1 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 | -- ZLib for Ada thick binding. --
3 | -- --
4 | -- Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Dmitriy Anisimkov --
5 | -- --
6 | -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --
7 | -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --
8 | -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at --
9 | -- your option) any later version. --
10 | -- --
11 | -- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but --
12 | -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
14 | -- General Public License for more details. --
15 | -- --
16 | -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --
17 | -- along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, --
18 | -- Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. --
19 | -- --
20 | -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
21 | -- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
22 | -- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
23 | -- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
24 | -- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
25 | -- covered by the GNU Public License. --
26 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 |
28 | -- $Id: zlib.ads,v 1.1 2004/11/15 16:42:25 bird Exp $
29 |
30 | with Ada.Streams;
31 |
32 | with Interfaces;
33 |
34 | package ZLib is
35 |
36 | ZLib_Error : exception;
37 |
38 | type Compression_Level is new Integer range -1 .. 9;
39 |
40 | type Flush_Mode is private;
41 |
42 | type Compression_Method is private;
43 |
44 | type Window_Bits_Type is new Integer range 8 .. 15;
45 |
46 | type Memory_Level_Type is new Integer range 1 .. 9;
47 |
48 | type Unsigned_32 is new Interfaces.Unsigned_32;
49 |
50 | type Strategy_Type is private;
51 |
52 | type Header_Type is (None, Auto, Default, GZip);
53 | -- Header type usage have a some limitation for inflate.
54 | -- See comment for Inflate_Init.
55 |
56 | subtype Count is Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count;
57 |
58 | ----------------------------------
59 | -- Compression method constants --
60 | ----------------------------------
61 |
62 | Deflated : constant Compression_Method;
63 | -- Only one method allowed in this ZLib version.
64 |
65 | ---------------------------------
66 | -- Compression level constants --
67 | ---------------------------------
68 |
69 | No_Compression : constant Compression_Level := 0;
70 | Best_Speed : constant Compression_Level := 1;
71 | Best_Compression : constant Compression_Level := 9;
72 | Default_Compression : constant Compression_Level := -1;
73 |
74 | --------------------------
75 | -- Flush mode constants --
76 | --------------------------
77 |
78 | No_Flush : constant Flush_Mode;
79 | -- Regular way for compression, no flush
80 |
81 | Partial_Flush : constant Flush_Mode;
82 | -- will be removed, use Z_SYNC_FLUSH instead
83 |
84 | Sync_Flush : constant Flush_Mode;
85 | -- all pending output is flushed to the output buffer and the output
86 | -- is aligned on a byte boundary, so that the decompressor can get all
87 | -- input data available so far. (In particular avail_in is zero after the
88 | -- call if enough output space has been provided before the call.)
89 | -- Flushing may degrade compression for some compression algorithms and so
90 | -- it should be used only when necessary.
91 |
92 | Full_Flush : constant Flush_Mode;
93 | -- all output is flushed as with SYNC_FLUSH, and the compression state
94 | -- is reset so that decompression can restart from this point if previous
95 | -- compressed data has been damaged or if random access is desired. Using
96 | -- FULL_FLUSH too often can seriously degrade the compression.
97 |
98 | Finish : constant Flush_Mode;
99 | -- Just for tell the compressor that input data is complete.
100 |
101 | ------------------------------------
102 | -- Compression strategy constants --
103 | ------------------------------------
104 |
105 | -- RLE stategy could be used only in version 1.2.0 and later.
106 |
107 | Filtered : constant Strategy_Type;
108 | Huffman_Only : constant Strategy_Type;
109 | RLE : constant Strategy_Type;
110 | Default_Strategy : constant Strategy_Type;
111 |
112 | Default_Buffer_Size : constant := 4096;
113 |
114 | type Filter_Type is limited private;
115 | -- The filter is for compression and for decompression.
116 | -- The usage of the type is depend of its initialization.
117 |
118 | function Version return String;
119 | pragma Inline (Version);
120 | -- Return string representation of the ZLib version.
121 |
122 | procedure Deflate_Init
123 | (Filter : in out Filter_Type;
124 | Level : in Compression_Level := Default_Compression;
125 | Strategy : in Strategy_Type := Default_Strategy;
126 | Method : in Compression_Method := Deflated;
127 | Window_Bits : in Window_Bits_Type := 15;
128 | Memory_Level : in Memory_Level_Type := 8;
129 | Header : in Header_Type := Default);
130 | -- Compressor initialization.
131 | -- When Header parameter is Auto or Default, then default zlib header
132 | -- would be provided for compressed data.
133 | -- When Header is GZip, then gzip header would be set instead of
134 | -- default header.
135 | -- When Header is None, no header would be set for compressed data.
136 |
137 | procedure Inflate_Init
138 | (Filter : in out Filter_Type;
139 | Window_Bits : in Window_Bits_Type := 15;
140 | Header : in Header_Type := Default);
141 | -- Decompressor initialization.
142 | -- Default header type mean that ZLib default header is expecting in the
143 | -- input compressed stream.
144 | -- Header type None mean that no header is expecting in the input stream.
145 | -- GZip header type mean that GZip header is expecting in the
146 | -- input compressed stream.
147 | -- Auto header type mean that header type (GZip or Native) would be
148 | -- detected automatically in the input stream.
149 | -- Note that header types parameter values None, GZip and Auto is
150 | -- supporting for inflate routine only in ZLib versions and later.
151 | -- Deflate_Init is supporting all header types.
152 |
153 | procedure Close
154 | (Filter : in out Filter_Type;
155 | Ignore_Error : in Boolean := False);
156 | -- Closing the compression or decompressor.
157 | -- If stream is closing before the complete and Ignore_Error is False,
158 | -- The exception would be raised.
159 |
160 | generic
161 | with procedure Data_In
162 | (Item : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array;
163 | Last : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset);
164 | with procedure Data_Out
165 | (Item : in Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array);
166 | procedure Generic_Translate
167 | (Filter : in out Filter_Type;
168 | In_Buffer_Size : in Integer := Default_Buffer_Size;
169 | Out_Buffer_Size : in Integer := Default_Buffer_Size);
170 | -- Compressing/decompressing data arrived from Data_In routine
171 | -- to the Data_Out routine. User should provide Data_In and Data_Out
172 | -- for compression/decompression data flow.
173 | -- Compression or decompression depend on initialization of Filter.
174 |
175 | function Total_In (Filter : in Filter_Type) return Count;
176 | pragma Inline (Total_In);
177 | -- Return total number of input bytes read so far.
178 |
179 | function Total_Out (Filter : in Filter_Type) return Count;
180 | pragma Inline (Total_Out);
181 | -- Return total number of bytes output so far.
182 |
183 | function CRC32
184 | (CRC : in Unsigned_32;
185 | Data : in Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array)
186 | return Unsigned_32;
187 | pragma Inline (CRC32);
188 | -- Calculate CRC32, it could be necessary for make gzip format.
189 |
190 | procedure CRC32
191 | (CRC : in out Unsigned_32;
192 | Data : in Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array);
193 | pragma Inline (CRC32);
194 | -- Calculate CRC32, it could be necessary for make gzip format.
195 |
196 | -------------------------------------------------
197 | -- Below is more complex low level routines. --
198 | -------------------------------------------------
199 |
200 | procedure Translate
201 | (Filter : in out Filter_Type;
202 | In_Data : in Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array;
203 | In_Last : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset;
204 | Out_Data : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array;
205 | Out_Last : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset;
206 | Flush : in Flush_Mode);
207 | -- Compressing/decompressing the datas from In_Data buffer to the
208 | -- Out_Data buffer.
209 | -- In_Data is incoming data portion,
210 | -- In_Last is the index of last element from In_Data accepted by the
211 | -- Filter.
212 | -- Out_Data is the buffer for output data from the filter.
213 | -- Out_Last is the last element of the received data from Filter.
214 | -- To tell the filter that incoming data is complete put the
215 | -- Flush parameter to FINISH.
216 |
217 | function Stream_End (Filter : in Filter_Type) return Boolean;
218 | pragma Inline (Stream_End);
219 | -- Return the true when the stream is complete.
220 |
221 | procedure Flush
222 | (Filter : in out Filter_Type;
223 | Out_Data : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array;
224 | Out_Last : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset;
225 | Flush : in Flush_Mode);
226 | pragma Inline (Flush);
227 | -- Flushing the data from the compressor.
228 |
229 | generic
230 | with procedure Write
231 | (Item : in Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array);
232 | -- User should provide this routine for accept
233 | -- compressed/decompressed data.
234 |
235 | Buffer_Size : in Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset
236 | := Default_Buffer_Size;
237 | -- Buffer size for Write user routine.
238 |
239 | procedure Write
240 | (Filter : in out Filter_Type;
241 | Item : in Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array;
242 | Flush : in Flush_Mode);
243 | -- Compressing/Decompressing data from Item to the
244 | -- generic parameter procedure Write.
245 | -- Output buffer size could be set in Buffer_Size generic parameter.
246 |
247 | generic
248 | with procedure Read
249 | (Item : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array;
250 | Last : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset);
251 | -- User should provide data for compression/decompression
252 | -- thru this routine.
253 |
254 | Buffer : in out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array;
255 | -- Buffer for keep remaining data from the previous
256 | -- back read.
257 |
258 | Rest_First, Rest_Last : in out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset;
259 | -- Rest_First have to be initialized to Buffer'Last + 1
260 | -- before usage.
261 |
262 | procedure Read
263 | (Filter : in out Filter_Type;
264 | Item : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array;
265 | Last : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset);
266 | -- Compressing/Decompressing data from generic parameter
267 | -- procedure Read to the Item.
268 | -- User should provide Buffer for the operation
269 | -- and Rest_First variable first time initialized to the Buffer'Last + 1.
270 |
271 | private
272 |
273 | use Ada.Streams;
274 |
275 | type Flush_Mode is new Integer range 0 .. 4;
276 |
277 | type Compression_Method is new Integer range 8 .. 8;
278 |
279 | type Strategy_Type is new Integer range 0 .. 3;
280 |
281 | No_Flush : constant Flush_Mode := 0;
282 | Sync_Flush : constant Flush_Mode := 2;
283 | Full_Flush : constant Flush_Mode := 3;
284 | Finish : constant Flush_Mode := 4;
285 | Partial_Flush : constant Flush_Mode := 1;
286 | -- will be removed, use Z_SYNC_FLUSH instead
287 |
288 | Filtered : constant Strategy_Type := 1;
289 | Huffman_Only : constant Strategy_Type := 2;
290 | RLE : constant Strategy_Type := 3;
291 | Default_Strategy : constant Strategy_Type := 0;
292 |
293 | Deflated : constant Compression_Method := 8;
294 |
295 | type Z_Stream;
296 |
297 | type Z_Stream_Access is access all Z_Stream;
298 |
299 | type Filter_Type is record
300 | Strm : Z_Stream_Access;
301 | Compression : Boolean;
302 | Stream_End : Boolean;
303 | Header : Header_Type;
304 | CRC : Unsigned_32;
305 | Offset : Stream_Element_Offset;
306 | -- Offset for gzip header/footer output.
307 |
308 | Opened : Boolean := False;
309 | end record;
310 |
311 | end ZLib;