1 | /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 | /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
3 | * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
4 | *
5 | * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
6 | * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7 | * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 | * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
9 | *
10 | * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
11 | * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
12 | * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
13 | * License.
14 | *
15 | * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
16 | *
17 | * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
18 | * Netscape Communications Corporation.
19 | * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
20 | * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
21 | *
22 | * Contributor(s):
23 | *
24 | * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
25 | * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
26 | * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
27 | * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
28 | * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
29 | * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
30 | * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
31 | * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
32 | * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
33 | * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
34 | * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
35 | *
36 | * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
37 | *
38 | * This Original Code has been modified by IBM Corporation.
39 | * Modifications made by IBM described herein are
40 | * Copyright (c) International Business Machines
41 | * Corporation, 2000
42 | *
43 | * Modifications to Mozilla code or documentation
44 | * identified per MPL Section 3.3
45 | *
46 | * Date Modified by Description of modification
47 | * 04/20/2000 IBM Corp. Added PR_CALLBACK for Optlink use in OS2
48 | */
49 | #include <stdlib.h>
50 | #include "nscore.h"
51 | #include "nsISupports.h"
52 | #include "nspr.h"
53 | #include "nsCRT.h" // for atoll
54 | // Arena used by component manager for storing contractid string, dll
55 | // location strings and small objects
56 | // CAUTION: Arena align mask needs to be defined before including plarena.h
57 | // currently from nsComponentManager.h
59 | #define NS_CM_BLOCK_SIZE (1024 * 8)
60 |
61 | #include "nsAutoLock.h"
62 | #include "nsCOMPtr.h"
63 | #include "nsComponentManager.h"
64 | #include "nsComponentManagerObsolete.h"
65 | #include "nsDirectoryService.h"
66 | #include "nsDirectoryServiceDefs.h"
67 | #include "nsCategoryManager.h"
68 | #include "nsCategoryManagerUtils.h"
69 | #include "nsIComponentLoader.h"
70 | #include "nsIEnumerator.h"
71 | #include "nsIInterfaceInfoManager.h"
72 | #include "nsIModule.h"
73 | #include "nsIObserverService.h"
74 | #include "nsISimpleEnumerator.h"
75 | #include "nsXPCOM.h"
76 | #include "nsISupportsPrimitives.h"
77 | #include "nsLocalFile.h"
78 | #include "nsNativeComponentLoader.h"
79 | #include "nsReadableUtils.h"
80 | #include "nsString.h"
81 | #include "nsXPIDLString.h"
82 | #include "xptinfo.h" // this after nsISupports, to pick up IID so that xpt stuff doesn't try to define it itself...
83 |
84 | #include "nsInt64.h"
85 | #include "nsManifestLineReader.h"
86 |
87 | #include NEW_H // for placement new
88 |
89 | #include <iprt/assert.h>
90 | #include <VBox/log.h>
91 |
92 | // Loader Types
94 |
95 | // Bloated registry buffer size to improve startup performance -- needs to
96 | // be big enough to fit the entire file into memory or it'll thrash.
97 | // 512K is big enough to allow for some future growth in the registry.
98 | #define BIG_REGISTRY_BUFLEN (512*1024)
99 |
100 | // Common Key Names
101 | const char classIDKeyName[]="classID";
102 | const char classesKeyName[]="contractID";
103 | const char componentLoadersKeyName[]="componentLoaders";
104 | const char componentsKeyName[]="components";
105 | const char xpcomComponentsKeyName[]="software/mozilla/XPCOM/components";
106 | const char xpcomKeyName[]="software/mozilla/XPCOM";
107 |
108 | // Common Value Names
109 | const char classIDValueName[]="ClassID";
110 | const char classNameValueName[]="ClassName";
111 | const char componentCountValueName[]="ComponentsCount";
112 | const char componentTypeValueName[]="ComponentType";
113 | const char contractIDValueName[]="ContractID";
114 | const char fileSizeValueName[]="FileSize";
115 | const char inprocServerValueName[]="InprocServer";
116 | const char lastModValueName[]="LastModTimeStamp";
117 | const char nativeComponentType[]="application/x-mozilla-native";
118 | const char staticComponentType[]="application/x-mozilla-static";
119 | const char versionValueName[]="VersionString";
120 |
121 | const static char XPCOM_ABSCOMPONENT_PREFIX[] = "abs:";
122 | const static char XPCOM_RELCOMPONENT_PREFIX[] = "rel:";
123 | const static char XPCOM_GRECOMPONENT_PREFIX[] = "gre:";
124 |
125 | static const char gIDFormat[] =
126 | "{%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}";
127 |
128 |
129 | #define NS_EMPTY_IID \
130 | { \
131 | 0x00000000, \
132 | 0x0000, \
133 | 0x0000, \
134 | {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} \
135 | }
136 |
139 |
140 | #define UID_STRING_LENGTH 39
141 |
142 | // Set to true from NS_ShutdownXPCOM.
143 | extern PRBool gXPCOMShuttingDown;
144 |
145 | static void GetIDString(const nsID& aCID, char buf[UID_STRING_LENGTH])
146 | {
147 | PR_snprintf(buf, UID_STRING_LENGTH, gIDFormat,
148 | aCID.m0, (PRUint32) aCID.m1, (PRUint32) aCID.m2,
149 | (PRUint32) aCID.m3[0], (PRUint32) aCID.m3[1],
150 | (PRUint32) aCID.m3[2], (PRUint32) aCID.m3[3],
151 | (PRUint32) aCID.m3[4], (PRUint32) aCID.m3[5],
152 | (PRUint32) aCID.m3[6], (PRUint32) aCID.m3[7]);
153 | }
154 |
155 | nsresult
156 | nsCreateInstanceFromCategory::operator()(const nsIID& aIID, void** aInstancePtr) const
157 | {
158 | /*
159 | * If I were a real man, I would consolidate this with
160 | * nsGetServiceFromContractID::operator().
161 | */
162 | nsresult rv;
163 | nsXPIDLCString value;
164 | nsCOMPtr<nsIComponentManager> compMgr;
165 | nsCOMPtr<nsICategoryManager> catman =
166 | do_GetService(kCategoryManagerCID, &rv);
167 |
168 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) goto error;
169 |
170 | if (!mCategory || !mEntry) {
171 | // when categories have defaults, use that for null mEntry
173 | goto error;
174 | }
175 |
176 | /* find the contractID for category.entry */
177 | rv = catman->GetCategoryEntry(mCategory, mEntry,
178 | getter_Copies(value));
179 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) goto error;
180 | if (!value) {
182 | goto error;
183 | }
184 | NS_GetComponentManager(getter_AddRefs(compMgr));
185 | if (!compMgr)
186 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
187 | compMgr->CreateInstanceByContractID(value,
188 | mOuter,
189 | aIID,
190 | aInstancePtr);
191 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
192 | error:
193 | *aInstancePtr = 0;
194 | }
195 |
196 | *mErrorPtr = rv;
197 | return rv;
198 | }
199 |
200 |
201 | nsresult
202 | nsGetServiceFromCategory::operator()(const nsIID& aIID, void** aInstancePtr) const
203 | {
204 | nsresult rv;
205 | nsXPIDLCString value;
206 | nsCOMPtr<nsICategoryManager> catman =
207 | do_GetService(kCategoryManagerCID, &rv);
208 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) goto error;
209 | if (!mCategory || !mEntry) {
210 | // when categories have defaults, use that for null mEntry
212 | goto error;
213 | }
214 | /* find the contractID for category.entry */
215 | rv = catman->GetCategoryEntry(mCategory, mEntry,
216 | getter_Copies(value));
217 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) goto error;
218 | if (!value) {
220 | goto error;
221 | }
222 | if (mServiceManager) {
223 | rv = mServiceManager->GetServiceByContractID(value, aIID, (void**)aInstancePtr);
224 | } else {
225 | nsCOMPtr<nsIServiceManager> mgr;
226 | NS_GetServiceManager(getter_AddRefs(mgr));
227 | if (mgr)
228 | rv = mgr->GetServiceByContractID(value, aIID, (void**)aInstancePtr);
229 | }
230 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
231 | error:
232 | *aInstancePtr = 0;
233 | }
234 | *mErrorPtr = rv;
235 | return rv;
236 | }
237 |
238 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
239 | // Arena helper functions
240 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
241 | char *
242 | ArenaStrndup(const char *s, PRUint32 len, PLArenaPool *arena)
243 | {
244 | void *mem;
245 | // Include trailing null in the len
246 | PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE(mem, arena, len+1);
247 | if (mem)
248 | memcpy(mem, s, len+1);
249 | return NS_STATIC_CAST(char *, mem);
250 | }
251 |
252 | char*
253 | ArenaStrdup(const char *s, PLArenaPool *arena)
254 | {
255 | return ArenaStrndup(s, strlen(s), arena);
256 | }
257 |
258 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
259 | // Hashtable Callbacks
260 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
261 |
263 | nsFactoryEntry_Destroy(nsHashKey *aKey, void *aData, void* closure);
264 |
265 | PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(const void *)
266 | factory_GetKey(PLDHashTable *aTable, PLDHashEntryHdr *aHdr)
267 | {
268 | nsFactoryTableEntry* entry = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsFactoryTableEntry*, aHdr);
269 |
270 | return &entry->mFactoryEntry->mCid;
271 | }
272 |
274 | factory_HashKey(PLDHashTable *aTable, const void *aKey)
275 | {
276 | const nsCID *cidp = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(const nsCID*, aKey);
277 |
278 | return cidp->m0;
279 | }
280 |
282 | factory_MatchEntry(PLDHashTable *aTable, const PLDHashEntryHdr *aHdr,
283 | const void *aKey)
284 | {
285 | const nsFactoryTableEntry* entry =
286 | NS_STATIC_CAST(const nsFactoryTableEntry*, aHdr);
287 | const nsCID *cidp = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(const nsCID*, aKey);
288 |
289 | return (entry->mFactoryEntry->mCid).Equals(*cidp);
290 | }
291 |
293 | factory_ClearEntry(PLDHashTable *aTable, PLDHashEntryHdr *aHdr)
294 | {
295 | nsFactoryTableEntry* entry = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsFactoryTableEntry*, aHdr);
296 | // nsFactoryEntry is arena allocated. So we dont delete it.
297 | // We call the destructor by hand.
298 | entry->mFactoryEntry->~nsFactoryEntry();
299 | PL_DHashClearEntryStub(aTable, aHdr);
300 | }
301 |
302 | static const PLDHashTableOps factory_DHashTableOps = {
303 | PL_DHashAllocTable,
304 | PL_DHashFreeTable,
305 | factory_GetKey,
306 | factory_HashKey,
307 | factory_MatchEntry,
308 | PL_DHashMoveEntryStub,
309 | factory_ClearEntry,
310 | PL_DHashFinalizeStub,
311 | };
312 |
314 | contractID_ClearEntry(PLDHashTable *aTable, PLDHashEntryHdr *aHdr)
315 | {
316 | nsContractIDTableEntry* entry = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsContractIDTableEntry*, aHdr);
317 | if (entry->mFactoryEntry->mTypeIndex == NS_COMPONENT_TYPE_SERVICE_ONLY &&
318 | entry->mFactoryEntry->mCid.Equals(kEmptyCID)) {
319 | // this object is owned by the hash.
320 | // nsFactoryEntry is arena allocated. So we dont delete it.
321 | // We call the destructor by hand.
322 | entry->mFactoryEntry->~nsFactoryEntry();
323 | }
324 |
325 | // contractIDs are arena allocated. No need to free them.
326 |
327 | PL_DHashClearEntryStub(aTable, aHdr);
328 | }
329 |
330 | static const PLDHashTableOps contractID_DHashTableOps = {
331 | PL_DHashAllocTable,
332 | PL_DHashFreeTable,
333 | PL_DHashGetKeyStub,
334 | PL_DHashStringKey,
335 | PL_DHashMatchStringKey,
336 | PL_DHashMoveEntryStub,
337 | contractID_ClearEntry,
338 | PL_DHashFinalizeStub,
339 | };
340 |
341 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
342 | // nsFactoryEntry
343 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
344 |
345 | MOZ_DECL_CTOR_COUNTER(nsFactoryEntry)
346 | nsFactoryEntry::nsFactoryEntry(const nsCID &aClass,
347 | const char *aLocation,
348 | PRUint32 locationlen,
349 | int aType,
350 | class nsFactoryEntry* parent)
351 | : mCid(aClass), mTypeIndex(aType), mParent(parent)
352 | {
353 | // Arena allocate the location string
354 | mLocation = ArenaStrndup(aLocation, locationlen, &nsComponentManagerImpl::gComponentManager->mArena);
355 | }
356 |
357 | nsFactoryEntry::nsFactoryEntry(const nsCID &aClass,
358 | nsIFactory *aFactory,
359 | class nsFactoryEntry* parent)
360 | : mCid(aClass), mTypeIndex(NS_COMPONENT_TYPE_FACTORY_ONLY), mParent(parent)
361 | {
362 | mFactory = aFactory;
363 | mLocation = nsnull;
364 | }
365 |
366 | // nsFactoryEntry is usually arena allocated including the strings it
367 | // holds. So we call destructor by hand.
368 | nsFactoryEntry::~nsFactoryEntry(void)
369 | {
370 | // Release the reference to the factory
371 | mFactory = nsnull;
372 |
373 | // Release any service reference
374 | mServiceObject = nsnull;
375 |
376 | // nsFactoryEntry is arena allocated. So we dont delete it.
377 | // We call the destructor by hand.
378 | if (mParent)
379 | mParent->~nsFactoryEntry();
380 | }
381 |
382 | nsresult
383 | nsFactoryEntry::ReInit(const nsCID &aClass, const char *aLocation, int aType)
384 | {
386 | // cid has to match
387 | // SERVICE_ONLY entries can be promoted to an entry of another type
388 | NS_ENSURE_TRUE((mTypeIndex == NS_COMPONENT_TYPE_SERVICE_ONLY || mCid.Equals(aClass)),
390 |
391 | // Arena allocate the location string
392 | mLocation = ArenaStrdup(aLocation, &nsComponentManagerImpl::gComponentManager->mArena);
393 |
394 | mTypeIndex = aType;
395 | return NS_OK;
396 | }
397 |
398 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
399 | // Hashtable Enumeration
400 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
401 | typedef NS_CALLBACK(EnumeratorConverter)(PLDHashTable *table,
402 | const PLDHashEntryHdr *hdr,
403 | void *data,
404 | nsISupports **retval);
405 |
406 | class PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl : public nsIBidirectionalEnumerator,
407 | public nsISimpleEnumerator
408 | {
409 | public:
414 |
415 | PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl(PLDHashTable *table,
416 | EnumeratorConverter converter,
417 | void *converterData);
418 | PRInt32 Count() { return mCount; }
419 | private:
420 | PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl(); /* no implementation */
421 |
422 | ~PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl();
423 | NS_IMETHODIMP ReleaseElements();
424 |
425 | nsVoidArray mElements;
426 | PRInt32 mCount, mCurrent;
427 | PRMonitor* mMonitor;
428 |
429 | struct Closure {
430 | PRBool succeeded;
431 | EnumeratorConverter converter;
432 | void *data;
433 | PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl *impl;
434 | };
435 |
436 | static PLDHashOperator PR_CALLBACK Enumerator(PLDHashTable *table,
437 | PLDHashEntryHdr *hdr,
438 | PRUint32 number,
439 | void *data);
440 | };
441 |
442 | // static
443 | PLDHashOperator PR_CALLBACK
444 | PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl::Enumerator(PLDHashTable *table,
445 | PLDHashEntryHdr *hdr,
446 | PRUint32 number,
447 | void *data)
448 | {
449 | Closure *c = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(Closure *, data);
450 | nsISupports *converted;
451 | if (NS_FAILED(c->converter(table, hdr, c->data, &converted)) ||
452 | !c->impl->mElements.AppendElement(converted)) {
453 | c->succeeded = PR_FALSE;
454 | return PL_DHASH_STOP;
455 | }
456 |
457 | c->succeeded = PR_TRUE;
458 | return PL_DHASH_NEXT;
459 | }
460 |
461 | PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl::PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl(PLDHashTable *table,
462 | EnumeratorConverter converter,
463 | void *converterData)
464 | : mCurrent(0)
465 | {
466 | mMonitor = nsAutoMonitor::NewMonitor("PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl");
467 | NS_ASSERTION(mMonitor, "NULL Monitor");
468 |
469 | nsAutoMonitor mon(mMonitor);
470 |
471 | Closure c = { PR_FALSE, converter, converterData, this };
472 | mCount = PL_DHashTableEnumerate(table, Enumerator, &c);
473 | if (!c.succeeded) {
474 | ReleaseElements();
475 | mCount = 0;
476 | }
477 | }
478 |
479 | NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS3(PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl,
480 | nsIBidirectionalEnumerator,
481 | nsIEnumerator,
482 | nsISimpleEnumerator)
483 |
484 | PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl::~PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl()
485 | {
486 | (void) ReleaseElements();
487 |
488 | // Destroy the Lock
489 | if (mMonitor)
490 | nsAutoMonitor::DestroyMonitor(mMonitor);
491 | }
492 |
494 | PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl::ReleaseElements()
495 | {
496 | for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < mCount; i++) {
497 | nsISupports *supports = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(nsISupports *,
498 | mElements[i]);
499 | NS_IF_RELEASE(supports);
500 | }
501 | return NS_OK;
502 | }
503 |
505 | PL_NewDHashTableEnumerator(PLDHashTable *table,
506 | EnumeratorConverter converter,
507 | void *converterData,
508 | PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl **retval)
509 | {
510 | PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl *impl =
511 | new PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl(table, converter, converterData);
512 |
513 | if (!impl)
514 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
515 |
516 | NS_ADDREF(impl);
517 |
518 | if (impl->Count() == -1) {
519 | // conversion failed
520 | NS_RELEASE(impl);
521 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
522 | }
523 |
524 | *retval = impl;
525 | return NS_OK;
526 | }
527 |
529 | PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl::First()
530 | {
531 | if (!mCount)
532 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
533 |
534 | mCurrent = 0;
535 | return NS_OK;
536 | }
537 |
539 | PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl::Last()
540 | {
541 | if (!mCount)
542 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
543 | mCurrent = mCount - 1;
544 | return NS_OK;
545 | }
546 |
548 | PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl::Prev()
549 | {
550 | if (!mCurrent)
551 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
552 |
553 | mCurrent--;
554 | return NS_OK;
555 | }
556 |
558 | PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl::Next()
559 | {
560 | // If empty or we're past the end, or we are at the end return error
561 | if (!mCount || (mCurrent == mCount) || (++mCurrent == mCount))
562 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
563 |
564 | return NS_OK;
565 | }
566 |
568 | PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl::CurrentItem(nsISupports **retval)
569 | {
570 | if (!mCount || mCurrent == mCount)
571 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
572 |
573 | *retval = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(nsISupports *, mElements[mCurrent]);
574 | if (*retval)
575 | NS_ADDREF(*retval);
576 |
577 | return NS_OK;
578 | }
579 |
581 | PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl::IsDone()
582 | {
583 | if (!mCount || (mCurrent == mCount))
584 | return NS_OK;
585 |
587 | }
588 |
590 | PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl::HasMoreElements(PRBool *_retval)
591 | {
592 | if (!mCount || (mCurrent == mCount))
593 | *_retval = PR_FALSE;
594 | else
595 | *_retval = PR_TRUE;
596 |
597 | return NS_OK;
598 | }
599 |
601 | PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl::GetNext(nsISupports **_retval)
602 | {
603 | nsresult rv = Next();
604 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
605 |
606 | return CurrentItem(_retval);
607 | }
608 |
609 | static NS_IMETHODIMP
610 | ConvertFactoryEntryToCID(PLDHashTable *table,
611 | const PLDHashEntryHdr *hdr,
612 | void *data, nsISupports **retval)
613 | {
614 | nsresult rv;
615 | nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsID> wrapper;
616 |
617 | nsComponentManagerImpl *cm = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsComponentManagerImpl *, data);
618 |
619 | rv = cm->CreateInstanceByContractID(NS_SUPPORTS_ID_CONTRACTID, nsnull,
620 | NS_GET_IID(nsISupportsID), getter_AddRefs(wrapper));
621 |
622 | NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
623 |
624 | const nsFactoryTableEntry *entry =
625 | NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(const nsFactoryTableEntry *, hdr);
626 | if (entry) {
627 | nsFactoryEntry *fe = entry->mFactoryEntry;
628 |
629 | wrapper->SetData(&fe->mCid);
630 | *retval = wrapper;
631 | NS_ADDREF(*retval);
632 | return NS_OK;
633 | }
634 | *retval = nsnull;
635 |
636 | return rv;
637 | }
638 |
639 | static NS_IMETHODIMP
640 | ConvertContractIDKeyToString(PLDHashTable *table,
641 | const PLDHashEntryHdr *hdr,
642 | void *data, nsISupports **retval)
643 | {
644 | nsresult rv;
645 | nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsCString> wrapper;
646 |
647 | nsComponentManagerImpl *cm = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsComponentManagerImpl *, data);
648 |
649 | rv = cm->CreateInstanceByContractID(NS_SUPPORTS_CSTRING_CONTRACTID, nsnull,
650 | NS_GET_IID(nsISupportsCString), getter_AddRefs(wrapper));
651 |
652 | NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
653 |
654 | const nsContractIDTableEntry *entry =
655 | NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(const nsContractIDTableEntry *, hdr);
656 |
657 | wrapper->SetData(nsDependentCString(entry->mContractID,
658 | entry->mContractIDLen));
659 | *retval = wrapper;
660 | NS_ADDREF(*retval);
661 | return NS_OK;
662 | }
663 |
664 | // this is safe to call during InitXPCOM
665 | static nsresult GetLocationFromDirectoryService(const char* prop,
666 | nsIFile** aDirectory)
667 | {
668 | nsCOMPtr<nsIProperties> directoryService;
669 | nsDirectoryService::Create(nsnull,
670 | NS_GET_IID(nsIProperties),
671 | getter_AddRefs(directoryService));
672 |
673 | if (!directoryService)
674 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
675 |
676 | return directoryService->Get(prop,
677 | NS_GET_IID(nsIFile),
678 | (void**)aDirectory);
679 | }
680 |
681 |
682 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
683 | // nsComponentManagerImpl
684 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
685 |
686 |
687 | nsComponentManagerImpl::nsComponentManagerImpl()
688 | :
689 | mMon(NULL),
690 | mNativeComponentLoader(0),
692 | mStaticComponentLoader(0),
693 | #endif
695 | mLoaderData(nsnull),
696 | mRegistryDirty(PR_FALSE)
697 | {
698 | mFactories.ops = nsnull;
699 | mContractIDs.ops = nsnull;
700 | }
701 |
702 | nsresult nsComponentManagerImpl::Init(void)
703 | {
704 | Assert(mShuttingDown != NS_SHUTDOWN_INPROGRESS);
705 | if (mShuttingDown == NS_SHUTDOWN_INPROGRESS)
706 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
707 |
709 |
710 | // Initialize our arena
711 | PL_INIT_ARENA_POOL(&mArena, "ComponentManagerArena", NS_CM_BLOCK_SIZE);
712 |
713 | if (!mFactories.ops) {
714 | if (!PL_DHashTableInit(&mFactories, &factory_DHashTableOps,
715 | 0, sizeof(nsFactoryTableEntry),
716 | 1024)) {
717 | mFactories.ops = nsnull;
718 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
719 | }
720 |
721 | // Minimum alpha uses k=2 because nsFactoryTableEntry saves two
722 | // words compared to what a chained hash table requires.
723 | PL_DHashTableSetAlphaBounds(&mFactories,
724 | 0.875,
725 | PL_DHASH_MIN_ALPHA(&mFactories, 2));
726 | }
727 |
728 | if (!mContractIDs.ops) {
729 | if (!PL_DHashTableInit(&mContractIDs, &contractID_DHashTableOps,
730 | 0, sizeof(nsContractIDTableEntry),
731 | 1024)) {
732 | mContractIDs.ops = nsnull;
733 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
734 | }
735 |
736 | // Minimum alpha uses k=1 because nsContractIDTableEntry saves one
737 | // word compared to what a chained hash table requires.
738 | #if 0
739 | PL_DHashTableSetAlphaBounds(&mContractIDs,
740 | 0.875,
741 | PL_DHASH_MIN_ALPHA(&mContractIDs, 1));
742 | #endif
743 | }
744 | if (mMon == nsnull) {
745 | mMon = nsAutoMonitor::NewMonitor("nsComponentManagerImpl");
746 | if (mMon == nsnull)
747 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
748 | }
749 |
750 | if (mNativeComponentLoader == nsnull) {
751 | /* Create the NativeComponentLoader */
752 | mNativeComponentLoader = new nsNativeComponentLoader();
753 | if (!mNativeComponentLoader)
754 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
755 | NS_ADDREF(mNativeComponentLoader);
756 |
757 | nsresult rv = mNativeComponentLoader->Init(this, nsnull);
758 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
759 | return rv;
760 | }
761 |
762 | // Add predefined loaders
763 | mLoaderData = (nsLoaderdata *) PR_Malloc(sizeof(nsLoaderdata) * NS_LOADER_DATA_ALLOC_STEP);
764 | if (!mLoaderData)
765 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
766 | mMaxNLoaderData = NS_LOADER_DATA_ALLOC_STEP;
767 |
769 | mLoaderData[mNLoaderData].type = PL_strdup(nativeComponentType);
770 | mLoaderData[mNLoaderData].loader = mNativeComponentLoader;
771 | NS_ADDREF(mLoaderData[mNLoaderData].loader);
772 | mNLoaderData++;
773 |
775 | if (mStaticComponentLoader == nsnull) {
776 | extern nsresult NS_NewStaticComponentLoader(nsIComponentLoader **);
777 | NS_NewStaticComponentLoader(&mStaticComponentLoader);
778 | if (!mStaticComponentLoader)
779 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
780 | }
781 |
782 | mLoaderData[mNLoaderData].type = PL_strdup(staticComponentType);
783 | mLoaderData[mNLoaderData].loader = mStaticComponentLoader;
784 | NS_ADDREF(mLoaderData[mNLoaderData].loader);
785 | mNLoaderData++;
786 |
787 | if (mStaticComponentLoader) {
788 | /* Init the static loader */
789 | mStaticComponentLoader->Init(this, nsnull);
790 | }
791 | #endif
792 | GetLocationFromDirectoryService(NS_XPCOM_COMPONENT_DIR, getter_AddRefs(mComponentsDir));
793 | if (!mComponentsDir)
794 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
795 |
796 | nsCAutoString componentDescriptor;
797 | nsresult rv = mComponentsDir->GetNativePath(componentDescriptor);
798 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
799 | return rv;
800 |
801 | mComponentsOffset = componentDescriptor.Length();
802 |
803 | GetLocationFromDirectoryService(NS_GRE_COMPONENT_DIR, getter_AddRefs(mGREComponentsDir));
804 | if (mGREComponentsDir) {
805 | nsresult rv = mGREComponentsDir->GetNativePath(componentDescriptor);
806 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
807 | NS_WARNING("No GRE component manager");
808 | return rv;
809 | }
810 | mGREComponentsOffset = componentDescriptor.Length();
811 | }
812 |
813 | GetLocationFromDirectoryService(NS_XPCOM_COMPONENT_REGISTRY_FILE,
814 | getter_AddRefs(mRegistryFile));
815 |
816 | if(!mRegistryFile) {
817 | NS_WARNING("No Component Registry file was found in the directory service");
818 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
819 | }
820 |
821 | Log(("nsComponentManager: Initialized.\n"));
822 | return NS_OK;
823 | }
824 |
825 | PRIntn PR_CALLBACK AutoRegEntryDestroy(nsHashKey *aKey, void *aData, void* aClosure)
826 | {
827 | delete (AutoRegEntry*)aData;
828 | return kHashEnumerateNext;
829 | }
830 |
831 | nsresult nsComponentManagerImpl::Shutdown(void)
832 | {
833 | Assert(mShuttingDown == NS_SHUTDOWN_NEVERHAPPENED);
834 | if (mShuttingDown != NS_SHUTDOWN_NEVERHAPPENED)
835 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
836 |
837 | mShuttingDown = NS_SHUTDOWN_INPROGRESS;
838 |
839 | // Shutdown the component manager
840 | Log(("nsComponentManager: Beginning Shutdown.\n"));
841 |
842 | PRInt32 i;
843 |
844 | // Write out our component data file.
845 | if (mRegistryDirty) {
846 | nsresult rv = WritePersistentRegistry();
847 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
848 | Log(("nsComponentManager: Could not write out perisistant registry.\n"));
849 | }
850 | }
851 |
852 | mAutoRegEntries.Reset(AutoRegEntryDestroy);
853 |
854 | // Release all cached factories
855 | if (mContractIDs.ops) {
856 | PL_DHashTableFinish(&mContractIDs);
857 | mContractIDs.ops = nsnull;
858 | }
859 | if (mFactories.ops) {
860 | PL_DHashTableFinish(&mFactories);
861 | mFactories.ops = nsnull;
862 | }
863 | // Unload libraries
864 | UnloadLibraries(nsnull, NS_Shutdown);
865 |
866 | // delete arena for strings and small objects
867 | PL_FinishArenaPool(&mArena);
868 |
869 | mComponentsDir = 0;
870 |
871 | mCategoryManager = 0;
872 |
873 | // Release all the component data - loaders and type strings
874 | for (i=0; i < mNLoaderData; i++) {
875 | NS_IF_RELEASE(mLoaderData[i].loader);
876 | PL_strfree((char *)mLoaderData[i].type);
877 | }
878 | PR_Free(mLoaderData);
879 | mLoaderData = nsnull;
880 |
881 | // we have an extra reference on this one, which is probably a good thing
882 | NS_IF_RELEASE(mNativeComponentLoader);
884 | NS_IF_RELEASE(mStaticComponentLoader);
885 | #endif
886 |
887 | mShuttingDown = NS_SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE;
888 |
889 | Log(("nsComponentManager: Shutdown complete.\n"));
890 | return NS_OK;
891 | }
892 |
893 | nsComponentManagerImpl::~nsComponentManagerImpl()
894 | {
895 | Log(("nsComponentManager: Beginning destruction.\n"));
896 | if (mShuttingDown != NS_SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE)
897 | Shutdown();
898 |
899 | if (mMon) {
900 | nsAutoMonitor::DestroyMonitor(mMon);
901 | }
902 | Log(("nsComponentManager: Destroyed.\n"));
903 | }
904 |
905 | NS_IMPL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS8(nsComponentManagerImpl,
906 | nsIComponentManager,
907 | nsIServiceManager,
908 | nsISupportsWeakReference,
909 | nsIInterfaceRequestor,
910 | nsIComponentRegistrar,
911 | nsIServiceManagerObsolete,
912 | nsIComponentManagerObsolete,
913 | nsIComponentLoaderManager)
914 |
915 |
916 | nsresult
917 | nsComponentManagerImpl::GetInterface(const nsIID & uuid, void **result)
918 | {
919 | if (uuid.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsINativeComponentLoader)))
920 | {
921 | if (!mNativeComponentLoader)
923 |
924 | return mNativeComponentLoader->QueryInterface(uuid, result);
925 | }
926 |
927 | NS_WARNING("This isn't supported");
928 | // fall through to QI as anything QIable is a superset of what can be
929 | // got via the GetInterface()
930 | return QueryInterface(uuid, result);
931 | }
932 |
933 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
934 | // nsComponentManagerImpl: Platform methods
935 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
936 |
939 |
940 |
941 | AutoRegEntry::AutoRegEntry(const nsACString& name, PRInt64* modDate) :
942 | mName(ToNewCString(name)),
943 | mNameLen(name.Length()),
944 | mData(nsnull),
945 | mModDate(*modDate)
946 | {
947 | }
948 |
949 | AutoRegEntry::~AutoRegEntry()
950 | {
951 | if (mName) PL_strfree(mName);
952 | if (mData) PL_strfree(mData);
953 | }
954 |
955 | PRBool
956 | AutoRegEntry::Modified(PRInt64 *date)
957 | {
958 | return !LL_EQ(*date, mModDate);
959 | }
960 |
961 | void
962 | AutoRegEntry::SetOptionalData(const char* data)
963 | {
964 | if (mData)
965 | PL_strfree(mData);
966 |
967 | if (!data) {
968 | mData = nsnull;
969 | return;
970 | }
971 |
972 | mData = PL_strdup(data);
973 | }
974 |
975 | static
976 | PRBool ReadSectionHeader(nsManifestLineReader& reader, const char *token)
977 | {
978 | while (1)
979 | {
980 | if (*reader.LinePtr() == '[')
981 | {
982 | char* p = reader.LinePtr() + (reader.LineLength() - 1);
983 | if (*p != ']')
984 | break;
985 | *p = 0;
986 |
987 | char* values[1];
988 | int lengths[1];
989 | if (2 != reader.ParseLine(values, lengths, 1))
990 | break;
991 |
992 | // ignore the leading '['
993 | if (0 != PL_strcmp(values[0]+1, token))
994 | break;
995 |
996 | return PR_TRUE;
997 | }
998 |
999 | if (!reader.NextLine())
1000 | break;
1001 | }
1002 | return PR_FALSE;
1003 | }
1004 |
1005 | nsresult
1006 | nsComponentManagerImpl::ReadPersistentRegistry()
1007 | {
1008 |
1009 | // populate Category Manager. need to get this early so that we don't get
1010 | // skipped by 'goto out'
1011 | nsresult rv = GetService(kCategoryManagerCID,
1012 | NS_GET_IID(nsICategoryManager),
1013 | getter_AddRefs(mCategoryManager));
1014 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1015 | return rv;
1016 |
1017 | nsAutoMonitor mon(mMon);
1018 | nsManifestLineReader reader;
1019 |
1020 | if (!mComponentsDir)
1021 | return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; // this should have been set by Init().
1022 |
1023 | PRFileDesc* fd = nsnull;
1024 |
1025 | // Set From Init
1026 | if (!mRegistryFile) {
1027 | return NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
1028 | }
1029 |
1030 | nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file;
1031 | mRegistryFile->Clone(getter_AddRefs(file));
1032 | if (!file)
1033 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
1034 |
1035 | nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> localFile(do_QueryInterface(file));
1036 |
1037 | rv = localFile->OpenNSPRFileDesc(PR_RDONLY, 0444, &fd);
1038 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1039 | return rv;
1040 |
1041 | PRInt64 fileSize;
1042 | rv = localFile->GetFileSize(&fileSize);
1043 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1044 | {
1045 | PR_Close(fd);
1046 | return rv;
1047 | }
1048 |
1049 | PRInt32 flen = nsInt64(fileSize);
1050 | if (flen == 0)
1051 | {
1052 | PR_Close(fd);
1053 | NS_WARNING("Persistent Registry Empty!");
1054 | return NS_OK; // ERROR CONDITION
1055 | }
1056 |
1057 | char* registry = new char[flen+1];
1058 | if (!registry)
1059 | goto out;
1060 |
1061 | if (flen > PR_Read(fd, registry, flen))
1062 | {
1063 | rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
1064 | goto out;
1065 | }
1066 | registry[flen] = '\0';
1067 |
1068 | reader.Init(registry, flen);
1069 |
1070 | if (ReadSectionHeader(reader, "HEADER"))
1071 | goto out;
1072 |
1073 | if (!reader.NextLine())
1074 | goto out;
1075 |
1076 | char* values[6];
1077 | int lengths[6];
1078 |
1079 | // VersionLiteral,major,minor
1080 | if (3 != reader.ParseLine(values, lengths, 3))
1081 | goto out;
1082 |
1083 | // VersionLiteral
1084 | if (!nsDependentCString(values[0], lengths[0]).EqualsLiteral("Version"))
1085 | goto out;
1086 |
1087 | // major
1088 | if (PERSISTENT_REGISTRY_VERSION_MAJOR != atoi(values[1]))
1089 | goto out;
1090 |
1091 | // minor
1092 | if (PERSISTENT_REGISTRY_VERSION_MINOR != atoi(values[2]))
1093 | goto out;
1094 |
1095 | if (ReadSectionHeader(reader, "COMPONENTS"))
1096 | goto out;
1097 |
1098 | while (1)
1099 | {
1100 | if (!reader.NextLine())
1101 | break;
1102 |
1103 | //name,last_modification_date[,optionaldata]
1104 | int parts = reader.ParseLine(values, lengths, 3);
1105 | if (2 > parts)
1106 | break;
1107 |
1108 | PRInt64 a = nsCRT::atoll(values[1]);
1109 | AutoRegEntry *entry =
1110 | new AutoRegEntry(nsDependentCString(values[0], lengths[0]), &a);
1111 |
1112 | if (!entry)
1113 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
1114 |
1115 | if (parts == 3)
1116 | entry->SetOptionalData(values[2]);
1117 |
1118 | nsCStringKey key((const char*)values[0]);
1119 | mAutoRegEntries.Put(&key, entry);
1120 | }
1121 |
1122 | if (ReadSectionHeader(reader, "CLASSIDS"))
1123 | goto out;
1124 |
1125 | while (1)
1126 | {
1127 | if (!reader.NextLine())
1128 | break;
1129 |
1130 | // cid,contract_id,type,class_name,inproc_server
1131 | if (5 != reader.ParseLine(values, lengths, 5))
1132 | break;
1133 |
1134 | nsCID aClass;
1135 | if (!aClass.Parse(values[0]))
1136 | continue;
1137 |
1138 | int loadertype = GetLoaderType(values[2]);
1139 | if (loadertype < 0) {
1140 | rv = AddLoaderType(values[2], &loadertype);
1141 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1142 | continue;
1143 | }
1144 |
1145 | void *mem;
1146 | PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE(mem, &mArena, sizeof(nsFactoryEntry));
1147 | if (!mem)
1148 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
1149 |
1150 | nsFactoryEntry *entry = new (mem) nsFactoryEntry(aClass, values[4], lengths[4], loadertype);
1151 |
1152 | nsFactoryTableEntry* factoryTableEntry =
1153 | NS_STATIC_CAST(nsFactoryTableEntry*,
1154 | PL_DHashTableOperate(&mFactories,
1155 | &aClass,
1156 | PL_DHASH_ADD));
1157 |
1158 | if (!factoryTableEntry)
1159 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
1160 |
1161 | factoryTableEntry->mFactoryEntry = entry;
1162 |
1163 | }
1164 |
1165 | if (ReadSectionHeader(reader, "CONTRACTIDS"))
1166 | goto out;
1167 |
1168 | while (1)
1169 | {
1170 | if (!reader.NextLine())
1171 | break;
1172 |
1173 | //contractID,cid
1174 | if (2 != reader.ParseLine(values, lengths, 2))
1175 | break;
1176 |
1177 | nsCID aClass;
1178 | if (!aClass.Parse(values[1]))
1179 | continue;
1180 |
1181 |
1182 | //need to find the location for this cid.
1183 | nsFactoryEntry *cidEntry = GetFactoryEntry(aClass);
1184 | if (!cidEntry || cidEntry->mTypeIndex < 0)
1185 | continue; //what should we really do?
1186 |
1187 | nsContractIDTableEntry* contractIDTableEntry =
1188 | NS_STATIC_CAST(nsContractIDTableEntry*,
1189 | PL_DHashTableOperate(&mContractIDs,
1190 | values[0],
1191 | PL_DHASH_ADD));
1192 | if (!contractIDTableEntry) {
1193 | continue;
1194 | }
1195 |
1196 | if (!contractIDTableEntry->mContractID) {
1197 | contractIDTableEntry->mContractID = ArenaStrndup(values[0], lengths[0], &mArena);
1198 | contractIDTableEntry->mContractIDLen = lengths[0];
1199 | }
1200 |
1201 | contractIDTableEntry->mFactoryEntry = cidEntry;
1202 | }
1203 |
1205 | {
1206 | /*
1207 | * If you get Asserts when you define SHOW_CI_ON_EXISTING_SERVICE and want to
1208 | * track down their cause, then you should add the contracts listed by the
1209 | * assertion to abusedContracts. The next time you run your xpcom app, xpcom
1210 | * will assert the first time the object associated with the contract is
1211 | * instantiated (which in many cases is the source of the problem).
1212 | *
1213 | * If you're doing this then you might want to NOP and soft breakpoint the
1214 | * lines labeled: NOP_AND_BREAK.
1215 | *
1216 | * Otherwise XPCOM will refuse to create the object for the caller, which
1217 | * while reasonable at some level, will almost certainly cause the app to
1218 | * stop functioning normally.
1219 | */
1220 | static char abusedContracts[][128] = {
1221 | /*// Example contracts:
1222 | "@mozilla.org/rdf/container;1",
1223 | "@mozilla.org/intl/charsetalias;1",
1224 | "@mozilla.org/locale/win32-locale;1",
1225 | "@mozilla.org/widget/lookandfeel/win;1",
1226 | // */
1227 | { 0 }
1228 | };
1229 | for (int i=0; abusedContracts[i] && *abusedContracts[i]; i++) {
1230 | nsFactoryEntry *entry = nsnull;
1231 | nsContractIDTableEntry* contractIDTableEntry =
1232 | NS_STATIC_CAST(nsContractIDTableEntry*,
1233 | PL_DHashTableOperate(&mContractIDs, abusedContracts[i],
1235 |
1236 | if (PL_DHASH_ENTRY_IS_BUSY(contractIDTableEntry)) {
1237 | entry = contractIDTableEntry->mFactoryEntry;
1238 | AddPendingCID(entry->mCid);
1239 | }
1240 | }
1241 | }
1242 | #endif
1243 |
1244 | if (ReadSectionHeader(reader, "CATEGORIES"))
1245 | goto out;
1246 |
1247 | while (1)
1248 | {
1249 | if (!reader.NextLine())
1250 | break;
1251 |
1252 | //type,name,value
1253 | if (3 != reader.ParseLine(values, lengths, 3))
1254 | break;
1255 |
1256 | mCategoryManager->AddCategoryEntry(values[0],
1257 | values[1],
1258 | values[2],
1259 | PR_TRUE,
1260 | PR_TRUE,
1261 | 0);
1262 | }
1263 |
1264 | mRegistryDirty = PR_FALSE;
1265 | out:
1266 | if (fd)
1267 | PR_Close(fd);
1268 |
1269 | if (registry)
1270 | delete [] registry;
1271 |
1272 | return rv;
1273 | }
1274 |
1275 | struct PersistentWriterArgs
1276 | {
1277 | PRFileDesc *mFD;
1278 | nsLoaderdata *mLoaderData;
1279 | };
1280 |
1281 | PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(PLDHashOperator)
1282 | ContractIDWriter(PLDHashTable *table,
1283 | PLDHashEntryHdr *hdr,
1284 | PRUint32 number,
1285 | void *arg)
1286 | {
1287 | char *contractID = ((nsContractIDTableEntry*)hdr)->mContractID;
1288 | nsFactoryEntry *factoryEntry = ((nsContractIDTableEntry*)hdr)->mFactoryEntry;
1289 |
1290 | // for now, we only save out the top most parent.
1291 | while (factoryEntry->mParent)
1292 | factoryEntry = factoryEntry->mParent;
1293 |
1294 | if (factoryEntry->mTypeIndex < 0)
1295 | return PL_DHASH_NEXT;
1296 |
1297 | PRFileDesc* fd = ((PersistentWriterArgs*)arg)->mFD;
1298 |
1299 | char cidString[UID_STRING_LENGTH];
1300 | GetIDString(factoryEntry->mCid, cidString);
1301 | PR_fprintf(fd, "%s,%s\n", contractID, cidString); // what if this fails?
1302 | return PL_DHASH_NEXT;
1303 | }
1304 |
1305 | PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(PLDHashOperator)
1306 | ClassIDWriter(PLDHashTable *table,
1307 | PLDHashEntryHdr *hdr,
1308 | PRUint32 number,
1309 | void *arg)
1310 | {
1311 | nsFactoryEntry *factoryEntry = ((nsFactoryTableEntry*)hdr)->mFactoryEntry;
1312 | PRFileDesc* fd = ((PersistentWriterArgs*)arg)->mFD;
1313 | nsLoaderdata *loaderData = ((PersistentWriterArgs*)arg)->mLoaderData;
1314 |
1315 | // for now, we only save out the top most parent.
1316 | while (factoryEntry->mParent)
1317 | factoryEntry = factoryEntry->mParent;
1318 |
1319 | if (factoryEntry->mTypeIndex < 0) {
1320 | return PL_DHASH_NEXT;
1321 | }
1322 |
1323 | char cidString[UID_STRING_LENGTH];
1324 | GetIDString(factoryEntry->mCid, cidString);
1325 |
1326 | char *contractID = nsnull, *className = nsnull;
1327 |
1328 | nsCOMPtr<nsIClassInfo> classInfo = do_QueryInterface(factoryEntry->mFactory);
1329 | if (classInfo)
1330 | {
1331 | classInfo->GetContractID(&contractID);
1332 | classInfo->GetClassDescription(&className);
1333 | }
1334 |
1335 | const char * loaderName = nsnull;
1336 | if (factoryEntry->mTypeIndex)
1337 | loaderName = loaderData[factoryEntry->mTypeIndex].type;
1338 |
1339 | char* location = factoryEntry->mLocation;
1340 |
1341 | // cid,contract_id,type,class_name,inproc_server
1342 | PR_fprintf(fd,
1343 | "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n",
1344 | cidString,
1345 | (contractID ? contractID : ""),
1346 | (loaderName ? loaderName : ""),
1347 | (className ? className : ""),
1348 | (location ? location : ""));
1349 |
1350 | if (contractID)
1351 | PR_Free(contractID);
1352 | if (className)
1353 | PR_Free(className);
1354 |
1355 | return PL_DHASH_NEXT;
1356 | }
1357 |
1359 | AutoRegEntryWriter(nsHashKey *aKey, void *aData, void* aClosure)
1360 | {
1361 | PRFileDesc* fd = (PRFileDesc*) aClosure;
1362 | AutoRegEntry* entry = (AutoRegEntry*) aData;
1363 |
1364 | const char* extraData = entry->GetOptionalData();
1365 | const char *fmt;
1366 | if (extraData)
1367 | fmt = "%s,%lld,%s\n";
1368 | else
1369 | fmt = "%s,%lld\n";
1370 | PR_fprintf(fd, fmt, entry->GetName().get(), entry->GetDate(), extraData);
1371 |
1372 | return PR_TRUE;
1373 | }
1374 |
1375 | nsresult
1376 | nsComponentManagerImpl::WritePersistentRegistry()
1377 | {
1378 | if (!mRegistryFile)
1379 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // this should have been set by Init().
1380 |
1381 | nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file;
1382 | mRegistryFile->Clone(getter_AddRefs(file));
1383 | if (!file)
1384 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
1385 |
1386 | nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> localFile(do_QueryInterface(file));
1387 |
1388 | nsCAutoString originalLeafName;
1389 | localFile->GetNativeLeafName(originalLeafName);
1390 |
1391 | nsCAutoString leafName;
1392 | leafName.Assign(originalLeafName + NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(".tmp"));
1393 |
1394 | localFile->SetNativeLeafName(leafName);
1395 |
1396 | PRFileDesc* fd = nsnull;
1397 | nsresult rv = localFile->OpenNSPRFileDesc(PR_WRONLY | PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_TRUNCATE, 0600, &fd);
1398 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
1399 | return rv;
1400 |
1401 | if (PR_fprintf(fd, "Generated File. Do not edit.\n") == (PRUint32) -1) {
1403 | goto out;
1404 | }
1405 |
1406 | if (PR_fprintf(fd, "\n[HEADER]\nVersion,%d,%d\n",
1410 | goto out;
1411 | }
1412 |
1413 | if (PR_fprintf(fd, "\n[COMPONENTS]\n") == (PRUint32) -1) {
1415 | goto out;
1416 | }
1417 |
1418 | mAutoRegEntries.Enumerate(AutoRegEntryWriter, (void*)fd);
1419 |
1420 | PersistentWriterArgs args;
1421 | args.mFD = fd;
1422 | args.mLoaderData = mLoaderData;
1423 |
1424 | if (PR_fprintf(fd, "\n[CLASSIDS]\n") == (PRUint32) -1) {
1426 | goto out;
1427 | }
1428 |
1429 |
1430 | PL_DHashTableEnumerate(&mFactories, ClassIDWriter, (void*)&args);
1431 |
1432 | if (PR_fprintf(fd, "\n[CONTRACTIDS]\n") == (PRUint32) -1) {
1434 | goto out;
1435 | }
1436 |
1437 |
1438 | PL_DHashTableEnumerate(&mContractIDs, ContractIDWriter, (void*)&args);
1439 |
1440 | if (PR_fprintf(fd, "\n[CATEGORIES]\n") == (PRUint32) -1) {
1442 | goto out;
1443 | }
1444 |
1445 |
1446 | if (!mCategoryManager) {
1447 | NS_WARNING("Could not access category manager. Will not be able to save categories!");
1449 | } else {
1450 | rv = mCategoryManager->WriteCategoryManagerToRegistry(fd);
1451 | }
1452 |
1453 | out:
1454 | if (fd)
1455 | PR_Close(fd);
1456 |
1457 | // don't create the file is there was a problem????
1458 | NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
1459 |
1460 | if (!mRegistryFile)
1462 |
1463 | PRBool exists;
1464 | if(NS_FAILED(mRegistryFile->Exists(&exists)))
1465 | return PR_FALSE;
1466 |
1467 | if(exists && NS_FAILED(mRegistryFile->Remove(PR_FALSE)))
1468 | return PR_FALSE;
1469 |
1470 | nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> parent;
1471 | mRegistryFile->GetParent(getter_AddRefs(parent));
1472 |
1473 | rv = localFile->MoveToNative(parent, originalLeafName);
1474 | mRegistryDirty = PR_FALSE;
1475 |
1476 | return rv;
1477 | }
1478 |
1479 |
1480 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1481 | // Hash Functions
1482 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1483 | nsresult
1484 | nsComponentManagerImpl::HashContractID(const char *aContractID,
1485 | PRUint32 aContractIDLen,
1486 | nsFactoryEntry *fe)
1487 | {
1488 | if(!aContractID || !aContractIDLen)
1489 | return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
1490 |
1491 | nsAutoMonitor mon(mMon);
1492 |
1493 | nsContractIDTableEntry* contractIDTableEntry =
1494 | NS_STATIC_CAST(nsContractIDTableEntry*,
1495 | PL_DHashTableOperate(&mContractIDs, aContractID,
1496 | PL_DHASH_ADD));
1497 | if (!contractIDTableEntry)
1498 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
1499 |
1500 | NS_ASSERTION(!contractIDTableEntry->mContractID || !strcmp(contractIDTableEntry->mContractID, aContractID), "contractid conflict");
1501 |
1502 | if (!contractIDTableEntry->mContractID) {
1503 | contractIDTableEntry->mContractID = ArenaStrndup(aContractID, aContractIDLen, &mArena);
1504 | contractIDTableEntry->mContractIDLen = aContractIDLen;
1505 | }
1506 |
1507 | contractIDTableEntry->mFactoryEntry = fe;
1508 |
1509 | return NS_OK;
1510 | }
1511 |
1512 | /**
1513 | * LoadFactory()
1514 | *
1515 | * Given a FactoryEntry, this loads the dll if it has to, find the NSGetFactory
1516 | * symbol, calls the routine to create a new factory and returns it to the
1517 | * caller.
1518 | *
1519 | * No attempt is made to store the factory in any form anywhere.
1520 | */
1521 | nsresult
1522 | nsComponentManagerImpl::LoadFactory(nsFactoryEntry *aEntry,
1523 | nsIFactory **aFactory)
1524 | {
1525 |
1526 | if (!aFactory)
1527 | return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
1528 | *aFactory = nsnull;
1529 |
1530 | nsresult rv;
1531 | rv = aEntry->GetFactory(aFactory, this);
1532 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
1533 | Log(("nsComponentManager: FAILED to load factory from %s (%s)\n",
1534 | (const char *)aEntry->mLocation, mLoaderData[aEntry->mTypeIndex].type));
1535 | return rv;
1536 | }
1537 |
1538 | return NS_OK;
1539 | }
1540 |
1541 | nsFactoryEntry *
1542 | nsComponentManagerImpl::GetFactoryEntry(const char *aContractID,
1543 | PRUint32 aContractIDLen)
1544 | {
1545 | nsFactoryEntry *fe = nsnull;
1546 | {
1547 | nsAutoMonitor mon(mMon);
1548 |
1549 | nsContractIDTableEntry* contractIDTableEntry =
1550 | NS_STATIC_CAST(nsContractIDTableEntry*,
1551 | PL_DHashTableOperate(&mContractIDs, aContractID,
1553 |
1554 |
1555 | if (PL_DHASH_ENTRY_IS_BUSY(contractIDTableEntry)) {
1556 | fe = contractIDTableEntry->mFactoryEntry;
1557 | }
1558 | } //exit monitor
1559 |
1560 | return fe;
1561 | }
1562 |
1563 |
1564 | nsFactoryEntry *
1565 | nsComponentManagerImpl::GetFactoryEntry(const nsCID &aClass)
1566 | {
1567 | nsFactoryEntry *entry = nsnull;
1568 | {
1569 | nsAutoMonitor mon(mMon);
1570 |
1571 | nsFactoryTableEntry* factoryTableEntry =
1572 | NS_STATIC_CAST(nsFactoryTableEntry*,
1573 | PL_DHashTableOperate(&mFactories, &aClass,
1575 |
1576 | if (PL_DHASH_ENTRY_IS_BUSY(factoryTableEntry)) {
1577 | entry = factoryTableEntry->mFactoryEntry;
1578 | }
1579 | } // exit monitor
1580 |
1581 | return entry;
1582 | }
1583 |
1584 |
1585 | /**
1586 | * FindFactory()
1587 | *
1588 | * Given a classID, this finds the factory for this CID by first searching the
1589 | * local CID<->factory mapping. Next it searches for a Dll that implements
1590 | * this classID and calls LoadFactory() to create the factory.
1591 | *
1592 | * Again, no attempt is made at storing the factory.
1593 | */
1594 | nsresult
1595 | nsComponentManagerImpl::FindFactory(const nsCID &aClass,
1596 | nsIFactory **aFactory)
1597 | {
1598 | Assert(aFactory != nsnull);
1599 |
1600 | nsFactoryEntry *entry = GetFactoryEntry(aClass);
1601 |
1602 | if (!entry)
1604 |
1605 | return entry->GetFactory(aFactory, this);
1606 | }
1607 |
1608 |
1609 | nsresult
1610 | nsComponentManagerImpl::FindFactory(const char *contractID,
1611 | PRUint32 aContractIDLen,
1612 | nsIFactory **aFactory)
1613 | {
1614 | Assert(aFactory != nsnull);
1615 |
1616 | nsFactoryEntry *entry = GetFactoryEntry(contractID, aContractIDLen);
1617 |
1618 | if (!entry)
1620 |
1621 | return entry->GetFactory(aFactory, this);
1622 | }
1623 |
1624 | /**
1625 | * GetClassObject()
1626 | *
1627 | * Given a classID, this finds the singleton ClassObject that implements the CID.
1628 | * Returns an interface of type aIID off the singleton classobject.
1629 | */
1630 | nsresult
1631 | nsComponentManagerImpl::GetClassObject(const nsCID &aClass, const nsIID &aIID,
1632 | void **aResult)
1633 | {
1634 | nsresult rv;
1635 |
1636 | nsCOMPtr<nsIFactory> factory;
1637 |
1638 | #ifdef LOG_ENABLED
1639 | char *buf = aClass.ToString();
1640 | LogFlow(("nsComponentManager: GetClassObject(%s)", buf));
1641 | if (buf)
1642 | PR_Free(buf);
1643 | #endif
1644 |
1645 | Assert(aResult != nsnull);
1646 |
1647 | rv = FindFactory(aClass, getter_AddRefs(factory));
1648 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
1649 |
1650 | rv = factory->QueryInterface(aIID, aResult);
1651 |
1652 | Log(("\t\tGetClassObject() %s", NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) ? "succeeded" : "FAILED"));
1653 | return rv;
1654 | }
1655 |
1656 |
1657 | nsresult
1658 | nsComponentManagerImpl::GetClassObjectByContractID(const char *contractID,
1659 | const nsIID &aIID,
1660 | void **aResult)
1661 | {
1662 | nsresult rv;
1663 |
1664 | nsCOMPtr<nsIFactory> factory;
1665 |
1666 | Log(("nsComponentManager: GetClassObject(%s)", contractID));
1667 | Assert(aResult != nsnull);
1668 |
1669 | rv = FindFactory(contractID, strlen(contractID), getter_AddRefs(factory));
1670 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
1671 |
1672 | rv = factory->QueryInterface(aIID, aResult);
1673 |
1674 | Log(("\t\tGetClassObject() %s", NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) ? "succeeded" : "FAILED"));
1675 | return rv;
1676 | }
1677 |
1678 | /**
1679 | * ContractIDToClassID()
1680 | *
1681 | * Mapping function from a ContractID to a classID. Directly talks to the registry.
1682 | *
1683 | */
1684 | nsresult
1685 | nsComponentManagerImpl::ContractIDToClassID(const char *aContractID, nsCID *aClass)
1686 | {
1687 | NS_PRECONDITION(aContractID != nsnull, "null ptr");
1688 | if (!aContractID)
1689 | return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
1690 |
1691 | NS_PRECONDITION(aClass != nsnull, "null ptr");
1692 | if (!aClass)
1693 | return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
1694 |
1696 |
1697 | nsFactoryEntry *fe = GetFactoryEntry(aContractID, strlen(aContractID));
1698 | if (fe) {
1699 | *aClass = fe->mCid;
1700 | rv = NS_OK;
1701 | }
1702 | #ifdef LOG_ENABLED
1703 | char *buf = 0;
1704 | if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
1705 | buf = aClass->ToString();
1706 | Log(("nsComponentManager: ContractIDToClassID(%s)->%s", aContractID,
1707 | NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) ? buf : "[FAILED]"));
1708 | if (buf)
1709 | PR_Free(buf);
1710 | #endif
1711 | return rv;
1712 | }
1713 |
1714 | /**
1715 | * CLSIDToContractID()
1716 | *
1717 | * Translates a classID to a {ContractID, Class Name}. Does direct registry
1718 | * access to do the translation.
1719 | *
1720 | * NOTE: Since this isn't heavily used, we arent caching this.
1721 | */
1722 | nsresult
1723 | nsComponentManagerImpl::CLSIDToContractID(const nsCID &aClass,
1724 | char* *aClassName,
1725 | char* *aContractID)
1726 | {
1727 | NS_WARNING("Need to implement CLSIDToContractID");
1728 |
1730 |
1731 | #ifdef LOG_ENABLED
1732 | char *buf = aClass.ToString();
1733 | Log(("nsComponentManager: CLSIDToContractID(%s)->%s", buf,
1734 | NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) ? *aContractID : "[FAILED]"));
1735 | if (buf)
1736 | PR_Free(buf);
1737 | #endif
1738 | return rv;
1739 | }
1740 |
1742 |
1743 | // This method must be called from within the mMon monitor
1744 | nsresult
1745 | nsComponentManagerImpl::AddPendingCID(const nsCID &aClass)
1746 | {
1747 | int max = mPendingCIDs.Count();
1748 | for (int index = 0; index < max; index++)
1749 | {
1750 | nsCID *cidp = (nsCID*) mPendingCIDs.ElementAt(index);
1751 | NS_ASSERTION(cidp, "Bad CID in pending list");
1752 | if (cidp->Equals(aClass)) {
1753 | nsXPIDLCString cid;
1754 | cid.Adopt(aClass.ToString());
1755 | nsCAutoString message;
1756 | message = NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Creation of \"") +
1757 | cid + NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("\" in progress (Reentrant GS - see bug 194568)");
1758 | // Note that you may see this assertion by near-simultaneous
1759 | // calls to GetService on multiple threads.
1760 | NS_WARNING(message.get());
1762 | }
1763 | }
1764 | mPendingCIDs.AppendElement((void*)&aClass);
1765 | return NS_OK;
1766 | }
1767 |
1768 | // This method must be called from within the mMon monitor
1769 | void
1770 | nsComponentManagerImpl::RemovePendingCID(const nsCID &aClass)
1771 | {
1772 | mPendingCIDs.RemoveElement((void*)&aClass);
1773 | }
1774 | #endif
1775 | /**
1776 | * CreateInstance()
1777 | *
1778 | * Create an instance of an object that implements an interface and belongs
1779 | * to the implementation aClass using the factory. The factory is immediately
1780 | * released and not held onto for any longer.
1781 | */
1782 | nsresult
1783 | nsComponentManagerImpl::CreateInstance(const nsCID &aClass,
1784 | nsISupports *aDelegate,
1785 | const nsIID &aIID,
1786 | void **aResult)
1787 | {
1788 | // test this first, since there's no point in creating a component during
1789 | // shutdown -- whether it's available or not would depend on the order it
1790 | // occurs in the list
1791 | if (gXPCOMShuttingDown) {
1792 | // When processing shutdown, dont process new GetService() requests
1794 | nsXPIDLCString cid, iid;
1795 | cid.Adopt(aClass.ToString());
1796 | iid.Adopt(aIID.ToString());
1797 | fprintf(stderr, "Creating new instance on shutdown. Denied.\n"
1798 | " CID: %s\n IID: %s\n", cid.get(), iid.get());
1799 | #endif /* SHOW_DENIED_ON_SHUTDOWN */
1800 | return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
1801 | }
1802 |
1803 | if (aResult == nsnull)
1804 | {
1805 | return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
1806 | }
1807 | *aResult = nsnull;
1808 |
1809 | nsFactoryEntry *entry = GetFactoryEntry(aClass);
1810 |
1811 | if (!entry)
1813 |
1815 | if (entry->mServiceObject) {
1816 | nsXPIDLCString cid;
1817 | cid.Adopt(aClass.ToString());
1818 | nsCAutoString message;
1819 | message = NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("You are calling CreateInstance \"") +
1820 | cid + NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("\" when a service for this CID already exists!");
1821 | NS_ERROR(message.get());
1822 | }
1823 | #endif
1824 |
1825 | nsIFactory *factory = nsnull;
1826 | nsresult rv = entry->GetFactory(&factory, this);
1827 |
1828 | if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
1829 | {
1830 | rv = factory->CreateInstance(aDelegate, aIID, aResult);
1831 | NS_RELEASE(factory);
1832 | }
1833 | else
1834 | {
1835 | // Translate error values
1837 | }
1838 |
1839 | #ifdef LOG_ENABLED
1840 | char *buf = aClass.ToString();
1841 | Log(("nsComponentManager: CreateInstance(%s) %s", buf,
1842 | NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) ? "succeeded" : "FAILED"));
1843 | if (buf)
1844 | PR_Free(buf);
1845 | #endif
1846 |
1847 | return rv;
1848 | }
1849 |
1850 | /**
1851 | * CreateInstanceByContractID()
1852 | *
1853 | * A variant of CreateInstance() that creates an instance of the object that
1854 | * implements the interface aIID and whose implementation has a contractID aContractID.
1855 | *
1856 | * This is only a convenience routine that turns around can calls the
1857 | * CreateInstance() with classid and iid.
1858 | */
1859 | nsresult
1860 | nsComponentManagerImpl::CreateInstanceByContractID(const char *aContractID,
1861 | nsISupports *aDelegate,
1862 | const nsIID &aIID,
1863 | void **aResult)
1864 | {
1865 | // test this first, since there's no point in creating a component during
1866 | // shutdown -- whether it's available or not would depend on the order it
1867 | // occurs in the list
1868 | if (gXPCOMShuttingDown) {
1869 | // When processing shutdown, dont process new GetService() requests
1871 | nsXPIDLCString iid;
1872 | iid.Adopt(aIID.ToString());
1873 | fprintf(stderr, "Creating new instance on shutdown. Denied.\n"
1874 | " ContractID: %s\n IID: %s\n", aContractID, iid.get());
1875 | #endif /* SHOW_DENIED_ON_SHUTDOWN */
1876 | return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
1877 | }
1878 |
1879 | if (aResult == nsnull)
1880 | {
1881 | return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
1882 | }
1883 | *aResult = nsnull;
1884 |
1885 | nsFactoryEntry *entry = GetFactoryEntry(aContractID, strlen(aContractID));
1886 |
1887 | if (!entry)
1889 |
1891 | if (entry->mServiceObject) {
1892 | nsCAutoString message;
1893 | message =
1894 | NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("You are calling CreateInstance \"") +
1895 | nsDependentCString(aContractID) +
1896 | NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("\" when a service for this CID already exists! "
1897 | "Add it to abusedContracts to track down the service consumer.");
1898 | NS_ERROR(message.get());
1899 | }
1900 | #endif
1901 |
1902 | nsIFactory *factory = nsnull;
1903 | nsresult rv = entry->GetFactory(&factory, this);
1904 |
1905 | if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
1906 | {
1907 |
1908 | rv = factory->CreateInstance(aDelegate, aIID, aResult);
1909 | NS_RELEASE(factory);
1910 | }
1911 | else
1912 | {
1913 | // Translate error values
1914 | if (rv != NS_ERROR_SOCKET_FAIL)
1916 | }
1917 |
1918 | Log(("nsComponentManager: CreateInstanceByContractID(%s) %s", aContractID,
1919 | NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) ? "succeeded" : "FAILED"));
1920 | return rv;
1921 | }
1922 |
1923 | // Service Manager Impl
1924 | static
1925 | PLDHashOperator PR_CALLBACK
1926 | FreeServiceFactoryEntryEnumerate(PLDHashTable *aTable,
1927 | PLDHashEntryHdr *aHdr,
1928 | PRUint32 aNumber,
1929 | void *aData)
1930 | {
1931 | nsFactoryTableEntry* entry = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsFactoryTableEntry*, aHdr);
1932 |
1933 | if (!entry->mFactoryEntry)
1934 | return PL_DHASH_NEXT;
1935 |
1936 | nsFactoryEntry* factoryEntry = entry->mFactoryEntry;
1937 | factoryEntry->mServiceObject = nsnull;
1938 | return PL_DHASH_NEXT;
1939 | }
1940 |
1941 | static
1942 | PLDHashOperator PR_CALLBACK
1943 | FreeServiceContractIDEntryEnumerate(PLDHashTable *aTable,
1944 | PLDHashEntryHdr *aHdr,
1945 | PRUint32 aNumber,
1946 | void *aData)
1947 | {
1948 | nsContractIDTableEntry* entry = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsContractIDTableEntry*, aHdr);
1949 |
1950 | if (!entry->mFactoryEntry)
1951 | return PL_DHASH_NEXT;
1952 |
1953 | nsFactoryEntry* factoryEntry = entry->mFactoryEntry;
1954 | factoryEntry->mServiceObject = nsnull;
1955 | return PL_DHASH_NEXT;
1956 | }
1957 |
1958 | nsresult
1959 | nsComponentManagerImpl::FreeServices()
1960 | {
1961 | NS_ASSERTION(gXPCOMShuttingDown, "Must be shutting down in order to free all services");
1962 |
1963 | if (!gXPCOMShuttingDown)
1964 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
1965 |
1966 | if (mContractIDs.ops) {
1967 | PL_DHashTableEnumerate(&mContractIDs, FreeServiceContractIDEntryEnumerate, nsnull);
1968 | }
1969 |
1970 |
1971 | if (mFactories.ops) {
1972 | PL_DHashTableEnumerate(&mFactories, FreeServiceFactoryEntryEnumerate, nsnull);
1973 | }
1974 |
1975 | return NS_OK;
1976 | }
1977 |
1979 | nsComponentManagerImpl::GetService(const nsCID& aClass,
1980 | const nsIID& aIID,
1981 | void* *result)
1982 | {
1983 | // test this first, since there's no point in returning a service during
1984 | // shutdown -- whether it's available or not would depend on the order it
1985 | // occurs in the list
1986 | if (gXPCOMShuttingDown) {
1987 | // When processing shutdown, dont process new GetService() requests
1989 | nsXPIDLCString cid, iid;
1990 | cid.Adopt(aClass.ToString());
1991 | iid.Adopt(aIID.ToString());
1992 | fprintf(stderr, "Getting service on shutdown. Denied.\n"
1993 | " CID: %s\n IID: %s\n", cid.get(), iid.get());
1994 | #endif /* SHOW_DENIED_ON_SHUTDOWN */
1995 | return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
1996 | }
1997 |
1998 | nsAutoMonitor mon(mMon);
1999 |
2000 | nsresult rv = NS_OK;
2001 | nsIDKey key(aClass);
2002 | nsFactoryEntry* entry = nsnull;
2003 | nsFactoryTableEntry* factoryTableEntry =
2004 | NS_STATIC_CAST(nsFactoryTableEntry*,
2005 | PL_DHashTableOperate(&mFactories, &aClass,
2007 |
2008 | if (PL_DHASH_ENTRY_IS_BUSY(factoryTableEntry)) {
2009 | entry = factoryTableEntry->mFactoryEntry;
2010 | }
2011 |
2012 | if (entry && entry->mServiceObject) {
2013 | return entry->mServiceObject->QueryInterface(aIID, result);
2014 | }
2015 |
2017 | rv = AddPendingCID(aClass);
2018 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
2019 | return rv; // NOP_AND_BREAK
2020 | #endif
2021 | nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> service;
2022 | // We need to not be holding the service manager's monitor while calling
2023 | // CreateInstance, because it invokes user code which could try to re-enter
2024 | // the service manager:
2025 | mon.Exit();
2026 |
2027 | rv = CreateInstance(aClass, nsnull, aIID, getter_AddRefs(service));
2028 |
2029 | mon.Enter();
2030 |
2032 | RemovePendingCID(aClass);
2033 | #endif
2034 |
2035 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
2036 | return rv;
2037 |
2038 | if (!entry) { // second hash lookup for GetService
2039 | nsFactoryTableEntry* factoryTableEntry =
2040 | NS_STATIC_CAST(nsFactoryTableEntry*,
2041 | PL_DHashTableOperate(&mFactories, &aClass,
2043 | if (PL_DHASH_ENTRY_IS_BUSY(factoryTableEntry)) {
2044 | entry = factoryTableEntry->mFactoryEntry;
2045 | }
2046 | NS_ASSERTION(entry, "we should have a factory entry since CI succeeded - we should not get here");
2047 | if (!entry) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
2048 | }
2049 |
2050 | entry->mServiceObject = service;
2051 | *result = service.get();
2052 | NS_ADDREF(NS_STATIC_CAST(nsISupports*, (*result)));
2053 | return rv;
2054 | }
2055 |
2057 | nsComponentManagerImpl::RegisterService(const nsCID& aClass, nsISupports* aService)
2058 | {
2059 | nsAutoMonitor mon(mMon);
2060 |
2061 | // check to see if we have a factory entry for the service
2062 | nsFactoryEntry *entry = GetFactoryEntry(aClass);
2063 |
2064 | if (!entry) { // XXXdougt - should we require that all services register factories?? probably not.
2065 | void *mem;
2066 | PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE(mem, &mArena, sizeof(nsFactoryEntry));
2067 | if (!mem)
2068 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
2069 | entry = new (mem) nsFactoryEntry(aClass, nsnull);
2070 |
2071 | entry->mTypeIndex = NS_COMPONENT_TYPE_SERVICE_ONLY;
2072 | nsFactoryTableEntry* factoryTableEntry =
2073 | NS_STATIC_CAST(nsFactoryTableEntry*,
2074 | PL_DHashTableOperate(&mFactories, &aClass,
2075 | PL_DHASH_ADD));
2076 | if (!factoryTableEntry)
2077 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
2078 |
2079 | factoryTableEntry->mFactoryEntry = entry;
2080 | }
2081 | else {
2082 | if (entry->mServiceObject)
2083 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
2084 | }
2085 |
2086 | entry->mServiceObject = aService;
2087 | return NS_OK;
2088 | }
2089 |
2091 | nsComponentManagerImpl::UnregisterService(const nsCID& aClass)
2092 | {
2093 | nsresult rv = NS_OK;
2094 |
2095 | nsFactoryEntry* entry = nsnull;
2096 |
2097 | nsAutoMonitor mon(mMon);
2098 |
2099 | nsFactoryTableEntry* factoryTableEntry =
2100 | NS_STATIC_CAST(nsFactoryTableEntry*,
2101 | PL_DHashTableOperate(&mFactories, &aClass,
2103 |
2104 | if (PL_DHASH_ENTRY_IS_BUSY(factoryTableEntry)) {
2105 | entry = factoryTableEntry->mFactoryEntry;
2106 | }
2107 |
2108 | if (!entry || !entry->mServiceObject)
2110 |
2111 | entry->mServiceObject = nsnull;
2112 | return rv;
2113 | }
2114 |
2116 | nsComponentManagerImpl::RegisterService(const char* aContractID, nsISupports* aService)
2117 | {
2118 |
2119 | nsAutoMonitor mon(mMon);
2120 |
2121 | // check to see if we have a factory entry for the service
2122 | PRUint32 contractIDLen = strlen(aContractID);
2123 | nsFactoryEntry *entry = GetFactoryEntry(aContractID, contractIDLen);
2124 |
2125 | if (!entry) { // XXXdougt - should we require that all services register factories?? probably not.
2126 | void *mem;
2127 | PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE(mem, &mArena, sizeof(nsFactoryEntry));
2128 | if (!mem)
2129 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
2130 | entry = new (mem) nsFactoryEntry(kEmptyCID, nsnull);
2131 |
2132 | entry->mTypeIndex = NS_COMPONENT_TYPE_SERVICE_ONLY;
2133 |
2134 | nsContractIDTableEntry* contractIDTableEntry =
2135 | NS_STATIC_CAST(nsContractIDTableEntry*,
2136 | PL_DHashTableOperate(&mContractIDs, aContractID,
2137 | PL_DHASH_ADD));
2138 | if (!contractIDTableEntry) {
2139 | delete entry;
2140 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
2141 | }
2142 |
2143 | if (!contractIDTableEntry->mContractID) {
2144 | contractIDTableEntry->mContractID =
2145 | ArenaStrndup(aContractID, contractIDLen, &mArena);
2146 |
2147 | contractIDTableEntry->mContractIDLen = contractIDLen;
2148 | }
2149 |
2150 | contractIDTableEntry->mFactoryEntry = entry;
2151 | }
2152 | else {
2153 | if (entry->mServiceObject)
2154 | return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
2155 | }
2156 |
2157 | entry->mServiceObject = aService;
2158 | return NS_OK;
2159 | }
2160 |
2161 |
2163 | nsComponentManagerImpl::IsServiceInstantiated(const nsCID & aClass,
2164 | const nsIID& aIID,
2165 | PRBool *result)
2166 | {
2167 | // Now we want to get the service if we already got it. If not, we dont want
2168 | // to create an instance of it. mmh!
2169 |
2170 | // test this first, since there's no point in returning a service during
2171 | // shutdown -- whether it's available or not would depend on the order it
2172 | // occurs in the list
2173 | if (gXPCOMShuttingDown) {
2174 | // When processing shutdown, dont process new GetService() requests
2176 | nsXPIDLCString cid, iid;
2177 | cid.Adopt(aClass.ToString());
2178 | iid.Adopt(aIID.ToString());
2179 | fprintf(stderr, "Checking for service on shutdown. Denied.\n"
2180 | " CID: %s\n IID: %s\n", cid.get(), iid.get());
2181 | #endif /* SHOW_DENIED_ON_SHUTDOWN */
2182 | return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
2183 | }
2184 |
2185 | nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE;
2186 | nsFactoryEntry* entry = nsnull;
2187 | nsFactoryTableEntry* factoryTableEntry =
2188 | NS_STATIC_CAST(nsFactoryTableEntry*,
2189 | PL_DHashTableOperate(&mFactories, &aClass,
2191 |
2192 | if (PL_DHASH_ENTRY_IS_BUSY(factoryTableEntry)) {
2193 | entry = factoryTableEntry->mFactoryEntry;
2194 | }
2195 |
2196 | if (entry && entry->mServiceObject) {
2197 | nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> service;
2198 | rv = entry->mServiceObject->QueryInterface(aIID, getter_AddRefs(service));
2199 | *result = (service!=nsnull);
2200 | }
2201 | return rv;
2202 |
2203 | }
2204 |
2205 | NS_IMETHODIMP nsComponentManagerImpl::IsServiceInstantiatedByContractID(const char *aContractID,
2206 | const nsIID& aIID,
2207 | PRBool *result)
2208 | {
2209 | // Now we want to get the service if we already got it. If not, we dont want
2210 | // to create an instance of it. mmh!
2211 |
2212 | // test this first, since there's no point in returning a service during
2213 | // shutdown -- whether it's available or not would depend on the order it
2214 | // occurs in the list
2215 | if (gXPCOMShuttingDown) {
2216 | // When processing shutdown, dont process new GetService() requests
2218 | nsXPIDLCString iid;
2219 | iid.Adopt(aIID.ToString());
2220 | fprintf(stderr, "Checking for service on shutdown. Denied.\n"
2221 | " ContractID: %s\n IID: %s\n", aContractID, iid.get());
2222 | #endif /* SHOW_DENIED_ON_SHUTDOWN */
2223 | return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
2224 | }
2225 |
2226 | nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE;
2227 | nsFactoryEntry *entry = nsnull;
2228 | {
2229 | nsAutoMonitor mon(mMon);
2230 |
2231 | nsContractIDTableEntry* contractIDTableEntry =
2232 | NS_STATIC_CAST(nsContractIDTableEntry*,
2233 | PL_DHashTableOperate(&mContractIDs, aContractID,
2235 |
2236 | if (PL_DHASH_ENTRY_IS_BUSY(contractIDTableEntry)) {
2237 | entry = contractIDTableEntry->mFactoryEntry;
2238 | }
2239 | } // exit monitor
2240 |
2241 | if (entry && entry->mServiceObject) {
2242 | nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> service;
2243 | rv = entry->mServiceObject->QueryInterface(aIID, getter_AddRefs(service));
2244 | *result = (service!=nsnull);
2245 | }
2246 | return rv;
2247 | }
2248 |
2249 |
2251 | nsComponentManagerImpl::UnregisterService(const char* aContractID)
2252 | {
2253 | nsresult rv = NS_OK;
2254 |
2255 | nsAutoMonitor mon(mMon);
2256 |
2257 | nsFactoryEntry *entry = nsnull;
2258 | nsContractIDTableEntry* contractIDTableEntry =
2259 | NS_STATIC_CAST(nsContractIDTableEntry*,
2260 | PL_DHashTableOperate(&mContractIDs, aContractID,
2262 |
2263 | if (PL_DHASH_ENTRY_IS_BUSY(contractIDTableEntry)) {
2264 | entry = contractIDTableEntry->mFactoryEntry;
2265 | }
2266 |
2267 | if (!entry || !entry->mServiceObject)
2269 |
2270 | entry->mServiceObject = nsnull;
2271 | return rv;
2272 | }
2273 |
2275 | nsComponentManagerImpl::GetServiceByContractID(const char* aContractID,
2276 | const nsIID& aIID,
2277 | void* *result)
2278 | {
2279 | // test this first, since there's no point in returning a service during
2280 | // shutdown -- whether it's available or not would depend on the order it
2281 | // occurs in the list
2282 | if (gXPCOMShuttingDown) {
2283 | // When processing shutdown, dont process new GetService() requests
2285 | nsXPIDLCString iid;
2286 | iid.Adopt(aIID.ToString());
2287 | fprintf(stderr, "Getting service on shutdown. Denied.\n"
2288 | " ContractID: %s\n IID: %s\n", aContractID, iid.get());
2289 | #endif /* SHOW_DENIED_ON_SHUTDOWN */
2290 | return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
2291 | }
2292 |
2293 | nsAutoMonitor mon(mMon);
2294 |
2295 | nsresult rv = NS_OK;
2296 | nsFactoryEntry *entry = nsnull;
2297 | nsContractIDTableEntry* contractIDTableEntry =
2298 | NS_STATIC_CAST(nsContractIDTableEntry*,
2299 | PL_DHashTableOperate(&mContractIDs, aContractID,
2301 |
2302 | if (PL_DHASH_ENTRY_IS_BUSY(contractIDTableEntry)) {
2303 | entry = contractIDTableEntry->mFactoryEntry;
2304 | }
2305 |
2306 | if (entry) {
2307 | if (entry->mServiceObject) {
2308 | return entry->mServiceObject->QueryInterface(aIID, result);
2309 | }
2311 | rv = AddPendingCID(entry->mCid);
2312 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
2313 | return rv; // NOP_AND_BREAK
2314 | #endif
2315 | }
2316 |
2317 | nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> service;
2318 | // We need to not be holding the service manager's monitor while calling
2319 | // CreateInstance, because it invokes user code which could try to re-enter
2320 | // the service manager:
2321 | mon.Exit();
2322 |
2323 | rv = CreateInstanceByContractID(aContractID, nsnull, aIID, getter_AddRefs(service));
2324 |
2325 | mon.Enter();
2326 |
2328 | if (entry)
2329 | RemovePendingCID(entry->mCid);
2330 | #endif
2331 |
2332 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
2333 | return rv;
2334 |
2335 | if (!entry) { // second hash lookup for GetService
2336 | nsContractIDTableEntry* contractIDTableEntry =
2337 | NS_STATIC_CAST(nsContractIDTableEntry*,
2338 | PL_DHashTableOperate(&mContractIDs, aContractID,
2340 |
2341 | if (PL_DHASH_ENTRY_IS_BUSY(contractIDTableEntry)) {
2342 | entry = contractIDTableEntry->mFactoryEntry;
2343 | }
2344 | NS_ASSERTION(entry, "we should have a factory entry since CI succeeded - we should not get here");
2345 | if (!entry) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
2346 | }
2347 |
2348 | entry->mServiceObject = service;
2349 | *result = service.get();
2350 | NS_ADDREF(NS_STATIC_CAST(nsISupports*, *result));
2351 | return rv;
2352 | }
2353 |
2355 | nsComponentManagerImpl::GetService(const nsCID& aClass, const nsIID& aIID,
2356 | nsISupports* *result,
2357 | nsIShutdownListener* shutdownListener)
2358 | {
2359 | return GetService(aClass, aIID, (void**)result);
2360 | }
2361 |
2363 | nsComponentManagerImpl::GetService(const char* aContractID, const nsIID& aIID,
2364 | nsISupports* *result,
2365 | nsIShutdownListener* shutdownListener)
2366 | {
2367 | return GetServiceByContractID(aContractID, aIID, (void**)result);
2368 | }
2369 |
2370 |
2372 | nsComponentManagerImpl::ReleaseService(const nsCID& aClass, nsISupports* service,
2373 | nsIShutdownListener* shutdownListener)
2374 | {
2375 | NS_IF_RELEASE(service);
2376 | return NS_OK;
2377 | }
2378 |
2380 | nsComponentManagerImpl::ReleaseService(const char* aContractID, nsISupports* service,
2381 | nsIShutdownListener* shutdownListener)
2382 | {
2383 | NS_IF_RELEASE(service);
2384 | return NS_OK;
2385 | }
2386 |
2387 | /*
2388 | * I want an efficient way to allocate a buffer to the right size
2389 | * and stick the prefix and dllName in, then be able to hand that buffer
2390 | * off to the FactoryEntry. Is that so wrong?
2391 | *
2392 | * *regName is allocated on success.
2393 | *
2394 | * This should live in nsNativeComponentLoader.cpp, I think.
2395 | */
2396 | static nsresult
2397 | MakeRegistryName(const char *aDllName, const char *prefix, char **regName)
2398 | {
2399 | char *registryName;
2400 |
2401 | PRUint32 len = strlen(prefix);
2402 |
2403 | PRUint32 registryNameLen = strlen(aDllName) + len;
2404 | registryName = (char *)nsMemory::Alloc(registryNameLen + 1);
2405 |
2406 | // from here on it, we want len sans terminating NUL
2407 |
2408 | if (!registryName)
2409 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
2410 |
2411 | memcpy(registryName, prefix, len);
2412 | strcpy(registryName + len, aDllName);
2413 | registryName[registryNameLen] = '\0';
2414 | *regName = registryName;
2415 |
2416 | return NS_OK;
2417 | }
2418 |
2419 | nsresult
2420 | nsComponentManagerImpl::RegistryLocationForSpec(nsIFile *aSpec,
2421 | char **aRegistryName)
2422 | {
2423 | nsresult rv;
2424 |
2425 | if (!mComponentsDir)
2427 |
2428 | if (!aSpec) {
2429 | *aRegistryName = PL_strdup("");
2430 | return NS_OK;
2431 | }
2432 |
2433 |
2434 | // First check to see if this component is in the application
2435 | // components directory
2436 | PRBool containedIn;
2437 | mComponentsDir->Contains(aSpec, PR_TRUE, &containedIn);
2438 |
2439 | nsCAutoString nativePathString;
2440 |
2441 | if (containedIn){
2442 | rv = aSpec->GetNativePath(nativePathString);
2443 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
2444 | return rv;
2445 |
2446 | const char* relativeLocation = nativePathString.get() + mComponentsOffset + 1;
2447 | return MakeRegistryName(relativeLocation, XPCOM_RELCOMPONENT_PREFIX, aRegistryName);
2448 | }
2449 |
2450 | // Next check to see if this component is in the GRE
2451 | // components directory
2452 |
2453 | mGREComponentsDir->Contains(aSpec, PR_TRUE, &containedIn);
2454 |
2455 | if (containedIn){
2456 | rv = aSpec->GetNativePath(nativePathString);
2457 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
2458 | return rv;
2459 |
2460 | const char* relativeLocation = nativePathString.get() + mGREComponentsOffset + 1;
2461 | return MakeRegistryName(relativeLocation, XPCOM_GRECOMPONENT_PREFIX, aRegistryName);
2462 | }
2463 |
2464 | /* absolute names include volume info on Mac, so persistent descriptor */
2465 | rv = aSpec->GetNativePath(nativePathString);
2466 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
2467 | return rv;
2468 | return MakeRegistryName(nativePathString.get(), XPCOM_ABSCOMPONENT_PREFIX, aRegistryName);
2469 | }
2470 |
2471 | nsresult
2472 | nsComponentManagerImpl::SpecForRegistryLocation(const char *aLocation,
2473 | nsIFile **aSpec)
2474 | {
2475 | // i18n: assuming aLocation is encoded for the current locale
2476 |
2477 | nsresult rv;
2478 | if (!aLocation || !aSpec)
2479 | return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
2480 |
2481 | /* abs:/full/path/to/libcomponent.so */
2482 | if (!strncmp(aLocation, XPCOM_ABSCOMPONENT_PREFIX, 4)) {
2483 |
2484 | nsLocalFile* file = new nsLocalFile;
2485 | if (!file) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
2486 |
2487 | rv = file->InitWithNativePath(nsDependentCString((char *)aLocation + 4));
2488 | file->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsILocalFile), (void**)aSpec);
2489 | return rv;
2490 | }
2491 |
2492 | if (!strncmp(aLocation, XPCOM_RELCOMPONENT_PREFIX, 4)) {
2493 |
2494 | if (!mComponentsDir)
2496 |
2497 | nsILocalFile* file = nsnull;
2498 | rv = mComponentsDir->Clone((nsIFile**)&file);
2499 |
2500 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
2501 |
2502 | rv = file->AppendRelativeNativePath(nsDependentCString(aLocation + 4));
2503 | *aSpec = file;
2504 | return rv;
2505 | }
2506 |
2507 | if (!strncmp(aLocation, XPCOM_GRECOMPONENT_PREFIX, 4)) {
2508 |
2509 | if (!mGREComponentsDir)
2511 |
2512 | nsILocalFile* file = nsnull;
2513 | rv = mGREComponentsDir->Clone((nsIFile**)&file);
2514 |
2515 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
2516 |
2517 | rv = file->AppendRelativeNativePath(nsDependentCString(aLocation + 4));
2518 | *aSpec = file;
2519 | return rv;
2520 | }
2521 |
2522 | *aSpec = nsnull;
2523 | return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
2524 | }
2525 |
2526 | /**
2527 | * RegisterFactory()
2528 | *
2529 | * Register a factory to be responsible for creation of implementation of
2530 | * classID aClass. Plus creates as association of aClassName and aContractID
2531 | * to the classID. If replace is PR_TRUE, we replace any existing registrations
2532 | * with this one.
2533 | *
2534 | * Once registration is complete, we add the class to the factories cache
2535 | * that we maintain. The factories cache is the ONLY place where these
2536 | * registrations are ever kept.
2537 | *
2538 | * The other RegisterFunctions create a loader mapping and persistent
2539 | * location, but we just slam it into the cache here. And we don't call the
2540 | * loader's OnRegister function, either.
2541 | */
2542 | nsresult
2543 | nsComponentManagerImpl::RegisterFactory(const nsCID &aClass,
2544 | const char *aClassName,
2545 | const char *aContractID,
2546 | nsIFactory *aFactory,
2547 | PRBool aReplace)
2548 | {
2549 | nsAutoMonitor mon(mMon);
2550 | #ifdef LOG_ENABLED
2551 | char *buf = aClass.ToString();
2552 | Log(("nsComponentManager: RegisterFactory(%s, %s)", buf,
2553 | (aContractID ? aContractID : "(null)")));
2554 | if (buf)
2555 | PR_Free(buf);
2556 | #endif
2557 | nsFactoryEntry *entry = nsnull;
2558 | nsFactoryTableEntry* factoryTableEntry = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsFactoryTableEntry*,
2559 | PL_DHashTableOperate(&mFactories,
2560 | &aClass,
2561 | PL_DHASH_ADD));
2562 |
2563 | if (!factoryTableEntry)
2564 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
2565 |
2566 |
2567 | if (PL_DHASH_ENTRY_IS_BUSY(factoryTableEntry)) {
2568 | entry = factoryTableEntry->mFactoryEntry;
2569 | }
2570 |
2571 | if (entry && !aReplace)
2572 | {
2573 | // Already registered
2574 | Log(("\t\tFactory already registered."));
2576 | }
2577 |
2578 | void *mem;
2579 | PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE(mem, &mArena, sizeof(nsFactoryEntry));
2580 | if (!mem)
2581 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
2582 |
2583 | entry = new (mem) nsFactoryEntry(aClass, aFactory, entry);
2584 |
2585 | if (!entry)
2586 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
2587 |
2588 | factoryTableEntry->mFactoryEntry = entry;
2589 |
2590 | // Update the ContractID->CLSID Map
2591 | if (aContractID) {
2592 | nsresult rv = HashContractID(aContractID, strlen(aContractID), entry);
2593 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
2594 | Log(("\t\tFactory register succeeded. "
2595 | "Hashing contractid (%s) FAILED.", aContractID));
2596 | return rv;
2597 | }
2598 | }
2599 |
2600 | Log(("\t\tFactory register succeeded contractid=%s.",
2601 | aContractID ? aContractID : "<none>"));
2602 | return NS_OK;
2603 | }
2604 |
2605 | nsresult
2606 | nsComponentManagerImpl::RegisterComponent(const nsCID &aClass,
2607 | const char *aClassName,
2608 | const char *aContractID,
2609 | const char *aPersistentDescriptor,
2610 | PRBool aReplace,
2611 | PRBool aPersist)
2612 | {
2613 | return RegisterComponentCommon(aClass, aClassName,
2614 | aContractID,
2615 | aContractID ? strlen(aContractID) : 0,
2616 | aPersistentDescriptor,
2617 | aPersistentDescriptor ?
2618 | strlen(aPersistentDescriptor) : 0,
2619 | aReplace, aPersist,
2620 | nativeComponentType);
2621 | }
2622 |
2623 | nsresult
2624 | nsComponentManagerImpl::RegisterComponentWithType(const nsCID &aClass,
2625 | const char *aClassName,
2626 | const char *aContractID,
2627 | nsIFile *aSpec,
2628 | const char *aLocation,
2629 | PRBool aReplace,
2630 | PRBool aPersist,
2631 | const char *aType)
2632 | {
2633 | return RegisterComponentCommon(aClass, aClassName,
2634 | aContractID,
2635 | aContractID ? strlen(aContractID) : 0,
2636 | aLocation,
2637 | aLocation ? strlen(aLocation) : 0,
2638 | aReplace, aPersist,
2639 | aType);
2640 | }
2641 |
2642 | /*
2643 | * Register a component, using whatever they stuck in the nsIFile.
2644 | */
2645 | nsresult
2646 | nsComponentManagerImpl::RegisterComponentSpec(const nsCID &aClass,
2647 | const char *aClassName,
2648 | const char *aContractID,
2649 | nsIFile *aLibrarySpec,
2650 | PRBool aReplace,
2651 | PRBool aPersist)
2652 | {
2653 | nsXPIDLCString registryName;
2654 | nsresult rv = RegistryLocationForSpec(aLibrarySpec, getter_Copies(registryName));
2655 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
2656 | return rv;
2657 |
2658 | rv = RegisterComponentWithType(aClass, aClassName,
2659 | aContractID,
2660 | aLibrarySpec,
2661 | registryName,
2662 | aReplace, aPersist,
2663 | nativeComponentType);
2664 | return rv;
2665 | }
2666 |
2667 | nsresult
2668 | nsComponentManagerImpl::RegisterComponentLib(const nsCID &aClass,
2669 | const char *aClassName,
2670 | const char *aContractID,
2671 | const char *aDllName,
2672 | PRBool aReplace,
2673 | PRBool aPersist)
2674 | {
2675 | // deprecated and obsolete.
2677 | }
2678 |
2679 | /*
2680 | * Add a component to the known universe of components.
2681 |
2682 | * Once we enter this function, we own aRegistryName, and must free it
2683 | * or hand it to nsFactoryEntry. Common exit point ``out'' helps keep us
2684 | * sane.
2685 | */
2686 |
2687 | nsresult
2688 | nsComponentManagerImpl::RegisterComponentCommon(const nsCID &aClass,
2689 | const char *aClassName,
2690 | const char *aContractID,
2691 | PRUint32 aContractIDLen,
2692 | const char *aRegistryName,
2693 | PRUint32 aRegistryNameLen,
2694 | PRBool aReplace,
2695 | PRBool aPersist,
2696 | const char *aType)
2697 | {
2698 | nsIDKey key(aClass);
2699 | nsAutoMonitor mon(mMon);
2700 |
2701 | nsFactoryEntry *entry = GetFactoryEntry(aClass);
2702 |
2703 | // Normalize proid and classname
2704 | const char *contractID = (aContractID && *aContractID) ? aContractID : nsnull;
2705 | const char *className = (aClassName && *aClassName) ? aClassName : nsnull;
2706 | #ifdef LOG_ENABLED
2707 | char *buf = aClass.ToString();
2708 | Log(("nsComponentManager: RegisterComponentCommon(%s, %s, %s, %s)",
2709 | buf, contractID ? contractID : "(null)",
2710 | aRegistryName, aType));
2711 | if (buf)
2712 | PR_Free(buf);
2713 | #endif
2714 | if (entry && !aReplace) {
2715 | Log(("\t\tFactory already registered."));
2717 | }
2718 |
2719 | int typeIndex = GetLoaderType(aType);
2720 |
2721 | nsCOMPtr<nsIComponentLoader> loader;
2722 | nsresult rv = GetLoaderForType(typeIndex, getter_AddRefs(loader));
2723 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
2724 | Log(("\t\tgetting loader for %s FAILED\n", aType));
2725 | return rv;
2726 | }
2727 |
2728 | if (entry) {
2729 | entry->ReInit(aClass, aRegistryName, typeIndex);
2730 | }
2731 | else {
2732 |
2733 | // Arena allocate the nsFactoryEntry
2734 | void *mem;
2735 | PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE(mem, &mArena, sizeof(nsFactoryEntry));
2736 | if (!mem)
2737 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
2738 |
2739 | mRegistryDirty = PR_TRUE;
2740 | entry = new (mem) nsFactoryEntry(aClass,
2741 | aRegistryName, aRegistryNameLen,
2742 | typeIndex);
2743 | if (!entry)
2744 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
2745 |
2746 | nsFactoryTableEntry* factoryTableEntry =
2747 | NS_STATIC_CAST(nsFactoryTableEntry*,
2748 | PL_DHashTableOperate(&mFactories, &aClass,
2749 | PL_DHASH_ADD));
2750 |
2751 | if (!factoryTableEntry)
2752 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
2753 |
2754 | factoryTableEntry->mFactoryEntry = entry;
2755 | }
2756 |
2757 | // Update the ContractID->CLSID Map
2758 | if (contractID) {
2759 | rv = HashContractID(contractID, aContractIDLen, entry);
2760 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
2761 | Log(("\t\tHashContractID(%s) FAILED\n", contractID));
2762 | return rv;
2763 | }
2764 | }
2765 | return rv;
2766 | }
2767 |
2768 |
2769 | nsresult
2770 | nsComponentManagerImpl::GetLoaderForType(int aType,
2771 | nsIComponentLoader **aLoader)
2772 | {
2773 | nsresult rv;
2774 |
2775 | // Make sure we have a valid type
2776 | if (aType < 0 || aType >= mNLoaderData)
2777 | return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
2778 |
2779 | *aLoader = mLoaderData[aType].loader;
2780 | if (*aLoader) {
2781 | NS_ADDREF(*aLoader);
2782 | return NS_OK;
2783 | }
2784 |
2785 | nsCOMPtr<nsIComponentLoader> loader;
2786 | loader = do_GetServiceFromCategory("component-loader", mLoaderData[aType].type, &rv);
2787 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
2788 | return rv;
2789 |
2790 | rv = loader->Init(this, nsnull);
2791 |
2792 | if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
2793 | mLoaderData[aType].loader = loader;
2794 | NS_ADDREF(mLoaderData[aType].loader);
2795 | *aLoader = loader;
2796 | NS_ADDREF(*aLoader);
2797 | }
2798 | return rv;
2799 | }
2800 |
2801 |
2802 |
2803 | // Convert a loader type string into an index into the component data
2804 | // array. Empty loader types are converted to NATIVE. Returns -1 if
2805 | // loader type cannot be determined.
2806 | int
2807 | nsComponentManagerImpl::GetLoaderType(const char *typeStr)
2808 | {
2809 | if (!typeStr || !*typeStr) {
2810 | // Empty type strings are NATIVE
2812 | }
2813 |
2814 | for (int i=NS_COMPONENT_TYPE_NATIVE; i<mNLoaderData; i++) {
2815 | if (!strcmp(typeStr, mLoaderData[i].type))
2816 | return i;
2817 | }
2818 | // Not found
2820 | }
2821 |
2822 | // Add a loader type if not already known. Out the typeIndex
2823 | // if the loader type is either added or already there.
2824 | nsresult
2825 | nsComponentManagerImpl::AddLoaderType(const char *typeStr, int *aTypeIndex)
2826 | {
2827 | int typeIndex = GetLoaderType(typeStr);
2828 | if (typeIndex >= 0) {
2829 | *aTypeIndex = typeIndex;
2830 | return NS_OK;
2831 | }
2832 |
2833 | // Add the loader type
2834 | if (mNLoaderData >= mMaxNLoaderData) {
2835 | NS_ASSERTION(mNLoaderData == mMaxNLoaderData,
2836 | "Memory corruption. nsComponentManagerImpl::mLoaderData array overrun.");
2837 | // Need to increase our loader array
2838 | nsLoaderdata *new_mLoaderData = (nsLoaderdata *) PR_Realloc(mLoaderData, (mMaxNLoaderData + NS_LOADER_DATA_ALLOC_STEP) * sizeof(nsLoaderdata));
2839 | if (!new_mLoaderData)
2840 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
2841 | mLoaderData = new_mLoaderData;
2842 | mMaxNLoaderData += NS_LOADER_DATA_ALLOC_STEP;
2843 | }
2844 |
2845 | typeIndex = mNLoaderData;
2846 | mLoaderData[typeIndex].type = PL_strdup(typeStr);
2847 | if (!mLoaderData[typeIndex].type) {
2848 | // mmh! no memory. return failure.
2849 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
2850 | }
2851 | mLoaderData[typeIndex].loader = nsnull;
2852 | mNLoaderData++;
2853 |
2854 | *aTypeIndex = typeIndex;
2855 | return NS_OK;
2856 | }
2857 |
2858 | typedef struct
2859 | {
2860 | const nsCID* cid;
2861 | const char* regName;
2862 | nsIFactory* factory;
2863 | } UnregisterConditions;
2864 |
2865 | static PLDHashOperator PR_CALLBACK
2866 | DeleteFoundCIDs(PLDHashTable *aTable,
2867 | PLDHashEntryHdr *aHdr,
2868 | PRUint32 aNumber,
2869 | void *aData)
2870 | {
2871 | nsContractIDTableEntry* entry = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsContractIDTableEntry*, aHdr);
2872 |
2873 | if (!entry->mFactoryEntry)
2874 | return PL_DHASH_NEXT;
2875 |
2876 | UnregisterConditions* data = (UnregisterConditions*)aData;
2877 |
2878 | nsFactoryEntry* factoryEntry = entry->mFactoryEntry;
2879 | if (data->cid->Equals(factoryEntry->mCid) &&
2880 | ((data->regName && !PL_strcasecmp(factoryEntry->mLocation, data->regName)) ||
2881 | (data->factory && data->factory == factoryEntry->mFactory.get())))
2882 | return PL_DHASH_REMOVE;
2883 |
2884 | return PL_DHASH_NEXT;
2885 | }
2886 |
2887 | void
2888 | nsComponentManagerImpl::DeleteContractIDEntriesByCID(const nsCID* aClass, const char*registryName)
2889 | {
2890 | UnregisterConditions aData;
2891 | aData.cid = aClass;
2892 | aData.regName = registryName;
2893 | aData.factory = nsnull;
2894 | PL_DHashTableEnumerate(&mContractIDs, DeleteFoundCIDs, (void*)&aData);
2895 |
2896 | }
2897 |
2898 | void
2899 | nsComponentManagerImpl::DeleteContractIDEntriesByCID(const nsCID* aClass, nsIFactory* factory)
2900 | {
2901 | UnregisterConditions aData;
2902 | aData.cid = aClass;
2903 | aData.regName = nsnull;
2904 | aData.factory = factory;
2905 | PL_DHashTableEnumerate(&mContractIDs, DeleteFoundCIDs, (void*)&aData);
2906 | }
2907 |
2908 | nsresult
2909 | nsComponentManagerImpl::UnregisterFactory(const nsCID &aClass,
2910 | nsIFactory *aFactory)
2911 | {
2912 | #ifdef LOG_ENABLED
2913 | char *buf = aClass.ToString();
2914 | Log(("nsComponentManager: UnregisterFactory(%s)", buf));
2915 | if (buf)
2916 | PR_Free(buf);
2917 | #endif
2918 | nsFactoryEntry *old;
2919 |
2920 | // first delete all contract id entries that are registered with this cid.
2921 | DeleteContractIDEntriesByCID(&aClass, aFactory);
2922 |
2923 | // next check to see if there is a CID registered
2925 | old = GetFactoryEntry(aClass);
2926 |
2927 | if (old && (old->mFactory.get() == aFactory))
2928 | {
2929 | nsAutoMonitor mon(mMon);
2930 | PL_DHashTableOperate(&mFactories, &aClass, PL_DHASH_REMOVE);
2931 | rv = NS_OK;
2932 | }
2933 |
2934 | Log(("\t\tUnregisterFactory() %s",
2935 | NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) ? "succeeded" : "FAILED"));
2936 | return rv;
2937 | }
2938 |
2939 | nsresult
2940 | nsComponentManagerImpl::UnregisterComponent(const nsCID &aClass,
2941 | const char *registryName)
2942 | {
2943 | #ifdef PR_LOGGING
2944 | char *buf = aClass.ToString();
2945 | Log(("nsComponentManager: UnregisterComponent(%s)", buf));
2946 | if (buf)
2947 | PR_Free(buf);
2948 | #endif
2949 |
2950 | NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(registryName);
2951 | nsFactoryEntry *old;
2952 |
2953 | // first delete all contract id entries that are registered with this cid.
2954 | DeleteContractIDEntriesByCID(&aClass, registryName);
2955 |
2956 | // next check to see if there is a CID registered
2957 | old = GetFactoryEntry(aClass);
2958 | if (old && old->mLocation && !PL_strcasecmp(old->mLocation, registryName))
2959 | {
2960 | nsAutoMonitor mon(mMon);
2961 | PL_DHashTableOperate(&mFactories, &aClass, PL_DHASH_REMOVE);
2962 | }
2963 |
2964 | Log(("nsComponentManager: Factory unregister(%s) succeeded.", registryName));
2965 | return NS_OK;
2966 | }
2967 |
2968 | nsresult
2969 | nsComponentManagerImpl::UnregisterComponentSpec(const nsCID &aClass,
2970 | nsIFile *aLibrarySpec)
2971 | {
2972 | nsXPIDLCString registryName;
2973 | nsresult rv = RegistryLocationForSpec(aLibrarySpec, getter_Copies(registryName));
2974 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
2975 | return UnregisterComponent(aClass, registryName);
2976 | }
2977 |
2978 | // XXX Need to pass in aWhen and servicemanager
2979 | nsresult
2980 | nsComponentManagerImpl::FreeLibraries(void)
2981 | {
2982 | return UnloadLibraries(NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIServiceManager*, this), NS_Timer); // XXX when
2983 | }
2984 |
2985 | // Private implementation of unloading libraries
2986 | nsresult
2987 | nsComponentManagerImpl::UnloadLibraries(nsIServiceManager *serviceMgr, PRInt32 aWhen)
2988 | {
2989 | nsresult rv = NS_OK;
2990 |
2991 | nsAutoMonitor mon(mMon);
2992 |
2993 | Log(("nsComponentManager: Unloading Libraries."));
2994 |
2995 | // UnloadAll the loaders
2996 | /* iterate over all known loaders and ask them to autoregister. */
2997 | // Skip mNativeComponentLoader
2998 | for (int i=NS_COMPONENT_TYPE_NATIVE + 1; i<mNLoaderData; i++) {
2999 | if (mLoaderData[i].loader) {
3000 | rv = mLoaderData[i].loader->UnloadAll(aWhen);
3001 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
3002 | break;
3003 | }
3004 | }
3005 |
3006 | // UnloadAll the native loader
3007 | rv = mNativeComponentLoader->UnloadAll(aWhen);
3008 | return rv;
3009 | }
3010 |
3011 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3012 |
3013 | /**
3014 | * AutoRegister(RegistrationInstant, const char *directory)
3015 | *
3016 | * Given a directory in the following format, this will ensure proper registration
3017 | * of all components. No default directory is looked at.
3018 | *
3019 | * Directory and fullname are what NSPR will accept. For eg.
3020 | * WIN y:/home/dp/mozilla/dist/bin
3021 | * UNIX /home/dp/mozilla/dist/bin
3022 | * MAC /Hard drive/mozilla/dist/apprunner
3023 | *
3024 | * This will take care not loading already registered dlls, finding and
3025 | * registering new dlls, re-registration of modified dlls
3026 | *
3027 | */
3028 |
3029 | nsresult
3030 | nsComponentManagerImpl::AutoRegister(PRInt32 when, nsIFile *inDirSpec)
3031 | {
3032 | return AutoRegisterImpl(when, inDirSpec);
3033 | }
3034 |
3035 | nsresult
3036 | nsComponentManagerImpl::AutoRegisterImpl(PRInt32 when,
3037 | nsIFile *inDirSpec,
3038 | PRBool fileIsCompDir)
3039 | {
3040 | nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> dir;
3041 | nsresult rv;
3042 |
3043 | #ifdef DEBUG
3044 | // testing release behaviour
3045 | if (getenv("XPCOM_NO_AUTOREG"))
3046 | return NS_OK;
3047 | #endif
3048 | if (inDirSpec)
3049 | {
3050 | // Use supplied components' directory
3051 | dir = inDirSpec;
3052 | }
3053 | else
3054 | {
3055 | mComponentsDir->Clone(getter_AddRefs(dir));
3056 | if (!dir)
3058 | }
3059 |
3060 | nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceInfoManager> iim =
3061 | dont_AddRef(XPTI_GetInterfaceInfoManager());
3062 |
3063 | if (!iim)
3064 | return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
3065 |
3066 | // Notify observers of xpcom autoregistration start
3068 | nsnull,
3069 | "start");
3070 |
3071 | /* do the native loader first, so we can find other loaders */
3072 | rv = mNativeComponentLoader->AutoRegisterComponents((PRInt32)when, dir);
3073 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
3074 |
3076 | rv = mStaticComponentLoader->AutoRegisterComponents((PRInt32)when, inDirSpec);
3077 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
3078 | #endif
3079 |
3080 | /* do InterfaceInfoManager after native loader so it can use components. */
3081 | rv = iim->AutoRegisterInterfaces();
3082 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
3083 |
3084 | if (!mCategoryManager) {
3085 | NS_WARNING("mCategoryManager is null");
3086 | return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
3087 | }
3088 |
3089 | nsCOMPtr<nsISimpleEnumerator> loaderEnum;
3090 | rv = mCategoryManager->EnumerateCategory("component-loader",
3091 | getter_AddRefs(loaderEnum));
3092 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
3093 |
3094 | PRBool hasMore;
3095 | while (NS_SUCCEEDED(loaderEnum->HasMoreElements(&hasMore)) && hasMore) {
3096 | nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> supports;
3097 | if (NS_FAILED(loaderEnum->GetNext(getter_AddRefs(supports))))
3098 | continue;
3099 |
3100 | nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsCString> supStr = do_QueryInterface(supports);
3101 | if (!supStr)
3102 | continue;
3103 |
3104 | nsCAutoString loaderType;
3105 | if (NS_FAILED(supStr->GetData(loaderType)))
3106 | continue;
3107 |
3108 | // We depend on the loader being created. Add the loader type and
3109 | // create the loader object too.
3110 | nsCOMPtr<nsIComponentLoader> loader;
3111 | int typeIndex;
3112 | rv = AddLoaderType(loaderType.get(), &typeIndex);
3113 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
3114 | return rv;
3115 | GetLoaderForType(typeIndex, getter_AddRefs(loader));
3116 | }
3117 |
3118 | rv = AutoRegisterNonNativeComponents(dir.get());
3119 |
3120 | // Notify observers of xpcom autoregistration completion
3122 | nsnull,
3123 | "end");
3124 |
3125 | if (mRegistryDirty)
3126 | FlushPersistentStore(PR_TRUE);
3127 | return rv;
3128 | }
3129 |
3130 | nsresult
3131 | nsComponentManagerImpl::AutoRegisterNonNativeComponents(nsIFile* spec)
3132 | {
3133 | nsresult rv = NS_OK;
3134 | nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> directory = spec;
3135 |
3136 | if (!directory) {
3137 | mComponentsDir->Clone(getter_AddRefs(directory));
3138 | if (!directory)
3140 | }
3141 |
3142 | for (int i = 1; i < mNLoaderData; i++) {
3143 | if (!mLoaderData[i].loader) {
3144 | rv = GetLoaderForType(i, &mLoaderData[i].loader);
3145 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
3146 | continue;
3147 | }
3148 | rv = mLoaderData[i].loader->AutoRegisterComponents(0, directory);
3149 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
3150 | break;
3151 | }
3152 |
3153 | if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
3154 | {
3155 | PRBool registered;
3156 | do {
3157 | registered = PR_FALSE;
3158 | for (int i = 0; i < mNLoaderData; i++) {
3159 | PRBool b = PR_FALSE;
3160 | if (mLoaderData[i].loader) {
3161 | rv = mLoaderData[i].loader->RegisterDeferredComponents(0, &b);
3162 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
3163 | continue;
3164 | registered |= b;
3165 | }
3166 | }
3167 | } while (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && registered);
3168 | }
3169 | return rv;
3170 | }
3171 | nsresult
3172 | nsComponentManagerImpl::AutoRegisterComponent(PRInt32 when,
3173 | nsIFile *component)
3174 | {
3175 | nsresult rv = NS_OK, res = NS_ERROR_FACTORY_NOT_REGISTERED;
3176 | /*
3177 | * Do we have to give the native loader first crack at it?
3178 | * I vote ``no''.
3179 | */
3180 | for (int i = 0; i < mNLoaderData; i++) {
3181 | PRBool didRegister;
3182 | if (!mLoaderData[i].loader) {
3183 | nsCOMPtr<nsIComponentLoader> loader;
3184 | rv = GetLoaderForType(i, getter_AddRefs(loader));
3185 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
3186 | continue;
3187 | // |GetLoaderForType| has filled in |mLoaderData[i].loader|:
3188 | NS_ASSERTION(loader == mLoaderData[i].loader, "oops");
3189 | }
3190 | rv = mLoaderData[i].loader->AutoRegisterComponent((int)when, component, &didRegister);
3191 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
3192 | res = rv;
3193 | } else if (didRegister) {
3194 | return rv;
3195 | }
3196 | }
3197 | return res;
3198 | }
3199 |
3200 | nsresult
3201 | nsComponentManagerImpl::AutoUnregisterComponent(PRInt32 when,
3202 | nsIFile *component)
3203 | {
3204 | nsresult rv = NS_OK;
3205 | for (int i = 0; i < mNLoaderData; i++) {
3206 | PRBool didUnRegister;
3207 | if (!mLoaderData[i].loader) {
3208 | rv = GetLoaderForType(i, &mLoaderData[i].loader);
3209 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
3210 | continue;
3211 | }
3212 | rv = mLoaderData[i].loader->AutoUnregisterComponent(when, component, &didUnRegister);
3213 | if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && didUnRegister) {
3214 | // we need to remove this file from our list of known libraries.
3215 | RemoveFileInfo(component, nsnull);
3216 | mRegistryDirty = PR_TRUE;
3217 | break;
3218 | }
3219 | }
3221 | }
3222 |
3223 | nsresult
3224 | nsComponentManagerImpl::IsRegistered(const nsCID &aClass,
3225 | PRBool *aRegistered)
3226 | {
3227 | if (!aRegistered)
3228 | {
3229 | NS_ASSERTION(0, "null ptr");
3230 | return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
3231 | }
3232 | *aRegistered = (nsnull != GetFactoryEntry(aClass));
3233 | return NS_OK;
3234 | }
3235 |
3236 | nsresult
3237 | nsComponentManagerImpl::EnumerateCLSIDs(nsIEnumerator** aEnumerator)
3238 | {
3239 | NS_ASSERTION(aEnumerator != nsnull, "null ptr");
3240 | if (!aEnumerator)
3241 | {
3242 | return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
3243 | }
3244 | *aEnumerator = nsnull;
3245 |
3246 | nsresult rv;
3247 |
3248 | PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl *aEnum;
3249 | rv = PL_NewDHashTableEnumerator(&mFactories,
3250 | ConvertFactoryEntryToCID,
3251 | (void*)this,
3252 | &aEnum);
3253 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
3254 | return rv;
3255 |
3256 | *aEnumerator = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIEnumerator*, aEnum);
3257 | return NS_OK;
3258 | }
3259 |
3260 | nsresult
3261 | nsComponentManagerImpl::EnumerateContractIDs(nsIEnumerator** aEnumerator)
3262 | {
3263 | NS_ASSERTION(aEnumerator != nsnull, "null ptr");
3264 | if (!aEnumerator)
3265 | {
3266 | return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
3267 | }
3268 |
3269 | *aEnumerator = nsnull;
3270 |
3271 | nsresult rv;
3272 | PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl *aEnum;
3273 | rv = PL_NewDHashTableEnumerator(&mContractIDs,
3274 | ConvertContractIDKeyToString,
3275 | (void*)this,
3276 | &aEnum);
3277 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
3278 | return rv;
3279 |
3280 | *aEnumerator = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIEnumerator*, aEnum);
3281 | return NS_OK;
3282 | }
3283 |
3284 | // nsIComponentRegistrar
3285 |
3287 | nsComponentManagerImpl::AutoRegister(nsIFile *aSpec)
3288 | {
3289 | if (aSpec == nsnull)
3290 | return AutoRegisterImpl(0, aSpec);
3291 |
3292 | PRBool directory;
3293 | aSpec->IsDirectory(&directory);
3294 |
3295 | if (directory)
3296 | return AutoRegisterImpl(0, aSpec, PR_FALSE);
3297 |
3298 | return AutoRegisterComponent(0, aSpec);
3299 | }
3300 |
3302 | nsComponentManagerImpl::AutoUnregister(nsIFile *aSpec)
3303 | {
3304 | // unregistering a complete directory is not implmeneted yet...FIX
3305 | if (aSpec == nsnull)
3307 |
3308 | PRBool directory;
3309 | aSpec->IsDirectory(&directory);
3310 |
3311 | if (directory)
3313 |
3314 | return AutoUnregisterComponent(0, aSpec);
3315 | }
3316 |
3318 | nsComponentManagerImpl::RegisterFactory(const nsCID & aClass,
3319 | const char *aClassName,
3320 | const char *aContractID,
3321 | nsIFactory *aFactory)
3322 | {
3323 | return RegisterFactory(aClass,
3324 | aClassName,
3325 | aContractID,
3326 | aFactory,
3327 | PR_TRUE);
3328 | }
3329 |
3331 | nsComponentManagerImpl::RegisterFactoryLocation(const nsCID & aClass,
3332 | const char *aClassName,
3333 | const char *aContractID,
3334 | nsIFile *aFile,
3335 | const char *loaderStr,
3336 | const char *aType)
3337 | {
3338 | nsXPIDLCString registryName;
3339 |
3340 | if (!loaderStr)
3341 | {
3342 | nsresult rv = RegistryLocationForSpec(aFile, getter_Copies(registryName));
3343 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
3344 | return rv;
3345 | }
3346 |
3347 | nsresult rv;
3348 | rv = RegisterComponentWithType(aClass,
3349 | aClassName,
3350 | aContractID,
3351 | aFile,
3352 | (loaderStr ? loaderStr : registryName.get()),
3353 | PR_TRUE,
3354 | PR_TRUE,
3355 | (aType ? aType : nativeComponentType));
3356 | return rv;
3357 | }
3358 |
3360 | nsComponentManagerImpl::UnregisterFactoryLocation(const nsCID & aClass,
3361 | nsIFile *aFile)
3362 | {
3363 | return UnregisterComponentSpec(aClass, aFile);
3364 | }
3365 |
3367 | nsComponentManagerImpl::IsCIDRegistered(const nsCID & aClass,
3368 | PRBool *_retval)
3369 | {
3370 | return IsRegistered(aClass, _retval);
3371 | }
3372 |
3374 | nsComponentManagerImpl::IsContractIDRegistered(const char *aClass,
3375 | PRBool *_retval)
3376 | {
3377 | nsFactoryEntry *entry = GetFactoryEntry(aClass, strlen(aClass));
3378 |
3379 | if (entry)
3380 | *_retval = PR_TRUE;
3381 | else
3382 | *_retval = PR_FALSE;
3383 | return NS_OK;
3384 | }
3385 |
3387 | nsComponentManagerImpl::EnumerateCIDs(nsISimpleEnumerator **aEnumerator)
3388 | {
3389 | NS_ASSERTION(aEnumerator != nsnull, "null ptr");
3390 |
3391 | if (!aEnumerator)
3392 | return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
3393 |
3394 | *aEnumerator = nsnull;
3395 |
3396 | nsresult rv;
3397 | PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl *aEnum;
3398 | rv = PL_NewDHashTableEnumerator(&mFactories,
3399 | ConvertFactoryEntryToCID,
3400 | (void*)this,
3401 | &aEnum);
3402 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
3403 | return rv;
3404 |
3405 | *aEnumerator = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsISimpleEnumerator*, aEnum);
3406 | return NS_OK;
3407 | }
3408 |
3410 | nsComponentManagerImpl::EnumerateContractIDs(nsISimpleEnumerator **aEnumerator)
3411 | {
3412 | NS_ASSERTION(aEnumerator != nsnull, "null ptr");
3413 | if (!aEnumerator)
3414 | return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
3415 |
3416 | *aEnumerator = nsnull;
3417 |
3418 | nsresult rv;
3419 | PLDHashTableEnumeratorImpl *aEnum;
3420 | rv = PL_NewDHashTableEnumerator(&mContractIDs,
3421 | ConvertContractIDKeyToString,
3422 | (void*)this,
3423 | &aEnum);
3424 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
3425 | return rv;
3426 |
3427 | *aEnumerator = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsISimpleEnumerator*, aEnum);
3428 | return NS_OK;
3429 | }
3430 |
3432 | nsComponentManagerImpl::CIDToContractID(const nsCID & aClass,
3433 | char **_retval)
3434 | {
3435 | return CLSIDToContractID(aClass,
3436 | nsnull,
3437 | _retval);
3438 | }
3439 |
3441 | nsComponentManagerImpl::ContractIDToCID(const char *aContractID,
3442 | nsCID * *_retval)
3443 | {
3444 | *_retval = (nsCID*) nsMemory::Alloc(sizeof(nsCID));
3445 | if (!*_retval)
3446 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
3447 |
3448 | nsresult rv = ContractIDToClassID(aContractID, *_retval);
3449 | if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
3450 | nsMemory::Free(*_retval);
3451 | *_retval = nsnull;
3452 | }
3453 | return rv;
3454 | }
3455 |
3456 | // end nsIComponentRegistrar
3457 |
3458 |
3459 |
3460 |
3462 | nsComponentManagerImpl::HasFileChanged(nsIFile *file, const char *loaderString, PRInt64 modDate, PRBool *_retval)
3463 | {
3464 | *_retval = PR_TRUE;
3465 |
3466 | nsXPIDLCString registryName;
3467 | nsresult rv = RegistryLocationForSpec(file, getter_Copies(registryName));
3468 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
3469 | return rv;
3470 |
3471 | nsCStringKey key(registryName);
3472 | AutoRegEntry* entry = (AutoRegEntry*)mAutoRegEntries.Get(&key);
3473 | if (entry)
3474 | *_retval = entry->Modified(&modDate);
3475 | else
3476 | *_retval = PR_TRUE;
3477 |
3478 | return NS_OK;
3479 | }
3480 |
3482 | nsComponentManagerImpl::SaveFileInfo(nsIFile *file, const char *loaderString, PRInt64 modDate)
3483 | {
3484 | mRegistryDirty = PR_TRUE;
3485 | nsXPIDLCString registryName;
3486 | nsresult rv = RegistryLocationForSpec(file, getter_Copies(registryName));
3487 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
3488 | return rv;
3489 |
3490 | // check to see if exists in the array before adding it so that we don't have dups.
3491 | nsCStringKey key(registryName);
3492 | AutoRegEntry* entry = (AutoRegEntry*)mAutoRegEntries.Get(&key);
3493 |
3494 | if (entry)
3495 | {
3496 | entry->SetDate(&modDate);
3497 | return NS_OK;
3498 | }
3499 |
3500 | entry = new AutoRegEntry(registryName, &modDate);
3501 | if (!entry)
3502 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
3503 |
3504 | mAutoRegEntries.Put(&key, entry);
3505 | return NS_OK;
3506 | }
3507 |
3509 | nsComponentManagerImpl::RemoveFileInfo(nsIFile *file, const char *loaderString)
3510 | {
3511 | mRegistryDirty = PR_TRUE;
3512 | nsXPIDLCString registryName;
3513 | nsresult rv = RegistryLocationForSpec(file, getter_Copies(registryName));
3514 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
3515 | return rv;
3516 |
3517 | nsCStringKey key(registryName);
3518 | AutoRegEntry* entry = (AutoRegEntry*)mAutoRegEntries.Remove(&key);
3519 | if (entry)
3520 | delete entry;
3521 |
3522 | return NS_OK;
3523 | }
3524 |
3526 | nsComponentManagerImpl::GetOptionalData(nsIFile *file,
3527 | const char *loaderString,
3528 | char **_retval)
3529 | {
3530 | nsXPIDLCString registryName;
3531 | nsresult rv = RegistryLocationForSpec(file, getter_Copies(registryName));
3532 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
3533 | return rv;
3534 |
3535 | nsCStringKey key(registryName);
3536 | AutoRegEntry* entry = (AutoRegEntry*)mAutoRegEntries.Get(&key);
3537 | if (!entry) {
3539 | }
3540 | const char* opData = entry->GetOptionalData();
3541 |
3542 | if (opData)
3543 | *_retval = ToNewCString(nsDependentCString(opData));
3544 | else
3545 | *_retval = nsnull;
3546 | return NS_OK;
3547 | }
3548 |
3550 | nsComponentManagerImpl::SetOptionalData(nsIFile *file,
3551 | const char *loaderString,
3552 | const char *data)
3553 | {
3554 | nsXPIDLCString registryName;
3555 | nsresult rv = RegistryLocationForSpec(file, getter_Copies(registryName));
3556 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
3557 | return rv;
3558 |
3559 | nsCStringKey key(registryName);
3560 | AutoRegEntry* entry = (AutoRegEntry*)mAutoRegEntries.Get(&key);
3561 |
3562 | if (!entry) {
3563 | PRInt64 zero = LL_Zero();
3564 | entry = new AutoRegEntry(registryName, &zero);
3565 | if (!entry)
3566 | return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
3567 |
3568 | mAutoRegEntries.Put(&key, entry);
3569 | }
3570 |
3571 | entry->SetOptionalData(data);
3572 |
3573 | return NS_OK;
3574 | }
3575 |
3576 |
3578 | nsComponentManagerImpl::FlushPersistentStore(PRBool now)
3579 | {
3580 | mRegistryDirty = PR_TRUE;
3581 | if (now)
3582 | return WritePersistentRegistry();
3583 |
3584 | return NS_OK;
3585 | }
3586 |
3587 |
3588 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3589 | // Static Access Functions
3590 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3591 |
3592 | NS_COM nsresult
3593 | NS_GetGlobalComponentManager(nsIComponentManager* *result)
3594 | {
3595 | #ifdef DEBUG_dougt
3596 | // NS_WARNING("DEPRECATED FUNCTION: Use NS_GetComponentManager");
3597 | #endif
3598 | nsresult rv = NS_OK;
3599 |
3600 | if (nsComponentManagerImpl::gComponentManager == nsnull)
3601 | {
3602 | // XPCOM needs initialization.
3603 | rv = NS_InitXPCOM2(nsnull, nsnull, nsnull);
3604 | }
3605 |
3606 | if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
3607 | {
3608 | // NO ADDREF since this is never intended to be released.
3609 | // See nsComponentManagerObsolete.h for the reason for such
3610 | // casting uglyness
3611 | *result = (nsIComponentManager*)(void*)(nsIComponentManagerObsolete*) nsComponentManagerImpl::gComponentManager;
3612 | }
3613 |
3614 | return rv;
3615 | }
3616 |
3617 | NS_COM nsresult
3618 | NS_GetComponentManager(nsIComponentManager* *result)
3619 | {
3620 | if (nsComponentManagerImpl::gComponentManager == nsnull)
3621 | {
3622 | // XPCOM needs initialization.
3623 | nsresult rv = NS_InitXPCOM2(nsnull, nsnull, nsnull);
3624 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
3625 | return rv;
3626 | }
3627 |
3628 | *result = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIComponentManager*,
3629 | nsComponentManagerImpl::gComponentManager);
3630 | NS_IF_ADDREF(*result);
3631 | return NS_OK;
3632 | }
3633 |
3634 | NS_COM nsresult
3635 | NS_GetServiceManager(nsIServiceManager* *result)
3636 | {
3637 | nsresult rv = NS_OK;
3638 |
3639 | if (nsComponentManagerImpl::gComponentManager == nsnull)
3640 | {
3641 | #ifdef VBOX
3642 | // While XPCOM might need initialization, we're not in a position
3643 | // to pass the right values to this call. This is actually triggered
3644 | // on object destruction, so there is no point in re-initializing,
3645 | // and actually the attempt would lead to nested calls to
3646 | // xptiInterfaceInfoManager::BuildFileSearchPath, which it detects
3647 | // as unsafe in debug builds. Just fail, no real problem.
3648 | #ifdef DEBUG
3649 | printf("NS_GetServiceManager: no current instance, suppressed XPCOM initialization!\n");
3650 | #endif
3652 | #else /* !VBOX */
3653 | // XPCOM needs initialization.
3654 | rv = NS_InitXPCOM2(nsnull, nsnull, nsnull);
3655 | #endif /* !VBOX */
3656 | }
3657 |
3658 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
3659 | return rv;
3660 |
3661 | *result = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIServiceManager*,
3662 | nsComponentManagerImpl::gComponentManager);
3663 | NS_IF_ADDREF(*result);
3664 | return NS_OK;
3665 | }
3666 |
3667 |
3668 | NS_COM nsresult
3669 | NS_GetComponentRegistrar(nsIComponentRegistrar* *result)
3670 | {
3671 | nsresult rv = NS_OK;
3672 |
3673 | if (nsComponentManagerImpl::gComponentManager == nsnull)
3674 | {
3675 | // XPCOM needs initialization.
3676 | rv = NS_InitXPCOM2(nsnull, nsnull, nsnull);
3677 | }
3678 |
3679 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
3680 | return rv;
3681 |
3682 | *result = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIComponentRegistrar*,
3683 | nsComponentManagerImpl::gComponentManager);
3684 | NS_IF_ADDREF(*result);
3685 | return NS_OK;
3686 | }
3687 |
3688 |
3689 | // nsIComponentLoaderManager is not frozen, but is defined here
3690 | // so that I can use it internally in xpcom.
3691 | nsresult
3692 | NS_GetComponentLoaderManager(nsIComponentLoaderManager* *result)
3693 | {
3694 | nsresult rv = NS_OK;
3695 |
3696 | if (nsComponentManagerImpl::gComponentManager == NULL)
3697 | {
3698 | // XPCOM needs initialization.
3699 | rv = NS_InitXPCOM2(nsnull, nsnull, nsnull);
3700 | }
3701 |
3702 | if (NS_FAILED(rv))
3703 | return rv;
3704 |
3705 | *result = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIComponentLoaderManager*,
3706 | nsComponentManagerImpl::gComponentManager);
3707 | NS_IF_ADDREF(*result);
3708 | return NS_OK;
3709 | }