儲存庫 vbox 的更動 89421
- 時間撮記:
- 2021-6-1 上午08:17:01 (4 年 以前)
- svn:sync-xref-src-repo-rev:
- 144774
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- trunk
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r89412 r89421 1 1 /** @file 2 * Safe way to include ks.h.2 * Safe way to include mmreg.h. 3 3 */ 4 4 5 5 /* 6 * Copyright (C) 2016-202 0Oracle Corporation6 * Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Oracle Corporation 7 7 * 8 8 * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as … … 24 24 */ 25 25 26 #ifndef IPRT_INCLUDED_win_ ks_h27 #define IPRT_INCLUDED_win_ ks_h26 #ifndef IPRT_INCLUDED_win_mmreg_h 27 #define IPRT_INCLUDED_win_mmreg_h 28 28 #ifndef RT_WITHOUT_PRAGMA_ONCE 29 29 # pragma once … … 31 31 32 32 #ifdef _MSC_VER 33 # pragma warning(push) 34 # pragma warning(disable:4668) /* C4668: '_WIN64' is not defined as a preprocessor macro, replacing with '0' for '#if/#elif' */ 33 # pragma warning(push) /* Looks like this header messes with warning config, at least in the 7.1 SDK. */ 35 34 #endif 36 35 37 #include < ks.h>36 #include <mmreg.h> 38 37 39 38 #ifdef _MSC_VER … … 41 40 #endif 42 41 43 #endif /* !IPRT_INCLUDED_win_ ks_h */42 #endif /* !IPRT_INCLUDED_win_mmreg_h */ 44 43 -
r89344 r89421 27 27 #include <mmdeviceapi.h> 28 28 #include <functiondiscoverykeys_devpkey.h> 29 #include <iprt/win/mmreg.h> /* WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE */ 29 30 30 31 #include <iprt/alloc.h> … … 1285 1286 1286 1287 /** 1287 * Converts from PDM stream config to windows WAVEFORMATEX struct.1288 * Converts from PDM stream config to windows WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE struct. 1288 1289 * 1289 1290 * @param pCfg The PDM audio stream config to convert from. 1290 1291 * @param pFmt The windows structure to initialize. 1291 1292 */ 1292 static void dsoundWaveFmtFromCfg(PCPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg, PWAVEFORMATEX pFmt)1293 static void dsoundWaveFmtFromCfg(PCPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg, PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE pFmt) 1293 1294 { 1294 1295 RT_ZERO(*pFmt); 1295 pFmt->wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; 1296 pFmt->nChannels = PDMAudioPropsChannels(&pCfg->Props); 1297 pFmt->wBitsPerSample = PDMAudioPropsSampleBits(&pCfg->Props); 1298 pFmt->nSamplesPerSec = PDMAudioPropsHz(&pCfg->Props); 1299 pFmt->nBlockAlign = PDMAudioPropsFrameSize(&pCfg->Props); 1300 pFmt->nAvgBytesPerSec = PDMAudioPropsFramesToBytes(&pCfg->Props, PDMAudioPropsHz(&pCfg->Props)); 1301 pFmt->cbSize = 0; /* No extra data specified. */ 1296 pFmt->Format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; 1297 pFmt->Format.nChannels = PDMAudioPropsChannels(&pCfg->Props); 1298 pFmt->Format.wBitsPerSample = PDMAudioPropsSampleBits(&pCfg->Props); 1299 pFmt->Format.nSamplesPerSec = PDMAudioPropsHz(&pCfg->Props); 1300 pFmt->Format.nBlockAlign = PDMAudioPropsFrameSize(&pCfg->Props); 1301 pFmt->Format.nAvgBytesPerSec = PDMAudioPropsFramesToBytes(&pCfg->Props, PDMAudioPropsHz(&pCfg->Props)); 1302 pFmt->Format.cbSize = 0; /* No extra data specified. */ 1303 1304 /* 1305 * We need to use the extensible structure if there are more than two channels 1306 * or if the channels have non-standard assignments. 1307 */ 1308 if ( pFmt->Format.nChannels > 2 1309 || ( pFmt->Format.nChannels == 1 1310 ? pCfg->Props.aidChannels[0] != PDMAUDIOCHANNELID_MONO 1311 : pCfg->Props.aidChannels[0] != PDMAUDIOCHANNELID_FRONT_LEFT 1312 || pCfg->Props.aidChannels[1] != PDMAUDIOCHANNELID_FRONT_RIGHT)) 1313 { 1314 pFmt->Format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE; 1315 pFmt->Format.cbSize = sizeof(*pFmt) - sizeof(pFmt->Format); 1316 pFmt->Samples.wValidBitsPerSample = PDMAudioPropsSampleBits(&pCfg->Props); 1317 pFmt->SubFormat = KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM; 1318 pFmt->dwChannelMask = 0; 1319 unsigned const cSrcChannels = pFmt->Format.nChannels; 1320 for (unsigned i = 0; i < cSrcChannels; i++) 1321 if ( pCfg->Props.aidChannels[i] >= PDMAUDIOCHANNELID_FIRST_STANDARD 1322 && pCfg->Props.aidChannels[i] < PDMAUDIOCHANNELID_END_STANDARD) 1323 pFmt->dwChannelMask |= RT_BIT_32(pCfg->Props.aidChannels[i] - PDMAUDIOCHANNELID_FIRST_STANDARD); 1324 else 1325 pFmt->Format.nChannels -= 1; 1326 } 1302 1327 } 1303 1328 … … 1422 1447 * @param pCfgAcq Where to return the actual stream config. This is a 1423 1448 * copy of @a *pCfgReq when called. 1424 * @param pWaveFmtX On input the requested stream format. 1425 * Updated to the actual stream format on successful 1426 * return. 1427 */ 1428 static HRESULT drvHostDSoundStreamCreateCapture(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis, PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS, 1429 PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgReq, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgAcq, WAVEFORMATEX *pWaveFmtX) 1449 * @param pWaveFmtExt On input the requested stream format. Updated to the 1450 * actual stream format on successful return. 1451 */ 1452 static HRESULT drvHostDSoundStreamCreateCapture(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis, PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgReq, 1453 PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgAcq, WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE *pWaveFmtExt) 1430 1454 { 1431 1455 Assert(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB == NULL); … … 1454 1478 /*.dwBufferBytes =*/ PDMAudioPropsFramesToBytes(&pCfgReq->Props, pCfgReq->Backend.cFramesBufferSize), 1455 1479 /*.dwReserved = */ 0, 1456 /*.lpwfxFormat = */ pWaveFmtX,1480 /*.lpwfxFormat = */ &pWaveFmtExt->Format, 1457 1481 /*.dwFXCount = */ 0, 1458 1482 /*.lpDSCFXDesc = */ NULL … … 1491 1515 } 1492 1516 #endif 1493 RT_ZERO(*pWaveFmt X);1494 hrc = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8_GetFormat(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB, pWaveFmtX, sizeof(*pWaveFmtX), NULL);1517 RT_ZERO(*pWaveFmtExt); 1518 hrc = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8_GetFormat(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB, &pWaveFmtExt->Format, sizeof(*pWaveFmtExt), NULL); 1495 1519 if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) 1496 1520 { … … 1542 1566 * @param pCfgAcq Where to return the actual stream config. This is a 1543 1567 * copy of @a *pCfgReq when called. 1544 * @param pWaveFmt XOn input the requested stream format.1568 * @param pWaveFmtExt On input the requested stream format. 1545 1569 * Updated to the actual stream format on successful 1546 1570 * return. 1547 1571 */ 1548 static HRESULT drvHostDSoundStreamCreatePlayback(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis, PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS, 1549 PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg Req, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgAcq, WAVEFORMATEX *pWaveFmtX)1572 static HRESULT drvHostDSoundStreamCreatePlayback(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis, PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgReq, 1573 PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgAcq, WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE *pWaveFmtExt) 1550 1574 { 1551 1575 Assert(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB == NULL); … … 1584 1608 /*.dwBufferBytes = */ PDMAudioPropsFramesToBytes(&pCfgReq->Props, pCfgReq->Backend.cFramesBufferSize), 1585 1609 /*.dwReserved = */ 0, 1586 /*.lpwfxFormat = */ pWaveFmtX1610 /*.lpwfxFormat = */ &pWaveFmtExt->Format, 1587 1611 /*.guid3DAlgorithm = {0, 0, 0, {0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0}} */ 1588 1612 }; … … 1610 1634 * Query the actual stream parameters, they may differ from what we requested. 1611 1635 */ 1612 RT_ZERO(*pWaveFmt X);1613 hrc = IDirectSoundBuffer8_GetFormat(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB, pWaveFmtX, sizeof(*pWaveFmtX), NULL);1636 RT_ZERO(*pWaveFmtExt); 1637 hrc = IDirectSoundBuffer8_GetFormat(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB, &pWaveFmtExt->Format, sizeof(*pWaveFmtExt), NULL); 1614 1638 if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) 1615 1639 { … … 1688 1712 PDMAudioPropsToString(&pCfgReq->Props, szTmp, sizeof(szTmp)))); 1689 1713 1690 WAVEFORMATEX WaveFmtX;1691 dsoundWaveFmtFromCfg(pCfgReq, &WaveFmt X);1714 WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE WaveFmtExt; 1715 dsoundWaveFmtFromCfg(pCfgReq, &WaveFmtExt); 1692 1716 LogRel2(("DSound: Requested %s format for '%s':\n" 1693 1717 "DSound: wFormatTag = %RU16\n" … … 1698 1722 "DSound: wBitsPerSample = %RU16\n" 1699 1723 "DSound: cbSize = %RU16\n", 1700 pszStreamType, pCfgReq->szName, WaveFmtX.wFormatTag, WaveFmtX.nChannels, WaveFmtX.nSamplesPerSec, 1701 WaveFmtX.nAvgBytesPerSec, WaveFmtX.nBlockAlign, WaveFmtX.wBitsPerSample, WaveFmtX.cbSize)); 1724 pszStreamType, pCfgReq->szName, WaveFmtExt.Format.wFormatTag, WaveFmtExt.Format.nChannels, 1725 WaveFmtExt.Format.nSamplesPerSec, WaveFmtExt.Format.nAvgBytesPerSec, WaveFmtExt.Format.nBlockAlign, 1726 WaveFmtExt.Format.wBitsPerSample, WaveFmtExt.Format.cbSize)); 1727 if (WaveFmtExt.Format.cbSize != 0) 1728 LogRel2(("DSound: dwChannelMask = %#RX32\n" 1729 "DSound: wValidBitsPerSample = %RU16\n", 1730 WaveFmtExt.dwChannelMask, WaveFmtExt.Samples.wValidBitsPerSample)); 1702 1731 1703 1732 HRESULT hrc; 1704 1733 if (pCfgReq->enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_IN) 1705 hrc = drvHostDSoundStreamCreateCapture(pThis, pStreamDS, pCfgReq, pCfgAcq, &WaveFmt X);1734 hrc = drvHostDSoundStreamCreateCapture(pThis, pStreamDS, pCfgReq, pCfgAcq, &WaveFmtExt); 1706 1735 else 1707 hrc = drvHostDSoundStreamCreatePlayback(pThis, pStreamDS, pCfgReq, pCfgAcq, &WaveFmt X);1736 hrc = drvHostDSoundStreamCreatePlayback(pThis, pStreamDS, pCfgReq, pCfgAcq, &WaveFmtExt); 1708 1737 int rc; 1709 1738 if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) … … 1717 1746 "DSound: wBitsPerSample = %RU16\n" 1718 1747 "DSound: cbSize = %RU16\n", 1719 pszStreamType, pCfgReq->szName, WaveFmtX.wFormatTag, WaveFmtX.nChannels, WaveFmtX.nSamplesPerSec, 1720 WaveFmtX.nAvgBytesPerSec, WaveFmtX.nBlockAlign, WaveFmtX.wBitsPerSample, WaveFmtX.cbSize)); 1748 pszStreamType, pCfgReq->szName, WaveFmtExt.Format.wFormatTag, WaveFmtExt.Format.nChannels, 1749 WaveFmtExt.Format.nSamplesPerSec, WaveFmtExt.Format.nAvgBytesPerSec, WaveFmtExt.Format.nBlockAlign, 1750 WaveFmtExt.Format.wBitsPerSample, WaveFmtExt.Format.cbSize)); 1751 if (WaveFmtExt.Format.cbSize != 0) 1752 { 1753 LogRel2(("DSound: dwChannelMask = %#RX32\n" 1754 "DSound: wValidBitsPerSample = %RU16\n", 1755 WaveFmtExt.dwChannelMask, WaveFmtExt.Samples.wValidBitsPerSample)); 1756 1757 /* Update the channel count and map here. */ 1758 PDMAudioPropsSetChannels(&pCfgAcq->Props, WaveFmtExt.Format.nChannels); 1759 uint8_t idCh = 0; 1760 for (unsigned iBit = 0; iBit < 32 && idCh < WaveFmtExt.Format.nChannels; iBit++) 1761 if (WaveFmtExt.dwChannelMask & RT_BIT_32(iBit)) 1762 { 1763 pCfgAcq->Props.aidChannels[idCh] = (unsigned)PDMAUDIOCHANNELID_FIRST_STANDARD + iBit; 1764 idCh++; 1765 } 1766 Assert(idCh == WaveFmtExt.Format.nChannels); 1767 } 1721 1768 1722 1769 /* … … 1835 1882 pStreamDS->In.pDSCB = NULL; 1836 1883 1837 PDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG CfgReq = pStreamDS->Cfg;1838 PDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG CfgAcq = pStreamDS->Cfg;1839 WAVEFORMATEX WaveFmtX;1840 dsoundWaveFmtFromCfg(&pStreamDS->Cfg, &WaveFmt X);1841 hrc = drvHostDSoundStreamCreateCapture(pThis, pStreamDS, &CfgReq, &CfgAcq, &WaveFmt X);1884 PDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG CfgReq = pStreamDS->Cfg; 1885 PDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG CfgAcq = pStreamDS->Cfg; 1886 WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE WaveFmtExt; 1887 dsoundWaveFmtFromCfg(&pStreamDS->Cfg, &WaveFmtExt); 1888 hrc = drvHostDSoundStreamCreateCapture(pThis, pStreamDS, &CfgReq, &CfgAcq, &WaveFmtExt); 1842 1889 if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) 1843 1890 { … … 2276 2323 cbFree = pStreamDS->cbBufSize; 2277 2324 2278 DSLOGREL(("DSound: offPlayCursor=%RU32, offWriteCursor=%RU32, offWritePos=%RU32 -> cbFree=%RI32\n",2279 2325 LogRel2(("DSound: offPlayCursor=%RU32, offWriteCursor=%RU32, offWritePos=%RU32 -> cbFree=%RI32\n", 2326 offPlayCursor, offWriteCursor, pStreamDS->Out.offWritePos, cbFree)); 2280 2327 2281 2328 *pdwFree = cbFree;
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