2d_PUBKEY(3)>
309 |
310 | =head1 COPYRIGHT
311 |
312 | Copyright 2020-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
313 |
314 | Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
315 | this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
316 | in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
317 | L<https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html>.
318 |
319 | =cut