初始版本 和 待辦事項 #14632,評語 6 的 版本 1 之間的變動
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- 2016-1-10 下午06:24:22 (9 年 前)
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待辦事項 #14632,評語 6
初始 v1 1 Also experiencing problem with double tap using VirtualBox 5.0.1 3 with 5.0.13extensions and Windows 10 x64 Home as Host and Linux x64 as guest. However, in my case, both double and triple tapping just yields a single click. However it is possible to send a double click by double tapping on two different spots of the touch pad. It works as expected in the host system, and it was working in VirtualBox 4.x, but that version unfortunately was broken by a Windows update.1 Also experiencing problem with double tap using VirtualBox 5.0.12 with 5.0.12 extensions and Windows 10 x64 Home as Host and Linux x64 as guest. However, in my case, both double and triple tapping just yields a single click. However it is possible to send a double click by double tapping on two different spots of the touch pad. It works as expected in the host system, and it was working in VirtualBox 4.x, but that version unfortunately was broken by a Windows update.