1 | # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
2 | # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
3 | #
4 | # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
5 | # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
6 | # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 | # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
8 | #
9 | # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
10 | # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
11 | # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
12 | # License.
13 | #
14 | # The Original Code is the Python XPCOM language bindings.
15 | #
16 | # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
17 | # ActiveState Tool Corp.
18 | # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2000, 2001
19 | # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
20 | #
21 | # Contributor(s):
22 | # Mark Hammond <MarkH@ActiveState.com> (original author)
23 | #
24 | # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
25 | # either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
26 | # the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
27 | # in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
28 | # of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
29 | # under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
30 | # use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
31 | # decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
32 | # and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
33 | # the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
34 | # the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
35 | #
36 | # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
37 |
38 | import sys, os, time
39 | import xpcom.components
40 | import xpcom._xpcom
41 | import xpcom.nsError
42 |
43 | MakeVariant = xpcom._xpcom.MakeVariant
44 |
45 | try:
46 | import gc
47 | except ImportError:
48 | gc = None
49 |
50 | num_errors = 0
51 |
52 | component_iid = xpcom.components.ID("{7EE4BDC6-CB53-42c1-A9E4-616B8E012ABA}")
53 | new_iid = xpcom.components.ID("{2AF747D3-ECBC-457b-9AF9-5C5D80EDC360}")
54 |
55 | contractid = "Python.TestComponent"
56 |
57 | really_big_string = "This is really repetitive!" * 10000
58 | really_big_wstring = u"This is really repetitive!" * 10000
59 | extended_unicode_string = u"The Euro Symbol is '\u20ac'"
60 |
61 | # Exception raised when a -ve integer is converted to an unsigned C integer
62 | # (via an extension module). This changed in Python 2.2
63 | if sys.hexversion > 0x02010000:
64 | UnsignedMismatchException = TypeError
65 | else:
66 | UnsignedMismatchException = OverflowError
67 |
68 | def print_error(error):
69 | print error
70 | global num_errors
71 | num_errors = num_errors + 1
72 |
73 | def _test_value(what, got, expecting):
74 | ok = got == expecting
75 | if type(got)==type(expecting)==type(0.0):
76 | ok = abs(got-expecting) < 0.001
77 | if not ok:
78 | print_error("*** Error %s - got '%r', but expecting '%r'" % (what, got, expecting))
79 |
80 | def test_attribute(ob, attr_name, expected_init, new_value, new_value_really = None):
81 | if xpcom.verbose:
82 | print "Testing attribute %s" % (attr_name,)
83 | if new_value_really is None:
84 | new_value_really = new_value # Handy for eg bools - set a BOOL to 2, you still get back 1!
85 |
86 | _test_value( "getting initial attribute value (%s)" % (attr_name,), getattr(ob, attr_name), expected_init)
87 | setattr(ob, attr_name, new_value)
88 | _test_value( "getting new attribute value (%s)" % (attr_name,), getattr(ob, attr_name), new_value_really)
89 | # And set it back to the expected init.
90 | setattr(ob, attr_name, expected_init)
91 | _test_value( "getting back initial attribute value after change (%s)" % (attr_name,), getattr(ob, attr_name), expected_init)
92 |
93 | def test_string_attribute(ob, attr_name, expected_init, is_dumb_sz = False, ascii_only = False):
94 | test_attribute(ob, attr_name, expected_init, "normal value")
95 | val = "a null >\0<"
96 | if is_dumb_sz:
97 | expected = "a null >" # dumb strings are \0 terminated.
98 | else:
99 | expected = val
100 | test_attribute(ob, attr_name, expected_init, val, expected)
101 | test_attribute(ob, attr_name, expected_init, "")
102 | test_attribute(ob, attr_name, expected_init, really_big_string)
103 | test_attribute(ob, attr_name, expected_init, u"normal unicode value")
104 | val = u"a null >\0<"
105 | if is_dumb_sz:
106 | expected = "a null >" # dumb strings are \0 terminated.
107 | else:
108 | expected = val
109 | test_attribute(ob, attr_name, expected_init, val, expected)
110 | test_attribute(ob, attr_name, expected_init, u"")
111 | test_attribute(ob, attr_name, expected_init, really_big_wstring)
112 | if not ascii_only:
113 | test_attribute(ob, attr_name, expected_init, extended_unicode_string)
114 |
115 | def test_attribute_failure(ob, attr_name, new_value, expected_exception):
116 | try:
117 | setattr(ob, attr_name, new_value)
118 | print_error("*** Setting attribute '%s' to '%r' didnt yield an exception!" % (attr_name, new_value) )
119 | except:
120 | exc_typ = sys.exc_info()[0]
121 | exc_val = sys.exc_info()[1]
122 | ok = issubclass(exc_typ, expected_exception)
123 | if not ok:
124 | print_error("*** Wrong exception setting '%s' to '%r'- got '%s: %s', expected '%s'" % (attr_name, new_value, exc_typ, exc_val, expected_exception))
125 |
126 |
127 | def test_method(method, args, expected_results):
128 | if xpcom.verbose:
129 | print "Testing %s%s" % (method.__name__, `args`)
130 | ret = method(*args)
131 | if ret != expected_results:
132 | print_error("calling method %s - expected %r, but got %r" % (method.__name__, expected_results, ret))
133 |
134 | def test_int_method(meth):
135 | test_method(meth, (0,0), (0,0,0))
136 | test_method(meth, (1,1), (2,0,1))
137 | test_method(meth, (5,2), (7,3,10))
138 | # test_method(meth, (2,5), (7,-3,10))
139 |
140 | def test_constant(ob, cname, val):
141 | v = getattr(ob, cname)
142 | if v != val:
143 | print_error("Bad value for constant '%s' - got '%r'" % (cname, v))
144 | try:
145 | setattr(ob, cname, 0)
146 | print_error("The object allowed us to set the constant '%s'" % (cname,))
147 | except AttributeError:
148 | pass
149 |
150 | def test_base_interface(c):
151 | test_attribute(c, "boolean_value", 1, 0)
152 | test_attribute(c, "boolean_value", 1, -1, 1) # Set a bool to anything, you should always get back 0 or 1
153 | test_attribute(c, "boolean_value", 1, 4, 1) # Set a bool to anything, you should always get back 0 or 1
154 | test_attribute(c, "boolean_value", 1, "1", 1) # This works by virtual of PyNumber_Int - not sure I agree, but...
155 | test_attribute_failure(c, "boolean_value", "boo", ValueError)
156 | test_attribute_failure(c, "boolean_value", test_base_interface, TypeError)
157 |
158 | test_attribute(c, "octet_value", 2, 5)
159 | test_attribute(c, "octet_value", 2, 0)
160 | test_attribute(c, "octet_value", 2, 128) # octet is unsigned 8 bit
161 | test_attribute(c, "octet_value", 2, 255) # octet is unsigned 8 bit
162 | test_attribute(c, "octet_value", 2, -1, 255) # octet is unsigned 8 bit
163 | test_attribute_failure(c, "octet_value", "boo", ValueError)
164 |
165 | test_attribute(c, "short_value", 3, 10)
166 | test_attribute(c, "short_value", 3, -1) # 16 bit signed
167 | test_attribute(c, "short_value", 3, 0xFFFF, -1) # 16 bit signed
168 | test_attribute(c, "short_value", 3, 0L)
169 | test_attribute(c, "short_value", 3, 1L)
170 | test_attribute(c, "short_value", 3, -1L)
171 | test_attribute(c, "short_value", 3, 0xFFFFL, -1)
172 | test_attribute_failure(c, "short_value", "boo", ValueError)
173 |
174 | test_attribute(c, "ushort_value", 4, 5)
175 | test_attribute(c, "ushort_value", 4, 0)
176 | test_attribute(c, "ushort_value", 4, -1, 0xFFFF) # 16 bit signed
177 | test_attribute(c, "ushort_value", 4, 0xFFFF) # 16 bit signed
178 | test_attribute(c, "ushort_value", 4, 0L)
179 | test_attribute(c, "ushort_value", 4, 1L)
180 | test_attribute(c, "ushort_value", 4, -1L, 0xFFFF)
181 | test_attribute_failure(c, "ushort_value", "boo", ValueError)
182 |
183 | test_attribute(c, "long_value", 5, 7)
184 | test_attribute(c, "long_value", 5, 0)
185 | test_attribute(c, "long_value", 5, -1, -1) # 32 bit signed.
186 | test_attribute(c, "long_value", 5, -1) # 32 bit signed.
187 | test_attribute(c, "long_value", 5, 0L)
188 | test_attribute(c, "long_value", 5, 1L)
189 | test_attribute(c, "long_value", 5, -1L)
190 | test_attribute_failure(c, "long_value", 0xFFFFL * 0xFFFF, OverflowError) # long int too long to convert
191 | test_attribute_failure(c, "long_value", "boo", ValueError)
192 |
193 | test_attribute(c, "ulong_value", 6, 7)
194 | test_attribute(c, "ulong_value", 6, 0)
195 | test_attribute(c, "ulong_value", 6, -1) # 32 bit signed.
196 | test_attribute_failure(c, "ulong_value", "boo", ValueError)
197 |
198 | test_attribute(c, "long_long_value", 7, 8)
199 | test_attribute(c, "long_long_value", 7, 0)
200 | test_attribute(c, "long_long_value", 7, -1)
201 | test_attribute(c, "long_long_value", 7, 0xFFFF)
202 | test_attribute(c, "long_long_value", 7, 0xFFFFL * 2)
203 | test_attribute_failure(c, "long_long_value", 0xFFFFL * 0xFFFF * 0xFFFF * 0xFFFF, OverflowError) # long int too long to convert
204 | test_attribute_failure(c, "long_long_value", "boo", ValueError)
205 |
206 | test_attribute(c, "ulong_long_value", 8, 9)
207 | test_attribute(c, "ulong_long_value", 8, 0)
208 | test_attribute_failure(c, "ulong_long_value", "boo", ValueError)
209 | test_attribute_failure(c, "ulong_long_value", -1, UnsignedMismatchException) # can't convert negative value to unsigned long)
210 |
211 | test_attribute(c, "float_value", 9.0, 10.2)
212 | test_attribute(c, "float_value", 9.0, 0)
213 | test_attribute(c, "float_value", 9.0, -1)
214 | test_attribute(c, "float_value", 9.0, 1L)
215 | test_attribute_failure(c, "float_value", "boo", ValueError)
216 |
217 | test_attribute(c, "double_value", 10.0, 9.0)
218 | test_attribute(c, "double_value", 10.0, 0)
219 | test_attribute(c, "double_value", 10.0, -1)
220 | test_attribute(c, "double_value", 10.0, 1L)
221 | test_attribute_failure(c, "double_value", "boo", ValueError)
222 |
223 | test_attribute(c, "char_value", "a", "b")
224 | test_attribute(c, "char_value", "a", "\0")
225 | test_attribute_failure(c, "char_value", "xy", ValueError)
226 | test_attribute(c, "char_value", "a", u"c")
227 | test_attribute(c, "char_value", "a", u"\0")
228 | test_attribute_failure(c, "char_value", u"xy", ValueError)
229 |
230 | test_attribute(c, "wchar_value", "b", "a")
231 | test_attribute(c, "wchar_value", "b", "\0")
232 | test_attribute_failure(c, "wchar_value", "hi", ValueError)
233 | test_attribute(c, "wchar_value", "b", u"a")
234 | test_attribute(c, "wchar_value", "b", u"\0")
235 | test_attribute_failure(c, "wchar_value", u"hi", ValueError)
236 |
237 | test_string_attribute(c, "string_value", "cee", is_dumb_sz = True, ascii_only = True)
238 | test_string_attribute(c, "wstring_value", "dee", is_dumb_sz = True)
239 | test_string_attribute(c, "astring_value", "astring")
240 | test_string_attribute(c, "acstring_value", "acstring", ascii_only = True)
241 |
242 | test_string_attribute(c, "utf8string_value", "utf8string")
243 | # Test a string already encoded gets through correctly.
244 | test_attribute(c, "utf8string_value", "utf8string", extended_unicode_string.encode("utf8"), extended_unicode_string)
245 |
246 | # This will fail internal string representation :( Test we don't crash
247 | try:
248 | c.wstring_value = "a big char >" + chr(129) + "<"
249 | print_error("strings with chars > 128 appear to have stopped failing?")
250 | except UnicodeError:
251 | pass
252 |
253 | test_attribute(c, "iid_value", component_iid, new_iid)
254 | test_attribute(c, "iid_value", component_iid, str(new_iid), new_iid)
255 | test_attribute(c, "iid_value", component_iid, xpcom._xpcom.IID(new_iid))
256 |
257 | test_attribute_failure(c, "no_attribute", "boo", AttributeError)
258 |
259 | test_attribute(c, "interface_value", None, c)
260 | test_attribute_failure(c, "interface_value", 2, TypeError)
261 |
262 | test_attribute(c, "isupports_value", None, c)
263 |
264 | # The methods
265 | test_method(c.do_boolean, (0,1), (1,0,1))
266 | test_method(c.do_boolean, (1,0), (1,0,1))
267 | test_method(c.do_boolean, (1,1), (0,1,0))
268 |
269 | test_int_method(c.do_octet)
270 | test_int_method(c.do_short)
271 |
272 | test_int_method(c.do_unsigned_short)
273 | test_int_method(c.do_long)
274 | test_int_method(c.do_unsigned_long)
275 | test_int_method(c.do_long_long)
276 | test_int_method(c.do_unsigned_long)
277 | test_int_method(c.do_float)
278 | test_int_method(c.do_double)
279 |
280 | test_method(c.do_char, ("A", " "), (chr(ord("A")+ord(" ")), " ","A") )
281 | test_method(c.do_char, ("A", "\0"), ("A", "\0","A") )
282 | test_method(c.do_wchar, ("A", " "), (chr(ord("A")+ord(" ")), " ","A") )
283 | test_method(c.do_wchar, ("A", "\0"), ("A", "\0","A") )
284 |
285 | test_method(c.do_string, ("Hello from ", "Python"), ("Hello from Python", "Hello from ", "Python") )
286 | test_method(c.do_string, (u"Hello from ", u"Python"), ("Hello from Python", "Hello from ", "Python") )
287 | test_method(c.do_string, (None, u"Python"), ("Python", None, "Python") )
288 | test_method(c.do_string, (None, really_big_string), (really_big_string, None, really_big_string) )
289 | test_method(c.do_string, (None, really_big_wstring), (really_big_string, None, really_big_string) )
290 | test_method(c.do_wstring, ("Hello from ", "Python"), ("Hello from Python", "Hello from ", "Python") )
291 | test_method(c.do_wstring, (u"Hello from ", u"Python"), ("Hello from Python", "Hello from ", "Python") )
292 | test_method(c.do_string, (None, really_big_wstring), (really_big_wstring, None, really_big_wstring) )
293 | test_method(c.do_string, (None, really_big_string), (really_big_wstring, None, really_big_wstring) )
294 | test_method(c.do_nsIIDRef, (component_iid, new_iid), (component_iid, component_iid, new_iid))
295 | test_method(c.do_nsIIDRef, (new_iid, component_iid), (new_iid, component_iid, component_iid))
296 | test_method(c.do_nsIPythonTestInterface, (None, None), (None, None, c))
297 | test_method(c.do_nsIPythonTestInterface, (c, c), (c, c, c))
298 | test_method(c.do_nsISupports, (None, None), (c, None, None))
299 | test_method(c.do_nsISupports, (c,c), (c, c, c))
300 | test_method(c.do_nsISupportsIs, (xpcom._xpcom.IID_nsISupports,), c)
301 | test_method(c.do_nsISupportsIs, (xpcom.components.interfaces.nsIPythonTestInterface,), c)
302 | ## test_method(c.do_nsISupportsIs2, (xpcom.components.interfaces.nsIPythonTestInterface,c), (xpcom.components.interfaces.nsIPythonTestInterface,c))
303 | ## test_method(c.do_nsISupportsIs3, (c,), (xpcom.components.interfaces.nsIPythonTestInterface,c))
304 | ## test_method(c.do_nsISupportsIs4, (), (xpcom.components.interfaces.nsIPythonTestInterface,c))
305 | # Test the constants.
306 | test_constant(c, "One", 1)
307 | test_constant(c, "Two", 2)
308 | test_constant(c, "MinusOne", -1)
309 | test_constant(c, "BigLong", 0x7FFFFFFF)
310 | test_constant(c, "BiggerLong", -1)
311 | test_constant(c, "BigULong", -1)
312 | # Test the components.Interfaces semantics
313 | i = xpcom.components.interfaces.nsIPythonTestInterface
314 | test_constant(i, "One", 1)
315 | test_constant(i, "Two", 2)
316 | test_constant(i, "MinusOne", -1)
317 | test_constant(i, "BigLong", 0x7FFFFFFF)
318 | test_constant(i, "BigULong", -1)
319 |
320 | def test_derived_interface(c, test_flat = 0):
321 | val = "Hello\0there"
322 | expected = val * 2
323 |
324 | test_method(c.DoubleString, (val,), expected)
325 | test_method(c.DoubleString2, (val,), expected)
326 | test_method(c.DoubleString3, (val,), expected)
327 | test_method(c.DoubleString4, (val,), expected)
328 | test_method(c.UpString, (val,), val.upper())
329 | test_method(c.UpString2, (val,), val.upper())
330 | test_method(c.GetFixedString, (20,), "A"*20)
331 | val = u"Hello\0there"
332 | expected = val * 2
333 | test_method(c.DoubleWideString, (val,), expected)
334 | test_method(c.DoubleWideString2, (val,), expected)
335 | test_method(c.DoubleWideString3, (val,), expected)
336 | test_method(c.DoubleWideString4, (val,), expected)
337 | test_method(c.UpWideString, (val,), val.upper())
338 | test_method(c.UpWideString2, (val,), val.upper())
339 | test_method(c.GetFixedWideString, (20,), u"A"*20)
340 | val = extended_unicode_string
341 | test_method(c.CopyUTF8String, ("foo",), "foo")
342 | test_method(c.CopyUTF8String, (u"foo",), "foo")
343 | test_method(c.CopyUTF8String, (val,), val)
344 | test_method(c.CopyUTF8String, (val.encode("utf8"),), val)
345 | test_method(c.CopyUTF8String2, ("foo",), "foo")
346 | test_method(c.CopyUTF8String2, (u"foo",), "foo")
347 | test_method(c.CopyUTF8String2, (val,), val)
348 | test_method(c.CopyUTF8String2, (val.encode("utf8"),), val)
349 | items = [1,2,3,4,5]
350 | test_method(c.MultiplyEachItemInIntegerArray, (3, items,), map(lambda i:i*3, items))
351 |
352 | test_method(c.MultiplyEachItemInIntegerArrayAndAppend, (3, items), items + map(lambda i:i*3, items))
353 | items = "Hello from Python".split()
354 | expected = map( lambda x: x*2, items)
355 | test_method(c.DoubleStringArray, (items,), expected)
356 |
357 | test_method(c.CompareStringArrays, (items, items), cmp(items, items))
358 | # Can we pass lists and tuples correctly?
359 | test_method(c.CompareStringArrays, (items, tuple(items)), cmp(items, items))
360 | items2 = ["Not", "the", "same"]
361 | test_method(c.CompareStringArrays, (items, items2), cmp(items, items2))
362 |
363 | expected = items[:]
364 | expected.reverse()
365 | test_method(c.ReverseStringArray, (items,), expected)
366 |
367 | expected = "Hello from the Python test component".split()
368 | test_method(c.GetStrings, (), expected)
369 |
370 | val = "Hello\0there"
371 | test_method(c.UpOctetArray, (val,), val.upper())
372 | test_method(c.UpOctetArray, (unicode(val),), val.upper())
373 | # Passing Unicode objects here used to cause us grief.
374 | test_method(c.UpOctetArray2, (val,), val.upper())
375 |
376 | test_method(c.CheckInterfaceArray, ((c, c),), 1)
377 | test_method(c.CheckInterfaceArray, ((c, None),), 0)
378 | test_method(c.CheckInterfaceArray, ((),), 1)
379 | test_method(c.CopyInterfaceArray, ((c, c),), [c,c])
380 |
381 | test_method(c.GetInterfaceArray, (), [c,c,c, None])
382 | test_method(c.ExtendInterfaceArray, ((c,c,c, None),), [c,c,c,None,c,c,c,None] )
383 |
384 | expected = [xpcom.components.interfaces.nsIPythonTestInterfaceDOMStrings, xpcom.components.classes[contractid].clsid]
385 | test_method(c.GetIIDArray, (), expected)
386 |
387 | val = [xpcom.components.interfaces.nsIPythonTestInterfaceExtra, xpcom.components.classes[contractid].clsid]
388 | expected = val * 2
389 | test_method(c.ExtendIIDArray, (val,), expected)
390 |
391 | test_method(c.GetArrays, (), ( [1,2,3], [4,5,6] ) )
392 | test_method(c.CopyArray, ([1,2,3],), [1,2,3] )
393 | test_method(c.CopyAndDoubleArray, ([1,2,3],), [1,2,3,1,2,3] )
394 | test_method(c.AppendArray, ([1,2,3],), [1,2,3])
395 | test_method(c.AppendArray, ([1,2,3],[4,5,6]), [1,2,3,4,5,6])
396 |
397 | test_method(c.CopyVariant, (None,), None)
398 | test_method(c.CopyVariant, (1,), 1)
399 | test_method(c.CopyVariant, (1.0,), 1.0)
400 | test_method(c.CopyVariant, (-1,), -1)
401 | test_method(c.CopyVariant, (sys.maxint+1,), sys.maxint+1)
402 | test_method(c.CopyVariant, ("foo",), "foo")
403 | test_method(c.CopyVariant, (u"foo",), u"foo")
404 | test_method(c.CopyVariant, (c,), c)
405 | test_method(c.CopyVariant, (component_iid,), component_iid)
406 | test_method(c.CopyVariant, ((1,2),), [1,2])
407 | test_method(c.CopyVariant, ((1.2,2.1),), [1.2,2.1])
408 | test_method(c.CopyVariant, (("foo","bar"),), ["foo", "bar"])
409 | test_method(c.CopyVariant, ((component_iid,component_iid),), [component_iid,component_iid])
410 | test_method(c.CopyVariant, ((c,c),), [c,c])
411 | sup = c.queryInterface(xpcom.components.interfaces.nsISupports)._comobj_
412 | test_method(c.CopyVariant, ((sup, sup),), [sup,sup])
413 | test_method(c.AppendVariant, (1,2), 3)
414 | test_method(c.AppendVariant, ((1,2),(3,4)), 10)
415 | test_method(c.AppendVariant, ("bar", "foo"), "foobar")
416 | test_method(c.AppendVariant, (None, None), None)
417 |
418 | test_method(c.SumVariants, ([],), None)
419 | # Array's dont expose their interface, so we are unable to auto-wrap
420 | # variant arrays, as they aren't aware if the IID of the array
421 | test_method(c.SumVariants, ([MakeVariant(1),MakeVariant(2),MakeVariant(3)],), 6)
422 | test_method(c.SumVariants, ([MakeVariant('foo'), MakeVariant('bar')],), 'foobar')
423 |
424 | if not test_flat:
425 | c = c.queryInterface(xpcom.components.interfaces.nsIPythonTestInterfaceDOMStrings)
426 | # NULL DOM strings don't work yet.
427 | # test_method(c.GetDOMStringResult, (-1,), None)
428 | test_method(c.GetDOMStringResult, (3,), "PPP")
429 | # test_method(c.GetDOMStringOut, (-1,), None)
430 | test_method(c.GetDOMStringOut, (4,), "yyyy")
431 | val = "Hello there"
432 | test_method(c.GetDOMStringLength, (val,), len(val))
433 | test_method(c.GetDOMStringRefLength, (val,), len(val))
434 | test_method(c.GetDOMStringPtrLength, (val,), len(val))
435 | test_method(c.ConcatDOMStrings, (val,val), val+val)
436 | test_attribute(c, "domstring_value", "dom", "new dom")
437 | if c.domstring_value_ro != "dom":
438 | print "Read-only DOMString not correct - got", c.domstring_ro
439 | try:
440 | c.dom_string_ro = "new dom"
441 | print "Managed to set a readonly attribute - eek!"
442 | except AttributeError:
443 | pass
444 | except:
445 | print "Unexpected exception when setting readonly attribute: %s: %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1])
446 | if c.domstring_value_ro != "dom":
447 | print "Read-only DOMString not correct after failed set attempt - got", c.domstring_ro
448 |
449 | def do_test_failures():
450 | c = xpcom.client.Component(contractid, xpcom.components.interfaces.nsIPythonTestInterfaceExtra)
451 | try:
452 | ret = c.do_nsISupportsIs( xpcom._xpcom.IID_nsIInterfaceInfoManager )
453 | print "*** got", ret, "***"
454 | raise RuntimeError, "We worked when using an IID we dont support!?!"
455 | except xpcom.Exception, details:
456 | if details.errno != xpcom.nsError.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE:
457 | raise RuntimeError, "Wrong COM exception type: %r" % (details,)
458 |
459 | def test_failures():
460 | # This extra stack-frame ensures Python cleans up sys.last_traceback etc
461 | do_test_failures()
462 |
463 | def test_all():
464 | c = xpcom.client.Component(contractid, xpcom.components.interfaces.nsIPythonTestInterface)
465 | test_base_interface(c)
466 | # Now create an instance using the derived IID, and test that.
467 | c = xpcom.client.Component(contractid, xpcom.components.interfaces.nsIPythonTestInterfaceExtra)
468 | test_base_interface(c)
469 | test_derived_interface(c)
470 | # Now create an instance and test interface flattening.
471 | c = xpcom.components.classes[contractid].createInstance()
472 | test_base_interface(c)
473 | test_derived_interface(c, test_flat=1)
474 |
475 | # We had a bug where a "set" of an attribute before a "get" failed.
476 | # Don't let it happen again :)
477 | c = xpcom.components.classes[contractid].createInstance()
478 | c.boolean_value = 0
479 |
480 | # This name is used in exceptions etc - make sure we got it from nsIClassInfo OK.
481 | assert c._object_name_ == "Python.TestComponent"
482 |
483 | test_failures()
484 |
485 | try:
486 | from sys import gettotalrefcount
487 | except ImportError:
488 | # Not a Debug build - assume no references (can't be leaks then :-)
489 | def gettotalrefcount():
490 | return 0
491 |
492 | from pyxpcom_test_tools import getmemusage
493 |
494 | def test_from_js():
495 | # Ensure we can find the js test script - same dir as this!
496 | # Assume the path of sys.argv[0] is where we can find the js test code.
497 | # (Running under the regression test is a little painful)
498 | script_dir = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0]
499 | fname = os.path.join( script_dir, "test_test_component.js")
500 | if not os.path.isfile(fname):
501 | raise RuntimeError, "Can not find '%s'" % (fname,)
502 | # Note we _dont_ pump the test output out, as debug "xpcshell" spews
503 | # extra debug info that will cause our output comparison to fail.
504 | data = os.popen('xpcshell "' + fname + '"').readlines()
505 | good = 0
506 | for line in data:
507 | if line.strip() == "javascript successfully tested the Python test component.":
508 | good = 1
509 | if not good:
510 | print "** The javascript test appeared to fail! Test output follows **"
511 | print "".join(data)
512 | print "** End of javascript test output **"
513 | raise RuntimeError, "test failed"
514 |
515 | def doit(num_loops = -1):
516 | if "-v" in sys.argv: # Hack the verbose flag for the server
517 | xpcom.verbose = 1
518 | # Do the test lots of times - can help shake-out ref-count bugs.
519 | if num_loops == -1: num_loops = 5
520 | for i in xrange(num_loops):
521 | test_all()
522 |
523 | if i==0:
524 | # First loop is likely to "leak" as we cache things.
525 | # Leaking after that is a problem.
526 | if gc is not None:
527 | gc.collect()
528 | num_refs = gettotalrefcount()
529 | mem_usage = getmemusage()
530 |
531 | if num_errors:
532 | break
533 |
534 | if gc is not None:
535 | gc.collect()
536 |
537 | lost = gettotalrefcount() - num_refs
538 | # Sometimes we get spurious counts off by 1 or 2.
539 | # This can't indicate a real leak, as we have looped
540 | # more than twice!
541 | if abs(lost)>3: # 2 or 3 :)
542 | print "*** Lost %d references" % (lost,)
543 |
544 | # sleep to allow the OS to recover
545 | time.sleep(1)
546 | mem_lost = getmemusage() - mem_usage
547 | # working set size is fickle, and when we were leaking strings, this test
548 | # would report a leak of 100MB. So we allow a 3MB buffer - but even this
549 | # may still occasionally report spurious warnings. If you are really
550 | # worried, bump the counter to a huge value, and if there is a leak it will
551 | # show.
552 | if mem_lost > 3000000:
553 | print "*** Lost %.6f MB of memory" % (mem_lost/1000000.0,)
554 |
555 | assert num_errors==0, "There were %d errors testing the Python component" % (num_errors,)
556 |
557 | def suite():
558 | from pyxpcom_test_tools import suite_from_functions
559 | return suite_from_functions(doit, test_from_js)
560 |
561 | if __name__=='__main__':
562 | num_iters = 10 # times times is *lots* - we do a fair bit of work!
563 | if __name__=='__main__' and len(sys.argv) > 1:
564 | num_iters = int(sys.argv[1])
565 |
566 | print "Testing the Python.TestComponent component"
567 | doit(num_iters)
568 | print "The Python test component worked."
569 | test_from_js()
570 | print "JS successfully used our Python test component."
571 | xpcom._xpcom.NS_ShutdownXPCOM()
572 | ni = xpcom._xpcom._GetInterfaceCount()
573 | ng = xpcom._xpcom._GetGatewayCount()
574 | if ni or ng:
575 | print "********* WARNING - Leaving with %d/%d objects alive" % (ni,ng)