VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg :mode=html:tabSize=4:indentSize=4:noTabs=true: :folding=explicit:collapseFolds=1: Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg 0 0 620 460 289 178 Virtual Disk Manager unnamed 3 5 layout2 unnamed 7 twImages 5 7 0 0 tab &Hard Disks unnamed Name true true Virtual Size true true Actual Size true true hdsView true AlwaysOff false true true AllColumns hdsContainer Box Sunken tab &CD/DVD Images unnamed Name true true Size true true cdsView true AlwaysOff false true true AllColumns cdsContainer Box Sunken TabPage &Floppy Images unnamed Name true true Size true true fdsView true AlwaysOff false true true AllColumns fdsContainer Box Sunken buttonLayout unnamed buttonHelp Help F1 true Invoke dialog's help Spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 214 16 Spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 214 16 buttonOk &OK true true Accept dialog buttonCancel Cancel true Cancel dialog buttonOk clicked() VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg accept() buttonCancel clicked() VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg reject() hdsView currentChanged(QListViewItem*) VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg processCurrentChanged(QListViewItem*) cdsView currentChanged(QListViewItem*) VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg processCurrentChanged(QListViewItem*) fdsView currentChanged(QListViewItem*) VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg processCurrentChanged(QListViewItem*) hdsView pressed(QListViewItem*) VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg processPressed(QListViewItem*) cdsView pressed(QListViewItem*) VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg processPressed(QListViewItem*) fdsView pressed(QListViewItem*) VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg processPressed(QListViewItem*) hdsView doubleClicked(QListViewItem*) VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg processDoubleClick(QListViewItem*) cdsView doubleClicked(QListViewItem*) VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg processDoubleClick(QListViewItem*) fdsView doubleClicked(QListViewItem*) VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg processDoubleClick(QListViewItem*) hdsView contextMenuRequested(QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg invokePopup(QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) cdsView contextMenuRequested(QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg invokePopup(QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) fdsView contextMenuRequested(QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg invokePopup(QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) twImages currentChanged(QWidget*) VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg processCurrentChanged() buttonHelp clicked() &vboxProblem() showHelpHelpDialog() qapplication.h qprogressdialog.h qfocusdata.h qobjectlist.h qdragobject.h qaction.h qpopupmenu.h qeventloop.h qstatusbar.h qsizegrip.h qlocale.h qregexp.h qpainter.h qprogressbar.h qvaluelist.h COMDefs.h VBoxGlobal.h VBoxProblemReporter.h VBoxDefs.h VBoxNewHDWzd.h VBoxToolBar.h QIRichLabel.h class DiskImageItem class VBoxToolBar class QSizeGrip class InfoPaneLabel class QProgressBar enum ResultCode { Rejected, Accepted }; bool polished; CVirtualBox vbox; int type; bool doSelect; QUuid targetVMId; QPixmap pxInaccessible; QPixmap pxErroneous; QIconSet pxHD; QIconSet pxCD; QIconSet pxFD; CMachine cmachine; QPopupMenu *itemMenu; VBoxToolBar *toolBar; int mRescode; bool mInLoop; QAction *imNewAction; QAction *imAddAction; QAction *imEditAction; QAction *imRemoveAction; QAction *imReleaseAction; QAction *imRefreshAction; InfoPaneLabel *hdsPane1; InfoPaneLabel *hdsPane2; InfoPaneLabel *hdsPane3; InfoPaneLabel *hdsPane4; InfoPaneLabel *hdsPane5; InfoPaneLabel *hdsPane6; InfoPaneLabel *hdsPane7; InfoPaneLabel *cdsPane1; InfoPaneLabel *cdsPane2; InfoPaneLabel *fdsPane1; InfoPaneLabel *fdsPane2; QSizeGrip *sizeGrip; QPushButton *defaultButton; static VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg *mModelessDialog; QProgressBar *mProgressBar; QLabel *mProgressText; QUuid hdSelectedId; QUuid cdSelectedId; QUuid fdSelectedId; mediaEnumStarted() mediaEnumerated( const VBoxMedia &, int ) mediaEnumFinished( const VBoxMediaList & ) mediaAdded( const VBoxMedia & ) mediaUpdated( const VBoxMedia & ) mediaRemoved( VBoxDefs::DiskType, const QUuid & ) machineStateChanged( const VBoxMachineStateChangeEvent & ) refreshAll() processCurrentChanged( QListViewItem * item ) processPressed( QListViewItem * item ) newImage() addImage() removeImage() processDoubleClick( QListViewItem * item ) releaseImage() invokePopup( QListViewItem * item, const QPoint & pos, int col ) processCurrentChanged() accept() reject() mouseOnItem( QListViewItem *item ) init() result() setResult( int ) exec() done( int ) searchItem( QListView*, const QUuid & ) searchItem( QListView*, VBoxMedia::Status ) getDVDImageUsage( const QUuid & aId, QString & aSnapshotUsage ) getFloppyImageUsage( const QUuid & aId, QString & aSnapshotUsage ) getDVDImageSnapshotUsage( const QUuid & aImageId, const CSnapshot & aSnapshot, QString & aUsage ) getFloppyImageSnapshotUsage( const QUuid & aImageId, const CSnapshot & aSnapshot, QString & aUsage ) checkImage( DiskImageItem* item ) releaseDisk( QUuid machineId, QUuid itemId, VBoxDefs::DiskType diskType ) getSelectedUuid() getSelectedPath() setup( int aType, bool aDoSelect, const QUuid *aTargetVMId = NULL, bool aRefresh = true, CMachine machine = NULL ) getCurrentListView() getListView( VBoxDefs::DiskType ) eventFilter( QObject *, QEvent * ) addDroppedImages( QStringList* ) addImageToList( const QString & aSource, VBoxDefs::DiskType aDiskType ) createImageNode( QListView *aList, DiskImageItem *aRoot, const VBoxMedia & ) updateHdItem( DiskImageItem*, const VBoxMedia & ) updateCdItem( DiskImageItem*, const VBoxMedia & ) updateFdItem( DiskImageItem*, const VBoxMedia & ) createHdItem( QListView*, const VBoxMedia & ) createCdItem( QListView*, const VBoxMedia & ) createFdItem( QListView*, const VBoxMedia & ) event( QEvent* ) showEvent( QShowEvent * ) resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* ) keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* ) closeEvent( QCloseEvent* ) createInfoString( InfoPaneLabel *&, QWidget*, int, int ) searchDefaultButton() setCurrentItem( QListView*, QListViewItem* ) showModeless( bool aRefresh = true ) composeHdToolTip( CHardDisk &, VBoxMedia::Status = VBoxMedia::Ok, DiskImageItem *aItem = NULL ) composeCdToolTip( CDVDImage &, VBoxMedia::Status = VBoxMedia::Ok, DiskImageItem *aItem = NULL ) composeFdToolTip( CFloppyImage &, VBoxMedia::Status = VBoxMedia::Ok, DiskImageItem *aItem = NULL ) clearInfoPanes() prepareToRefresh( int aTotal = 0 ) makeWarningMark( DiskImageItem*, VBoxMedia::Status, VBoxDefs::DiskType ) languageChangeImp()