1 | See below some functions declarations for Visual Basic.
2 |
3 | Frequently Asked Question:
4 |
5 | Q: Each time I use the compress function I get the -5 error (not enough
6 | room in the output buffer).
7 |
8 | A: Make sure that the length of the compressed buffer is passed by
9 | reference ("as any"), not by value ("as long"). Also check that
10 | before the call of compress this length is equal to the total size of
11 | the compressed buffer and not zero.
12 |
13 |
14 | From: "Jon Caruana" <[email protected]>
15 | Subject: Re: How to port zlib declares to vb?
16 | Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 18:33:03 -0600
17 |
18 | Got the answer! (I haven't had time to check this but it's what I got, and
19 | looks correct):
20 |
21 | He has the following routines working:
22 | compress
23 | uncompress
24 | gzopen
25 | gzwrite
26 | gzread
27 | gzclose
28 |
29 | Declares follow: (Quoted from Carlos Rios <[email protected]>, in Vb4 form)
30 |
31 | #If Win16 Then 'Use Win16 calls.
32 | Declare Function compress Lib "ZLIB.DLL" (ByVal compr As
33 | String, comprLen As Any, ByVal buf As String, ByVal buflen
34 | As Long) As Integer
35 | Declare Function uncompress Lib "ZLIB.DLL" (ByVal uncompr
36 | As String, uncomprLen As Any, ByVal compr As String, ByVal
37 | lcompr As Long) As Integer
38 | Declare Function gzopen Lib "ZLIB.DLL" (ByVal filePath As
39 | String, ByVal mode As String) As Long
40 | Declare Function gzread Lib "ZLIB.DLL" (ByVal file As
41 | Long, ByVal uncompr As String, ByVal uncomprLen As Integer)
42 | As Integer
43 | Declare Function gzwrite Lib "ZLIB.DLL" (ByVal file As
44 | Long, ByVal uncompr As String, ByVal uncomprLen As Integer)
45 | As Integer
46 | Declare Function gzclose Lib "ZLIB.DLL" (ByVal file As
47 | Long) As Integer
48 | #Else
49 | Declare Function compress Lib "ZLIB32.DLL"
50 | (ByVal compr As String, comprLen As Any, ByVal buf As
51 | String, ByVal buflen As Long) As Integer
52 | Declare Function uncompress Lib "ZLIB32.DLL"
53 | (ByVal uncompr As String, uncomprLen As Any, ByVal compr As
54 | String, ByVal lcompr As Long) As Long
55 | Declare Function gzopen Lib "ZLIB32.DLL"
56 | (ByVal file As String, ByVal mode As String) As Long
57 | Declare Function gzread Lib "ZLIB32.DLL"
58 | (ByVal file As Long, ByVal uncompr As String, ByVal
59 | uncomprLen As Long) As Long
60 | Declare Function gzwrite Lib "ZLIB32.DLL"
61 | (ByVal file As Long, ByVal uncompr As String, ByVal
62 | uncomprLen As Long) As Long
63 | Declare Function gzclose Lib "ZLIB32.DLL"
64 | (ByVal file As Long) As Long
65 | #End If
66 |
67 | -Jon Caruana
68 | [email protected]
69 | Microsoft Sitebuilder Network Level 1 Member - HTML Writer's Guild Member
70 |
71 |
72 | Here is another example from Michael <[email protected]> that he
73 | says conforms to the VB guidelines, and that solves the problem of not
74 | knowing the uncompressed size by storing it at the end of the file:
75 |
76 | 'Calling the functions:
77 | 'bracket meaning: <parameter> [optional] {Range of possible values}
78 | 'Call subCompressFile(<path with filename to compress> [, <path with
79 | filename to write to>, [level of compression {1..9}]])
80 | 'Call subUncompressFile(<path with filename to compress>)
81 |
82 | Option Explicit
83 | Private lngpvtPcnSml As Long 'Stores value for 'lngPercentSmaller'
84 | Private Const SUCCESS As Long = 0
85 | Private Const strFilExt As String = ".cpr"
86 | Private Declare Function lngfncCpr Lib "zlib.dll" Alias "compress2" (ByRef
87 | dest As Any, ByRef destLen As Any, ByRef src As Any, ByVal srcLen As Long,
88 | ByVal level As Integer) As Long
89 | Private Declare Function lngfncUcp Lib "zlib.dll" Alias "uncompress" (ByRef
90 | dest As Any, ByRef destLen As Any, ByRef src As Any, ByVal srcLen As Long)
91 | As Long
92 |
93 | Public Sub subCompressFile(ByVal strargOriFilPth As String, Optional ByVal
94 | strargCprFilPth As String, Optional ByVal intLvl As Integer = 9)
95 | Dim strCprPth As String
96 | Dim lngOriSiz As Long
97 | Dim lngCprSiz As Long
98 | Dim bytaryOri() As Byte
99 | Dim bytaryCpr() As Byte
100 | lngOriSiz = FileLen(strargOriFilPth)
101 | ReDim bytaryOri(lngOriSiz - 1)
102 | Open strargOriFilPth For Binary Access Read As #1
103 | Get #1, , bytaryOri()
104 | Close #1
105 | strCprPth = IIf(strargCprFilPth = "", strargOriFilPth, strargCprFilPth)
106 | 'Select file path and name
107 | strCprPth = strCprPth & IIf(Right(strCprPth, Len(strFilExt)) =
108 | strFilExt, "", strFilExt) 'Add file extension if not exists
109 | lngCprSiz = (lngOriSiz * 1.01) + 12 'Compression needs temporary a bit
110 | more space then original file size
111 | ReDim bytaryCpr(lngCprSiz - 1)
112 | If lngfncCpr(bytaryCpr(0), lngCprSiz, bytaryOri(0), lngOriSiz, intLvl) =
113 | SUCCESS Then
114 | lngpvtPcnSml = (1# - (lngCprSiz / lngOriSiz)) * 100
115 | ReDim Preserve bytaryCpr(lngCprSiz - 1)
116 | Open strCprPth For Binary Access Write As #1
117 | Put #1, , bytaryCpr()
118 | Put #1, , lngOriSiz 'Add the the original size value to the end
119 | (last 4 bytes)
120 | Close #1
121 | Else
122 | MsgBox "Compression error"
123 | End If
124 | Erase bytaryCpr
125 | Erase bytaryOri
126 | End Sub
127 |
128 | Public Sub subUncompressFile(ByVal strargFilPth As String)
129 | Dim bytaryCpr() As Byte
130 | Dim bytaryOri() As Byte
131 | Dim lngOriSiz As Long
132 | Dim lngCprSiz As Long
133 | Dim strOriPth As String
134 | lngCprSiz = FileLen(strargFilPth)
135 | ReDim bytaryCpr(lngCprSiz - 1)
136 | Open strargFilPth For Binary Access Read As #1
137 | Get #1, , bytaryCpr()
138 | Close #1
139 | 'Read the original file size value:
140 | lngOriSiz = bytaryCpr(lngCprSiz - 1) * (2 ^ 24) _
141 | + bytaryCpr(lngCprSiz - 2) * (2 ^ 16) _
142 | + bytaryCpr(lngCprSiz - 3) * (2 ^ 8) _
143 | + bytaryCpr(lngCprSiz - 4)
144 | ReDim Preserve bytaryCpr(lngCprSiz - 5) 'Cut of the original size value
145 | ReDim bytaryOri(lngOriSiz - 1)
146 | If lngfncUcp(bytaryOri(0), lngOriSiz, bytaryCpr(0), lngCprSiz) = SUCCESS
147 | Then
148 | strOriPth = Left(strargFilPth, Len(strargFilPth) - Len(strFilExt))
149 | Open strOriPth For Binary Access Write As #1
150 | Put #1, , bytaryOri()
151 | Close #1
152 | Else
153 | MsgBox "Uncompression error"
154 | End If
155 | Erase bytaryCpr
156 | Erase bytaryOri
157 | End Sub
158 | Public Property Get lngPercentSmaller() As Long
159 | lngPercentSmaller = lngpvtPcnSml
160 | End Property