版本 28 和 Licensing FAQ 的 版本 29 之間的變動
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- 2007-1-17 上午10:47:42 (18 年 前)
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Licensing FAQ
v28 v29 38 38 No. The [wiki:"VirtualBox PUEL" Personal Use and Evaluation License] allows you to download the !VirtualBox binaries for personal and academic use and for evaluation, but it does not give you the right to redistribute these binaries. So you may not put them onto your own websites or other mirrors. We do this because we would presently like to keep track of how many people are downloading these binaries. 39 39 40 The fact that we also provide a !BitTorrent tracker does not change this policy; we are simply making an exception from the no-distribution policy as long as you use the tracker we are providing.40 The fact that we also provide a !BitTorrent tracker does not change this policy; we are simply making an exception from the no-distribution policy as long as you use our tracker. 41 41 42 42 The no-distribution restriction does not apply to the Open Source Edition (OSE), as the GPL does, of course, permit redistribution of source and binaries, provided that you adhere to the other terms and conditions of the GPL.