version: 1 # Rules to match for a machine to qualify target: id: '{{ ci_runner_id }}' timeouts: first_console_activity: # This limits the time it can take to receive the first console log minutes: {{ timeout_first_minutes }} retries: {{ timeout_first_retries }} console_activity: # Reset every time we receive a message from the logs minutes: {{ timeout_minutes }} retries: {{ timeout_retries }} boot_cycle: minutes: {{ timeout_boot_minutes }} retries: {{ timeout_boot_retries }} overall: # Maximum time the job can take, not overrideable by the "continue" deployment minutes: {{ timeout_overall_minutes }} retries: 0 # no retries possible here console_patterns: session_end: regex: >- {{ session_end_regex }} {% if session_reboot_regex %} session_reboot: regex: >- {{ session_reboot_regex }} {% endif %} job_success: regex: >- {{ job_success_regex }} job_warn: regex: >- {{ job_warn_regex }} # Environment to deploy deployment: # Initial boot start: kernel: url: '{{ kernel_url }}' cmdline: > SALAD.machine_id={{ '{{' }} machine_id }} console={{ '{{' }} local_tty_device }},115200 earlyprintk=vga,keep loglevel={{ log_level }} no_hash_pointers b2c.service="--privileged --tls-verify=false --pid=host docker://{{ '{{' }} fdo_proxy_registry }}/gfx-ci/ci-tron/telegraf:latest" b2c.hostname=dut-{{ '{{' }} machine.full_name }} b2c.container="-ti --tls-verify=false docker://{{ '{{' }} fdo_proxy_registry }}/gfx-ci/ci-tron/machine-registration:latest check" b2c.ntp_peer= b2c.pipefail b2c.cache_device=auto b2c.poweroff_delay={{ poweroff_delay }} b2c.minio="gateway,{{ '{{' }} minio_url }},{{ '{{' }} job_bucket_access_key }},{{ '{{' }} job_bucket_secret_key }}" b2c.volume="{{ '{{' }} job_bucket }}-results,mirror=gateway/{{ '{{' }} job_bucket }},pull_on=pipeline_start,push_on=changes,overwrite{% for excl in job_volume_exclusions %},exclude={{ excl }}{% endfor %},remove,expiration=pipeline_end,preserve" {% for volume in volumes %} b2c.volume={{ volume }} {% endfor %} b2c.container="-v {{ '{{' }} job_bucket }}-results:{{ working_dir }} -w {{ working_dir }} {% for mount_volume in mount_volumes %} -v {{ mount_volume }}{% endfor %} --tls-verify=false docker://{{ local_container }} {{ container_cmd }}" {% if kernel_cmdline_extras is defined %} {{ kernel_cmdline_extras }} {% endif %} initramfs: url: '{{ initramfs_url }}'