版本 9 和 Contributor_information 的 版本 10 之間的變動
- 時間撮記:
- 2008-4-21 上午08:56:08 (17 年 前)
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v9 v10 34 34 35 35 Please keep in mind that it might take some time to review your patch and integrate it. Also, please expect feedback from other developers on how to improve your patch and address potential issues. We can only incorporate your patch if it does not harm the product stability. 36 37 == List of Contributors ==38 39 Check out the [wiki:"List of Contributors" list of contributors] to see the people that are helping to make !VirtualBox the most powerful virtualization solution on the market. Everyone who contributes to !VirtualBox under the provisions of the [wiki:ICA "innotek Contributor's Agreement"] will be featured on this list.