; $Id: bootsector2-test1-template.mac 52776 2014-09-17 14:51:43Z vboxsync $ ;; @file ; bootsector2 test1 - multi mode template. ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Oracle Corporation ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ; ; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms ; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 ; (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the ; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. ; ; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the ; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. ; %include "bootsector2-template-header.mac" ;; ; Run the CPUID benchmark for this mode. ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkCpuId_rm) call TMPL_NM(Bs2IsModeSupported_rm) jz .done call TMPL_NM(Bs2EnterMode_rm) BITS TMPL_BITS push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sAX push sBX push sCX push sDX push sDI sub sSP, 20h ; Get the current time. mov xAX, xSP call TMPL_NM_CMN(GetNanoTS) ; Do the test. mov edi, TEST_INSTRUCTION_COUNT_IO / 4 .again: mov eax, 1 cpuid mov eax, 1 cpuid mov eax, 1 cpuid mov eax, 1 cpuid dec edi jnz .again ; Calc the elapsed time and report the result. mov xAX, xSP call TMPL_NM_CMN(GetElapsedNanoTS) mov xCX, .s_szTestName mov edx, TEST_INSTRUCTION_COUNT_IO mov xAX, xSP call TMPL_NM_CMN(ReportResult) add sSP, 20h pop sDI pop sDX pop sCX pop sBX pop sAX leave call TMPL_NM(Bs2ExitMode) BITS 16 .done: ret .s_szTestName: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', CPUID', 0 ENDPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkCpuId_rm) TMPL_BEGINCODE BITS TMPL_BITS ;; ; Prologue for the I/O port tests. %ifndef HaveIoPortPrologue %define HaveIoPortPrologue %macro IoPortPrologue 0 push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sAX push sDX push sCX sub xSP, 20h ; Get the current time. mov xAX, xSP call TMPL_NM_CMN(GetNanoTS) ; Do the test. mov dx, VMMDEV_TESTING_IOPORT_NOP mov ecx, TEST_INSTRUCTION_COUNT_IO / 5 %endmacro %endif ;; ; Epilogue for the I/O port tests. %ifndef HaveIoPortEpilogue %define HaveIoPortEpilogue %macro IoPortEpilogue 0 ; Calc the elapsed time and report the result. mov xAX, xSP call TMPL_NM_CMN(GetElapsedNanoTS) mov xCX, .s_szTestName mov edx, TEST_INSTRUCTION_COUNT_IO mov xAX, xSP call TMPL_NM_CMN(ReportResult) add xSP, 20h pop sCX pop sDX pop sAX leave ret %endmacro %endif ;; ; Benchmarks: IN eax, NOP ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkIoPortNop32In) IoPortPrologue .again: in eax, dx in eax, dx in eax, dx in eax, dx in eax, dx dec ecx jnz .again IoPortEpilogue .s_szTestName: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', 32-bit IN', 0 ENDPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkIoPortNop32In) ;; ; Benchmarks: OUT NOP, eax ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkIoPortNop32Out) IoPortPrologue .again: out dx, eax out dx, eax out dx, eax out dx, eax out dx, eax dec ecx jnz .again IoPortEpilogue .s_szTestName: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', 32-bit OUT', 0 ENDPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkIoPortNop32Out) ;; ; Benchmarks: IN ax, NOP ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkIoPortNop16In) IoPortPrologue .again: in ax, dx in ax, dx in ax, dx in ax, dx in ax, dx dec ecx jnz .again IoPortEpilogue .s_szTestName: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', 16-bit IN', 0 ENDPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkIoPortNop16In) ;; ; Benchmarks: OUT NOP, ax ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkIoPortNop16Out) IoPortPrologue .again: out dx, ax out dx, ax out dx, ax out dx, ax out dx, ax dec ecx jnz .again IoPortEpilogue .s_szTestName: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', 16-bit OUT', 0 ENDPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkIoPortNop16Out) ;; ; Benchmarks: IN al, NOP ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkIoPortNop8In) IoPortPrologue .again: in al, dx in al, dx in al, dx in al, dx in al, dx dec ecx jnz .again IoPortEpilogue .s_szTestName: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', 8-bit IN', 0 ENDPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkIoPortNop8In) ;; ; Benchmarks: OUT NOP, al ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkIoPortNop8Out) IoPortPrologue .again: out dx, al out dx, al out dx, al out dx, al out dx, al dec ecx jnz .again IoPortEpilogue .s_szTestName: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', 8-bit OUT', 0 ENDPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkIoPortNop8Out) %undef IoPortPrologue %undef IoPortEpilogue ;; ; Run the I/O benchmarks for this mode. ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkIoPortNop_rm) call TMPL_NM(Bs2IsModeSupported_rm) jz .done call TMPL_NM(Bs2EnterMode_rm) BITS TMPL_BITS call TMPL_NM(BenchmarkIoPortNop32In) call TMPL_NM(BenchmarkIoPortNop32Out) %ifndef QUICK_TEST call TMPL_NM(BenchmarkIoPortNop16In) call TMPL_NM(BenchmarkIoPortNop16Out) call TMPL_NM(BenchmarkIoPortNop8In) call TMPL_NM(BenchmarkIoPortNop8Out) %endif call TMPL_NM(Bs2ExitMode) BITS 16 .done: ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkIoPortNop_rm) TMPL_BEGINCODE BITS TMPL_BITS ;; ; Prologue for the MMIO tests. %ifndef HaveMmioPrologue %define HaveMmioPrologue %macro MmioPrologue 0 push xBP mov xBP, xSP push sAX push sDX push sCX push sBX sub xSP, 20h ; Get the current time. mov xAX, xSP call TMPL_NM_CMN(GetNanoTS) ; Do the test - X million 32-bit IN instructions. %ifdef TMPL_16BIT mov dx, ds ; save ds %ifdef TMPL_RM mov bx, VMMDEV_TESTING_MMIO_RM_SEL mov ds, bx mov ebx, VMMDEV_TESTING_MMIO_RM_OFF(VMMDEV_TESTING_MMIO_NOP) %else mov bx, BS2_SEL_MMIO16 mov ds, bx mov ebx, VMMDEV_TESTING_MMIO_NOP - BS2_SEL_MMIO16_BASE %endif %else mov xBX, VMMDEV_TESTING_MMIO_NOP %endif mov ecx, TEST_INSTRUCTION_COUNT_MMIO / 5 %endmacro %endif ;; ; Epilogue for the MMIO tests. %ifndef HaveMmioEpilogue %define HaveMmioEpilogue %macro MmioEpilogue 0 %ifdef TMPL_16BIT mov ds, dx ; restore ds %endif ; Calc the elapsed time and report the result. mov xAX, xSP call TMPL_NM_CMN(GetElapsedNanoTS) mov xCX, .s_szTestName mov edx, TEST_INSTRUCTION_COUNT_MMIO mov xAX, xSP call TMPL_NM_CMN(ReportResult) add xSP, 20h pop sBX pop sCX pop sDX pop sAX leave ret %endmacro %endif ;; ; Benchmarks: MOV eax, [NOP] ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkMmioNop32Read) MmioPrologue .again: mov eax, [sBX] mov eax, [sBX] mov eax, [sBX] mov eax, [sBX] mov eax, [sBX] dec ecx jnz .again MmioEpilogue .s_szTestName: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', 32-bit read', 0 ENDPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkMmioNop32Read) ;; ; Benchmarks: OUT NOP, eax ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkMmioNop32Write) MmioPrologue .again: mov [sBX], eax mov [sBX], eax mov [sBX], eax mov [sBX], eax mov [sBX], eax dec ecx jnz .again MmioEpilogue .s_szTestName: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', 32-bit write', 0 ENDPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkMmioNop32Write) ;; ; Benchmarks: MOV ax, [NOP] ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkMmioNop16Read) MmioPrologue .again: mov ax, [xBX] mov ax, [xBX] mov ax, [xBX] mov ax, [xBX] mov ax, [xBX] dec ecx jnz .again MmioEpilogue .s_szTestName: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', 16-bit read', 0 ENDPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkMmioNop16Read) ;; ; Benchmarks: OUT NOP, ax ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkMmioNop16Write) MmioPrologue .again: mov [xBX], ax mov [xBX], ax mov [xBX], ax mov [xBX], ax mov [xBX], ax dec ecx jnz .again MmioEpilogue .s_szTestName: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', 16-bit write', 0 ENDPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkMmioNop16Write) ;; ; Benchmarks: MOV al, [NOP] ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkMmioNop8Read) MmioPrologue .again: mov al, [xBX] mov al, [xBX] mov al, [xBX] mov al, [xBX] mov al, [xBX] dec ecx jnz .again MmioEpilogue .s_szTestName: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', 8-bit read', 0 ENDPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkMmioNop8Read) ;; ; Benchmarks: OUT NOP, al ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkMmioNop8Write) MmioPrologue .again: mov [xBX], al mov [xBX], al mov [xBX], al mov [xBX], al mov [xBX], al dec ecx jnz .again MmioEpilogue .s_szTestName: db TMPL_MODE_STR, ', 8-bit write', 0 ENDPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkMmioNop8Write) %undef MmioPrologue %undef MmioEpilogue ;; ; Do the MMIO tests for this mode. ; ; @uses nothing ; BEGINCODELOW BITS 16 BEGINPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkMmioNop_rm) call TMPL_NM(Bs2IsModeSupported_rm) jz .done call TMPL_NM(Bs2EnterMode_rm) BITS TMPL_BITS call TMPL_NM(BenchmarkMmioNop32Read) call TMPL_NM(BenchmarkMmioNop32Write) %ifndef QUICK_TEST call TMPL_NM(BenchmarkMmioNop16Read) call TMPL_NM(BenchmarkMmioNop16Write) call TMPL_NM(BenchmarkMmioNop8Read) call TMPL_NM(BenchmarkMmioNop8Write) %endif call TMPL_NM(Bs2ExitMode) BITS 16 .done: ret ENDPROC TMPL_NM(BenchmarkMmioNop_rm) TMPL_BEGINCODE BITS TMPL_BITS %include "bootsector2-template-footer.mac"