1 | # Makefile for zlib using Microsoft (Visual) C
2 | # zlib is copyright (C) 1995-2017 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
3 | #
4 | # Usage:
5 | # nmake -f win32/Makefile.msc (standard build)
6 | # nmake -f win32/Makefile.msc LOC=-DFOO (nonstandard build)
7 |
8 | # The toplevel directory of the source tree.
9 | #
10 | TOP = .
11 |
12 | # optional build flags
13 | LOC =
14 |
15 | # variables
16 | STATICLIB = zlib.lib
17 | SHAREDLIB = zlib1.dll
18 | IMPLIB = zdll.lib
19 |
20 | CC = cl
21 | AS = ml
22 | LD = link
23 | AR = lib
24 | RC = rc
25 | CFLAGS = -nologo -MD -W3 -O2 -Oy- -Zi -Fd"zlib" $(LOC)
27 | ASFLAGS = -coff -Zi $(LOC)
28 | LDFLAGS = -nologo -debug -incremental:no -opt:ref
29 | ARFLAGS = -nologo
30 | RCFLAGS = /dWIN32 /r
31 |
32 | OBJS = adler32.obj compress.obj crc32.obj deflate.obj gzclose.obj gzlib.obj gzread.obj \
33 | gzwrite.obj infback.obj inflate.obj inftrees.obj inffast.obj trees.obj uncompr.obj zutil.obj
34 | OBJA =
35 |
36 |
37 | # targets
39 | example.exe minigzip.exe example_d.exe minigzip_d.exe
40 |
41 | $(STATICLIB): $(OBJS) $(OBJA)
42 | $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) -out:$@ $(OBJS) $(OBJA)
43 |
45 |
46 | $(SHAREDLIB): $(TOP)/win32/zlib.def $(OBJS) $(OBJA) zlib1.res
47 | $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -def:$(TOP)/win32/zlib.def -dll -implib:$(IMPLIB) \
48 | -out:$@ -base:0x5A4C0000 $(OBJS) $(OBJA) zlib1.res
49 | if exist [email protected] \
50 | mt -nologo -manifest [email protected] -outputresource:$@;2
51 |
52 | example.exe: example.obj $(STATICLIB)
53 | $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) example.obj $(STATICLIB)
54 | if exist [email protected] \
55 | mt -nologo -manifest [email protected] -outputresource:$@;1
56 |
57 | minigzip.exe: minigzip.obj $(STATICLIB)
58 | $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) minigzip.obj $(STATICLIB)
59 | if exist [email protected] \
60 | mt -nologo -manifest [email protected] -outputresource:$@;1
61 |
62 | example_d.exe: example.obj $(IMPLIB)
63 | $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -out:$@ example.obj $(IMPLIB)
64 | if exist [email protected] \
65 | mt -nologo -manifest [email protected] -outputresource:$@;1
66 |
67 | minigzip_d.exe: minigzip.obj $(IMPLIB)
68 | $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -out:$@ minigzip.obj $(IMPLIB)
69 | if exist [email protected] \
70 | mt -nologo -manifest [email protected] -outputresource:$@;1
71 |
72 | {$(TOP)}.c.obj:
73 | $(CC) -c $(WFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $<
74 |
75 | {$(TOP)/test}.c.obj:
76 | $(CC) -c -I$(TOP) $(WFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $<
77 |
78 | {$(TOP)/contrib/masmx64}.c.obj:
79 | $(CC) -c $(WFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $<
80 |
81 | {$(TOP)/contrib/masmx64}.asm.obj:
82 | $(AS) -c $(ASFLAGS) $<
83 |
84 | {$(TOP)/contrib/masmx86}.asm.obj:
85 | $(AS) -c $(ASFLAGS) $<
86 |
87 | adler32.obj: $(TOP)/adler32.c $(TOP)/zlib.h $(TOP)/zconf.h
88 |
89 | compress.obj: $(TOP)/compress.c $(TOP)/zlib.h $(TOP)/zconf.h
90 |
91 | crc32.obj: $(TOP)/crc32.c $(TOP)/zlib.h $(TOP)/zconf.h $(TOP)/crc32.h
92 |
93 | deflate.obj: $(TOP)/deflate.c $(TOP)/deflate.h $(TOP)/zutil.h $(TOP)/zlib.h $(TOP)/zconf.h
94 |
95 | gzclose.obj: $(TOP)/gzclose.c $(TOP)/zlib.h $(TOP)/zconf.h $(TOP)/gzguts.h
96 |
97 | gzlib.obj: $(TOP)/gzlib.c $(TOP)/zlib.h $(TOP)/zconf.h $(TOP)/gzguts.h
98 |
99 | gzread.obj: $(TOP)/gzread.c $(TOP)/zlib.h $(TOP)/zconf.h $(TOP)/gzguts.h
100 |
101 | gzwrite.obj: $(TOP)/gzwrite.c $(TOP)/zlib.h $(TOP)/zconf.h $(TOP)/gzguts.h
102 |
103 | infback.obj: $(TOP)/infback.c $(TOP)/zutil.h $(TOP)/zlib.h $(TOP)/zconf.h $(TOP)/inftrees.h $(TOP)/inflate.h \
104 | $(TOP)/inffast.h $(TOP)/inffixed.h
105 |
106 | inffast.obj: $(TOP)/inffast.c $(TOP)/zutil.h $(TOP)/zlib.h $(TOP)/zconf.h $(TOP)/inftrees.h $(TOP)/inflate.h \
107 | $(TOP)/inffast.h
108 |
109 | inflate.obj: $(TOP)/inflate.c $(TOP)/zutil.h $(TOP)/zlib.h $(TOP)/zconf.h $(TOP)/inftrees.h $(TOP)/inflate.h \
110 | $(TOP)/inffast.h $(TOP)/inffixed.h
111 |
112 | inftrees.obj: $(TOP)/inftrees.c $(TOP)/zutil.h $(TOP)/zlib.h $(TOP)/zconf.h $(TOP)/inftrees.h
113 |
114 | trees.obj: $(TOP)/trees.c $(TOP)/zutil.h $(TOP)/zlib.h $(TOP)/zconf.h $(TOP)/deflate.h $(TOP)/trees.h
115 |
116 | uncompr.obj: $(TOP)/uncompr.c $(TOP)/zlib.h $(TOP)/zconf.h
117 |
118 | zutil.obj: $(TOP)/zutil.c $(TOP)/zutil.h $(TOP)/zlib.h $(TOP)/zconf.h
119 |
120 | gvmat64.obj: $(TOP)/contrib\masmx64\gvmat64.asm
121 |
122 | inffasx64.obj: $(TOP)/contrib\masmx64\inffasx64.asm
123 |
124 | inffas8664.obj: $(TOP)/contrib\masmx64\inffas8664.c $(TOP)/zutil.h $(TOP)/zlib.h $(TOP)/zconf.h \
125 | $(TOP)/inftrees.h $(TOP)/inflate.h $(TOP)/inffast.h
126 |
127 | inffas32.obj: $(TOP)/contrib\masmx86\inffas32.asm
128 |
129 | match686.obj: $(TOP)/contrib\masmx86\match686.asm
130 |
131 | example.obj: $(TOP)/test/example.c $(TOP)/zlib.h $(TOP)/zconf.h
132 |
133 | minigzip.obj: $(TOP)/test/minigzip.c $(TOP)/zlib.h $(TOP)/zconf.h
134 |
135 | zlib1.res: $(TOP)/win32/zlib1.rc
136 | $(RC) $(RCFLAGS) /fo$@ $(TOP)/win32/zlib1.rc
137 |
138 | # testing
139 | test: example.exe minigzip.exe
140 | example
141 | echo hello world | minigzip | minigzip -d
142 |
143 | testdll: example_d.exe minigzip_d.exe
144 | example_d
145 | echo hello world | minigzip_d | minigzip_d -d
146 |
147 |
148 | # cleanup
149 | clean:
150 | -del $(STATICLIB)
151 | -del $(SHAREDLIB)
152 | -del $(IMPLIB)
153 | -del *.obj
154 | -del *.res
155 | -del *.exp
156 | -del *.exe
157 | -del *.pdb
158 | -del *.manifest
159 | -del foo.gz