You can remove a VM from Oracle VM VirtualBox or move the VM and its associated files, such as disk images, to another location on the host.
Removing a VM. To remove a VM, right-click on the VM in the VirtualBox Manager machine list and select Remove.
The confirmation dialog enables you to specify whether to only remove the VM from the list of machines or to remove the files associated with the VM.
Note that the Remove menu item is disabled while a VM is running.
Moving a VM. To move a VM to a new location on the host, right-click on the VM in the VirtualBox Manager's machine list and select Move.
The file dialog prompts you to specify a new location for the VM.
When you move a VM, Oracle VM VirtualBox configuration files are updated automatically to use the new location on the host.
Note that the Move menu item is disabled while a VM is running.
You can also use the
For information about removing or moving a disk image file from
Oracle VM VirtualBox, see