初始版本 和 待辦事項 #10398,評語 7 的 版本 1 之間的變動
- 時間撮記:
- 2012-4-3 上午10:39:25 (13 年 前)
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待辦事項 #10398,評語 7
初始 v1 1 1 Maybe changing the string into: 2 2 ---- 3 3 "There are %n virtual machine(s), <b>%1</b>, currently in a saved state.[...]" 4 ---- 5 or 6 ---- 7 "%n virtual machine(s), <b>%1</b>, currently in a saved state.[...]" 8 ---- 9 avoiding 'are'/'is' issue, 10 and 4 11 5 12 with a %n count on the comma-separated list, and still honoring listing of the names? 13 (probably tackles Qt Linguist validation error) 6 14 7 15 Don't now how if that tackles the listing in Arabic though, not an expert on that soz.