版本 1 和 待辦事項 #7462,評語 57 的 版本 2 之間的變動
- 時間撮記:
- 2013-5-18 下午05:53:33 (12 年 前)
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待辦事項 #7462,評語 57
v1 v2 1 1 I don't know if it's a side effect of 4.2.13 but I can't save a machine's state. just noting it here. Host OSX 10.8.3 2 2 3 edit: It seems to work with an openSUSE 12.3 guest but not a Debian 7 guest. The openSUSE guests have their 4.2.6 additions, the Debian 7 guest has the 4.2.13additions.3 edit: It seems to work with an openSUSE 12.3 guest but not a Debian 7 guest. The openSUSE guests have their 4.2.6 additions, the Debian 7 guest has their 4.1.18 additions.